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1、译林版牛津高中英语模块四unit3整单元教案Unit 3 Tomorrow worldWelcome to the unitTeaching Aims:1. To make students know and discuss what people could do in the future and imagine what tomorrows world would be like.2. To practice students oral English.Teaching Important and Difficult Points:How to develop students spea

2、king ability by participating fully in the discussion.Describe a future worldTeaching Approaches:1. Visual-scene teaching method, tasked-based method as well as the approaches of discussion 2. Emphasis will be put on Ss ability of speaking, expressing and brainstorming.3. Introduce a rich variety of

3、 activities and approaches will be introduced to meet different needs of the Ss. 4. Make full use of the advantages of multimedia. Interaction Patterns: Teachers -class, individuals, pairsTeaching Aids: multimedia and a blackboard Procedures for teaching:Step 1 Greeting and Brainstorming 1. Show the

4、 posters to the Ss and ask them to discuss:Have you ever read any science fiction stories? Do you like them?1). What do you like most about science fiction stories, the characters, plot or the language used?2). Why are so many people interested in science fiction stories? Because they allow people t

5、o use their imagination and think about what life will be like in the future.Ok, lets make up the story together.2. Show some pictures of the ET film and watch the video.1). Ask students to make up the story. 2). Answer some questions. What do you like most about science fiction stories, the charact

6、ers, plot or the language used? Why are so many people interested in science fiction stories? 3. Show some pictures of Kid 3000 and ask them to think about what life will be like in 3000 with the help of the pictures.Step 2 Welcome to the unit1. Description: Ask students to form pairs to describe th

7、e pictures 2. Discussion: Ask students to discuss the pictures and do the exercisesPicture 11) What is the robot doing?2) Do you think robots can do everything for humans? Why or why not?3) Do you think you will have a robot at home in the future?Picture 2 1) Where are the passengers going?2) Do you

8、 believe that one day travelling to the Moon or planets, like Mars or Jupiter, would be just like travelling to another city? Why or why not? 3) If you had a chance, would you like to fly to the Moon or Mars?Picture 31) What are the people doing? And how old is the man?2) Do you think people can liv

9、e that long in the future? Why or why not?Picture 41) Can you tell where these people are working?2) Can you tell who these people are and what they are doing there?3) What problems are the aliens and the people probably talking about?4) What is the relationship between them?Step 3 Consolidation (Gr

10、oup work)Ask the students to discuss the questions.1) What developments in science and technology would you like to see happen in the future?2) Do you think the Moon could be a tourist destination in the future?3) Do you think robots will replace human beings in the future? What things do you think

11、robots cant do?Step 4 Homework1. Find more information about robots and science fiction.2. Preview Reading.Unit 3 Tomorrows worldReading Not just watching a filmTeaching Aims:1. To learn some information about how RealCine works, why it is better than ordinary cinema, and how it can be used in many

12、other ways.2. To teach students the basic characteristics of a business proposal.3. To enable students to master the reading strategy and become more competent in reading a business proposal.Teaching Important and Difficult Points:1. Make the students understand the reading material better.2. Master

13、 the vocabulary of virtual reality.3. Improve the students reading ability.4. Know the structure and language for a proposal.Teaching Approaches:1. Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will learn. 2. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.3. Reading in detai

14、l to get the detailed information of the text.4. Pair discussion and group discussion to get students to participate in the classroom activities.Interaction Patterns: Teachers -class, individuals, pairsTeaching Aids:The multimedia, a record and a blackboard.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-inShow the

15、 video of Avatar and ask students:Do you like this film? Can you imagine how you feel when you are actually in the film?Show some pictures of 3D films and tell them virtual reality could change the way we watch films.3D filmIt is a film people watch with a special pair of spectacles, which gives a t

16、hree-dimensional effect with images in the dimensions of width, height and depth.4D filmIt is a 3D film with an added environmental effect, such as water or wind in the cinema.Virtual reality could change the way we watch films.Step 2 SkimmingStudents are expected to skim the text and find out the a

17、nswers to the questions in part A. 1.What is the name of the product?2. How many of the users senses does this product connect with?3. What are the advantages of using RealCine for urban palnning?Step 3 ScanningStudents are asked to scan the text and answer the questions.1) What technology is behind

18、 this product?2) What do users wear so they feel that they are really in a new world?3) What did the teenager experience in RealCine? 4) Why do some people think that users will be disappointed by RealCine? 5) How could firefighters be trained with this new technology? 6) What might people use RealC

19、ine for?Step 4 Detailed-readingAsk students to find more information about RealCine by asking the question:How can RealCine excite the viewers four senses?They are asked to fill in the chart according to the proposalSenseThings neededEffects in RealCineSightHearingSmellTouchStep 5 ConsolidationAsk s

20、tudents to divide the passage into several parts and get the main idea of each part.Step 6 Reading strategyAsk students to read the strategy and fill in the blank.1. A business presentation is a plan or a suggestion that_.2. As a presentation is to be given to those making decisions, it has to be _.

21、3. A good presentation usually includes _.4. In order to make the presentation objective,_ is frequently used.Step 7 Discussion Part E on Page 45Answers: 1) presentation 2) users 3) disappointed 4) urban 5) confident 6) put forward 7) studio Unit 3 Tomorrows worldLanguage pointsTeaching Aims:Enable

22、the students to learn vocabularies and language points in the text.Teaching Important and Difficult Points:Help the students to use these language points properly.Teaching procedures & waysLanguage Points:1. The RealCine experience will amaze you, amaze vt. 失惊奇,使惊诧e.g. He amazed us by his knowledge

23、of Welsh history. 他对威尔士的历史知之甚多,让我们惊讶。She is amazed that people still risk travelling without insurance.对于人们仍然不上保险就冒险去旅行,她很惊愕。2. Not only will he or she feel every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma, but the user will also experience the cold, smells, sights and sounds of the surrounding environment;

24、he or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement upon reaching the top. not only but also 不但 而且1) not only A but also B B as well as A 2) not only提到句首,它所在分句用部分倒装。3) not onlybut also 连接并列主语时,谓语遵循“就近原则” 。e.g. Franklin was considered not only an inventor, but also a statesman. 富兰克

25、林不仅被看作发明家,而且被看作政治家。 = Franklin was considered a statesman as well as an inventor.Not only does television appeal to those who can read but also to those who cant.电视不仅吸引阅读的人,而且也吸引了不会阅读的人。 不但学生反对这个计划,老师也反对。Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan. Not only the teacher but also t

26、he students were against the plan. upon是介词,相当于on,意思是“当的时候,一就”。e.g. Upon/On his arrival in Paris, the famous star was warmly welcomed by his fans. 那位明星一到巴黎就受到影迷的热烈欢迎。Upon/On hearing of his parents death, he fainted. 一听到他父母去世的消息,他晕倒了。3. To add to the virtual world of RealCine, the headsets even have s

27、mall openings that give out smells to match the environment. add to 使增强,使增加,使扩大e.g. The news added to his anxiety. 这个消息增添了他的恐慌。Buying a new car will add to my debt. 买一辆新车会增加我的债务。也可以用作add to e.g. A few more names need to be added to the list because more people would like to join us. 还有一些名字要加进名单中,因为还

28、有些人想加入我们。4. In the world created by RealCine, he became the captain of the Brazilian football team and scored the winning goal in a World Cup final.winning adj. 制胜的,获胜的e.g. the leader of the winning party获胜党的领导人Liu Tao scored the winning goal.刘涛攻入制胜的一球。5. An argument has been put forward that some u

29、sers will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real. put forward 提出,建议e.g. They have put forward a new plan at the meeting. Many suggestions have been put forward, but no decision has been made disappointed by/at/about 对 感到失望e.g. Are you really disappointed about/at losing the game?

30、你真的对比赛输了感到失望吗? The old man was disappointed by his disappointing son. 那位老人对那个令他失望的儿子感到失望。注:disappointed 某人感到失望 disappointing 令人感到失望 6. For example, firefighters could use RealCine to train safety, without the risk of getting injured in a burning building. risk n. 危险,风险e.g. Smoking can increase the r

31、isk of developing heart disease. 吸烟会增加得心脏病的危险。risk 也可作动词, “使冒风险”,“冒的风险/危险”e.g. He risked his life when he tried to rescue the kid from the fire. 他冒着生命危险去救大火中的小孩。 It was a difficult decision but we decided to risk it. 这件事决心难下, 但我们决定冒险一试。injure vt. 伤害,损害e.g. Several policemen were injured in the clashes.几名警察在冲突中受伤。Dontletalittledisputeinjureagreatrelationship.别让小小的争执伤害到深厚的关系。难句解析1. Unlike a film, where a passive audience watches and hears what is happening

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