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1、语法填空之一名词语 法 填 空 - - 名 词名词主要观察的知识点: 名词的用法 , 语境中词性的判断, 词的转变。在语法填空题中常出现给一个提示词要求用它的正确形式填空,要点复习掌握名词单复数的变化规律以及与邻近语法的关系(名词单复数的使用受冠词、数词和主谓一致等语法的限制,所以复习名词单复数时,应注意剖析名词前的数词、量词、冠词等修饰语状况,还应注意主谓一致问题) 。熟习、差别可数不行数(英语中有些名词有时为可数名词,而有时又是不可数名词,其差别由各自不一样的用法而定,这是名词可数性用法的难点) 。如: work 工作,不行数名词;著作 作品,可数;工厂 作坊,可数;工程 工事,可数。掌握

2、名词全部格的表示方法和名词作定语的用法,特别注意 else 的全部格、两重全部格的用法。一、语法填空之名词基础练习1 Father went to his doctor for_ (advise)about his heart trouble2.There are ten_ (woman)teachers and two hundred _(girl) students in the school3.Facing cut-throat _ (compete) in all subjects, students must devote as much of their time as possi

3、ble.4.I shall never fear difficulty and I shall never know the _ (exist) of the word “ failure ” .5.You ll want to know your body language is saying and how to interpret other_(people).6.Not long ago he sent _(word) that he would return with his family.7.She was in London and spent her _(young) in C

4、hina.8.The _ (erupt) of Mount Kilauea, one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii, is always taking people by surprise.9.His _ (curious) made him wonder about clouds.10.Except for some short songs and poems included in his plays, all of _(Shakespeare) greatest poems are sonnet.11.The number of langu

5、ages is getting smaller all the time because of the steady_ (grow) of bigger languages.12.Tight jeans and trousers, short skirts and even sensible flat shoes may all cause_ (ill).13.Reduce the amount of it if you suffered from restlessness or _ (sleep) after taking the medicine.14.I saw many _ (Japa

6、n) seated in the corner and reading something.15. You should take more _(exercise). Don t always sit at the desk busy doin your _(exercise).二、高考与各地模拟试题中语法填空中的名词考点1 Mr Chen has taught me English since Junior 1, and to show my_(appreciate) I decided to get her a present.2. you have done well and madeg

7、reat achievement in the _ (entertain) field.3. These people have made great (contribute) to China with their work.4.As far as I am concerned, my 37 _ (suggest) is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English within easy reach.5. I took out my guide book in which there was a lot of inf

8、ormation the citys well-known tourist 34 (attract) and started to read.about6.But some have put forward the idea that the remains date from this period because of their _38_ (similar) to those found elsewhere.7.She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and brought me intoher world; a world of

9、 smiles, love and 39 ( warm )8. We convey either by words or by actions that failure is something tobe ashamedof and that nothing but top performance meets with our _34_ (approve).9. Somethings looked as if they had not been cared for a long time, but I knew their _34_( beautify) was still there ben

10、eath their ownsurface.三、语法填空The Internet has become part of young peoples life. _1_ reportshows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get_2_ (use) informationon theInternet_3_ use theInternetto help in their studies. But many students dont use it _4_ agood way. Some play games t

11、oo much, some visit websites _5_shouldn tlookat.So bad thingsmay happen _6_ studentsspend toomuch time on the Internet. _7_ is important for students to usethe Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, _8_ uses manyexamples to teach studentssome good ways to use the Internet.It givesuseful advice.

12、Some students also make _9_ on the Internet. Butif you want to have a face-to-face _10_ (meet) with your onlinefriends, let your parents know and meet in a proper place.依据派生词进行语法填空。 (动词要亲密注意时态、语态、人称和非谓语动词)1. Madame Curiewillalwaysberememberedasthe(discover)ofradium.Sheandherhusbandhaddonelotsofum.(s

13、cience)researchbefore(discover)radi2.Thomas Edison is considered one of the greatest(invent) in the history. He had overvent) all his life.1000 (in3.Einsteinis always believed to be one of the greatest(science) in the(20) century. He make great contributionsdern science andtechnology.4. I hear Limin

14、g can run 100 meters(contribute) to moin 11 seconds. That sreally (believe).5.Dont hesitate,John.Youmustmake yourown(decide)rightnow.6.Canyou givemea(describe)oflostbag, sir?I llcallyouifIfindit.7.MyEnglishteacheralways(courage)usto domore speaking.Heasksusnottofeeldiscouraged(courage)evenifwesometi

15、mesmake mistakes.Healsosaysthatweshouldpayspecialattentiontoour(pronounce)when(speak)English.8.The Great wall is one of the most famous tour(attract)inChina.It(attract)a greatnumberof(foreign).9.Ihavent receivedan(invite)ofLipingsweddingyet.I m afraidIwont gotoherweddingunless(invite).10.Theconcertw


17、om(pollute)andmanybirdshavediedfrom(pollute)air.agovernment(office)saysthatwe shouldtakemeasurestopreventtheenvironment(from)being(pollute).13.Wealltake(proud)inthefactthatChinahasenteredtheWorldTrade(organize).Thatmeanswe canbuycheaperforeign(produce)inthenearfuture.14.The(crime)isinprison.Youcant

18、seehimwithoutthe(permit)ofthepolice.15.(person)speaking,whatthe(physics)saidattheconferencewasencouraging.16.Whatyoudidjustnowmadeno(differ).17.Manisshortof(nature)resources now.Theyreallyrequire/(protect).18.Notonlyshouldwe talk(polite)butalsoweshouldpayattentiontoour(face)expressionswhencommunicat

19、ing(communicate)withothers.19Thefamous(write)isgoodat(write)detectivestories.Hehas(write)over1000detectivestoriessincehebegantowritein1995.Thedetectivestories(write)byhimarepopularallovertheworld.20.Oh,theroastchickenreally(taste)delicious!Ihavenevereaten such(taste)dish.21.Ithinkweshould(strong)the


21、.25.Itis(legal)todrivewithoutadrivingpermit.Whoeverdriveswithoutadrivingpermitmustbe(punish)severely.26.Look!Themanagers are havingaheated(discuss).Theproblem(discuss)mustbeveryimportant.27.Itwaswhenhewasseriouslyillthatherealizedthe(important)ofhealth.Infact,everybodymustbeawarethathealthisthe(important)foraperson.28.The(prison)hasbeeninprisonforyears.Howhelongsfor(free).29.Atfirst,theAmericansweremainlyfrom(Europe)countries.Later,moreandmore(Asia)peoplemigratedtotheland.30.ProfessorSmith,oneofthefamous

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