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1、高一英语期末巩固练习高一英语期末巩固练习姓名 班级Book 3 Unit 1I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. Jack was beginning to enjoy the b_ of nature. 2. The professor is editing a dictionary that explains the o_ of words.3. During the festival Obon, Japanese show respect to their a_.4. There were over 100 guests at our wedd

2、ing f_.5. The X-ray showed that the _ (骨头) was broken in two places.6. A p_ is a person who writes poems.7. The charity provides blankets and _ (衣服) for homeless children. 8. Its the _ (风俗) for the brides father to pay for the wedding in this place. 9. My aunt is deeply _ (虔诚的) and goes to church tw

3、ice a week.10. The coach said that they needed more _ (精力充沛的) players on their basketball team.II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. New Year _ (celebrate) in Scotland go on for three days.2. The _ (hunt) camped in the middle of the thick forest.3. It is my _ (believe) that we will find a cure for cancer in the next t

4、en years.4. Let me know the date and time of your _ (arrive).5. My little brother quite likes living alone. Its made him more _ (independence).6. The land is only to be used for _ (agriculture) purposes.III. 每空填一词,使上下两句话的意思相同或相近。1. The group lit candles to remember Laura and her brother.The group li

5、t candles _ _ _ Laura and her brother.2. John was hoping to work with the new teacher.John was _ _ _ working with the new teacher.3. You can hear the traffic from your room all the time.You can hear the traffic from your room _ _ _.4. It looks as if everyone else has gone home. It looks _ _ everyone

6、 else has gone home.IV. 根据汉语提示,用课文中所学单词或短语的适当形式完成下面短文。 The festival 1. _ (发生) between June 6 and 8 of each year 2. _ (纪念) a famous hero in the history of the town. The hero helped the country to 3. _ (赢得) independence. All people have been 4. _ (盼望) it a few weeks before its coming. When the festiva

7、l actually comes, people will 5. _ (盛装打扮) and 6. _ (出发) for the central square very early in the morning, and 7. _ (集合) in the square, singing and dancing. Many kinds of games are held too, and those who play well will 8. _ (被授予) a prize. One of the most popular games is to see who is able to run to

8、 a big tree within the shortest time. People 9. _ (羡慕) the winners very much. However, they often 10. _ (开玩笑) them. For example, they may take off the winners hats suddenly without telling them. There are also a lot of strange 11. _ (风俗) during the festival. It is clear that all of the people 12. _

9、(玩得很开心). I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. In many towns p_ is allowed only on one side of the street. 2. Joans childhood was filled with pain and s_.3. Ill never _ (原谅) her for what she did. 4. W_ your mouth. Youve got chocolate all over it.5. Dolphins have sometimes been known to save d_ sw

10、immers. 6. It was _ (显而易见的) to everyone that the child had been badly treated.7. A good _ (哭泣) would probably make you feel better.8. Jack _ (道歉) to Mary for not going to her party.IV. 用适当的介词填空。1. Thank you for giving me a gift that I have been looking forward _ receiving it.2. When he is sad, he al

11、ways drowns his sadness _ tears.3. At the traffic lights, you should wait _ the red light to turn green.4. After working together for two years, they fell _ love with each other.5. His sister has been married _ a famous film star for two years.6. I set off _ the interview early in order to avoid the

12、 heavy traffic.7. _ his way home, he suddenly remembered something and turned back.8. _ goodness sake, dont remind him of the unfortunate business that happened last year.Unit 2 Health and eating 健康与饮食 一、常用词汇名词: 习惯 _ 能量 _ 健康 _饮食 _ 疾病 _ 医师 _ 病人 _ 心脏病 _ 血压 _ 发烧 _ 中毒 _痛 _ 营养 _ 压力 _动词: 恢复 _ 治疗 _ 消化 _ 传播

13、 _ 减轻 _ 变弱 _ 节食 _ 形容词: 身体的 _ 健康的 _ 不健康的 _医疗 _ 病的 _ 有用的 _ 平衡的 _ 规律的 _ 脸色白的 _二、常用短语 遭受 _ 生病 _ 对有好处 _ 对有害 _照顾 _ 导致 _注意 _ 关心 _三、常用句型 (翻译并识记)1. It has been found that smoking can increase the risk of heart disease.2. Dont drink coffee or tea before you go to bed and get up at a regular time every morning

14、.3. In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies, and eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.4. We are now facing a big problem that we have to live under great pressure, which is becoming more and more serious.5. To pre

15、vent your illness getting worse, youd better drink more boiled water.四、句子训练 1. 维他命C对于人的健康有着至关重要的作用。_2. 要想远离疾病,我们最好多做运动,多吃蔬菜和水果。_3. 现在,越来越多的人注意健康了。_4. 摆脱吸烟喝酒之类的坏习惯也是保持健康的一种重要方式。_5. 多做运动是非常必要的,它可以使你强壮又健康。_五、参考文章 (语法填空)1. _ is well known to all that exercising in the morning regularly will be good for

16、us. But 2. _ (keep) it as a regular activity in ones whole lifetime is very difficult. 3. _ you begin planning for your morning exercise, here are some important tips 4. _ will help to make it much easier and more effective. Make an exercise plan so that you know 5. _ you are working toward. 6. _ yo

17、u go to bed each night, lay out your exercise clothes, gym bag or other equipment and make sure a 7._ (various) of items are included in case the weather changes overnight. Walk up 8. _ the same time every morning even if you choose to sit on the couch and read the newspaper instead of exercising. 9

18、._ excuse would be likely to ruin your big project. 10. _ you start seeing the results, you will be encouraged to keep it on.六、基础写作假设你们学校“英语爱好者俱乐部”将对“良好饮食习惯”这一话题进行讨论。请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇发言稿。内容要点应包括:部分同学的饮食习惯不吃早餐 爱吃零食 偏食 饮食过量良好的饮食习惯饮食多样化 饮食定时定量个人看法重要性:有助于身体健康注意:1. 发言稿必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥; 2. 发言稿开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总

19、词数; 3. 词数:100左右 4. 参考词汇:偏食 be particular about food 零食 snackDear friends, As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, its very important for us to form healthy eating habits._Thats all. Thank you!Unit 31、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:character, pilot, permit, jealous, tiny, scene, novel, humour,

20、servant, steak1 The plane crash was caused by the _ error. 2 She is very _ of my success. 3 The movie opens with a _ in a New York apartment. 4 This film is only funny if you appreciate American _. 5 How would you like your _ done? Medium(5分熟). 6 Ms Wang is so busy with her career that she is consid

21、ering hiring a domestic(家里的) _. 7 Jane always comes up with some _ ideas at a meeting. 8 Only a _ minority hold such extreme views. 9 You mustnt park here without a parking _. 10 The little boy can read and write more than 800 Chinese _.第二组:tale, dessert, appearance, stare, patience, director, indeed, manner, decade, spot, shoulder, barber, bow, scream, passage11 _ is sweet food served at the end of a meal. 12 The girl is _ at the stranger with her eyes wide open. 13 Zhang Yimou is a well-known film _in the world. 14 It is bad _ to litter about. 15 I have just _

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