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1、100个英语对话翻译值得收藏SAMPLES1、光阴似箭A:我三年前开始读夜校。B:有那么久了吗?A::是的,但感觉不到那么长时间。B:当你忙碌的时候时间过得飞快,是吗?A:确实如此。A:I have been studied in night school for 3 years。B:Has it been so long a time?A:Yes. And it feels like yesterday.B:Time pasts so fast when you are in busy, dosent it?A:Yes, absolutely. 2、在家学习A:他在哪里学习?B:他在家学习。

2、A:他一个人学习吗?B:不,他和他兄弟一起学习.A:他们一起学习多少时间?B::每晚学两小时,一周五个晚上。A:Where does he study?B:He studies at home.A:Does he study alone?B:No, he studies with his brother。A:How long do they study together?B:2 hours a night and 5 nights a week.3、你的职业A:你的职业是什么?B:我是个医生。A:你的兄弟和你是同行吗?B:他曾经是个医生,但现在已经退休了。A:你兄弟行医多久了?B::三十多年吧

3、.A:Whats your job?B:Im a doctor。A:Does your brother the same job as you?B:He was a doctor, but he has been retired.A:How long has your brother been a doctor?B:Thirty years or so.4、借来的书A:这是我向你借的书.B:这不是我的书.A::如果这不是你的书,那一定是你兄弟的。B:你想让我把书还给他吗?A:可以吗?谢谢!A:This is the book I borrowed from you.B:Its not my b

4、ook。A:If its not yours, it must be your brothers。B:Do you want me to give it back to him?A:Can you? Thanks! 5、新的工作A:你今天开始新的工作吗?B:是的。A:你对新工作的感觉怎样?B:工作量很大,但是非常有趣。A:你的上司怎样?B:他和蔼且富有耐心。A:Do you start a new job today?B:Yes.A:How do you feel about it?B:It has a large workload, but it is fun。A:How about you

5、r superior?B:He is a kind and patient man。6、新的房子A:你将要搬新家了吗?B:我们两天前就搬好了。A::你签租约了吗?B:签了,三天前就签了。A:对新家感觉怎样?B::不错,我想我们住在这会非常的舒适。A:Are you going to move to a new house?B:we moved there two years ago.A:Did you sign the lease?B:Yes。 I did it 3 days ago.A:How do you feel about your new house?B:Fine。 I think

6、well be comfotable there. 7、电话A:请David Jones接电话好吗?B:他在另一间办公室工作。A::能麻烦你把它的号码给我吗?B:如果你需要,我可以帮你接通。A:好的,谢谢!B:不用谢.A:May I speak to David Jones?B:He is in another office.A:Can you give me his number?B:If you like, I can connect him。A:Ok, Thanks。B: You are welcome。8、停车A:请你在这等一下,我去停车。B:好的.A:等一下,你还是先过去买票吧。B:

7、好的,我在剧院门口等你。A:我可能要花点时间,在这地段没有空车位。A: Please hold on, Ill go to park the car。B:Ok.A:Wait, youd better go to buy the tickets first。B:Ok, Ill wait for you at the door of the theater。A:It may takes some time, Theres no vacant parking place here。9、预定A:我们的晚餐订在几点?B:八点。A:现在只有七点半。B:我们在酒吧里先点点喝的?A:好主意,走吧。A:When

8、s our dinner?B:Eight oclock.A:Its half past 7 oclock.B:How about some drink first?A:Goog idea, Lets go.STUDY10、约翰教授A:你认识约翰教授吗?B:认识,他曾经是我的老师。A:这学期我选了他语言学的课程。B:你最好学习努力些。A:为什么?B:因为约翰教授是个打分严格的人。A:Do you know professor Jone?B:Yes, He was my teacher.A:This semester I choose his language course.B:Youd bett

9、er work hard。A:Why?B:Because Professor Tone is strict on scores.11、英语作为爱好A:你在闲暇时间喜欢做什么?B:学习英语.A:你说喜欢学习英语?为什么呢?B:他令我感到很大的满足感。A:学习英语并没让我感到乐趣。这是一项艰难的事情B::我并不这样觉得,我觉得非常值得。A:What do you like to do in your spare time?B:Learn English。A:Why do you say you like to learn English?B:Because I get a lot of satis

10、faction from this.A:I dont feel any fun learning English. Its a hard thing。B:I dont think so。 Its worth it.13、拼写问题A:你能读一下这个吗?B:这是什么?A::是学校布置得一篇作文。里面有什么问题吗?B:你的作文写得很好,但有些单词拼写不正确.A:哦,真的吗?我应该查一下字典。B::是的,因为你单词的错误都是拼写错误。13 Something about spellA:Can you read this?B:Whats this?A:Its a composition from sch

11、ool。 Is there something wrong?B:You works well in your composition, But thereare some mistakes in your spelling。A:Oh, really? I should look up in the dictionary。B:Yes, Because all your mistakes that you made in the vocabulary are about the wrong spelling.14、做作业A:我想今天晚上我要呆在家里了.B:真的?为什么?A::我要做些作业。我有样英

12、语作业要完成。B:是什么?要多久?A:我需要写篇作文,我不知道要写多久.B::好的,快写吧,如果你在七点前完成,我们可以一起去看电影.14 Doing homeworkA:I think I need to study at home tonight.B:Really? Why?A:I need to do some homework, Something about English。B:Whats it? How long do you need to finish it?A:I need to write a composition, and I do not know how long

13、it will take。B:Ok, Take your time。 If you can finish it before 7 oclock, we can go to watch the movie together.15、教育背景A:你在做英语老师前是什么职业?B:我在新加坡大学教育学院学习.A::你的专业是什么?B:我的专业是英语和教育。A:你的英语水平非常好,你学了很久吗?B:大约十二年,我从初中起开始学习英语。15 Education backgroundA:Whats your job before you becomes a teacher?B:I Studied in the

14、 education institute of Singapore university。A:Whats your major?B:My major is English and education。A:Your English is pretty good, Have you learned it for a long time?B:I have been learned it for 12 years, and it starts from junior school. 16、休息A:我太累了,无法集中思想了B:你今天晚上为何学习那么努力?A:我明天英语测验,我很担心。B:为什么不休息一下

15、呢?A:我还有很多要学习。B::我知道了,不过如果你能先休息一下,你将能更集中注意力.16 RestA:Im too tired, and I cant concentrate。B:Why do you study so hard tonight?A:I have a English test tomorrow, And Im a little worried about it.B:how about a rest?A:I still have a lot to learn about.B:Yes, But if you have a rest for a while, you can foc

16、us on your mind better。17、期末考试A:你今天参加英语的期末考试吗?B:是的,我们做了测试,批改了试卷,随后老师公布了我们的成绩.A::你做得怎样?B:非常好,我不太肯定,但我有可能会获得奖学金。A:真的?哪所学校的奖学金?B:哦,我不太清楚,但看上去我有机会获得.A:祝你好运,一有消息就告诉我。17 Final examA:Do you take your final exam of English today?B:Yes, We did the test, and the teacher correct tha papers,then the teacher pub

17、lish the result。A:How about your job?B:Very good, but Im not very sure, I think I have the possibility to get the scholship。A:Really? Which school? B:Im not sure, But it seems that I have the chance.A:Good luck, Call me when you have the news.18、背景音乐A:你听广播学习吗?B:不,我听录音。A::有什么区别吗?B:广播中的广告太多了。A:对的,但你必须

18、停下来更换录音内容。B:这就是我存钱买磁带播放机的原因。A:这是个好主意,一般磁带比录音放的时间长.B:对的,而且没有干扰.A:Do you listen to the broadcast to study?B:No, I listen to the recorder。A:Is there any difference between them?B:Theres too much advertisement in the broadcast。A:Yes, you are right。 But you have to stop to change the content when you lis

19、ten to the recorder.B:This is why I save money to buy a tape recoder.A:Its a good idea, and tape can doing loner than recording in usual.B:Yes, It do not have interference as well。19、演讲提纲A:明天我要在班级里演讲。B:我讨厌在听众前演讲。A::我也是,我还没有写完我的演讲稿.B:你要提前完成演讲稿,不要企图在台上临时抱佛脚。A:哦,我不会的,我担心在观众前没话说。B::你准备写下每一个字还是只写提纲?A:只写提

20、纲.19 The outline of the speechA:Ill give a speech in my class tomorrow。B:I hate to lectured in front of the listeners.A:Me too, I havent finished my speech draft.B:You should finished your speech draft ahead of time, do not seek the help at the last moment.A:Oh, I wouldt do that, Im worried I cant d

21、oing my speech when I face with audience。B:Which kind of your prepresition,word by word or just the outline?A:Im only write outline。20、当地人A:你在看什么?B:一本法语书。A::你能读懂法语?B:不,我只是在看图片。A:嘿!听着,站在那的人会说法语B:是的A:他说得很好,他是法国人吗?B:不是,他的词汇量有限,但他的语音语调很好听.A:但是他好像在和那位女士说话。B:他在练习发音,她是他的法语老师.A:What do you watch?B:A french

22、book.A:Do you know french?B:No, I just look at the pictures.A:Hey, listen, that man can speak Franch。B:Yes。A:He is doing well, Is he a French?B:No, he is limited in his vocabulary,but his pronunciation sounds good。A:It seems that he is talking to the lady。B:He is doing execise of pronunciation, she

23、is his French teacher. WORK21、留下印象A:我担心我没有给老板留下好印象。B:这真难以置信,何以见得?A::除了我,参加会议的每一个人都西装革履。B:我也犯过这种错,这给你留下不舒服的感觉。A:是这样的,当时我感到非常不自在.B:如果我是你的话我不会往心里去,我相信老板会理解的。A:Im afried I dont leave my boss a good impression。B:Its incrediable, why do you say so?A:Because everyman attended the meeting is in Western dres

24、s and leather shoes except me.B:I made this mistake also, it would give you an uncomfortable feeling,A:Yes, it is。 Im feeling bad at that time.B:I wouldt upset if I were you, I think your boss will understand you.22、书面报告A:你的书面报告写完了吗?B:写完了,我昨天晚上写完的.A:他现在在哪里?B:我把它放在老板的桌子上了.A:好极了,我知道老板今天需要这份报告。B:这就是我为何

25、通宵写完报告的原因。A:Have you finished your written report?B:Yes, I finished it last night.A:Where is it?B:I left it on the table of the boss。A:Great, I know the boss need this report today。B:Thats why I plodded away all night at my report to get it finished.23、解聘A:Bill Duniels还在这里上班吗?B:不在了,他昨天被解雇了。A:太不幸了。B:

26、:是的,上个月他刚刚完婚.A:他怎么了?他为何被辞退呢?B:因为老板不得不裁员.A:Does Bill Duniels still work here?B:No, he doesnt。 He was fired yesterday。A:Its unfortunate for him。B:Yes, he got married last night.A:What happened to him? Why did him be dismissed?B:Because the boss had to reduce the stuff。24、失业A:我觉得这里工作很不景气。B:是的,我听说这家工厂最近

27、在裁员.A:Bill正在找新的工作,他说工作很难找。B::所以,他没钱花了吗?A:不是,他说他还能维持两周的开销。B:如果他找不到工作,怎么办呢?A:我不知道,我想他最好在两周内找到工作。A:I think the job here is uncertainty of the situationB:Yes I heard that the factory is reducing the stuff recently.A:Bill is looking for a new job, He said its hard to find a new one。B:So did he run out of

28、 his money?A:No, he said he can support himself for about 2 weeks.B:What will he do if he cant find a job?A:I dont know, but I think hed better find a job within two weeks。 25、退休A:我猜Sam Frederickson最终要准备退休了。B:他在这家公司工作了多久了?A:我也说不准,但肯定超过二十年了。B:他接下来打算做什么呢?A:我不清楚,他已经65岁了,但看上去只有40岁。B:嗯,也许他能在某家小公司里找到一份兼职。

29、A:I guess that Sam Frederickson would prepared to retire.B:How long has he been in this company?A:Im not sure, but it must be over 20 years.B:What would he do after his retirement?A:I dont know, he is 65 years old, but he looks like a man of forty.B:Yes, Maybe he can find a parttime job in some smal

30、l companies. 26、夜间工作A:我很久没看到你了,你最近在忙什么?B:我晚上和白天一样在上班。A:你为什么要打两份工?B::我妻子住医院了.A:对不起,我不知情,她好吗?B:她正在恢复,但医药费要付很大一笔钱。A:I havent seen you for a long time, what are you doing recently?B:I have to work in the evening as well as in the day.A:Why do you want to two jobs?B:my wife is in the hospital。A:sorry,i dont know that,is she all right?B:she is recovering ,but need a big amount of medical expenses27、加班费A:这些天你为什么这么晚回家?B:那公室里有很多额外的工作。A:你一天工作几小时?B::大约十小时。A:你领到加班费吗?B:没有,但老板说这项工作很重要.A:即使很重要,老板也应该付你们额外的加班费。B:事实上,我加班没有加班费,但

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