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1、unit4Donx27teatinclass全套导学案学科:英语课题教学目标重点难点教学手段 教学 程序设置提纲引导预习Unit 4 Don t eat in classUnit4 periodl 周Section A 1a1c 次总课时数导学案主备人:授课时间课型 New知识与技能:1、初步掌握第19页的生词和句型;2、 初步了解祈使句;3、 谈论校规;4、 复习must的用法。过程与方法:任务教学法 听说法情感态度价值观:没有规矩,不成方圆 掌握单词及句型;了解祈使句多媒体录音机教学内容个性设计I、通过预习了解本课的单词,短语及句型1.根据音标拼读单词并牢记;2.自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑

2、。II、翻译官1. school rules 2. arrive latefor class3.(be) on time 4. in thehallways5.在餐厅 6. 听音乐教师寄语:No rules, no standards 没有规矩,不成方圆自主探究,请带着下面的这个问题读教材1初识祈使句,祈使句怎样变成否定祈使句?2fight 可用作名词吗?同学们听说美国是个自由民主的社会,更 是法律健全的社会。但美国学生有严格的校 规。.你知道吗!激趣那随我走进Un it4 去看看吧! 生疑明确目标知识与技能:1、初步掌握第19页的生词和句 型;2、初步了解祈使句;3、 谈论校规;4.复习mu

3、st的用法。过程与方法:任务教学法 听说法情感态度价值观:没有规矩,不成方圆。展示交流精讲释疑【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Stepl Revisio nHow do you get to school?How far is it from your home to school?How long does it take to get to school? Can you arrive late for school?Step2 Prese ntati on(1)Learn the new words and phrases using some pictures.(2)Prese nt key

4、 senten ces with these pictures.Don t arrive late for class.We must be on time.Don t run in the hallways.Don t eat in the classroom. Don t liste n to music inclass.Do n t fight.(3)Finish 1a, and the n check the an swers. Step3 Liste ningListe n and finish 1b. Check the an swers. Step4 Pair workTalk

5、about the rules in 1a.II、合作交流 初识祈使句祈使句表示命令、请求、劝告、征求对方 意见等,一般省略主语(you)。1肯定祈使句一般以动词原形开头:Run in the hallways.2祈使句的否定形式一般在动词原形前加 : run in the hallways.(别忘了,以let开头的句子也是祈使句 的一种结构哦!)Fight的用法动词:打架,争吵 名词:打架,打仗盘点 收获 总结 提升【学习体会】成功&收获: 失败&不足:精挑细选巧设 练习 达标 检测( )1. If you arrive late class, you must say to your te

6、acher.A. for, tha nks B. for, sorry C. to, sorry( )2. Can you sing in the classroom?A. Yes, you can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, we can.( )3. Don t arrive late. You must be time.A. to B. on C. at( )4. Please listen the teacher carefully (认真地).A. to B. on C. at( )5. Don t TV after class.A. watch B. watches

7、 C. watch ing【快乐链接】 |美国亚利桑那州莫哈维稀奇古怪的规定美国亚利桑那州莫哈维法律规定:偷肥皂者,罚其用所偷的肥皂洗澡,直到将肥皂用完。 有一个偷走商店一箱肥皂的小偷,结果被关在浴室里整整洗了一个星期。作业 布置Copy the new words. Talk about the class rules .Un it4 Don t eat in the class arrive late for class.板书 设计be on time.Eat in di ning room教学 反思教师导学案学科: 英语 主备人:课题Unit4 period2 周 总课Sectio nA

8、 2a 2d 次 时数授课 课型 New时间教 学 目 标知识与技能:1学习掌握本节课的生词和短语;2、巩固祈使句的用法;3、 学习情态动词can表示许可的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及 肯定、否定回答。4、 提高学生的听说能力。过程与方法:任务教学法 听说法情感态度价值观:没有规矩,不成方圆。重点难点掌握单词及句型; 情态动词can的用法教学 手段多媒体,录音机教学 程序教学内容个性设计I、预习交流1.根据音标拼读单词并牢记;* 教师寄语:No rules, no sta ndards.没有规矩,不成方圆。设置提纲引导 预习2.自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。II、翻译官1. eat outsid

9、e 2. wear a hat3. a lot of 4. be late for class5.不得不 6.穿校服7.保扌寸安静自主探究,请带着下面的这个问题读教材1.But可用作介词吗?2 .Have to是何意思?后接动词的什么形式?激趣 生疑俗话说:没有规矩,不成方圆.每个班级 也都有自己的规章制度.这节课我们来看看 Alan,Cindy的班规吧.知识与技能:1、学习掌握本节课的生词和短语;2、巩固祈使句的用法;明确 目标3、学习情态动词can表示许可 的肯定句、否定句、一般疑冋句 及肯定、否定回答。4、提高学生的听说能力。过程与方法:任务教学法 听说法情感态度价值观:没有规矩,不成方

10、圆。展示 交流【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Stepl Revisio nReview the school rules at P19.Step2 Prese ntati onPrese nt key senten ces in this period.This is a great school, but there are a lot of rules.Can we bring music players to school?And we always have to wear the school uniform.And we also have to be quiet in the lib

11、rary.Step3 Liste ningListe n and finish 2a and 2b.Check the activities Alan and Cindytalkabout.Can Ala n and Cindy do these activities ? Circle can or can tabove . Check the an swers.精讲 释疑Step4 Pair workTalk about the rules in 2a.Step5 Role-playRole-play the conv ersatio n in 2d.II、合作交流Group work:1分

12、析总结情态动词can的用法,并练 习造句。2.But可用作介词吗?3 .Have to是何意思?后接动词的什么 形式?盘点 收获 总结 提升【学习体会】成功&收获:失败&不足:巧设【自主检测】:练习I、精挑细选达标( )1. What are the school rules?检测Weliste n to music in class.(A.don t )2. Don tB. can t class.C.aren tA. be lateB. late late for()3. There arerules in our school.A. a lots ofB. a lot o

13、fC.lot ofII、你来我往 选择相应的短语补全对话A: We have a lot of rules in our school.B: 1 A: Don t eat in the classroom. Donin the classroom. 2 B: 3A: We can eat in the dining hall,but we can t eat in the classroomB:Can we wear hats in school?A:4B:5A:No, we don t have to.B:Oh, there are too many rules.t run in the h

14、allways. DonA.No, we can t.B.Do we have to wear uni forms?C.Can we eat in school?D.Don t arrive late for school.E.What are the rules?t liste作业布置Copy the new words. Act out the diologe .板书设计Un it4 Don t eat in the classWe must be on time .We have to be quiet in the library .We canteat outside .教学反思教师

15、导学案知识与技能:1、总结归纳Section A部分语法重点;过程与方法: 任务教学法归纳法情感态度价值观:没有规矩,不成方圆。I、预习交流: * 教师寄语:No rules, no standards.1 .根据Grammar Focus,归纳Section A 没有规矩,不成方圆。设置提纲部分语法重点;同时思考以下问题:1)祈使句的否定句怎样构成?肯定句呢? 一般在什么情况下会用祈使句?2)情态动词在用法上有什么共同点?3)can在本单元主要表示什么含义?它还可表达什么意思?4)引导预习have to在句法上与其他情态动词有何区别?2.勾画出重点和疑惑。II、翻译官 on time

16、 for class 2.i n class 3.wear a un iform 4.梦想的学校 5.不必 III、完成第21页3a,3bo、 同学们,经过语法学习,你认为你掌握激趣 的如何?这节课,我们一起来归纳总结一下 生疑 吧!明确目标展示交流知识与技能:1总结归纳Section A部分语法重点;2、并将所学知识学以致用。过程与方法: 任务教学法归纳法情感态度价值观:没有规矩,不成方圆。【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Stepl ReviewReview the new words in Sectio n A.Step2 Prese ntati on1.Read the senten ces

17、in Grammar Focusand try to remember them by heart.2.根据 Grammar Focus,归纳 Section A部分语法重点;同时思考以下问题: 1.祈使句的否定句怎样构成?肯定句 呢? 一般在什么情况下会用祈使句?2情态动词在用法上有什么共同点?3can在本单元主要表示什么含义?它 还可表达什么意思?4have to在句法上与其他情态动词有 何别?Step3 Practice(1) Check the an swers in 3a. Read the senten ces. Check the an swers in 3b. Read the

18、 senten ces.Step4 Con solidatio nMake up five cool rules for a dream school.Vote for the Coolest School.川、合作交流1.精讲释疑2.我能总结情态动词have to的用法:我能总结所学的校规:巧设 练习 达标 检测IIA.No, we can t.B.No, he doesn t.C.That sounds good.D.Sorry, Mr. Gree n.【自主检测】:I、精挑细选( )1.1 have to the room every morning.A. clea n B. clea

19、ns C. clea ning( )2. Does she have to go to bed at 9:00?Yes, she .A. has B. have C. does( )3. Don t listen music in the classroom hallways.A. to; and B. to; or C. at; or( )4. She lost her bike. She walk to school.A. have to B. has to C. has( )5. We to wear the school uniform every day.A. not have B.

20、 have not C. don t haveII、你来我往:将下列句子搭配成对I( )1. Don t be late for class next time,Hele n.( )2. What are some of the rules?( )3. Can we listen to music in theclassroom?( )4. Let s have some bananas!( )5. Does he have to go now?【快乐链接】E. Well, we have to wear theLet s cha nt t(ogethe rDont, dont, dont,

21、donDont, dont, dont, donDont, dont, dont, donDont, dont, dont, donschool uni form. clfeeat int wear a hat;t be late for school;t run in the hallway作业 布置1完成练习册.2练习重点句子对话.板书 设计Sectio n ADont be late for class n ext time.Can we listen to music in the classroom?Yes,l can . No,lca nt.教学 反思教师导学案课题教学目标周 次总

22、课 时数授课 时间课型NewUnit4 period4 Sectio n B1a 1d知识与技能:1、学习谈论家规。2、 掌握句型:“ I must ” ,“ I have to ”3、 能听懂有关谈论规则的对话并进行自由交际。“I can /ca n重点难点教学 手段 教学 程序过程与方法:任务教学法 听说法情感态度价值观:习惯成自然。听力训练;谈论家规多媒体,录音机教学内容个性设计设置提纲引导预习【体验学习】:I、 预习交流1.根据音标拼读单词并牢记;2.自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。II、 翻译官1.go out 2.practice the guitar the dishes

23、 his mom make breakfast_5.on school ni ghts 6.every Saturday 7.放学以后 8.在晚上 * 教师寄语: Habit is a secondnature.习惯成自然。激趣生疑家有家规,国有国法.这节课我一起来谈 谈不同家庭的家规吧!明确目标知识与技能:1、学习谈论家规。2、 掌握句型:“I must”have to ” , “I can /ca n t ”3、 能听懂有关谈论规则的对话 并进行自由交际。过程与方法:任务教学法 情感态度价值观:习惯成自然。听说法展示交流精讲释疑【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Stepl Revisi

24、o nReview the words and key senten ces we ve learned in SectioA.Step2 Prese ntati on(1)Lear n the new phrases in 1b and 1c.(2)Prese nt the key senten ces and practice them using the pictures in 1a.(3)Finish 1a, the n check the an swers. Step3 Liste ning(1) Listen and finish 1b. Check theRulesCa ntmu

25、stwhe nan swers.(2) Listen again. Finish 1c. write when D ave has to follow the rules in the chart in 1b .Check the an swers.Step4 Pair workTalk about the rules in Dave sII、合作交流Group work:分析总结如何写规章制度 的句型,并练习造句。Notes:house.学习体会】盘点 成功&收获:收获失败&不足:总结提升【自主检测】:I、 精挑细选( )1. Gina ofte n helps her mother the

26、 dishes.A. do B. does C. doing( )2. you have to wear a hat today? No, we don t.A. Are B. Can C. Do( )3. We don t know Jack Bruce.巧设练习达标检测A. and B. or C. aboutII.译”展身手Linda is an America n girl. She is a good stude nt. Every morning she gets up at 6:00. She has breakfast at home. ( 1 ) Then she wears

27、 her uniform and goes to school. She studies hard every day. ( 2 她在餐厅吃中饭 when she is at school. After school, (3 )she does her homework first, and then she cleans the room and (4 )帮助她妈妈做晚饭 .Before she goes to bed, she usually reads some books. Then atk?10:00p.m. she goes to bed. ( 5 )She thinks she

28、is happy every day. What do you thin(1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) 【快乐链接】在常见的英文公共标识中,常用 “ No名词/动名词”短语来表示禁止的事情No food!禁止带食品!No photos!禁止拍照!No visitors!禁止游人!No en try!禁止入内!No talki ng!禁止交谈!No smok ing !禁止吸烟!No park ing!禁止停车!No spitting !禁止随地吐痰!作业 布置Talk about the rules in daves house .Pair work.板书设计Sectio n BI can go out on school ni ghts.I have to do my homework .I must clea n my room every day.教学 反思教师导学案课题Unit4 period5 周Sectio n B2a 2c 次总课时数授课时间

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