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1、管理学原理答案(CHAPTER 1 Innovation for turbulent time(1)TRUE/FALSE 1Management is often considered universal(通用的)because it uses organizational resources to accomplish goals and attain(达到)high performance in all types of profit and not-for-profit organizations. T2Leadership involves the use of influence t

2、o motivate(刺激)employees to achieve the organisations goals. T3Organising means defining(明确)goals for future organisational performance and deciding on the tasks and resources needed to attain them。 F4。 Efficiency refers to the degree to which the organisation achieves a stated(规定的)objective(目标). F5。

3、 The managers ability to think strategically(战略性的) requires high technical skills and a proficiency(精通)in specific tasks within an organisation。 F6。 First-line managers are the managers who have the responsibility for making the significant(重大的)strategic(战略上的)policy decisions, often with staff manag

4、ers assisting(帮助)them in these decisions. FMultiple Choice1。 The figurehead role involves: A. motivating and communicating with staff B. initiating(发起)change C. handling ceremonial(正式的)and symbolic activities D. developing information sources within the organisation E. staying well informed about cu

5、rrent affairs C2. How an organisation goes about accomplishing a plan is a key part of the management function of: A。 planning B。 organising C。 leading D. controlling E。 motivating B3. Which of the following is not a function of management? A。 control B。 plan C。 organise D. lead E. performance E4。 A

6、 social entity(本质)that is goal directed and deliberately(慎重地)structured is referred to as: A。 an organisation B. management C. employees D. students E. tasks A5。 Which of the following types of skills is the understanding of and proficiency in the performance of specific tasks? A. human skill B。 lea

7、dership skill C. technical skill D. conceptual(概念上的)skill E。 social skill C6。 The informational role, according to Mintzberg, is a(n) _ role? A. entrepreneur(企业家) B。 leader C。 figurehead(有名无实的领袖) D.celebratory E。 monitor EFILL IN THE BLANKS1。 Social forces are the aspects of a culture that guide and

8、 influence relationships among people。2。 Economic forces pertain(属于)to the availability, production, and distribution(分配) of resources in a society。3。 The learning organization can be defined as one in which everyone is engaged in identifying and solving problems, enabling the organisation to contin

9、uously experiment, change, and improve, thus increasing its capacity to grow, learn and achieve its purpose.4。 Empowerment(授权)means giving employees the power, freedom, knowledge and skills to make decisions and perform effectively.5. List three of the basic ideas of scientific man会议员agement.Trained

10、 workers in standard(标准的)methodDeveloped standard method for performing each jobSelected workers with appropriate abilities for each job 6。 Webers vision of organisations that would be managed on an impersonal, rational(合理的)basis is called a(n) bureaucratic(官僚的)7。 List the three assumptions(设想)assoc

11、iated with McGregors Theory X。People are lazy; People dislike responsibility; People lack ambitionCHAPTER 1 Innovation for turbulent time(2)TRUE/FALSE1. The learning organization is an attitude or philosophy(哲学)about what an organization can become。 T2. The essential idea in a learning organisation

12、is efficiency. F3。 As a manager, Lou prefers to think in terms of control over rather than control with others。 This is in agreement with the idea of a learning organisation。 F4。 Empowerment means giving employees the power, freedom, knowledge, and skills to make decisions and perform effectively。 T

13、5. Theory X and Theory Y, proposed by Douglas McGregor, provide two opposing(相反的) views of workers: Theory X recognises that workers enjoy achievement and responsibility, while Theory Y recognises(承认)that workers will avoid work whenever possible. FMULTIPLE CHOICE1。 _ forces refer to those aspects o

14、f a culture that guide and influence relationships among people。 A。 Legal B。 Economic C. Political D. Psychological E。 Social E2. Variables(变量)such as interest rates, inflation(通货膨胀)and trade tariffs(关税)are all examples of _ forces。 A. technological B. political C. social D. socioeducational E. none

15、 of the above E3. Strategy has traditionally been the sole(唯一的)responsibility of: A. middle management B. project managers (项目经理)C。 company accountants D。 top managers D4. During the early twentieth century, the prevailing(普通的)management perspective(观点), which emphasised rationality(合理性)and a scient

16、ific approach, was the _ perspective. A. scientific B。 behavioural C. classical D。 quantitative E。 Pareto C5. The three subfields(子域)of the classical perspective include: A. bureaucratic organisation, quantitative management, and the human relations movementB. quantitative management, behavioural sc

17、ience, and administrative management C。 administrative management, bureaucratic organisation, and scientific management D. scientific management, quantitative management, and administrative management E. none of the above C6。 Bruce believes his employees are responsible and able to work without inte

18、nse direction and supervision(管理). He is a: A。 Theory X manager B. Theory Y manager C. Theory Z manager D。 contingency(偶然性)theory manager E。 classical manager BSHORT ANSWER1。 Briefly discuss the relationship between management skills and management skills summarize in three catego

19、ries:conceptual skills , human skills and technical skills。management level contains :top managers ,middle managers ,firstline managers and managers need conceptual skills,nonmanagers need technical skills,human skills is important to all management level(管理技能有三种:概念技能、人际技能、技术技能。概念技能包

20、括:高层管理者、中层管理者、一线管理者和非管理者。高层管理者需要概念技能。非管理者需要技术技能。人际技能对于管理水平来说很重要。)2. What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness? Which is more important for performance?2。效率和效益向来都是企业追求的目标,二者既有联系又有区别。效益是指做正确的事情,效率则是做事情运用正确的方法。效益比效率更重要,因为无论效率再高,只要所做的事情不对,其结果就会是无益的劳动,而所付出的一切努力不过是一种浪费。追求效益必须考虑效率,考虑效益实现的

21、速度问题.CHAPTER 2 The environment and corporate cultureTRUE OR FALSE1、The study of management traditionally has focused on factors external to the organisations. F2、The general environment and the task environment are the two layers of an organisations external environment。 T3、Customers and competitors

22、 are two important sectors of the economic dimension(次元)of a firms general environment. F4. Other organisations in the same industry or type of business that provide goods or services to the same set of customers are referred to as suppliers. F5。 The internal environment within which managers work i

23、ncludes corporate(公司的) culture, sociocultural aspects and customers. FCHOICE1. Which of these is a part of an organisations internal environment? A. its customers B。 its salespeople C。 its wage structure D. its suppliers E. its competitors B2. The _ environment represents(表现)the outer layer of the e

24、nvironment and affects organisations _。 A. task; indirectly B. general; directly C. internal; directly D. internal; indirectly (间接地)E. general; indirectly E3. Which of these is NOT a part of an organisations general environment? A。 technological B。 economic C。 competitors D. legal-political E。 socio

25、cultural C4。 An organisations task environment includes all of the following EXCEPT: A. competitors B。 customers C。 labour markets D。 employers E. suppliers D 5。 Which of these are included in an organisations task environment? A。 suppliers B. accounting procedures (手续)C. technology D。 government E.

26、 demographic(人口统计学的)characteristics A6。 Which of the following consists of demographic factors, such as population density? A。 technological environment B。 sociocultural environment C. legal-political environment D。 internal environment E. economic environment B7. The _ represents people in the envi

27、ronment who can be hired to work for the organisation。 A。 competitors B。 labour market C. suppliers D. customers E。 government B8. Which statement (叙述)below is correct? A。 When environment is dynamic(活跃的), uncertainty is low。 B. When the environment is unstable(动态的), uncertainty is low。 C. A dynamic

28、 environment has more uncertainty than a stable environment。 D. The stability(稳定性)of the environment does not determine the structure of the firm。E。 None of the above. C9. Research has found that a(n) _ structure works best when organisations experience uncertainty。 A. flexible (灵活的)B. mechanistic (

29、机械的)C。 intuitive (直觉的)D。 inorganic E. rigid (死板的) AFILL IN THE BLANKS1. The external organizational environment includes all elements(元素)existing outside the boundary(分界线)of the organisation that have the potential(可能性)to affect the organisation。2。 The general environment is the outer layer that is

30、widely dispersed and affects organisations indirectly.3。 The internal environment includes the sectors that conduct dayto-day transactions (交易)within the organisation。4。 The labor market represents people in the environment who can be hired to work for the organisation.SHORT ANSWER1。 Briefly describ

31、e the task environment and its four primary sectors。1。The task environment includes those sectors that have a direct working relationship with the organization。These include customers,competitor,supplier,and the labor market.Customers are the people and organizations in the environment who acquire goods and services from the organization.Competitor isother organizations in the same industry or type of business that provide goods or services to the

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