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1、湖南省株洲市高考英语阅读理解短文改错训练1株洲市2014高考英语阅读理解、短文改错训练(1)及答案 (第*篇)In ancient Egypt ,the pharaoh(法老) treated the poor message runner like a prince when he arrived at the palace, if he brought good news. However, if the exhausted runner had the misfortune to bring the pharaoh unhappy news, his head was cut off.S

2、hades of that spirit spread over today s conversations.Once a friend and I packed up some peanut butter and sandwiches for an outing. As we walked light heartedly out the door,picnic basket in hand, a smiling neighbor looked up at the sky and said, “Oh boy, bad day for a picnic. The weatherman says

3、it s going to rain.” I wanted to strike him on the face with the peanut butter and sandwiches. Not for his stupid weather report, for his smile.Several months ago I was racing to catch a bus.As I breathlessly put my handful of cash across the Greyhound counter, the sales agent said with a broad smil

4、e, “Oh that bus left five minutes ago.” Dreams of head cutting!It s not the news that makes someone angry. It s the unsympathetic attitude with which it s delivered. Everyone must give bad news from time to time, and winning professionals do it with the proper attitude. A doctor advising a patient t

5、hat she needs an operation does it in a caring way. A boss informing an employee he didn t get the job takes on a sympathetic tone.Big winners know, when delivering any bad news, they should share the feeling of the receiver.Unfortunately, many people are not aware of this. When you are tired from a

6、 long flight, has a hotel clerk cheerfully said that your room isn t ready yet? When you had your heart set on the toast beef, has your waiter merrily told you that he just served the last piece? It makes you as traveler or diner want to land your fist right on their unsympathetic faces.Had my neigh

7、bor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy, I would have appreciated his warning.Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left, I probably would have said, “Oh, that s all right. Ill catch the next one. ”Big winners, when they bear bad news, deliver b

8、ombs with the emotion the bombarded (被轰炸的) person is sure to have.语篇解读当我们告诉别人不好的消息时,我们应该以同情的表情和语气来表达。1In Paragraph 1 ,the writer tells the story of the pharaoh to_.A. make a comparison B. introduce a topicC. describe a scene D. offer an argument解析逻辑推理题。从第一段可知,作者用“法老的故事”来引出文章的话题,所以答案选B。答案B2In the wri

9、ter s opinion, his neighbor was_.A. friendly B. warm heartedC. not considerate D. not helpful解析事实细节题。文章中第二段,作者的邻居高兴地向作者传达一个坏消息,他没有考虑作者的感受,由此可知作者的邻居很不会体贴人,考虑事情不周全。答案C3From “Dreams of head cutting!” ( Paragraph 3 ), we learn that the writer_.A. was mad at the sales agentB. was reminded of the cruel ph

10、araohC. wished that the sales agent would have bad dreamsD. dreamed of cutting the sales agent s head that night解析逻辑推理题。从文章第三段推断可知,作者对售票员的这种行为非常愤怒,所以答案选A。答案A4What is the main idea of the text?A. Delivering bad news properly is important in communication.B. Helping others sincerely is the key to busi

11、ness success.C. Receiving bad news requires great courage.D. Learning ancient traditions can be useful.解析主旨大意题。本文告诉我们“在日常交流中,当向别人传达坏消息时应该委婉地表达出来,以照顾到对方的感受,这在日常交流中是非常重要的”。由此可知答案为A项。答案A*结束Today, theres hardly an aspect of our life that isnt being upended by the tons of information available on the hun

12、dreds of millions of sites crowding the Internet, not to mention its ability to keep us in constant touch with each other via electronic mail. “If the automobile and aerospace technology had exploded at the same pace as computer and information technology,” says Microsoft, “a new car would cost abou

13、t $ 2 and go 600 miles on a small quantity of gas. And you could buy a Boeing 747 for the cost of a pizza.”Probably the biggest payoff, however, is the billions of dollars the Internet is saving companies in producing goods and serving for the needs of their customers. Nothing like it has been seen

14、since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when power-driven machines began producing more in a day than men could turn out in nearly a year. “We view the growth of the Internet and e-commerce as a global trend,” says Merrill Lynch, “along the lines of printing press, the telephone, the compu

15、ter, and electricity.”You would be hard pressed to name something that isnt available on the Internet. Consider: books, health care, movie tickets, construction materials, baby clothes, stocks, cattle feed, music, electronics, antiques, tools, real estate, toys, autographs of famous people, wine and

16、 airline tickets. And even after youve moved on to your final resting place, theres no reason those you love cant keep in touch. A company called FinalT offers a place for you to store “afterlife e-mails” you can send to Heaven with the help of a “guardian angel”.Kids today are so computer literate

17、that it in fact ensures the United States will remain the unchallenged leader in cyberspace for the foreseeable(能预测的) future. Nearly all children in families with incomes of more than $75,000 a year have home computers, according to a study by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Youngsters from

18、 ages 2 to 17 at all income levels have computers, with 52% of those connected to the Internet. Most kids use computers to play games (some for 30 hours or more a week), and many teenage girls think nothing of rushing home from school to have e-mail chats with friends they have just left.Whats clear

19、 is that, whether we like it or not, the Internet is an ever growing part of our lives and there is no turning back. “The Internet is just 20% invented,” says cyber pioneer Jake Winebaum. “The last 80% is happening now.”10. What can we learn from the Microsofts remark? A. Todays cars and airplanes a

20、re extremely overpriced. B. Information technology is developing at an amazing speed. C. Information technology has reached the point where improvement is difficult. D. Theres more competition in information technology industry than in car industry.11. According to the author, the biggest benefit of

21、 the Internet is that_. A. it saves companies huge amounts of money B. it speeds up profit making C. it brings people incredible convenience D. it provides easy access to information12. The author gives the example of FinalT to make the point that_. A. there are some genius ideas on the Internet B.

22、almost anything is available on the Internet C. people can find good bargains on the Internet D. some websites provide novel services to increase hits13. What can we learn from the fourth paragraph? A. There is a link between income and computer ownership. B. Many American children dont put computer

23、s to good use. C. Studies show that boys are more computer literate than girls. D. The U.S. will stay ahead in the information technology in years.14. Which sentence has the phrase that possesses the same meaning as the one underlined in the fifth paragraph? A. Some can tell you that he has changed

24、their lives, while others think nothing of him.B. Think nothing of it. It was my pleasure.C. He thinks nothing of staying up all night in the Caf bar.D. He thinks nothing of the pain in his back for the moment.15. What is the message the author intends to convey? A. The Internet is going to get firm

25、 hold of our lives some day. B. The Internet is going to influence our lives even more greatly. C. We should have a positive attitude towards the changes the Internet brings. D. Children should be well prepared for the challenges in the information age.参考答案 BABDCB *结束短文改错(第一节:短文改错(共10小题)假如英语课上老师要求同学

26、们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的作文。文中共有十处语言错误,要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个词。增加:在缺词处加上一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改十处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I saw an accident happened on my way to home this afternoon. A girl was crossing the street on a zebra crossing while a young man dr

27、ove a motorbike towards her. The young man saw the girl but tried to stop, but he drove too fast to stop. He hit the girl and fell off her motorbike. The girl was bad hurt and couldnt move. The young man didnt know how to do. I ran to a phone box nearby and dialed 110. Soon the police arrived. They

28、send her to the nearest hospital at once. One of the policeman talked to the young man and wrote something down while was talking. I think it is very dangerous to drive very fast.参考答案、 短文改错(共10小题)I saw an accident happened on my way to home this afternoon. A girl was crossing the street on a zebraha

29、ppen 去掉tocrossing while a young man drove a motorbike towards her. The young man saw the girl but tried to stop, when andbut he drove too fast to stop. He hit the girl and fell off her motorbike. The girl was bad hurt and couldnt his badlymove. The young man didnt know how to do. I ran to a phone bo

30、x nearby and dialed 110. Soon the policewhatarrived. They send her to the nearest hospital at once. One of the policeman talked to the young man and sent policemenwrote something down while was talking. I think it is very dangerous to drive very fast. 加he或去掉was*结束链接2. 2010福建卷 Columbus College , 241

31、Queen Elizabeth Drive ,Kowloon CityMemoTo: All Staff From: Jakie Mok , Secretary; Sports Development CommitteeDate: May 20, 2010Sports 3: Hiking Hiking(远足)will take place at Kowloon Peak. The activity will start at 2:30 pm and finish 90 minutes later. Three teachers will accompany the students, and a hiking instructor will accompany each group of 15 hikers . Each instructor will cost 75/hr. Students are advised to bring plenty of water and sunscreen.Sports 4:Swimm

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