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高中英语Puzzles in Geography教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.docx

1、高中英语Puzzles in Geography教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思教学设计 课题Book5 Unit2 Puzzles in GeographyLead-in1. A poem written by William Shakespeare 2. I read it to inspire students3. To introduce the topic of the lesson4. A puzzle game is funny and this is beneficial for warming up5. To guess the two meanings of the wor

2、d “puzzle”, and translate the titleFast-reading1. To read the passage quickly and divide it into 3 parts2. To make a match to get the main idea of each partsDetail-reading5 puzzlespuzzle1How did the UK come into being?To ask a student to answer the question with the help of time and pieces of map on

3、 the blackboardPuzzle2To look at the flags of the countries, and answer the question: Which country is left out? Why?Puzzle3In what ways are the four countries same and different?To answer the puzzle by filling in a table Puzzle4Read para4 and discuss with desk matesHow many zones can we divide Engl

4、and into? What are they?To ask a student to the front and use a pen to explain the questionThere are 3 sentences for students to judge whether they are true or notPuzzle5Read para5 and answer the question:In the history of England, it has been four sets of invaders. Who they are? What did they do?To

5、 provide several pictures for students to remember these invaders.To fill in a dialogue and act it out Post-readingTo summarize and retell the whole passage by filling in the blanks and read the dialogue loudly together.This will help students make a summary of the passage and review what we have le

6、arnt today.HomeworkTo watch a video of the capital city-London.To appreciate the beauty of London.To introduce the homework:Review this class and preview next passage Sightseeing in London Give us a brief introduction of the tourist attractions of London next class.课题Book5 Unit2 Puzzles in Geography

7、教学主体高二普通班学生学生特点本班学生具有以下几个特点:1. 英语学习积极性高,乐于展示自我2. 部分学生英语基础薄弱,词汇量较小,需要引导3. 学生阅读和写作能力一般,但口语表达较差4. 乐于和同学交流讨论,想表达自我具体情况一、 英语口语较好学生名单钱瑞迪 刘宇 郝璐瑶 徐静雯张欣茹 贾玲玉 林宪欢 申奥二、 英语听说读写较全面学生名单杨晓晴 王忠胤 周鲁硕 张茜 司正康 杨佳瑞 冯水心 王畅 尹晨歌 张宏宽三、 基础知识薄弱学生名单刘祥池 李伦哲 吕月梅 梁常乐 张龙鹏杨鲁加 胡久栋 张加彤 张坤 杜昌摞对于口语较好的学生,要发挥他们的带头示范作用,以此来激发其他同学学习看齐。发展较全面

8、的学生,赢在课堂中给他们提问更有深度的问题,激发他们的潜力。基础知识薄弱的同学,要树立他们学习英语的自信心,提问一些稍简单的问题,多给他们一些提示,引导他们多说,多练,并以鼓励为主,不能急于求成。学情分析 效果分析 课题Book5 Unit2 Puzzles in GeographyLead-in1. A poem written by William Shakespeare 效果很好,成功吸引住了学生注意力2. I read it to inspire students学生被诗歌感染到,进入到了课堂所设的氛围中3. To introduce the topic of the lesson过度

9、顺畅自然,导入了话题4. A puzzle game is funny and this is beneficial for warming up the class.趣味性十足,调动了学生积极性,振奋了精神5. To guess the two meanings of the word “puzzle”, and translate the title成功锁定本文关键词puzzle,引出了下文重点内容Fast-reading3. To read the passage quickly and divide it into 3 parts学生阅读速度很快,总结的和很不错,了解文章的框架,对下面

10、任务的完成起到了很好的铺垫作用4. To make a match to get the main idea of each parts有一位同学没有划分清楚段落,主题把握不准,在大家的引导下成功回答出来了Detail-reading5 puzzles一共设置了五个问题,紧密围绕话题,学生对文章框架有了很好的把握puzzle1How did the UK come into being?To ask a student to answer the question with the help of time and pieces of map on the blackboard学生们自主探究,

11、上前展示,声音偏小一点,但是回答得很正确,应在平时多加锻炼学生演讲发言,使他们能在不同场合下有更加自信的表现Puzzle2To look at the flags of the countries, and answer the question: Which country is left out? Why?学生记住了国旗,对英国的构成有了具体形象的了解Puzzle3In what ways are the four countries same and different?To answer the puzzle by filling in a table 学生通过以上两个问题,成功预测出

12、了我的第三个问题,引导了他们发现问题的能力Puzzle4Read para4 and discuss with desk matesHow many zones can we divide England into? What are they?To ask a student to the front and use a pen to explain the questionThere are 3 sentences for students to judge whether they are true or not通过和同桌的讨论合作,学生很好地解决了这个问题,上黑板展示的同学有些许紧张,

13、但回答很正确Puzzle5Read para5 and answer the question:In the history of England, it has been four sets of invaders. Who they are?What did they do?To provide several pictures for students to remember these invaders.To fill in a dialogue and act it out学生们很好的了解英格兰被侵略的历史,图片的展示加深了他们的印象,通过填空,他们了解了这些侵略者给英格兰留下了什么

14、,角色扮演环节,小组讨论热烈,展示的同学表现的也很好Post-readingTo summarize and retell the whole passage by filling blanks and read the dialogue loudly together.This will help students make a summary of the passage and review what we have learnt today.由于前面学生的参与度很高,所以他们能很快速地回答完这个总结,成功地对本节课所学内容进行了巩固HomeworkTo watch a video of

15、 the capital city-London.To appreciate the beauty of London.To assign the homework:Review this class and preview next passage Sightseeing in London Give us a brief introduction of the tourist attractions of London next class.通过观看视频,更加激发了学生探索世界,发现美的欲望,使他们主动地想去了解关于英国的更多信息,家庭作业应运而生,符合学生们的诉求课题Book5 Unit

16、2 Puzzles in Geography分析课题This lesson is about the United Kingdom which students are very interested in but not very familiar with教学课型Its a reading class. The lesson is mainly designed for practicing reading, more exactly, the ability of fast reading and detailed reading, which is becoming more and

17、more important in exam, life and work.教学内容The words and phrases in the passage are not very hard for students, but there are some expressions which students may need to refer to the dictionary or the Internet. In a word, its suitable and useful for my students to learn. 教材分析 测评练习 1. In what ways are

18、 the four countries same and different?samedifferent Currency International relations Educational system Legal system Football teams2. True or False1. Most of the population settled in the north.2. Most of the industrial cities lie in the Midlands and the North of England.3. For historical architect

19、ure you have to go to older but bigger towns built by the Romans.3. Fill in the blanksEnglish:I feel so sad and angry! Because I was invaded _ times in the history. They ate my food, killed my people! They are Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans. Roman: Oh, sorry, but we, Romans built the olde

20、st port for you! And we left our _ and _ for you! Anglo-Saxon: Im Anglo-Saxon. We are sorry for the invasion. But we built the _ oldest building and we left our _and _for you!Viking: Im Viking. We are pirates! Hahaha! We influenced_ and place-names of the North of England. I apologize to you, Englis

21、h man.Norman: Hello! English man, Im your neighbor! We, Normans came from France! We left _and introduced_. All : Now, we all love peace. 4. Grammar clozeThe UK 1._(consist) of 4 countries. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland joined together 2._conflict. But the southern part of Ireland wa

22、s 3._(willing) to get connected with the UK. To 4._credit, the four countries do work together in some areas, 5._ they still have very different institutions. England is the 6._(large) of the 4 countries, and for convenience it is divided 7._(rough) into 3 zones. It has the oldest port 8._(build) by

23、 the Romans. There have been four sets of invaders of England. All of them had left something after They 9._(leave). You must keep your eyes open 10._ you are going to make a trip To the UK enjoyable. 5. SummaryThe full name of England is the _ _ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of

24、 four parts, they are_, _, _ and _, people always think _is a part of England. The flag of the UK is called the _ _.The four countries have different _and _ _as well as different _ _. _is the largest of the four countries and it is _ _ three parts. Most of the people settled in the _,but most of the

25、 large industrial cities in the _and the _.The capital of the UK is _, it has many great places of interest.课题Book5 Unit2 Puzzles in Geography目标完成度1. 教学目标: 完成,学生对英国的基本信息有了比较全面的了解2. 技能目标: 完成,锻炼了学生的阅读速度和挖掘信息的能力3. 情感目标: 完成,激发了学生探索世界的欲望和包容文化的态度4. 语言目标: 完成,学生熟悉并掌握了关键词汇和短语,敢于表达教学完整度良好的把控了教学节奏,每个环节时间得当,45分

26、钟的课堂饱满又充实,没有出现拖堂或空堂课堂氛围学生讨论积极,回答问题很踊跃,同桌讨论和小组讨论深入热烈,学习氛围浓厚教学用语整体比较顺畅,有一些表达不当之处,今后需多加注意,以免对学生造成误导硬件设备学校没有配备录课室,课堂实录的声音和画面会有所影响,录像画面中PPT画面反光比较严重,以后吸取教训课后反思 课题Book5 Unit2 Puzzles in Geography教学目标To let students have a good understanding of the UK, including its foundation and development based on geogr

27、aphy, history and culture, etc.技能目标To practice students fast reading ability and their ability to search for detailed information.情感目标To appreciate the diversity of culture and learn to respect the difference between different countries.To inspire students to explore the outside world and to build up the spirit of team work.语言目标To learn the meanings and usages of some key words and phrases.To encourage them to speak in English in every sentence and even in daily life1.puzzle divided into4.currency5.invader6.Roman7.Anglo-Saxon8.Viking9.Norman10.clarify课标分析

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