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1、中考英语复习教案Revision : Book 1a ( March . 14-21 )重点内容概要:1元音字母在重读开音节、闭音节中的读音。2常用的日常交际用语。3人称代词,物主代词、指示代词及基数词。4动词be(am,is,are)的用法及人称代词,名词的数的一致性,5一些表示方位、地点介词的用法6名词所有格。My fathers watch the picture of Billy billys pictures7,冠词a,an,the的基本用法。8以What、Where、Who、Whose、Which、How等引导的疑问句和一般疑问句以及它们的回答9掌握可数名词和不可数名词的用法,以及

2、与其搭配使用的相关修饰词 10There be句型以及与have(has)的运用及区别。 11动词一般现在时的运用。12. 基数词/ 序数词The first Period ( units 1-2 )Aims:1. To review and learn to talk about making new friends .2. To review and learn to introduce yourself .3. To review and learn to greet people .4. To review and learn to ask for and give phone num

3、ber . 5. To review and learn to identify ownership. Importance: To develop the Sss four skills in learning English.To get the skills in tests. To remember all the sentence structures and use them correctly.Difficulties: The use of pronoun. Methods: Listening and speaking, reading, writing methods.Te

4、aching Aids: a projector, a computer and slides so on.Teaching Steps:Step 1:( Unit 1 ) Let the students introduce themselves . 介绍某人:(人名,电话号码,身份证:first name + last name + phone number )A: Hello !Whats your ( family )name ? B: My name is A: I am B: Nice to meet you !(unit 2) Let them identify ownershi

5、p.A: Excuse me . Is this your / his / her ? B: Yes , it is . / No , it isnt . A: Whas this in English ? B: Its a A: How do you spell ? B: . 物品名称:pen , pencil , book , eraser , ruler , pencil case , dictionary , backpack , notebook , baseball , computer game , watch , key , ring 确认物主关系:指示代词:this , th

6、at 物主代词:my , your , his , her 综合运用:写寻物启事和失物招领Lost and Found Phone number Please call sb at / Phone Step 2 Recite the phrase and key sentences pattern:his name her name family name first name telephone number my pen her eraser in English in the lost and found case call sb at a set of keys Whats this

7、in English ? How do you spell it ?Step 3 Key sentences pattern: 功能话题:1. 介绍:My name is Im 2. 问候:Nice to meet you . Hello . Hi . 3. 询问名字:Whats your / his / her first / last ( family ) name ? 4. 询问电话号码:Whats your telephone number ?5. 询问物主及应答:Excuse me .Is this / that a / an ? Yes , it is . No , it isnt

8、 . Step 4. Language points and grammar : 1. family name= last name 姓 first name = given name 名姓名顺序:中国人的姓在前,名在后。英美人的名在前,姓在后。如:Jim Green中,Jim 是first name/ given name, Green是family name/ last name; family(家庭)、class(班级),作主语,谓语用单数形式。family(家庭成员)、class(同学们),作主语,谓语用复数形式。2. 人称代词,物主代词、指示代词及基数词。3.动词be(am,is,a

9、re)的用法及人称代词,名词的数的一致性.4. 陈述句,疑问句5. 单数、复数 a / an / the 6. in / with / use 7 .Excuse, me. / Im sorry. 这两个句子是会话时常用客套语。Excuse me. 表示“劳驾”,“请问”,“请原谅”,“对不起”,“打扰一下”等意思,多用于句首,主要用于在请求别人帮忙时用。如:Excuse me, is this watch yours? Im sorry. 或Sorry. 一般用于听到别人的不幸或做了对不起别人的事情表示遗憾或向其道歉,或不能够给对方提供信息或帮助时的场合。如: Im sorry Im lat

10、e.8.Writing : ID card lost and found a letter Step 5. Homework : 背诵默写, 补充提纲 Feedback:The second period : Units 3-4 Aims:1. To review and learn to introduce people and identify people . 2. To review and learn to talk about where things are . Importance: To develop the Sss four skills in learning Engl

11、ish.To get the skills in tests. To remember all the sentence structures and use them correctly.Difficulties: the use of preposition .Methods: Listening and speaking, reading, writing methods.Teaching Aids: a projector, a computer and slides so on.Teaching Steps:Step 1:( Unit 3 ) Let the students int

12、roduce people . This is my friend . These are my friends . A: Is this/ that your sister ? B : Yes , it is / No , it isnt . A: Is he your brother ? A : Yes , he is . / No , he isnt .( grandmother , grandfather , mother , father , daughter , son , sister , brother , aunt , uncle , grandparents , paren

13、ts , cousin , friend , pen pal )了解家谱综合运用:介绍家人或朋友 Dear , Thanks for , the photo of my family / my family photo 英文信件格式:信头+称呼+正文+结束语+签名(unit 4) Talk about where things are . A: Where is the backpack ? B: Its under the table . A: Where are his keys ? B: Theyre on the dress . (dresser , bookcase , sofa ,

14、 backpack , drawer / in , on , under Step 2 Recite the phrase and key sentences pattern:family tree thanks for the photo of your family = my family photoHere is my family photo . in the backpack under the bed on the chair / dresser / table / sofa / floor math book alarm clock computer game video tap

15、e take to bring to need my hat I dont know . Step 3 Key sentences pattern: 功能话题:1.辨认人:Is this / that ? Yes , it is . No , it isnt . Is he / she ? Yes , he / she is . No , he / she isnt . These / Those are 2. 谈论东西位置:Wheres / are ? Its / Theyre Step 4. Language points and grammar :1. Thanks = Thank you Thanks a lot = Thank you very much.= Many thanks.Thanks for sth./doing sth. 谢谢你 Thanks to多亏,由于 2.a photo of mine 我的一张照片 a photo of me 一张我本人的照片3. Here is my family

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