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本文(最新语文版中职英语拓展模块unit 10《the changing weahter》教案doc.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

最新语文版中职英语拓展模块unit 10《the changing weahter》教案doc.docx

1、最新语文版中职英语拓展模块unit 10the changing weahter教案doc总第 课时 授课时间: 年 月 日Unit10 The changing weatherTeaching aims: Learn some new words.Emotional aims: Enjoying learning English.Teaching important points: Learn some new words.Teaching difficult points: Learn some new words.Teaching method: practicingTeaching p

2、rocedure:Step: RevisionReview some words and phrases.Step:Learn some new words.1. Read after the teacher.2. Read in groups.3. Read themselves.4. Read in turn.Step PracticeTranslate some new words into English or Chinese.Step Summary and homeworkRecite new words.Teaching thinking: Students are active

3、 in class, and the result is good.Blackboard design: Some word formation.climate adapt burn president society observe Key resist ray . light coast entire beyond region compare significant recent forest flood Words restrict crop agriculture mild average centigrade storm interrupt impossible severe da

4、m facility frozen block heat global forecast nevertheless so-called favorable adjust 总第 课时 授课时间: 年 月 日Reading Climate and peoples lifeTeaching aims: 掌握Key words 和 Useful expressions的基本用法.Emotional aims: 了解天气和人们的生活之间的关系.Teaching important points: 理解课文内容,掌握课文的主要知识点.Teaching difficult points: 掌握Key wor

5、ds 和 Useful expressions的基本用法.Teaching method: Teaching and practicing.Teaching procedures:StepRevision检查学生预习生词和短语的情况.Step讨论Warming up中的三个问题: 1. What is the climate like in your city? 2. Do you care about the changes of the weather? 3. How important is the weather in peoples life? 谈论当地的气候情况,如: - Xiao

6、 Ming, what do you think about the climate in our hometown? -I think it is too bad. Every year in spring and autumn it is too windy. There is a lot of dust in the air. - How about the weather in summer? - It is too hot, but sometimes it is beautiful after raining.Step Reading1. Read the text careful

7、ly in a few minutes.2. Understand the text carefully.3. Ask the students to describe the detail of the text.Step Key words和Useful ExpressionsHe has managed to live on every part of the planet, even though some climates have made life more difficult than others.尽管有些气候已经使人类的生活比其他的气候更加困难,但人类还是设法生存在这个星球

8、的各个地方。句中的manage作“设法完成”解,有“经过努力最后终于完成”的意思,作此义解时,后而多跟不定式。又如: He managed to escape from the fire.他设法从大火中逃了出来。 The room was very dirty, but he managed to clean it这个房间很脏,但是他终于把它打扫扫二净了。manage和try都有“设法”的意思,但前者强调“终于完成了”,而后者则可能完成,也可能没完成。例如:He tried to escape from the fire,but was badly burnt.他设法从大火中逃出来,但还是被烧

9、成重伤。He managed to escape from the fire and finally succeeded.他设法从大火中逃出 来,终于成功了。even though是连词词组,作“即使”“尽管”解,引出表示让步的状语从句。even though也可以用even if代替,意思和用法相同,又如:Theyll stand by you even though you dont succeed.即使你不成功,他们也会支 持你的。She wont leave the TV set, even though (if) her husband is waiting for his supp

10、er.尽管她的丈夫正等她吃晚饭,她还是不愿意离开电视机。Sometimes man moved; sometimes he remained and endured the discomforts有时候,人们迁移;有时候留下来忍受着艰难。endure的意思是“忍受”“忍耐”,后跟名词、不定式或动词-ing形式作宾语。又如:I cant endure that woman.我对那个女人忍无可忍。I cant endure to seeseeing children suffer.看着儿童受苦,我可受不了。She couldnt endure to hearhearing about it听到这事

11、,她难以忍受。The Indians endured much pain.印第安人忍受了很多痛苦。句中remain作“停留”解,与stay同义,可以换用,又如:Please remainstay here till I return.请呆到我回来。How many weeks will you remain here? 你将在这儿停留几周?另外remain还用作连系动词,作“继续保持” “仍然处于某种状态”解,后跟形容词、名词、分词或介词短语,作表语。例如:If you dont eat youll just have to remain hungry.如果你不吃东西,你就得继续挨饿。He r

12、emained in his seat after all the other students had gone home.在别的学生者已回家之后,他仍然坐在座位上。The door remained closed.门仍然关着。We can remain friends.我们仍然是朋友。She remained sitting when they came in他们进来时,她仍然坐着。remain也有“剩下”“还有”“留下”的意思,用作不及物动词。例如:A few flowers still remained on the tree.树上还剩下几朵花。They remained there

13、all through the year.他们在那里一直呆到年底。Where man has remained, he apparently has undergone some physical changes that have helped him adapt to his climate.在人长期逗留的地方,人就会明显地经历某些有助于他适应当地气候的身体上的变化。句中undergo (underwent,undergone)意思是“经受” “遭受”,又如:The travelers underwent many difficulties.旅行者们经受了很多困难。She has unde

14、rgone a thorough examination at the hospital.她在医院接受了全面检查。I am undergoing an examination on Monday.周一我将参加考试。The town has undergone great changes during the last five years.在过去的五年里,这个城镇经历了巨大的变化。adapt to作“适应(新环境等)解,又如:He has not yet adapted to the climate他还不适应这种气候。Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark.我们

15、的眼睛慢慢地适应了黑暗的环境。She adapted quickly to the new climate.她很快地适应了新的气候。The lightest skinned people generally come from colder regions, where they have less exposure to the sun肤色最浅的人一般来自较寒冷的地带,在那里他们较少暴露于阳光。skinned是形容词,作“有某种皮肤的”解,它是由名词skin双写n加ed构成复合形容词。再如:three-legged三条腿的。又如:Tom is a dark skinned person.汤姆

16、是一个黑皮肤的人。exposure用作不可数名词,作“暴露”解,与介词to连用,意为。暴露于”。又如:Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful. 身体受到烈日暴晒会受到损伤。The paint came off as the result of exposure to the rain. 由于暴露在雨中,油漆冲她的皮肤干燥了。vary用作不及物动词,意思是“有差异”“会变化”,又如:People vary much in their ideas人们的想法有很多差异。(人们在想法上差异很多。)That sort of thing

17、 varies from person to person那种事情因人而异。This student never varies; his work is always very good这个学生从来没有什么变化,他的工作总是很出色。This difference might be explained by the fact that big people have less skincompared to weight than do small people这种差别可以用这样的事实解释:个子大的人的皮肤与其体重相比较要比个子小的人少一些。句中that引导的从句,说明前面名词fact的内容,是

18、同位语从句。在英语的某些名词,如:fact, hope, belief, doubt, idea, news; possibility, thought等后面有时可见到that引导的同位语从句。例如:The text -tells us a fact that smoking does great harm to peoples health这篇课文告诉我们个事实:吸烟有害于人体健康。I had no idea that he had already gone abroad我不知道他已经出国了。The possibility that people would have to walk to

19、the farm was not mentioned人们可能得步行去农场,这一点是没有提到过的。Step 1. PracticeTranslate some new words into English or Chinese.2. Summary and homeworkRecite new words.Teaching thinking: Students are interested in music, and they react to the teacher actively.Blackboard layout:manage to doeven thoughendureundergoa

20、dapt toskinnedexposure tovarythe fact that 总第 课时 授课时间: 年 月 日Reading Climate and peoples lifeTeaching aims: 理解文章的基本内容,培养学生的阅读能力。Emotional aims: 帮助学生养成良好的生活习惯。Teaching important points: 掌握Key words和useful Expressions的基本用法Teaching difficult points: 掌握Key words和useful Expressions的基本用法Teaching method: 讨论

21、法和小组合作.Teaching procedure:StepRevisionReview some words and phrases.StepReading1. Read the text carefully in a few minutes.2. Answer the following questions.In some hot areas in the world, why are most peoples skin black or brown? Can you give an example?In the very cold regions, peoples skin is ver

22、y light, but their size is larger, do you know what are the reasons? 3. Discuss in groups and answer these questions.4. Understand the text carefully.Step Key words和Useful ExpressionsThe less skin a person has relative to his weight, the easier it is for him to keep warm relative一个人的皮肤相对于其体重来看,越少就越容

23、易保暖。,relative用作形容词,常用于短语relative to中,作“与有关的,解,又如:He said nothing relative to his plans about returning他说什么都与他返回的计划无关。The weight is relative to the size.重量与大小有关。We didnt know the facts relative to the problem.我们不知道与这个问题有关的事实。Climate has significant effect on agriculture.气候对农业有重大的影响。本句中significant有“重要

24、的” “有意义的” “意味深长的”的意思,又如:It is significant that no one went to the meeting.重要的是没有人去开会。Does the report give all the significant facts of the case? 这个报告提出有关这一情况的重要依据吗?Your success today may be significant for your future.你现在的成功可能会对你的将来有意义的。Climatic factors such as the length of the growing season, the

25、total amount of rainfall, and the daily and seasonal changes in temperature restrict the kinds of crops that can be grown.气候因素,如:植物生长期的长短、雨水的总量以及温度的每日和季节性变化,都限制可种植的庄稼的种类。句中such asand seasonal changes in temperature是用来列举factors的内容。restrict作“限制”解,又如:He feels this new law will restrict his freedom.他认为这

26、条新的法律会限制他的自由。They became more and more restricted in their freedom of action.他们的行动自由越来越受到限制。In areas of frequent storms, transportation is often slowed down or interrupted.在经常有暴风雨的地区,运输速度经常减缓或中断。本句中slow为动词,作“减慢”“使缓慢” (to become / make slower)解,又如:Slow down before you reach the crossroads.在你到达十字路口之前就

27、应减速。The train slowed its speed as it came near to the station当火车快驶进站时,就减速了。interrupt的意思是“使中断”“中止(某活动)”,又如:He interrupted his work to answer the call.他停止工作来接电话。The storm has interrupted all travel by sea.暴风雨已中断了所有的海上交通。The war interrupted the trade between the two countries.战争使两国之间的贸易中断。Land transpor

28、tation may be blocked by heavy snowfall.陆路运输可能会由于大雪而受阻。句中的block为动词,意思是“阻塞”“阻碍”,又如:You can,t leave the city, all the roads are blocked by snow.你不能离开这个城市,所有的道路都被大雪封住了。The accident blocked traffic in the town center事故堵塞了市中心的交通。Her sickness blocks my plans for the party.他的病中断了我的聚会计划。Step PracticeTransla

29、te some new words into English or Chinese.Step Summary and homeworkRecite news words and phrases.Teaching thinking: Students are active in class, and they need to practice more.Blackboard design: Some words and expressions.relative to中,作“与有关的significant “重要的” “有意义的” “意味深长的”restrict “限制”slow “减慢”“使缓慢

30、”interrupt “使中断”“中止(某活动)”,总第 课时 授课时间: 年 月 日Reading Climate and peoples lifeTeaching aims: 理解文章的基本内容,掌握重点词汇。Emotional aims: 关注天气,保护环境。Teaching important points: 掌握Key words和useful Expressions的基本用法Teaching difficult points: 掌握Key words和useful Expressions的基本用法Teaching method: practicing and reading.Tea

31、ching procedure:StepRevisionReview some words and phrases.StepReading1. Read the text carefully in a few minutes.2. Answer the following questions.Can you give some examples that man has to live their special life in order to adapt to climate?3. 能用较正确的语音、语调朗读课文和复述课文,并且使学生养成保护环境的好习惯。Step Key words和Useful ExpressionsHowever, with the development of technology, such as air conditioning and central heating, people are becoming less confined to so-called favorable climates.然而,随着技术的发展,如:空调

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