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1、八年级牛津英语8BUnit1Pastandpres八年级牛津英语8B Unit1 Past and present教案8B Uint1 Welcome to this unit【教学目标】Eddie和Hobo的对话。北京例外时代的交通工具的词汇。【重点难点】(1)初步了解现在完成时态的构成。(2) since的意义和用法【教学过程】I. Lead-in Did you have a good time last Sunday?What did you eat?What food is your favorite?II. Pre-task Teacher says:My favorite foo

2、d is chocolate. Today I took a piece of chocolate here.Oh, where is my chocolate? It was in my pocket an hour ago.Teacher asks Ss:-Have you seen my chocolate?-No, I havent.Ss guess Teacher says Maybe you have put it in your bag.-No, I havent.Maybe you have put it in your book.-Yes, I have.III. While

3、-task Task 1:Lets listen to the tape:What are Hobo and Eddie talking about now?Task 2: Ask some questions about it:1. Where was Hobos food an hour ago?2. Why did Eddie eat food?3. Is Hobo happy?4. What does Hobo think of Eddie?Task 3: Work in pairs and drill the dialogue.Task 4: Ask and answer Eddie

4、 and Hobo both think they have changed a lot. Thats true. There are also many changes in our life.How did you come to school today?Do you know other different forms of transport?Task5: Welcome to the unit.Show some pictures of the different forms of transport.ask: When did people in Beijing begin to

5、 use trains?train in 1909since 1909Task6: Do Part A on Page7Task 7: Make a conversation like this.A: When did people begin to use trains?B: People began to use them in 1909.Trains have been in use since 1909. Post-task Talk about the transport at different times in Beijing using the sentence: have b

6、een in use since .Homework 8B Uint1 Reading 1【教学目标】1.了解掌握本课出现的重点单词和词组。2.理解课文内容(The changes to Sunshine Town)。3.能用本节课所学知识,简单描述周围变化。【重点难点】1.训练学生阅读理解能力。2.部分词汇:used to.;dumpinto ;get married (to sb)【教学过程】Step One Pre-reading Teaching new items by pictures Past Present Picture1: There used to be a buildi

7、ng.It is open space.Picture2: She used to be a happy girl.She is going to get married. She is going to be a wife.Picture3: The factory used to dump waste It has turned into a into the, there are many stalls.Picture4:The poison in the waste polluted the river, many fish died.The governme

8、nt realized the pollution and reduced it. The river is much cleaner.Vocabulary married 已婚的get married 结婚wife 妻子stall 货摊turn (使)变成turninto 将变成factory 工厂used to 过去经常dump 倾倒waste 废料poison 毒物pollute 污染realize 意识到reduce 污染open space 空地Doing Part B1 on page 101 b2 f3 d4 c5 g6.a7. eStep Two While-reading R

9、ead the conversation and answer the following questions.1 How long has Mr. Chen lived in Sunshine Town?Since he moved there with his family when he has two years old.2 How many times did he move house? When?In 1965 when he got married and last year when his children bought them a new flat.True or Fa

10、lse (Page 10)Mr. Chen knows Sunshine Town very well.()He moved into Sunshine Town in 1965.()He got married last year.()Mr. Chen moved out of Sunshine Town when he got married.()In the past, 30,000 people lived in Sunshine Town.()Mr.Chen and his old friends meet in the new park to play cards and Chin

11、ese chess.()Step Three Parts of the dialogue Part1. Line1-9 Changes to Mr.Chens . A. parentsB. wife C. living placePart2. Line10-25 Changes to . A. the parkB. Sunshine Town C. the factory Part3.Line26-31 Mr. Chensabout the changes. A. talking B. dreams C. feeling Part1.Changes to Mr. Chens living pl

12、acePart3Mr. Chens feeling about the changesAdvantages:It is nice to _.Disadvantages: It has become difficult to _.So he feels _from time to time.Complete the passage according to the text.Mr. Chen knows Sunshine Town very well. When he was two born, he m_to the town. In 1965, he moved to the _of tow

13、n when he got_.Hetells me that Sunshine Town has c_a lot over the years. The government has t _the center of town _ a park. Mr. Chen and his friends often play _and Chinese_ there.The steel factory _ (过去常常倾倒) its waste_Sunshine River.Later, the government r _it and took action to _the pollution, now

14、 the river has _a lot and it is much_ .Mr. Chen says in some ways life is much better than before.Its nice to have _andpretty gardens.However, it has become _ to see some friends. From time to time he feelslonely.Step Four Homework 8B Uint1 Reading 2【教学目标】1.掌握相关的词汇、短语和本文中出现的语言点。2.进一步理解课文内容(The chang

15、es to Sunshine Town)。【重点难点】1.培养学生根据提示复述课文的能力。2.大凡过去时与现在完成时态的区别。【教学过程】Step One Discussion Why was the river in Sunshine Town very dirty in the past?The local factories used to dump waste water into the river.The local people didnt realize the importance of polluting the river.Why is the river in Suns

16、hine Town much cleaner now?The local government realized water pollution was a serious problem and actively took action to reduce the pollution.How does Mr. Chen feel now?He feels a bit lonely from time to time.Step Two: Reading the text Doing part C2 on page 11Step Three: Doing part D on page 11Ste

17、p Four: Post-reading (language points)1.miss想念eg:I miss my old friends very much.错过eg: I dont want to miss seeing the play on TV tonight.2.pleasant :指环境,地方,行程的舒畅欢愉。多用于修饰事物。Eg:The weather is usually pleasant here in May . The trip is pleasant.pleased :指感到欢愉。通常描述人。be pleased with-Eg:Im pleased with yo

18、ur work. The teacher is pleased with us.同根词-pleasure.With pleasure /Its my pleasure.3way (1)方面,方式,方法。in this way /that/another way in some ways 在某些方面,在某种程度上a new way of teaching 一种新的教法。2)路on ones way to-on his way to school / by the way顺便问一下4.lonelyadj.指人,表示寂寞孤独,指物,表示荒废,无人居住的eg: He feels lonely with

19、out friends.This is a lonely house.alone adj./adv.独自的(地)He lives alone .5.from time to time =sometimes=at times6.Its adj ( for sb)to do-Its nice to have open space Its interesting for us to fly kites.It has become more difficult to see my old friends.7.realize意为“认识到”“明白”,其后接名词、代词或从句。e.g.He has alrea

20、dy realized his mistake.The villagers didnt realize how serious thepollution was until all the fish died.Step Five Homework 8B Uint1 Vocabulary 【教学目标】1了解反义词及其反义词的词缀2.在详尽语境中运用恰当的形容词表达肯定和否定【重点难点】1.前缀构词法: un-;dis-;in-;im-;ir-2. -enough to do sth. ; have an interview with sb. = interview sb.【教学过程】Step O

21、ne: Pre-task Teacher says, “I will give you some words. Do you still remember their opposites?”honest-dishonest appear-disappear like-dislike correct- incorrect possible-impossible polite-impolite happy-unhappy lucky-unlucky healthy-unhealthy regular-irregular Step Two: While-task 1. Open your books

22、 and turn to Page 12. Ask Ss to read the words together. Explain the meaningsof the words if necessary.2.Teacher asks,What did Millie do with Daniels grandpa?She had an interview with Daniels grandpa.3. Read Millies diary and underline the wrong words. Write the correct words above the mistakes.4.La

23、nguage pointsHe is lucky enough to see the changes to Sunshine Town. adj + enough to do sth.e.g.扬州人真荣幸,将会看到奥运圣火经过扬州。The people of Yangzhou are_ the Olympic holy fire passing through Yangzhou.Step Three: Post-task Ask the students to say something about Daniels grandpa and Mr. Chen一、写出下列词的反义词like pos

24、sible correct formal comfortable order important lock necessary appear happy able regular 二、根据句子意思,用所给词的合适形式填入1) Chinese people are very _ to foreign friends. (friend)2) When he knew the bird died, he felt _. (happy)3) It is _ for us to have a walk in the morning or in the evening. Its goodfor our h

25、ealth.(necessary)4) Xiao Li is very _, sometimes he loses his books, sometimes he leaves his keys at home.(care)5) Do you think its _ to protect the wildlife in our world? (unimportant)6)It is _ to come to school late. (polite)7)You should keep _ in the library. (noisy)8)Its very _ in summer in Nanj

26、ing. (cold)Step FourHomework 8B Uint1 Grammar 1【教学目标】1.认识和了解现在完成时的构成和用法。2.了解现在分词的构成。【重点难点】现在完成时与大凡过去时的联系与区别。【教学过程】Step One: Pre-task T: Do you remember Eddie?S1: Yes.T: Millie is Eddies master. Eddie was born four years ago.Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born.How many years has he lived wi

27、th Eddie?S2: For four years.T: Yeah, Eddie has lived with Millie for four years.(板书)Step Two: While-task Task 1:Let the students know that the sentences on the board all include the present perfect tense.Tell the students: We use the simple past tense to talk about what happened at a definite time i

28、n the past, like “Eddie was born four years ago”.We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that started in the past and still have some connection with the present, like Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born. Eddie has lived with Millie for four years.Task 2:We make positive and

29、negative sentences using the present perfect tense like this.subject have/ has+ (not)past participle I/You/We/They have (not)moved.He/She/It has (not)moved.We form the present perfect tense by adding have or “has” before a past participle.e.g. have/has + seen/ done/ sung/, etc.Task 3:Tell the studen

30、t how to write the past participle of verbs.1) We add-edto regular verbs.(板书SeePage13)2) We form the irregular verbs differently. We do not add -ed. Ask the students to look at the table of irregular verbs on Page 121. Ask the students to remember the past participle of irregular verbs.Task4 (A1):He

31、re is a short exercise for students to finish. Ask the students to complete the table with the correct past participle on page 10. And then work out the rule.Task 5 (A2):After the short exercise, ask the students to complete the sentences using the present perfect. Help them to complete. Ask them not to forget the verb have/ has. Present the Present perfect tense briefly.Subjec

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