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1、Kblffl法语与英语词汇中的伪同源词列表1生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。泰戈尔法语与英语词汇中的伪同源词列表(1)Achvement vs Achievement Achvement refers to the completion or culmination of something.Achievement has a more positive sense of attaining something that was sought after: exploit, russite,

2、 accomplissement.Actuellement vs ActuallyActuellement means at the present time, and should be translated as currently or right now. Je travaille actuellement - I am currently working. A related word is actuel, which means present or current: le problme actuel - the current/present problem.Actually

3、means in fact and should be translated as en fait or vrai dire. Actually, I dont know him - En fait, je ne le connais pas. Actual means real or true, and depending on the context can be translated as rel, vritable, positif, or concret : The actual value - la valeur relle.Affaire vs Affair Affaire ca

4、n mean business, matter, deal, transaction, or scandal.Affair is the equivalent of affaire only in the sense of an event or concern. A love affair is une liaison, une affaire damour, or une aventure amoureuse.Affluence vs AffluenceUne affluence is a crowd of people: Il y avait une affluence attendan

5、t la porte - There were crowds waiting at the door.Affluence indicates a lot of something (usually wealth): Theres an affluence of information here - Il y a une abondance dinformation ici. His affluence is obvious - Sa richesse est vidente.Agenda vs Agenda Agenda refers to a datebook.Agenda means lo

6、rdre du jour or le programme.Agonie vs AgonyAgonie refers to death pangs or mortal agony, while Agony means severe physical or mental pain, but not necessarily just this side of death: angoisse, supplice. Aimer vs Aim Aimer means to like or to love.Aim can be a noun - but, vises - or a verb - braque

7、r, pointer, viser.Amiti vs AmityAmiti is the generic French word for friendship, while Amity is used more specifically to mean peaceful relations between nations - concorde or bons rapports. Ancien vs Ancient Ancien can mean old in the sense of not young as well as in the sense of former: mon ancien

8、 professeur - my old (former) teacher, mon professeur ancien - my old (aged) teacher. Learn more about adjectives.Ancient means antique or trs vieux.Argument vs Argument Argument is a semi-false cognate. It means argument in the sense of a mathematical or philosophical argument. Also: argument massu

9、e - sledgehammer blow; argument publicitaire - advertising claim; argument de vente - selling point.Argument is une discussion, une conversation, un dbat, or une dispute.Assistance vs AssistanceAssistance is a semi-false cognate. Its primary meaning is audience. Assistance indicates help or aid. Ass

10、ister vs AssistAssister nearly always means to attend somthing: Jai assist la confrence - I attended (went to) the conference.Assist means to help or aid someone or something: I assisted the woman into the building - Jai aid la dame entrer limmeuble.Assumer vs AssumeAssumer only means to assume in t

11、he sense of taking on responsability or assuming control. It also means to hold a job or fulfill a role.Assume is a semi-false cognate. In addition to assumer, it can also mean supposer or prsumer.Attendre vs AttendAttendre means to wait for: Nous avons attendu pendant deux heures - We waited for tw

12、o hours.Attend is translated by assister (see above): I attended the conference - Jai assist la confrence.Audience vs AudienceAudience is a semi-false cognate. In addition to the meaning of the English word, it can signify: Votre audience, sil vous plat - Your attention, please. Ce projet a un large

13、 audience - This project has a lot of attention. Donner audience quelquun - To meet with / listen to someone. Audience publique - A public meeting. Audience is a group of spectators or listeners. Avertissement vs Advertisement Avertissement is a warning or caution, from the verb avertir - to warn.Ad

14、vertisement is une publicit, une rclame, or un spot publicitaire.Bail vs BailBail is a lease; the plural is Baux. Bail is une caution, on bail is sous caution. Balance vs Balance Balance is a pair of scales or weighing machine. It can also refer to a economic balance.Balance can be all of the above,

15、 plus 閝uilibre or aplomb.Ballot vs BallotBallot means a bundle or package while Ballot refers to a bulletin de vote (the paper upon which one votes) or a scrutin (the method of voting).Batterie vs BatteryBatterie is a semi-false cognate. It is equivalent to the English word in all senses, but it can

16、 also refer to a set of drums or the percussion instruments in a band. Battery refers to an electrical device that provides power as well as military weapons: a battery of artillery - une batterie de canons. Blanc vs BlankBlanc is a semi-false cognate. It is usually the French word for the color whi

17、te but can in some instances be translated by blank: une feuille blanche - a blank sheet of paper. Blank is an adjective meaning empty or without markings. Bond vs Bond Bond refers to a leap or jump. Bondir - to jump.Bond can mean un engagement, une obligation, or un lien. To bond - coller.Bout vs B

18、out Bout means end, tip, or bit.Bout refers to une crise (de rheumatisme) or un combat.Bras vs Bras Bras is an arm.Bras is the plural of bra - soutien-gorge.Bureau vs BureauBureau is a semi-false cognate. It can refer to a desk or an office, as well as a department: Bureau europ閑n de lenvironnement

19、- European Environment Office.Bureau can also mean a certain department, especially in government. In British English, a bureau has the same sense of desk as in French, but in American English a bureau is a chest of drawers: commode.Candide vs CandidCandide means nave or ingenuous; Candid means open

20、 or frank: franc, sincre.Car vs Car Car is most often used as a conjunction: because or for. As a noun, it refers to a coach or bus.Car is une voiture.Caractre vs CharacterCaractre refers only to the character or temperament of a person or thing: Cette maison a du caractre - This house has character

21、.Character can mean both nature/temperament as well as a person in a play: Education develops character - Lducation dveloppe le caractre. Romeo is a famous character - Romeo est un personnage clebre.Carton vs CartonCarton is a semi-false cognate. While it can refer to a box, it can also mean simply

22、cardboard. It can also indicate a target, sketch, or card.Carton can be a pot, carton, bote, brick, or cartouche.Case vs Case Case is a square or a box (e.g., on a form), a compartment, or a hut.Case can refer to un cas, un procs, or une valise.Caution vs CautionCaution is a financial term; it can m

23、ean guarantee, security, bail, or backing.Caution indicates prudence, circonspection, or avertissement.Ceinture vs Century Ceinture is a belt.Century is un sicle.Cent vs Cent Cent is the French word for a hundred.Cent can be figuratively translated by un sou. Literally, it is one hundredth of a doll

24、ar.Chair vs ChairChair means flesh.Chair can be une chaise, un fauteuil (armchair), or un sige (seat).Charge vs Charge Charge as a noun can mean burden, load, cargo, responsibility. The verb charger means to load or to charge. Charge the noun can mean inculpation, accusation, or attaque. The verb to

25、 charge can mean accuser or faire payer.Chat vs ChatChat is the French word for cat. Chat is both a noun and a verb: bavarder/bavardage or discuter/discussion. Chope vs Chop Chope is a mug or pint.Chop can be a noun - une ctelette, un coup - or a verb - trancher, couper, hacher.Circulation vs Circul

26、ationCirculation is a semi-false cognate. In addition to the circulation of air, water, etc., it can mean traffic.Circulation means circulation or propagation.Client vs Client Client is a semi-false cognate. In addition to client, it can refer to a customer, patron, or patient.Client is a client.Coi

27、n vs CoinCoin refers to a corner in every sense of the English word. It can also be used figuratively to mean area: lpicier du coin - the local grocer. Coin is a piece of metal used as money - une pice de monnaie. Collge vs CollegeCollge and lyce both refer to high school: Mon collge a 1 000 lves -

28、My high school has 1,000 students.College is translated by universit : This colleges tuition is very expensive - Les frais de scolarit cette universit sont trs levs.Combinaison vs CombinationCombinaison is a semi-false cognate. It can refer to a slip, overalls, or a ski-suit.Combination is equivalen

29、t to the French in virtually all senses of the word. In British English, Combination can also refer to un side-car.Commander vs Command Commander is a semi-false cognate. It means to order (a command) as well as to order a meal or goods/services. Une commande is an order.Command can be translated by

30、 commander, ordonner, or exiger. It is also a noun: ordre or commandement.Comment vs CommentComment is an adverb meaning how or what: Comment vas-tu ? - How are you? Comment tappelles-tu ? - What is your name?A Comment is une observation or un commentaire.Commode vs CommodeCommode as an adjective me

31、ans convenient or handy; as a noun it indicates a chest of drawers. Commode rarely means a chest of drawers, in American English it usually refers to a toilet: toilettes or cabinets. In British English, it means a special chair with a hole, under which is a chamber pot (normally used by disabled per

32、sons): une chaise perce.Commodit vs CommodityCommodit means convenience: les commodits de la vie moderne - the conveniences of modern life.Commodity refers to a product for trade, goods: produit, article, denre (latter refers only to food). Complet vs Complete Complet is an adjective: complete, comprehensive, full, total. Th

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