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跨文化交际 主要内容.docx

1、跨文化交际 主要内容Chapter 1Why study Intercultural communications?Four trends of the modern world make intercultural communication inevitable:1. Technological development2. Globalization of the economy3. Widespread population migrations4. Development of multiculturalismOnly through the understanding of inte

2、rcultural communication can people develop a global mind-set in the global village that is our world today and live more harmoniously with one another.The field of intercultural communication has developed both theoretical and applied perspectives.1. Theoretically, the study focuses on more or less

3、purposive interaction between people of different cultures and different racial and ethnic groups.2. Practically, intercultural communication is applied in different kinds of intercultural and interethnic training programs to help people of different backgrounds understand and accept each other in a

4、cademic, business, government, and other settings.Chapter 2The relationship between Culture and Communication:Culture and communication act on each other. As the carrier of culture, commnunication influences the structure of a culture, and culture is necessarily manifested in our communication patte

5、rrns by teaching us how we should talk and behave.Communication:Communication is defined as an interdetermining process in which we develop a mutually dependent relationship by exchanging symbols.Communication has four characteristics:(1) Communication as a holistic phenomenon(2) Communicaiton as a

6、social reality(3) Communicaiton as a developmental process(4) Communication as an orderly processCulture:Culture is defined as a negotiated set of shared symbolic systems that guide individuals behaviors and incline them to function as a group.Culture has four characteristics:(1) Culture is holistic

7、(2) Culture is learned(3) Culture is dynamic(4) Culture is pervasiveCulture has two functions:(1) It provides a context in which three aspects of human society are embedded: linguistic, physical, psychological.(2) It functions to provide the structure, stability, and security that are required for t

8、he group and its members to maintain themselves as a healthy system.Intercultural communication:Intercultural communication is communication among people from two or more cultures.Successful intercultural communication is based on the positive feeling and beliefs we bring to the intercultural encoun

9、ter and on the behavioral skills we possess.Three forms of intercultural communication based on the interactants intentions: Self-centered dialogue, Dominant dialogue, Equal dialogue.Chapter 3Perception:Perception is a process by which we turn external stimuli into meaningful experiences.The process

10、 of perception includes three stages: Selection, Organization, Interpretaion. Because perception is selective, we can only partially perceive the things that surround us, it usually follows three steps: Selective exposure, Selective attention, Selective retention. Organization refers to the way we a

11、rrange what we perceive into meaningful patterns, based on their shape, color, texture, size, and intensity. Interpretation is the process whereby we assign meanings to what we perceive.Culture has a major impact on the perception process: It not only provides the foundation for the meanings we assi

12、gn to our perceptions, it also determines how we choose to expose ourselves to and direct our attention toward specific kinds of messages and events.The influence of culture on perception is often reflected in the attributional process.Attribution involves interpreting the meaning of others behavior

13、s based on our past experience or history. Culture provides an environment that allows us to develop all the meanings we possess. Thus, people from different cultures will perceive and interpret others behaviors in different ways.The subjective nature of the perceptual framework arising from our cul

14、ture indicates that our perception is often partial and inaccurate. The insufficiency manifests as stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.Stereotypes are those overgeneralized and oversimplified beliefs we use to categorize a group of people.Prejudice is a regid attitude based on erroneous beli

15、efs or preconceptions.Discrimination is the acting out of prejudicial attitudes.Stereotypes an prejudice do not suddenly appear when we are born, they are gradually developed from the process of learning and socialization, and from exposure to mass media images. To solvethe problems of stereotypes a

16、nd prejudice the most important communication skill we should learn is empathy.Values:A value can be defined as a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of acti

17、on. Values are guiding forces of human behavior.Culture value orientation is the concept used to study the relationship between cultural values and communications behaviors, it refers to the means society uses to solve the universal problems of daily life.Power distance specifies to what extent a cu

18、lture adapts to inequalities of power distribution in relationships and organizations.High-power-distance culture tend to orient to authoritarianism, which dictates a hierarchical or vertical structure of social relationships.Low-power-distance cultures are more horizontal in terms of social relatio

19、nships.Chapter 4Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. It consists of five areas of study: Morphology, Phonology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics. Semantics and pragmatics directly affect the process of intercultural communication.Human language has four characteristics: (1)Its symboli

20、c; (2)Its rule-governed; (3)Its subjective; (4)It often shows change and variation.Language is a bridge people can use to learn or understand cultural values, and its necessary to comprehend cultural values to acquire the language used to portray them. In other words, to be competent in intercultura

21、l communication we need to be aware of both the cultural values and the language expressions of our cultural counterparts.Chapter 5Verbal and nonverbal communication form the two main contexts of human communication.Nonverbal communication is different from verbal communication in five respects:1. I

22、ts not consciously controllable2. It can indicate multiple events simultaneously3. It can be used as an intercultural or international language4. Its learned earlier in our life.5. Its more emotional in expressionFive functions of nonverbal communication: repetition, replacement, emphasis, contradic

23、tion, regulation.Characteristics of nonverbal communication: Nonverbal communication is less systemized and more culturally bound, and its meanings are always ambiguous.The structure of nonverbal communication is comprised of four areas of study:1. Kinesics is the study of body movements such as fac

24、ial expressions, eye contact, hand gestures, and touch.2. Proxemics is the study of how human beings and animals use space in communication.3. Paralanguage refers to how we use voice dimensions: voice quality, vocal characterizers, vocal qualifiers, and vocal segregates.4. Chronemics is the study of

25、 how we perceive the concept of time and how that affects our communication.Nonverbal communication and culture are closely interrelated in two ways:First, our nonverbal behaviors are dictated by our culture;Second, culture determines when its appropriate time for us to display nonverbal behaviors.W

26、e can improve our intercultural skills in nonverbal communication by following Ricards five-step model for the development of nonverbal skills:1. Assess our learning needs2. Observe similar situations3. Use appropriate resources4. Reach tentative conclusions5. Reevaluate our conclusions as necessary

27、.Chapter 6We develop relationships to meet the social needs of inclusion, control, and affection.Human relationship has five characteristics:1. Its dynamic2. Its hierarchical3. Its reciprocal4. Its unique5. Its interdependent and irreplaceableTheories of relationship development:1. Social Exchange T

28、heory: Social interaction relationship initiates after measuring the difference between reward and costs.2. Social Penetration Theory: The development of human relationships is determined by the information we disclose to our partner.3. Uncertainty Reduction Theory: This theory posits that interpers

29、onal relationships develop and progress when we are able to reduce our uncertainty about each other.4. Communication Accommodation Theory: It combines propositions from speech accommodation theory and ethnolinguistic identity theory to examine the communicative moves interactants make in social and

30、psychological contexts and how its related to personal characteristics.Yums five categories of relationship are used to illustrate the impact of culutral variability on relationship development. The five categories are particularism/universalism, long-term/short-term, ingroup/outgroup, formal/inform

31、al, and personal/public relationships. The inluence of cultural value differences are also discussed from the following perspectives: verbal/nonverbal differences, background and attitude information, and the degree of self-disclosure.Third-Culture-Building: five phases of third-culture building are

32、 explicated: intrapersonal intracultural communication, interpersonal intercultural communication, rhetorical intercultural communication, metacultural communication, and intracultural commmunication.Chapter 7Conflicts are inevitable in the process of intercultural communication. To have unpleasant feelings during conflict is universal. Conflicts can be considered as seveal levels: intrapersonal conflict, interpers

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