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1、巧用虚拟语气解答GRE阅读题巧用虚拟语气解答GRE阅读题巧用虚拟语气解答GRE阅读题,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 巧用虚拟语气解答GRE阅读题 (1) 对虚拟语气的敏感性 若在文章中看到虚拟语气,考虑直接取非反义理解,迅速把握作者态度。如下面这句话: 例一:Perhaps, some scientists thought, migrants determine their geographicposition on Earth by celestial navigation, almost as human navigators use starsand planets,

2、but this would demand of the animals a fantastic map sense.(选自N0.6题第一套section 1短文章) 这句话看似很长,翻译成为中文的意思是:“有些科学家认为,就像人类采用恒星和行星来定位一样,候鸟或许也是采用天体的导航才得以确定它们所处的地理位置,但这要求这类动物具有令人难以置信的地图感。”中文读过去都让人头疼。其实我们用虚拟语气取非的思想来处理,其要表达的意思就很简单,对前半句话取非,说白了就是前半句话是行不通的,也就是“migrantscannot determine their geographic position on

3、 Earth by celestialnavigation。”可以知道作者对这种解释持负评价。2016年GRE考试场次大比较高分考生亲授报名时间选择技巧 我们再来看个例子: 例二:According to natural selection theory, a worker would enhance herfitnessor ability to propagate her genesby hatching her own eggs in additionto or in place of the queens。(选自国内题1993年10月考题section 5短文章) 这句话也是虚拟语气,

4、我们直接取反理解,作者想要表达的就是“a worker will not enhance her ” 运用这种取非的思想我们可以迅速的把握作者的态度,以及作者想要表达的真实意思。就不用先翻译成绕口的中文,再拼命的思索其中的含义,可以有效地为考试争取时间。 (2) 如何运用虚拟语气 在题干中看到虚拟语气,大多需要用到取非思想,与之相对应的一种题型是GRE阅读题中常见的一种,叫做“改进型取非题”。看例子之前,先简单解释下什么是“改进型取非题”。很简单,如果题干问“如果一个对象怎样会更好”则是改进型取非题,来看具体的例子: 例:It can be inferred from the passage

5、that the “first theories”of grazercontrol mentioned in line 3 would have been more convincing if researchers hadbeen able to(选自NO.6第二套section 1长文章),这是一个典型的改进型取非题题干,问的是第三行第一个理论怎样会更好。 逻辑思路:既然是改进,原文肯定说到了它的不好之处或者有unless的句子,我们把造成不好的原因取非,就是所要的答案了。 按照此思路定位原文三行,看到后面有这样一句话“A low number of algal cells in the

6、presence of ahigh number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers hadremoved most of the algae。”注意看插入语部分的“but did notprove”,这个就是缺点,取非就是“prove”再看五个选项: (A) observe high phytoplankton numbers under natural lake conditions (B) discover negative correlations between algae and zooplankton

7、 numbersfrom their field research (C) understand the central importance of environmental factors incontrolling the growth rates of phytoplankton (D) make verifiable correlations of cause and effect between zooplanktonand phytoplankton numbers (E) invent laboratory techniques that would have allowed

8、them to bypasstheir field research concerning grazer control 一眼扫过去就只有一个选项在讲证明,就是D中的verifiable。所以答案选D。很快解完此题。 (3) 虚拟语气的作用 取非的思路除了可以在虚拟语气中使用,还可以在另一种逻辑关系中使用,就是强对比的关系,也就是GRE阅读题中另一种常考题型“强对比互取非题”,其主要特点是:原文中有强对比的双方,题干只问及其中一方,答案是对另一方叙述的取非;或者题干和原文存在强对比要素,如典型的时间要素,答案也是对原文的叙述取非。 来看个简单的例子, 例:The author suggests

9、 that, before the early 1950s, most historians whostudied preindustrial Europe did which of the following(选自NO.6第三套section 4长文章) 思路:在题干中看到了1950s,第一反应就是要回原文定位,发现原文只讲到了“in the early1950s”并没有“before”,这显然就是时间上一个取非的关系,我们把in the early1950s干的事情取个非,就是之前干的事情。答案就很好选了,在此不举出来了。 gre阅读虚拟语气中这个思路很好理解,比如说“我1995年第一次去

10、北京。”很显然,1995年以前我就没有去过北京。这就是时间状语的取非。其它的强对比关系(如处于相对低于空间的事物通常其特点呈强对比;新事物、新观点和旧事物、传统观点呈强对比;用最高级、唯一性限定的事物和其余所有同类事物的特征呈强对比等),相信考生可以一眼看出。 GRE考试阅读理解模拟题及答案解析 P1 Traditional research has confronted only Mexican and United Statesinterpretations of Mexican-American culture. Now we must also examine the culture

11、as we Mexican Americans haveexperienced it, passing from a sovereign people to compatriots with newlyarriving settlers to, finally, a conquered people a charter minority on ourown land. When the Spanish first came to Mexico, they inter-married with and absorbedthe culture of the indigenous Indians.

12、This policy of colonization through acculturation was continued when Mexicoacquired Texas in the early 1800s and brought the indigenous Indians intoMexican life and government. In the 1820s, United States citizens migrated to Texas, attracted by landsuitable for cotton. As their numbers became more

13、substantial, their policy of acquiring land bysubduing native populations began to dominate. The two ideologies clashed repeatedly, culminating in a military conflictthat led to victory for the United States. Thus, suddenly deprived of our parent culture, we had to evolve uniquelyMexican-American mo

14、des of thought and action in order to survive. (168words) 1. The authors purpose in writing this passage is primarily to (A) suggest the motives behind Mexican and United States intervention inTexas (B) document certain early objectives of Mexican-American society (C) provide a historical perspectiv

15、e for a new analysis of Mexican-Americanculture (D) appeal to both Mexican and United States scholars to give greaterconsideration to economic interpretations of history (E) bring to light previously overlooked research on Mexican Americans 2. The author most probably uses the phrase “charter minori

16、ty” (lines 6-7)to reinforce the idea that Mexican Americans (A) are a native rather than an immigrant group in the United States (B) played an active political role when Texas first became part of theUnited States (C) recognized very early in the nineteenth century the need for officialconfirmation

17、of their rights of citizenship (D) have been misunderstood by scholars trying to interpret theirculture (E) identify more closely with their Indian heritage than with theirSpanish heritage 3. Which of the following statements most clearly contradicts theinformation in this passage? (A) In the early

18、1800s, the Spanish committed more resources to settlingCalifornia than to developing Texas. (B) While Texas was under Mexican control, the population of Texasquadrupled, in spite of the fact that Mexico discouraged immigration from theUnited States. (C) By the time Mexico acquired Texas, many Indian

19、s had already marriedpeople of Spanish heritage. (D) Many Mexicans living in Texas returned to Mexico after Texas wasannexed by the United States. (E) Most Indians living in Texas resisted Spanish acculturation and wereeither killed or enslaved. P2 The determination of the sources of copper ore used

20、 in the manufacture ofcopper and bronze artifacts of Bronze Age civilizations would add greatly to ourknowledge of cultural contacts and trade in that era. Researchers have analyzed artifacts and ores for their concentrations ofelements, but for a variety of reasons, these studies have generally fai

21、led toprovide evidence of the sources of the copper used in the objects. Elemental composition can vary within the same copper-ore lode, usuallybecause of varying admixtures of other elements, especially iron, lead, zinc,and arsenic. And high concentrations of cobalt or zinc, noticed in some artifac

22、ts,appear in a variety of copper-ore sources. Moreover, the processing of ores introduced poorly controlled changes inthe concentrations of minor and trace elements in the resulting metal. Some elements evaporate during smelting and roasting; differenttemperatures and processes produce different deg

23、rees of loss. Finally, flux, which is sometimes added during smelting to remove wastematerial from the ore, could add quantities of elements to the finalproduct. An elemental property that is unchanged through these chemical processes isthe isotopic composition of each metallic element in the ore. I

24、sotopic composition, the percentages of the different isotopes of anelement in a given sample of the element, is therefore particularly suitable asan indicator of the sources of the ore. Of course, for this purpose it is necessary to find an element whoseisotopic composition is more or less constant

25、 throughout a given ore body, butvaries from one copper ore body to another or, at least, from one geographicregion to another. The ideal choice, when isotopic composition is used to investigate thesource of copper ore, would seem to be copper itself. It has been shown that small but measurable vari

26、ations occur naturally inthe isotopic composition of copper. However, the variations are large enough only in rare ores; between samplesof the common ore minerals of copper, isotopic variations greater than themeasurement error have not been found. An alternative choice is lead, which occurs in most

27、 copper and bronzeartifacts of the Bronze Age in amounts consistent with the lead being derivedfrom the copper ores and possibly from the fluxes. The isotopic composition of lead often varies from one source of commoncopper ore to another, with variations exceeding the measurement error; andprelimin

28、ary studies indicate virtually uniform isotopic composition of the leadfrom a single copper-ore source. While some of the lead found in an artifact may have been introduced fromflux or when other metals were added to the copper ore, lead so added in BronzeAge processing would usually have the same i

29、sotopic composition as the lead inthe copper ore. Lead isotope studies may thus prove useful for interpreting thearchaeological record of the Bronze Age. (473 words) 4. The author first mentions the addition of flux during smelting in thelast sentence in the last paragraph in order to (A) give a rea

30、son for the failure of elemental composition studies todetermine ore sources (B) illustrate differences between various Bronze Age civilizations (C) show the need for using high smelting temperatures (D) illustrate the uniformity of lead isotope composition (E) explain the success of copper isotope

31、composition analysis For the following question, consider each of the choices separately andselect all that apply 5. According to the passage, possible sources of the lead found in a copperor bronze artifact include which of the following? A The copper ore used to manufacture the artifact B Flux add

32、ed during processing of the copper ore C Other metal added during processing of the copper ore 6. Select the sentence in the passage that the author rejects copper as the“ideal choice” . 7. It can be inferred from the passage that the use of flux in processingcopper ore can alter the lead isotope composition of the resulting metal EXCEPT

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