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1、新目标英语八年级下册Unit2导学案导学案 1Unit 2 What should I do?Section A 第一课时(1a-2c) 【学习目标】1. 学会并使用should, could的用法 。2. 学会描述人们日常生活中所遇到的各种问题并给出合理的建议。【学习重点】提供建议。【预习指导】一、预习准备看看下面几句话有什么特点?你能总结出来吗?A) Whats wrong? Whats wrong with you?询问“某人怎么样了?”可以用_? 其同义句还有哪些?_B) You should say youre sorry. You could write him a letter.

2、这两句话涉及_用法?如何用? 二、自我预习A) 预习课本P10-11页的内容,标出你不认识的单词,然后到P104页生词表中找到这些单词,标出音标和汉语意思,再读一遍。B) 看课本1 a并标出自己的观点。 翻译1c, 2c, Grammer Focus并多读几遍!三、预习自检1. 写出并读出下列单词。不让.进入_ 播放_ 争论,争吵_ 错误的,有毛病的_ 风格,款式 _ 票,入场券_ 可以,应该_ 使惊奇,使意外_ 2. 翻译下列短语。怎么了_ 不时髦的,过时的_ 打电话给_用电话交谈;在通话_ 同某人争吵_足够的金钱_【课堂导学】一、课本处理1. 检查1a 1b 1c 及Grammar Foc

3、us 的预习效果。2. 听力练习:听2a 2b 完成课本上的内容。2、合作交流1. “should+_原形”表示“_做某事”。翻译:你应该戒烟 _.“could+_原形”表示“可以做某事”。翻译:我们可以给校长写一封信。_ 【成果展示】一、单词检查(根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。)1.Dont play your TV too l_. Jack is reading.2. He c_ ride a bicycle when he was only five.3. Whats w_ with your mother? She has a headache. 二、语法运用(用所给单词的适当形式填空

4、。)1. His mother wants him _ (stay) at home every night.2. He needs _ (buy) a computer.3. You should _ (say) sorry to your sister.4. He could _ (write) an English letter when he was five.5. My parents dont like _(read) novels.6.Tom had an _ (argue) with his boss about his pay.三、句型转换。1. The box is too

5、 heavy for me to carry. (改为同义句) _2. He wants his son to go to America. (改为同义句) _3. What would you like me to do ? (改为同义句) _4. They should talk about their problems. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they _ ?5. I argued with my best friend last week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ _ last week.反思导学案 2Unit 2 Section A (3a-4)第二课时【学习目

6、标】1. 谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的种种麻烦和问题。2. 学会为他人找到合理的解决办法,提出相应的建议。【预习指导】(A) 自我预习:一、扫清障碍根据音标读出Unit 2 P12之前的单词。二、课本预习:1. 熟读3a 并根据文中的信息填空。2. 画出不理解的或你认为重要的句子。3. 利用你手头的资料学习3a中的要点,仿照3b, 4自我对话。(B) 预习效果检查。一、写出并读出下列单词:付帐_ 兼职工作 _烤,烘_ 面包售卖活动_青少年论坛_ 家庭教师_【课堂导学】一、教材处理:检查3a 的预习效果。二、 组内探讨1. pay for 意为“付款买”for后跟名词。pay+钱+for sth.句

7、型表“花钱购买某物”易混辨析:pay for ,spend ,cost, take这四个词都含有“花费”之意,请查资料区分其区别。跟踪练习:1. He _ a lot of money on books. 2. She _ the whole evening in reading. 3. The book _- 500 yuan . 4. It _ her an hour to cook dinner.3. 易混辨析 either, too ,also, as well.这四个词都有“也”的意思,请自查资料辨析。跟踪练习:1. Lily doesnt like pork, Lucy doesn

8、t like it_-. 2. I was in England last autumn,_-. 3. You know the way and I _ know it. 4. He speaks French_ _. 5. He speaks French_.学习成果展示一、选择所给词或词组的正确形式填空。stay at home , askfor, go ,borrow.from, write.to1. He _ a postcard _ Nicole yesterday. 2. I think Ali should _ her parents _ some money.3. He nee

9、ded some money, and he _ it _ his friends.4. Denny hopes _ to Beijing for his vacations next week.5. His parents want him _ every night.二、汉译英 1. 我需要一些钱支付夏令营的费用。I need to _ some money to _ _-summer camp.2. 我不知道我该怎么办。I dont know _- _ _- _-.3. 你可以从你的兄弟那借些钱。You could _- some money _- your brother.4. 你的兄

10、弟可以借些钱给你。Your brother could _ some money _- you.5. 我想你可以问你的父母要些钱。I think you _ _ your parents_ some _.6. 也许,你可以卖些烧烤食品。_you could _ _ _ _.导学案 3Unit 2 What should I do?Section B 【学习目标】1. 学会为他人找到合理的解决办法,提出相应的建议。2. 为自己的问题找到解决办法。【预习指导】A) 自我预习一、扫清障碍1. 根据音标读出Unit 2 P13之前的单词。根据音标读出P14 之前的单词。2. 熟读并翻译3a。二、课本预

11、习1. 完成1a 翻译并熟读。2.预习效果检查。1). 写出并读出下列单词:新颖的 _ 与 同样的_ 时髦的;流行的_ 理发;发型_2). 翻译句子 它们很新颖 _它们很舒服 _ 它们与我朋友们的衣服一样_它们很时尚_ 它们很贵_它们色彩艳丽_【课堂导学】一、教材处理:1. 检查1a 1b的预习效果2. 听力练习:完成2a 2b 课本上的内容。二、组内探讨:1. the same as 意为 _ as 是连词 ,意为_后面跟名词、代词或者从句。2.tell sb to do sth 意为_ 同义词组有 _ _学习成果展示一、选择所给词或词组的正确形式填空。look for, keep out

12、,find out ,leave out, pay for, 1. There was a sign _! on the door. Uncle Li wanted nobody to bother him.2. -What are you _-? - My pen . I dont know where it is.3. Emma moved to her new house last week. Do you know how much she_ it?4. Please _ when the ship will sail for New York.5. -Can you tell me

13、why the sentence I wrote is wrong? -You _an important word.三、根据中文提示完成句子。(30)1. 我本认为我的英语测验不及格。I_ I _ my English test.2. 我不知道该怎么做。I dont know_ _ _-3. 请你给我提些建议好吗?Could you please_ _ _ _?4. 我们相处得融洽。We are _ _very_.5. 咱们邀请他们去打网球吧。Lets_ him_ _ _.6. 你应该和你的父母谈论一下你的问题。You _ _ _ your _with your parents.导学案 4U

14、nit 2 What should I do?Reading 【学习目标】1. 学习阅读材料中的单词。2. 完成self check 填词翻译句子3. 预习2部分并写几条建议。4. 预习Maybe you should learn to relax.按要求完成题目【预习指导】A) 自我预习一、扫清障碍1. 根据音标读出P17 之前的单词,并在短文中标注出来。2. 熟读并翻译Reading二、课本预习:1. 读并翻译Reading2. 单词检查(根据句意和首字母提示补全句子。)I_(争论)with my brother yesterday morning.I have got two _(票)t

15、o the concertTim worked hard at math, but he _(失败)the exam again.She is very _(心烦的)and doesnt know what she should do next.The trousers dont_(适合)him. They are too short. 【课堂导学】一、头脑风暴阅读之前,思考下面问题。1. Do you always feel stressed up?2. What problems do you have?3. How do you think to cut down much pressu

16、re?二、阅读短文第一遍阅读:回答下面的问题。1. What does Cathy do on weekends?2. How should parents do to face their childrens pressure?第二遍阅读:检查Reading的预习情况,速读课文判断下列句子正误(正确写T错误写F)1. Life for Cathy Taylors three children is very free. ( )2. Then she has to take her son to piano lesson. ( )3. The tired children get home a

17、fter 7p.m. .( )4. Parents complain about teaching tired kinds in the classroom. ( )5. A few children take part in after-school clubs. ( )6. In some families , competition starts from a very young age. ( )7. And they are never comparing them with other children . ( )8. When these kids are adults , th

18、ey might find it easy to plan things for themselves. ( )第三遍阅读:2. The tired children dont get home until 7 pm. 翻译:_ not until 意为_ He didnt go to bed until his mother came back. 翻译: _ 3. 易混辨析have a fight with 意为 _ fight for 意为 _ fight against 意为_ fight with 意为 _学习成果展示一、翻译句子1. 他们的学校生活已经够忙的了。 Their scho

19、ol days are_ _.2该做家庭作业了。Its _ _ homework3. 医生们说许多孩子都承受着过大的压力。Doctors say many children are _ _ _ _.4. 老师们则抱怨在教室里教的都是些累坏了的孩子。Teachers _ _ teaching tired kids in the classroom.导学案5八年级英语下册Unit2单元检测题一、英汉互译(15分)1. 一条建议_ 2. 过时_ 3. 为某事与某人争吵_ 4.足够的细心_ 5. 使某人感到意外_ 6. 邀请某人做某事_7. 把某物忘在某处_ 8. 怎么了_9. borrow sth.

20、 from sb. 10. have a fight with sb. 11. compare . with. 12. be under too much pressure 13. as much as possible 14. be the same as 15. on the other hand 二、单项选择(15分) ( )1. You should _ a letter _him to say sorry. A. write, to B. write, for C. wrote, to D. wrote, for ( )2. -Im sorry hes out. May I take

21、 a message ,please? -Would you please tell him to _ ? A. call up me B. call me up C. call up mine D calling me up( )3. Here is a ticket _ you _ a ball game. A. for, at B. for, to C. to, for D. to, to( )4. The pool is _ to swim in. A. deep enough B. enough deep C. enough deeply D. deeply enough ( )5.

22、I was busy last night. So I didnt go to concert. How about the concert? - I didnt go there,_ . A. too B. also C. either D. however( )6. Im interested in animals, so I _ lots of time playing with my pet dog.A. pay B. take C. spend D. buy ( )7. All the parents want their children _ hard at school. A.

23、work B. working C. worked D. to work ( )8.My parents want me _at home every night A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. staies ( )9.I argue _ my best friend sometimes. A. with B. about C. at D. and ( )10.Could you give me _ advice ? A. some B. any C. many D. a lot ( )11.He could do nothing except_ TV. A.

24、 watch B. watches C. watching D. will watch ( )12.Please _ who broke the window .A. find out B. find C. look for D. look out ( )13 .When I arrived home, I remembered that I _my key in the classroom .A. forget B. forgot C. leave D. left ( )14.I really dont know _.A. what should I do B. what to do C.

25、how to do D. how I should do ( )15. The boy found _ hard to get along with the other classmates. A. this B. that C. it D. one 三、完形填空:(10分) Dear Andy, Without knowing more about you, its hard for me to give you some good advice. But first, Im sure that you are 1 . You said that nobody would care if you left home. What about your 2 ? And other family members? It seem

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