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1、届新课标高考英语二轮复习完形填空专题训练全套打包含答案完形填空专题特训1记叙文(含夹叙夹议文)A(2019江苏卷)Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age.There are species(物种) that are 1 every day.The white-naped crane is a typical example.So scientists are trying their best to 2 the species from going out of existence.Chris and Tim work at

2、 a zoo,helping endangered cranes with their 3.Emma,a female crane,has been in their 4 since she arrived in 2004.Born at an international crane foundation,Emma was 5 by human caretakers.This led to an unexpected 6,though she had a wonderful time there.Emma had 7 taken herself as a crane and become de

3、eply attached to humans.She 8 to live with male cranes,and even had a 9 for killing some of them,which made it 10 for her to become a mother.11,the two zookeepers didnt want to see the extinction(灭绝) of this precious species.With their patience and efforts,they successfully developed a 12 of artific

4、ial breeding(人工繁殖) and natural reproduction.This 13 Emma to give birth to five baby cranes.The two keepers are proud of their productive work.But before they can be 14,more efforts must be made,because the population of the crane in the wild is on the 15,and many other species appear headed toward e

5、xtinction.16,not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts,feelings,and most importantly,equal rights to survive.How can we 17 the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals?Chris and Tim offered us the 18:human beings took it for granted that their 19 held all the solutions,but m

6、aybe their hearts can be a better 20.【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一只雌丹顶鹤从小被人类喂养长大,她拒绝与雄丹顶鹤生活在一起。为了让她担负起繁育后代的重任,动物园的两位管理员绞尽脑汁,最终她成功地诞下五只小丹顶鹤。两位动物管理员为拯救濒临灭绝的野生动物丹顶鹤做出了巨大的努力。1.A.growing B.migratingC.competing D.disappearing答案:D解析:根据第一句的句意以及其中的threatened一词可知,此处选择D项,表示“每天都有物种在消失”。2.A.ban B.saveC.split D.remove答案:B解析

7、:根据上文内容以及下文讲述的故事可知,此处表示“科学家正尽力拯救这些物种,使它们不会消失”。故选B项。3.A.abortion B.recreationC.reproduction D.administration答案:C解析:根据下文内容可知,帮助这种濒危的丹顶鹤繁殖后代是该动物园工作人员的重要使命。下文也出现了reproduction一词。 B.eyeC.mind D.story答案:A解析:根据句意并结合下文内容可知,这只叫做Emma的雌丹顶鹤自2004年以来一直在他们的照顾之下。5.A.found B.chosenC.raised D.seized答案:C解析:根据上文

8、的“Born at an international crane foundation”可知,这只雌丹顶鹤是被人类的管理员饲养长大的。6.A.bonus B.consequenceC.victory D.sacrifice答案:B解析:根据上下文内容,尤其是下文的“though she had a wonderful time there”可知,丹顶鹤Emma被人类饲养长大,导致了一个意想不到的后果。7.A.never B.alwaysC.unluckily D.cheerfully答案:A解析:根据下文的“become deeply attached to humans”可知,丹顶鹤Emma

9、从来没有把自己当成是一只鹤。故选A项。8.A.liked B.refusedC.decided D.hesitated答案:B解析:根据上文内容可知,由于Emma认为自己不是丹顶鹤,因此她拒绝与雄丹顶鹤生活在一起。 B.skillC.concern D.reputation答案:D解析:根据上下文语境可知,这只拒绝与雄丹顶鹤一起生活的雌丹顶鹤甚至因杀死了一些雄丹顶鹤而出名。have a reputation for“因出名”。10.A.illegal B.inspiringC.important D.impossible答案:D解析:根据上文内容可知,Emma拒绝与雄丹顶鹤生活

10、在一起,甚至杀死雄丹顶鹤,这使她不可能当妈妈,生育后代。11.A.Therefore B.MoreoverC.However D.Instead答案:C解析:根据上文内容可知,让濒危的丹顶鹤繁殖后代的任务非常艰巨,然而,两位动物管理员没有放弃努力。12.A.combination B.collectionC.strategy D.system答案:A解析:根据下文内容可知,两位动物管理员采用人工繁殖与自然繁殖相结合的方式,使Emma成功地当上了妈妈。13.A.forced B.forbadeC.taught D.enabled答案:D解析:根据上文内容可知,此处表示“这使得Emma能够生下五只

11、小丹顶鹤”。enable“使能够”符合语境。14.A.defeated B.gratefulC.assured D.tolerant答案:C解析:根据语境可知,保护野生动物的前景不容乐观,在他们有把握之前,还需要做很多的努力。assured“自信的,有把握的”。15.A.list B.riseC.agenda D.decline答案:D解析:根据下文的“headed toward extinction”可知,野生丹顶鹤的数量还在不断下降,前景堪忧。on the decline“在逐渐下降”,符合语境。16.A.In contrast B.After allC.By the way D.On t

12、he contrary答案:B解析:上文提到很多野生动物濒临灭绝,此处表示毕竟不是所有人都能意识到野生动物是有思想、有情感的,最重要的是,有平等的生存权。in contrast“相反”;after all“毕竟”;by the way“顺便说一句”;on the contrary“正相反”。17.A.leave D.identify答案:B解析:根据语境可知,如何弥合人类与其他动物之间不断扩大的鸿沟是一个艰巨的任务。bridge在此处为动词,意为“弥合;消除”。18.A.course B.excuseC.answer D.reward答案:C解析:根据上文的问题以

13、及两位动物管理员的成功做法可知,他们二位给出了答案。19.A.brains D.projects答案:A解析:根据下文出现的their hearts可知,此处表示“人类想当然地以为他们的头脑里有所有的解决方案”。 B.treatC.example D.companion答案:A解析:根据所在句子的句意以及全文内容可知,在解决问题的过程中,大脑固然重要,但是他们的爱心会起到更好的指导作用。BMr.Jackson was blind from birth.He owned a fruit 1 on a very busy street

14、.2he was visually disabled,he ran his business pretty handsomely.He could see nothing and he could only 3 the things within his reach.4,he was able to handle it and was content with everything he had.One day his son came to him.He told Mr.Jackson in 5 that he read in the newspaper of a 6 who could o

15、perate on his eyes and allow him to see.The father and son traveled to the doctor and paid for the 7.After the operation,the doctor asked Mr.Jackson:“What is the first thing you are 8to see when I take the bandages off?”He replied,“I really want to see my beautiful 9 on my stand!”The doctor and the

16、son 10 Mr.Jackson down to the busy street where his fruit stand had been located for so many years.The doctor 11 unwrapped the bandages 12 he could lay his eyes on the beautiful fruit!Mr.Jackson was so full of 13 that he could finally see his lifes worktaking care of his fruit!After a few hours of 1

17、4 his beautiful fruit stand,he looked down the street both ways and saw there were quite a few fruit stands in both directions.He looked 15 the street and saw many other fruit stands.He spent so much time looking at other peoples fruit stands and 16 the competition that soon his own business 17.From

18、 Mr.Jacksons failure,we should know that everyone is a 18 individual with different fingerprints,DNA and thinking.What we need to do is just be ourselves and 19everyone else to be who they are.Mind our own business and we should never be afraid of 20.【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。本文通过Mr.Jackson的故事,旨在告诉我们:我们每一个人都

19、是独一无二的个体。我们有不同的思想、不同的遗传基因,所以我们要做我们自己,但也要学会成就别人。同时,人只有专注于自己的事业,心无旁骛,才有可能在竞争中立于不败之地。1.A.stand D.center答案:A解析:考查名词辨析。根据“.I really want to see my beautiful 9 on my stand!”可判断,Jackson在一个繁华的商业街拥有一个“水果摊”。stand“货摊”;company“公司”;store“商店”;center“中心”。故选A项。2.A.Because B.AsC.Although D.When答案:C解

20、析:考查连词辨析。句意:尽管他双目失明,但是他的水果摊生意经营得相当好。前后是让步关系。故选C项。3.A.remember B.describeC.imagine D.feel答案:D解析:考查动词辨析。根据前文可知,Jackson眼睛看不见,他只能“触摸、感觉”周围的东西。故选D项。4.A.Therefore B.HoweverC.Otherwise D.Besides答案:B解析:考查连词辨析。句意:然而,他却能够把一切处理地井井有条,并对他所拥有的一切感到很满足。前后是转折关系。故选B项。5.A.pride B.doubtC.excitement D.surprise答案:C解析:考查名

21、词辨析。此处表示儿子“兴奋地”告诉Jackson,他在报上读到一则“医生”的消息,该医生能给他做手术,让他的眼睛重见光明。in excitement“兴奋地”。故选C项。 B.nurseC.chemist D.volunteer答案:A解析:考查名词辨析。根据下文的“traveled to the doctor”可知选A项。7.A.information B.medicineC.service D.operation答案:D解析:考查名词辨析。根据“After the operation,the doctor asked.”可判断,Jackson 和儿子去看医生,做了手术,

22、并支付了眼部手术费。故选D项。8.A.nervous B.luckyC.eager D.afraid答案:C解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:手术后医生问Jackson去掉眼部绷带后,他最渴望见到的第一件东西是什么?be eager to do sth.“渴望干某事”。故选C项。 B.vegetablesC.fruit D.clothing答案:C解析:考查名词辨析。由第一段第二句“He owned a fruit 1 on a very busy street.”可知应选C项。10.A.sent B.accompanied C.followed D.invited答案:B解析

23、:考查动词辨析。句意:医生和儿子“陪同”Jackson来到他位于商业街的水果摊前。accompany“伴随,陪同”。故选B项。11.A.suddenly B.curiouslyC.carefully D.firmly答案:C解析:考查副词辨析。此处表示医生“小心谨慎地”解开Jackson的眼部绷带,“目的是”能让他看见水果摊上的水果。故选C项。 that caseC.even if D.if only答案:A解析:考查连词辨析。此处是用so that引导目的状语从句。故选A项。13.A.regret B.joyC.courage D.relief答案:B解析:考查名词辨

24、析。Jackson终于能看见他的水果摊了,自然是十分“高兴”。regret “遗憾”;joy“高兴”;courage“勇气”;relief“宽慰”。故选B项。14.A.enjoying B.checkingC.judging D.making答案:A解析:考查动词辨析。句意:欣赏完他漂亮的水果摊后,他看见来向和去向的街道上有很多水果摊。根据句意可知应选A项。15.A.above B.withinC.through D.across答案:D解析:考查介词辨析。 句意:他向街对面看去,又看见了很多其他的水果摊。look across“向对面看去”。故选D项。16.A.preparing for B

25、.focusing on C.worrying about D.taking up答案:C解析:考查动词词组辨析。Jackson花了大量的时间张望别人的水果摊,并对这种竞争充满焦虑。prepare for“为做准备”;focus on“使(眼睛、注意力等)集中于”;worry about“担心”;take up“占据”。根据句意可知选C项。17.A.improved B.failedC.appeared D.expanded答案:B解析:考查动词辨析。根据“From Mr.Jacksons failure,we should know that.”可判断,此处应选B项“衰退,失败”。18.A.

26、simple B.reliableC.unique D.perfect答案:C解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:我们每一个人都是有着不同的指纹、不同的基因乃至不同的思想的独特个体。simple“简单的”;reliable“可信赖的”;unique“唯一的,独特的”;perfect“完美的”。故选C项。19.A.force B.requireC.persuade D.allow答案:D解析:考查动词辨析。句意:我们需要做的就是做我们自己,也允许别人成为他们想要成为的人。allow do sth.“允许某人做某事”。故选D项。20.A.competitions B.changesC.diff

27、erences D.disabilities答案:A解析:考查名词辨析。句意:我们只有做好自己的事情才不会害怕“竞争”。 competition“竞争”;change“改变,变化”;difference“不同”;disability“无能,伤残”。故选A项。CUncle Bruce has been my most influential role model.I admire him because he has1me into the person I am today by teaching me about respect and responsibility and that any

28、thing 2having takes a lot of hard work.The most important thing he has3me is how to think.He always says,“You can learn something from everyone,4 its what not to do.” He always does what he5.If he says,“Ill pick you up at seven on Thursday,” it will6.Also,Bruce is the kind of person who actually7 yo

29、u.Uncle Bruce was in the army for 20 years and went through some terrible8,but he hasnt let them affect him9.After hearing his stories about alcohol and drug related10,I have no interest in doing anything that could11me or my friends.He is also the only person who truly believes I can12 it to West P

30、oint.He has done everything within his13 to help me achieve that goal.Uncle Bruce is my hero and he is14 that I want to be when Im his age.He is smart,financially15,and gives back money to his community.There is no way I can16 him for all hes done.He is the one whose17 can change the way I look at s

31、omething.Ive never told him that I love him,18 has he told me,but we love each other and I wouldnt have it any other way.Im not19 hes perfect,but I cant imagine20 without him in my life.【语篇导读】作者讲述了Uncle Bruce的故事。他是作者眼中的英雄,一直鼓励和帮助作者,也在帮助其他的人。作者希望自己以Uncle Bruce为榜样,努力做一个像他那样的人。1.A.shaped B.promotedC.trained D.blessed答案:A解析:考查动词辨析。shape“塑造”;promote“促进”;train“训练”;bless“赐福”。根据上下文意可知“他把我塑造成了现在的我”。故选A项。 B.aboutC.from D.worth答案:D解析:考查词汇

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