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云财大学英语快速阅读选择 填空1.docx

1、云财大学英语快速阅读选择 填空1Fast Reading Directions: Read the following passage and then answer the questions. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Passage 1Childrens Eating Rai

2、sing children can be a challenging job. It can also be rewarding. When it comes to eating, the more caregivers know about childrens natural eating patterns, the easier and more rewarding the job of feeding children can be.Like many other behaviors, childrens eating patterns are largely learned. Star

3、ting from infancy (婴儿期), a child learns what can be eaten and what cannot, what is appropriate within the culture and the family regarding food manners, what types of food are liked and disliked, and what cues are important in controlling the amount of food eaten. Childrens eating patterns move thro

4、ugh predictable stages of development that present challenges and opportunities for learning and mastering proper eating patterns. Early feeding interactions influence the set of skills and behaviors children possess as their eating moves from completely depending on their caregivers to relying more

5、 on themselves.Inborn (天生的) Abilities, Preferences, and Transitions (转变) Because a newborn spends about 50% of his waking time eating, the feeding interaction is perhaps an infants most important experience. Feeding not only supplies energy for growth, it also establishes his bond with his mother, p

6、rovides a sense of security and pleasure for the infant, and presents repeated opportunities for learning and social exchange.A childs transition to solid food is a dynamic (不断增长的) period of growth and learning. Eating patterns change more during this period than during any other time of life. This

7、transition requires rapid learning about flavors, food, manners, and social exchange.An often unrecognized milestone (里程碑) in young childrens eating behavior is dealing with a fear of new food. Young children are inclined to be afraid of new food when they are between 18-24 months of age. Children p

8、reviously judged as good eaters often begin to reject new food and refuse formerly accepted, familiar items. Childrens acceptance of new food does not happen right away. It requires repeated experience with new food to overcome fears and enhance acceptance.The Family Eating Environment Parents and c

9、aregivers greatly influence the eating environment in which childrens preferences and eating patterns develop. Caregivers determine which foods are available to the child and what composes a childs diet. They also provide a model of eating behavior and guide a childs eating through feeding practices

10、. By selecting the food that comes into the home, parents have direct control over the food children repeatedly eat.At any point in development, large differences may exist among parents in the extent to which they allow a child to control eating, including the timing of meals, as well as what and h

11、ow much is eaten. Feeding practices that are too controlling are not effective, but rather may work against promoting healthy eating patterns. The use of pressure and restriction in child feeding seems to have an opposite effect on childrens preferences. Another unintended consequence of using press

12、ure in child feeding is that it may cause eating to be influenced by factors other than a childs own hunger and fullness.The Contemporary Eating Environment While the family is the most important environment in which childrens eating develops, cultural and physical environments also play a role. Env

13、ironmental factors affect a parents ability to promote healthy eating patterns. Such factors include increased time demands in family life, loss of the family meal, increased television viewing during meals, increased dining-out (外出就餐) occasions, and increased use of childcare. Parents also struggle

14、 with the broader health and eating concerns of our society. This climate includes poor diet quality and an ever-increasing number of overweight parents and children. At the same time, society places an enormous emphasis on dieting and thinness.Promoting Healthy Eating Behaviors A worthy goal for pa

15、rents and caregivers is to create feeding environments that promote healthy eating behaviors and support healthy weight and growth. There are several important feeding issues for most children: 1. Young children eat small amounts of food frequently; three meals and three snacks (点心) is a normal eati

16、ng pattern until well into the school years. 2. The appearance of irregular eating patterns is not necessarily evidence of poor eating habits. Parents should consider the amount of food eaten across the day and beyond, rather than focus on getting a child to eat at a particular eating occasion. 3. Y

17、oung children require fewer energy and smaller portion sizes. Because increasing portion sizes may increase energy intakes, be careful about routinely (习惯性地) offering adult-size servings of drinks and snacks.Keeping these issues and the following ten tips in mind will help parents and caregivers dev

18、elop healthy eating behaviors in the children they care for.Ten Tips for Putting Information into Action 1. Children benefit from eating routines (常规) and structure in the same way that they benefit from bedtime routines! Be sure to offer three meals and two to three snacks across the course of the

19、day. In between, avoid feeding the child by adopting a closed kitchen policy.2. What does hunger have to do with it? Everything. Direct children towards internal cues like hunger and fullness. Speak plainly to children about hunger and fullness during mealtime and snacks.3. Avoid focusing on the amo

20、unts consumed. Instead, offer healthy choices and learn about appropriate portion sizes for children.4. Offer healthy snacks and routinely remind children that fruits and vegetables are available for snacking.5. Dont give up! Children need repeated experiences with new food before they learn to like

21、 them.6. Be conscious of low nutrient, high-energy drinks and food consumption.7. Be active! Turn off the television (limit of 2 hours per day) and encourage free play by GOING OUTSIDE!8. Make family meals a priority whenever possible. Try for at least three family dinners a week. Limit eating out t

22、o twice a week and try to choose restaurants with surroundings that permit conversation.9. Develop childrens conversational styles and their sense of importance by eliminating distractions like television and music during family meals.10. Promote healthy eatingnot dietingin word and in deed. Adopt a

23、 moderate approach that includes all food in age-appropriate amounts.1. What can make feeding children more rewarding for caregivers? _ A. Knowing more about childrens natural eating patterns. B. Challenging children as they are being raised. C. Starting to feed them from the time they are in infanc

24、y. D. Teaching them about what is appropriate. 2. What is influenced by early feeding interactions? _ A. Opportunities for learning. B. Stages of development. C. Skills and behavior later. D. Caregivers relying on themselves. 3. Childrens eating patterns change most during _. A. the time between 18-

25、24 months B. his bonding period with his mother C. the time before he is an infant D. his transition to solid food 4. How do parents influence childrens preferences and intake patterns? _ A. By telling the child to overcome fear. B. By choosing the food that comes home. C. By feeding the child direc

26、tly. D. By planning a childs diet. 5. _ is not effective in promoting healthy eating patterns. A. Providing a model B. Allowing the child to control food C. Controlling food too much D. Selecting the food that comes home 6. The most important environment in developing a childs eating is _. A. physic

27、al B. hunger and fullness C. the culture D. the family 7. One of the eating concerns of our society is _. A. the increasing number of thin people B. the growing number of fat people C. the amount of care given to children D. the many children who eat little food 8. The occurrence of irregular eating

28、 patterns doesnt always mean _. 9. Both bedtime routines and _ are beneficial to children. 10. _ should be given priority whenever possible. Passage 2 News and Entertainment Media Americans spend about five hours each day on leisure activities. Those who live in or near large cities spend some of th

29、is time at theaters, opera houses, night clubs, zoos, and museums. Americans who live in rural areas do not usually have such places to visit, but like city residents, they can enjoy the most popular sources of information and entertainment as well: radio, television, movies, books, magazines, and n

30、ewspapers.Radio Almost every American family owns at least one radio, and many have three or four. Years ago, families gathered around one big living room radio. Today, people take small, lightweight radios with them into the bedroom (clock radios), on the street (transistor radios 半导体收音机, on the ro

31、ad (car radios), and into the fields (radios built into tractors). Radios have even been built into hair dryers and sunglasses.With the development of television, radio is no longer the major source of home entertainment; but Americans still turn to radio when they want the latest news quickly. Many

32、 stations broadcast up-to-the-minute news every half hour. Americans tend to listen to radios for short periods. In an effort to hold audiences, many radio stations appeal to special interests. Some offer only music or only news; others broadcast professional sports events. In large cities, some stations attract immigrants by presenting foreign-language progra

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