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1、牛津英语上海版高一下期第一课 牛津英语上海版高一下期第一课课文分析 A Trip to the Theatre部分小节 重点ReadingA.单词: conductor orchestra audience stage singer (关于戏院的单词)短语: an opera house, label withB.单词: title probably phantom 短语: on the next page, in the end句型: what happened to ?C.短语: the Paris Opera House, be cruel to sb, at first, save f

2、rom Be bornD.单词: horrible 短语: fall in love with, be shocked at, cry with joy, opera house, pull off At the end, take to safety, burst in, cant wait to do,句型: The audience seemed to really enjoy that museum. Our holiday has been cancelled because of the bad weather.E.单词: kidnap release wander moved 短

3、语: fell sorry for, let sb do, talk about, force sb to do sth. Change ones mind, GrammarA. 动名词做主语B. 动名词做宾语SkillA.单词: brief figure abbreviation symbol pianist短语: take notes, under the direction of Central Music ConservatoryB.单词: summarize promote短语: encourage sb to do sth at the start make sure stop f

4、rom Sum up come up with present sth to student choirsC.More ReadingA.单词: originally cellist unique preserve短语: lift into the air be used for doing sth an elevated road drown out Bring back to lifeB.句型: 1. Moving old buildings like the Shanghai Concert Hall can be very expensive. 2. He couldnt hear h

5、is mother calling because the music was so loud that it was impossible to hear her voice. 课文分析: The Phantom of the Opera【歌剧魅影】 成就:The Phantom of the Opera is a Broadway music drama compo sited by Andrew Lloyd Webber(安德鲁洛伊韦伯). Its original form was written by Gaston Leroux(加斯通勒鲁). It was first perfor

6、med in 1986, and then in 1988 it was awarded seven Tony Awards(托尼奖), one of the greatest musicals in history. Now there have been 16 different versions around the globe. could be seen as a work that reflects the charm of postmodernism. First of all, it successfully adapted the original novel: it not

7、 only kept the original style but also made it more suitable for stage performance so that promoted the watching enjoying. Secondly, the crafty “drama in the drama” set the audience wander between the reality and the transience(顷刻;稍纵即逝), especially the scene in which the actors ran after the phantom

8、 was absolutely fantastic. All through the opera echoed the voice of the phantom, on and down the stage, and from all directions, which made audience feel being there. Its really a great design!【故事情节】In a theatre lives a mysterious person, who is called the phantom. He is a musical genius and can co

9、ntrol the operation of the theatre. There is a dancing girl named Christine that he has loved for a long time. However, nobody has seen the phantom, even Christine. With the help of the angel of music in Christines mind, she can sing well since she was a little girl. One day, there comes a new inves

10、tor and a new owner of the theatre. Surprisingly, Christine finds that the new investor was her childhood-sweetheart, Raoul. And the phantom catches the chance to replace the original soprano(女高音) by Christine. Then, the story begins.【language points】:1. Read this short story adapted from the novel.

11、 = which is adapted fromAdapt: 1. 改编 Vt. This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original. 他们把哈利波特系列书改编成电影并且取得了巨大成功。 They adapted the Harry Potter series of books for the big screen and made a great success. 2. 使适应(新的环境、情况等)Vi. / Vt. adapt oneself/sth. to sth. / adapt to sth. When we

12、moved to France, the children adapted (themselves) very well to the adapted to (be used to ) 不知道新同学适应这里的氛围了吗? I wonder whether the new student has adapted (himself/herself) to the atmosphere here. I wonder whether the new student is adapted to the atmosphere here.2. On this lake was an isl

13、and. =An island was on this lake.= On this lake there was an island介词短语+(there) be/live/sit/stand+名词 树下站着一个中年人。Under the tree (there) stands a middle-aged man3. At birth he was so uglyHe was born ugly.He was born an ugly born + adj./n.参加特奥会的运动员都是天生残障。 Those/The athletes who participated in th

14、e Special Olympics were born handicapped. 4. wear a mask Wear a maskWear a beardWear long hairWear a ring/a necklace/a watch/Wear make-upWear a puzzled lookWear sb. out = tire sb. out = exhaust sb.(sb. be worn out / be tired out /be exhausted)All the soldiers were worn out after a whole days march.

15、5. force sb. to do sth. 幽灵有没有逼着Chirstine吻他? force Did the phantom force Christine to kiss him? makeDid the phantom make Christine kiss him? the force of gravity 地心引力2)武力(=violence)The phantom took Christine away by force.The police used force to solve the problem.3)军队 air force 空军 the police force 警

16、力peace-keeping force 维和部队 armed forces?4)效用 come into force / effect 生效5) 比较 strength / power/ force/ energy n. 1)力;力量 (f) 6. role1. 角色 _played the role of Harry Potter in the movie series.the leading / lead / main role 主角supporting role 配角2. 职能,作用,重要性 What is the role of a modern school? The role o

17、f the railway is less and less important, because we have many other ways of transportation. 3. play a role / part in sth/doing Reading aloud plays an important role / part in learning English. The monitor plays an active part/role in a class7. capture 1. catch The phantom captured Raoul and kept hi

18、m in the prison. It is said that the people who caused the 911 terrorist attack have been captured and sent to the USA. 2. fascinate 吸引 Do you know what aspect of Lady Gaga captured all the Grammy judges? 3. 用照片留存,抓拍 This picture was captured by the press at the Grammy awards.8. She was shocked at h

19、is be shocked atbe shocked to see/hear/learnLillian第一次听忐忑,就震惊于其奇异的风格。The first time Lillian listened to Tante, she was shocked at its strangestyle.I was shocked to hear the song Tante, and I was also shocked to see the singers dressing style.9. touch 1. v. 碰触他碰碰我的肩。He touched me on the shoulder.2. v

20、. move 感动 touched & touching adj.3. n. 联系 get in touch with 与. 取得联系keep in touch with 与保持联系be in touch with 与有联系lose touch with 和失去联系be out of touch with 与没有联系10. cry with joy be wild with joy(欣喜若狂,乐坏了!)burst with joy(心花怒放)jump with joy, dance with joy 11. release 1. set free, free The released pris

21、oner walked out of the prison, looking up into the sky The prisoner who had been released walked out of the prison, looking up into the sky. 2. 发行 (音像制品等) Avril is going to release another album this year. I think her newly-released album will be another success.12. They burst in, ready to kill him.

22、 They burst into the phantoms home, ready to kill him. burst in, burst into +n.break in, break into + n.各段落短语总结: be adapted from 由改编 adapt to/ adapt oneself to 使适应 beneath the building 在这栋楼下 make him wear a mask 让他戴上面具 force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 spend years wandering the earth 花了多年游荡在尘世间 a wonderful

23、 voice 美妙的声音 fall in love with sb 爱上某人 play an important role in sth 在某事物上扮演重要角色 wear a smile 面带笑容 wear jewellery/diamond 戴上首饰/珠宝 hide behind 藏在之后 be afraid of doing sth害怕,担心 help sb do sth 帮助某人做 kidnap sb from some place 把某人从某地绑架走 in front of the whole audience 在所有的观众面前 take sb down to some place 把

24、某人带到某地 take sb to safety 把带到安全处 take sth down 记下;取下来 keep sth secret from sb 向某人隐瞒某事 keep a secret 隐瞒一个秘密 brave enough to do sth 足够勇敢去做某事 try to do 试图作某事/ manage to do 试着做成某事 rescue sb from some place 从某地营救某人 capture an animal 抓住一个动物 capture ones attention/ imagination 吸引某人注意力 pull off 脱下,扯下,撕下/ (指汽

25、车,轮船等)开走/ 努力实现, 赢得 pull on 穿, 戴, 继续拉 pull out 拔出, 离开, 度过难关, 恢复健康 be shocked at 对感到震惊 cry with joy 高兴得哭了/ jump with joy 高兴得跳起来 feel sorry for 怜悯,同情 suffer from 受之苦,患 uffer heavy losses 蒙受巨大损失 talk of his suffering 讲述他的苦难 release a prisoner 释放犯人 release a debut 发行专辑 burst in 闯入 burst into song/ tears/

26、 laughter 突然闲唱歌/流泪/笑 burst out laughing/ crying 突然笑/哭 by now 到如今(文中指那时) ready to do sth 准备好做某事 at that moment 在那時 teach sb how to do sth 教某人如何做某事More reading : The concert hall which moved 上海音乐厅 2. 被举到空中 3. 防止遭到毁坏 4. 被用来放映电影 5. 世界顶级音乐家 6. 面临困难 7. 需要修缮 8. 远离高架路的新址 9. 压过,盖过 10. 得到彻底复原 11. 城市指南 12. 重新焕

27、发魅力 13. 在八天的时间里 14. 最初的(地) 15.过去常常 16.习惯于 17. 钢琴师/ 大/小提琴家/建筑设计师 18.很多机械 19. 溺水的人 20. 淹死的人 21.可坐,容纳1000名观众 the Shanghai Concert Hall 2. be lifted into the air 3. be kept from destruction/ being destroyed 4. be used for showing films/ to show 5. worlds top musicians 6. face difficulties/ be faced with

28、 7. need repair/ repairing /to be repaired 8. a new location away from the elevated road 9. drown out 10. be completely restored 11. a city guide 12. the charm is brought back to life 13. over an eight- day period 14. original(ly) 15.used to do 16. be/ get used to doing 17. pianist/cellist/ violinis

29、t/architect 18. much machinery/ many machines 19.a drowning man 20. a drowned man 21. can seat an audience of 1000【课后针对性练习】:一_ _ (出生时), the Phantom was so ugly that his mother made him _ _ _ (带面具). He _ _ _ (对一见钟情) with Christine, a beautiful young singer at the Opera, but he _ _ _ (害怕) letting her

30、see his face. However, the Phantom wanted Christine _ _ (为他自己所有). 二1. We looked down from the plane at the fields spread out b_.2. Her absence c_ my attention.3. The film will be r_ to all the theatres next week.4. A group of people b_ into the Phantoms house, ready to kill him.5. The Shanghai Concert Hall was completely r_ after its being moved三1. The beggar has no place to go and spends all days _ in the street. (wander)2. Our printing workshop was _ very small. (original)3. The firefight

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