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1、unit1cinderella教案主备人胡萌 上课时间总课时单 元一课题 Cinderella课型New教学目标在整体理解的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇: prin ce, fairy,why, because, clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit基于故事听懂、会说、会读、会写句型: Why? Because?并理解句型的意思;能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语: Come and help meLet me help you. I have to教学重点在听故事的过程中理解词汇及句型 Why? Because?教学难点Wh

2、y? Because句型教师可充分利用生活实际和文本帮助学生理解教学方法教学准备教 学 过 程Step1 Free talkT: Do you like read ing storybooks?What storybooks?Do you like vGoldilocks and the three bears? Why?Step2 Prese ntati ona.Present the titleToday weread a story.See, the han dsome man is prince.The pretty girl is Cinderella, (prese nt the

3、title)b.Try to sayT: I thi nk you all know this story. Can you say someth ing about the story.partycan tgo helpscomes backWhose shoec.Try to readT: There s a party at the prince s house, but Cinderella cannot go. Listen, wlshouti ng?Ss:(picture)two sisters and the stepmotherT: What do they say? Try

4、to read like the bad sistersSs read the senten ces程 过 学 教ssOoHy? oarf网?ee tgecryayom ghhaishc 时 t hhgg c 也 d o 抽es如ntt Idotwl inidhhhh tchhwhwsh 2 se 八hh咲sh?DONm PHOshee)dd ap/vwnds 忙Jnt hadwesanccDo純uuoo rtyan池esnpydayyssh )ayre也 pldgsy:ee? prtyfeo 汗 e)u订esnn2la hhgdd/Vcl和Thwo恼仙叭 t? w 羽 tenpe 血阮阮 r

5、ppneea询sehhni gos 创血amhhM pimineesewff o /V pxmWHhns o rcotgchomneoMfintttygddee-meg ank we沪 ger毗 8atsrree沁ggMm0m氏hhm nswssiyaypp血nde.aIsppadueHsesrsut ansscnn也 aartsaefuulaaasJnteeke1ezo dohhafefermogndeHd 冋athhdassavnafth50y an-gd.shhawoaft仙谕hhaer-landdwhhheaeahmlev-d chhhsad:rcktch:intadachttutth

6、聞皿Teaaecms:ws:srepcchh atT:wecateescooisCT2CSTSTa s 上H : warsSrchTTACRTAAboLr RTTrsSrsS1 2 d e f板书设计hwlael?re - ndyreoo ortyhhyry 1 gwhartyT nnes - w u sse reeau也- efoomecfterisi BCBAV作 业 设 计读事书 朗故事 练演故 熟卷本 音内这 录组读 听小.II 1 2 3教学反思主备人胡萌 上课时间总课时单 元一课题 Cinderella课型New教学目标进一步巩固并掌握故事中出现的词汇: prin ce, fair

7、y, why, because, clothes,let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit ,leavebehi nd进步巩固并掌吝握四会句型: Why? Because学生能够根据Fun time中的图片说和演教学重点运用 Why? Because交流,掌握句子结构。 复习巩固故事,叙述故事教学难点能够掌握 Why are you? Why cantyou? Why does?句子结构教学方法教学准备教 学 过 程Stepl Warm up1 Let s review:Retell the story(出示图片)P1: There is P2: A

8、fairy P3: Cinderella P4: Cinderella P5: The prince Step2 Prese ntati on1Fun time出示Fun time的图片Ask and an swer:P1: Why can she go to the party? Because P2: Look, who comes?What will she say?P3: Cinderella meets price.P4: Look at the picture, What do they say?ReadAct选择两幅图演一演。Checkout time: Think and wr

9、ite (leave behi nd)2Grammar time:Show the senten ces: Why are you so sad?Because I can tgo to the party.Why can you go to the party?Because I don have any nice clothes or shoes.Read and summary(学生根据自己的理解总结 Why? Because的用法。)程 过 学 教m two网0ho n 怡 e e In D 17m d tAee如antddw wcc 匚二 I匚DeM neeehh?DDe h aa俟

10、 1)linny kesseeto 鳥 d s Md 仃 岡 maaceyou作 u nneejnrdyrty艸 爲bbuuh rrccydssmsuld e a 建屮 epe to ff e 比Me汕 Mm aM diTwc为T?v也 册nte.pnn閒 法 hh仙rtyatnteeprm 忻 刖 hhnr(rwmeeseewoul叱louoww hmonaaee也essd2se wco鳥 atgoondmeomhMwhaE 课 awyw foddisprcagUHSsswoww 哲二 咙 也rtysaap聞unllaapsand怕怕kkeeDn现第 ad:-n吐aegahw 世东 afwo

11、aftepaaee希aadd冊 eadeashhm.geeaHere这讹 h:td 也2nndeedinxshreph:eqqvhhh 课 cnadH 怕 JTadcssspcchhtqWN 流划 eectRRouLL:RRSTSTeeshh?Hnn交 TACAb-!T ttrwhhyhhhh生完 f 1 3WWW 学 4板书设计7-Jessaty )rh/h soww nhu 卅o 沁01- ? cc - _/ & AL O Ha gpartniwhwl heneanye,h- 卄 harlc d?s0tvv亦.mu Sagggothahatrrw sontuntwheho uaoo( yo

12、uwtyIIwny y 3 V 3 a reseansei - m llayaauyCauaten-DW evhyecvhyecvhavheho deWBWBWWd, ind c w t1w u woH作 业 设 计臟演c 站表rr2 3教学反思主备人胡萌 上课时间总课时单 元一 课题 Cinderella课型New教学目标能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇: mushroom, late, pick,un dersta nd, be bad for能够理解并掌握 Why? Because的句型结构,并正确交际运用。能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话教学重点能正确理解、朗读卡通故事,读懂故事

13、传递的信息。教学难点掌握Why? Because的句型结构,并正确交际运用教学方法教学准备教 学 过 程Stepl Warm up1 Free talkWhat seas on do you like?Why do you like ?Because(Ask and an swer)Step2 Carto on time1出示Tina和Bobby的图片,a Look at the picture: Where are they? How are they?They are in the forest.They are very hun gry.Guess: What are they say

14、ing?I want . Do you have ?(Picture 1出示,学生读,根据 snack bar说说snack的含义)b. Pictuce2Look at the picture:T: What un der the tree?There are some mushrooms un der the tree. (mushroom)Who finds the mushrooms? (find - finds)Bobby finds the mushrooms.What will he say?Lets We can(pick 摘-pick some mushrooms)Look a

15、t the picture:T: What does Bobby do?He picks a mushroom.教 学 过 程T: Look at the mushroom. How is the mushroom?It s nice. It s red. It s very big.(引导学生观祭磨姑,用央语表达)T: Do you like the mushroom? Do you want to eat it?Why we can t eat it?d. Picture4T: How about Sam and Bobby?Read it by yourselves.(学生自读,理解be

16、 bad for引导学生说说反义词 be good forMilk is good for us.)2 Read the story模仿语音,语调。想一想读的语气。3Act the storyStep3 Checkout time1 Look and writea. Talk about the pictureP1:We are hav ing an En glish less on now. How about Yang Ling?Is Yang Ling at school today.Try to use Why” to ask a question.(Why is Yang Ling

17、not at school today?)Then, answer. (Because sh6s ill at home.)P2: Look at Liu Tao, How is he? Is he sad?Ask and answer: Why is Liu Tao so happy? Because his birthday comes. He can get some prese nts.P3: What does Na ncy do?Ask and an swer: (Why does Nancy take off her coat? Because shehot.)P4: How a

18、bout Mike?Ask and an swer: Why does Mike put on his jacket? Because he cold.板书设计Un it1 Cin derella/ Where?Sam and Bqbby How? Whats ?ca n pick Why can twe eat?作 业 设 计1Read and act Carto on time.2Dub for the story.教 学 反 思主备人胡萌 上课时间总课时单 元一课题 Cinderella课型New教学目标能够正确、流利、生动地讲故事 Cin derella了解字母dr在单词中的发音。了解

19、中西方儿童的阅读喜好教学重点能在教师的引导下完成本单元的三项目标检测,与同学合作完成自评和 互评,了解和调整自己的学习情况。教学难点能够使用正确使用WhyBecause.进行问答。教学方法教学准备教 学 过 程Stepl Warm up1 Free talk:T: Do you like the story of Cinderella? Why?What else do you like read ing?Step2 Prese ntati on1Show teach ing aimsIn this less on, we ll have some lear ning aims. Look a

20、t the lear ning aims. First, I can understand Ci“derella”.Then, 1 can use Whyand Because to ask and answer questions. Fin ally, I know the sound of the letter dr” . (PPT出示 teach ing aims)2.Act the storyNow, first, let s come to the first aim. Can you underndeDblla” ? “学生根据自己的理解叙述故事。a.Work in groupsb

21、.Ask some students to act the story(PP出示 ticking form)3. Culture timeDiffere nt childre n like differe nt stories.What does Mike like readi ng?He likes read ing fairy tales.How about Yang Ling?She likes read ing stories about the Mon key King and Nezha.(Read the senten ces of culture time)Ask and an

22、 swer: What about you? What do you like read ing?教 学 过 程中国经典故事和西方经典故事欣赏,出示封面,简单介绍。一些比较熟悉的,可以让学生用中文介 绍。4 Sound timea. Let s come to the second aim.Look at the picture. The boy is An drew. The girl is An drew s sister. Shes An drea. (An drew An drea)T: Let guess:a What is An drew doing? (dri nk some w

23、ater/have a drink)An drew is havi ng a drink.Use why ” to ask question and answer:Why is An drew hav ing a drink?Because hes thirsty.b What is An drea doing? (draw a dress)An drea is draw ing a dress.Try to ask: Why is An drea draw ing a dress?Because she likes draw ing.Because she wants a new dress

24、.(I think you can use why ” and Because to ask and answer questions. PPT 出示 teaching aims)c Why is Andrea drawing a dress? Because shell give it to her friend Sue. (出示 Sound time 部分)Read and find:What s the pronunciation of the lettes dr?Can you say more words?Try to read(PPT 出示 teachi ng aims)Unit1

25、 Cin derella板 Why is An drew havi ng a drink?书 Because hethirsty.设 Why is An drea drawi ng a dress?计 Because she likes drawi ng.Because she wants a new dress.dr: draw dress drink driver 作 业 设 计1.Read an En glish story2.Fin ish the exercise in workbook.教 学 反 思自主学习 合作交流 探究创新主备人上课时间总课时单 元课题课型教学目标教学重点教学难点教学方法教学准备教 学 过 程教 学 过 程板书设计作 业 设 计教 学 反 思自主学习 合作交流 探究创新主备人上课时间总课时单 元课题课型教学目标教学重点教学难点教学方法教学准备板书设计作 业 设 计教 学 反 思

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