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1、Santa Clauss trip to the world,Watch a video,Santas Trip to Changping,From:望牛墩中学 By:Miss Xia,一般过去时The simple past tense,Hello!Merry Christmas!,I bring some gifts to you!,I divide you into four groups.,Lets see which group can do better.,The winners can choose a gift first!,Remember the story in the

2、video?,1.How many cities did Santa travel to?,He _ to _ cities.,2.How did he go there?,He _ there by _.,3.What did he do in those cities?,He _ Christmas presents to some sick children.,What did Santa Claus do last year?,traveled,six,went,plane,sent/gave,What did Santa do last week in China?,He _ a C

3、hristmas tree and some presents.,bought, B.bought,2.He _ some Christmas cards to his friends.,sent,A.sent B.send,3.He _ a big dinner with children.,had,A.have B.had,4.They _ at the Christmas party.,sang and danced,A.sang and danced B.sing and dance,What did Santa do last week in China?,Answer m

4、y questions about your last Christmas,1.Did you receive a Christmas present last year?,2.When did you receive the present?,3.Was there a card in your presents?,4.Did you have a Christmas dinner?,5.What did you eat?,Yes,I did.,/,No,I didnt.,I received it on Christmas Eve.,Yes,there was.,/,No,there wa

5、snt.,Yes,I did.,/,No,I didnt.,I ate some turkey and some figgy pudding.,Yes,I did.,/,No,I didnt.,/,1.Did you receive a Christmas present last year?,2.When did you receive the present?,3.Could you sing Christmas songs?,4.Did you have a Christmas dinner?,5.What did you eat?,Yes,I did.,/,No,I didnt.,I

6、received it on Christmas Eve.,Yes,I could.,/,No,I couldnt.,Yes,I did.,/,No,I didnt.,I ate some turkey.,What tense(什么时态)is used in the sentences?,1.Did you receive a Christmas present last year?,3.Could you sing Christmas songs?,一般过去时,the simple past tense,The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构,主语+_,肯定句:,动词的过

7、去式,ate,eat,ate,The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构,couldnt,cant,ate,否定句,情态动词后+_,not,The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构,wasnt,isnt,ate,否定句,be动词后(was/were)+_,not,The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构,didnt,dont,否定句,didnt后+_,动词原形,The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构,Could,Can,ate,一般疑问句,情态+,The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构,Was,Is,a

8、te,一般疑问句,Be动词Was/Were,+,The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构,Did,Do,一般疑问句,_+主语+动词原形,Did,1.Jim worked in Japan last year.,Jim,didnt,work in Japan,last year.,ed,2.They were asleep 2 hours ago.,They,werent,asleep 2 hours ago.,1.They were in the zoo yesterday.,Were,they,in the zoo yesterday,?,2.Lily went shopp

9、ing just now.,Did,Lily,go,shopping just now,?,什么时候用一般过去时,由一般过去时态的时间状语决定,一般过去时常接时间状语,为yesterday或由其构成的短语。如yesterday morning由“last+时间”构成的短语。如last year由“时间段+ago”构成的短语。two years agoat the age of以及一些表示过去时态的从句。when he was ten years oldIn1995just nowthe other day前几天,表示过去某一时间的短语或状语,主要有:,1.He usually gets up

10、early in the morning.But he _ late this morning.2.She usually works from 8 5 p.m.But yesterday she _ from 8 6 p.m.3._ on Sundays.They went to the park last Monday.4._at breakfast.But yesterday he didnt read the newspaper.,把下列句子改成相应时态,got up,worked,They often go to the park,He often rea

11、ds the newspaper,一般过去时里一定有动词的过去式,the past form(过去式),worked,work,ask,asked,arrive,arrived,shop,shopped,carry,carried,studied,study,stop,stopped,move,moved,+ed,e+d,辅音字母+y,改y为i+ed,以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的词先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ed,规则动词的过去式,regular verbs,不规则变化动词,参照课本不规则动词表P142,told,tell,say,said,find,found,do,did,不规则

12、动词的过去式,the past form(过去式),irregular verbs,如何巧记不规则动词的过去式?,原形 过去式中文cost cost 花费 cut cut 割 hit hit 击打 hurt hurt 伤害 let let 让 put put 放 read read 读 beat beat 打败set set 放置 shut shut 关闭,drive drove 驾驶 ride rode 骑 write wrote 写 win won 赢,原形和过去式一样,i 改为o,keep kept 保持 sleep slept 睡sweep swept 扫,ep改为pt,原形 过去式

13、中文sit sat 坐begin began 开始drink drank 喝ring rang 铃响sing sang 唱swim swam 游泳give gave 给,i 改为a,Tim,Ken,Jim,Sam,Tom,Ben,She,He,wins,writes,rides,drives,sings,rings,swims,sits,won,wrote,rode,drove,sang,rang,swam,sat,the game,a letter,a bike,a car,a song,me up,here,down,in1998.,a moment ago.,the day before

14、 yesterday.,just now.,in the past.,2 days ago.,last night.,yesterday.,Exercises,写出下列动词的过去式(一个一分),Each group choose one,闯关,What did Santa do yesterday afternoon?,Guessing game:,A:Did he?,B:Yes,he did./No,he didnt.,猜对得3/2/1分,闯关,A:Did he?,B:Yes,he did./No,he didnt.,What did Santa do yesterday afternoon

15、?,Guessing game:,猜对得3/2/1分,闯关,A:Did he?,B:Yes,he did./No,he didnt.,What did Santa do last night?,Guessing game:,猜对得3/2/1分,闯关,A:Did he?,B:Yes,he did./No,he didnt.,What did Santa do two days ago?,Guessing game:,猜对得3/2/1分,闯关,A:Did he?,B:Yes,he did./No,he didnt.,What did Santa do yesterday afternoon?,Gu

16、essing game:,猜对得3/2/1分,闯关,A:Did he?,B:Yes,he did./No,he didnt.,What did Santa do yesterday afternoon?,Guessing game:,猜对得3/2/1分,闯关,A:Did he?,B:Yes,he did./No,he didnt.,What did Santa do the other day?,Guessing game:,猜对得3/2/1分,闯关,A:Did he?,B:Yes,he did./No,he didnt.,What did Santa do just now?,Guessing game:,猜对得3/2/1分,闯关,A:Did he?,B:Yes,he did./No,he didnt.,What did Santa do last Sunday morning?,Guessing game:,猜对得3/2/1分,闯关,Choose the right answer.,闯关,Lily often _ listen to music but last night she

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