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Key to Supplementary Exercisesfor Book IItest three 3.docx

1、Key to Supplementary Exercisesfor Book IItest three 3Supplementary Exercises ( Book II) Test ThreeTask One Reading ComprehensionPassage OneGovernments are not the only ones having to re-examine their budgets. The financial crisis has many families concerned about how they will pay for college. This

2、week in our Foreign Student Series, we discuss costs for higher education for international students in the United States. Prices differ from school to school, but public colleges and universities usually cost less than private ones. A big state university in the western United States will serve as

3、our example. The University of Colorado at Boulder has one thousand two hundred international students from more than eighty countries. The director of international student and scholar services says international students are paying a total of forty thousand two hundred dollars for this academic ye

4、ar. The university estimates that the cost for next year will increase by four hundred dollars. The university does not offer financial aid to international students. This is generally true of American schools, especially at the undergraduate level. Federal and state financial aid can only go to Ame

5、rican citizens. The University of Colorado does, however, offer some help for international students. For example, it guarantees them the same tuition rate for all four years of undergraduate study. And it offers four scholarships for international students with special skills or talents. The federa

6、l government requires international students to show on their applications how they will pay for their first year of school. This evidence is a signed statement from whoever is paying for it and confirmation from a bank or lawyer. Some colleges might require international students to show that they

7、can pay for all four years. But the University of Colorado requires only evidence of financial support for the first year. Educational advisers say foreign students should keep enough money in a local bank to pay for at least two months of spending. Students have to consider not just tuition but als

8、o housing, meals, books and other costs including social activities.Immigration rules restrict employment for international students in the United States. So what kinds of jobs are they permitted to have? That will be our subject next week.1. Many families concerned about how to pay for college owin

9、g to_.A) the government budgets B) the financial crisis C) the increasing cost of college D) the quality of college 2. According to the passage, which of the following is not true about the University of Colorado?A) It has l, 200 1nternational students from more than 80 countries.B) International st

10、udents need to pay $40,200 for this academic year.C) Like other universities, it doesnt offer financial aid to international students.D)It guarantees international students the same tuition rate for all four years of undergraduate study.3. For international students, who may have the chance to get t

11、he four scholarships offered by the University of Colorado?A) Poor students.B) Excellent students.C) Graduate students.D) Students with special skills or talents.4. What can be inferred from the eighth paragraph? A) International applicants for the University of Colorado need to show the evidence of

12、 financial support for all four years. B) International applicants for the University of Colorado can seek for federal and state financial aid. C) International applicants for the University of Colorado neednt show the evidence of financial aid. D) International applicants for the University of Colo

13、rado need to show the evidence of financial support for the first year.5. Its implied in the last paragraph that _. A) international students couldnt find any jobs in the US because of the immigrate law B) international students couldnt find any jobs off-campus C) international students couldnt find

14、 any jobs in campus D) there are some jobs provided for international students in the US Passage Two Green roofs are designed to save energy and capture rainwater. Rooftops covered with plants help keep buildings cool. They can extend the life of a roof. And they can reduce water runoff into streets

15、 and storm water systems. Several years ago, the mayor of Chicago, Illinois, visited Germany, a leader in green roof design. Mayor Richard Daley later decided to have vegetation planted on Chicago City Hall. Today, the tops of many other buildings also look like parks. In Canada, the Coast Plaza Hot

16、el in Vancouver has a forest on its roof. Experts say green roofs usually do not get much above twenty-seven degrees Celsius. So temperatures might not be a problem for growing. But t rooftop gardeners have to be careful not to put too much weight on the roof. This is true whether plants are grown i

17、n soil or water, New York City has an unusual demonstration farm for hydroponics. The farm is on a boat called the Science Barge. Rainwater and purified river water are used to grow lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. The farm shows the possibilities for designing rooftop systems, Earlier this

18、 year, researchers in Texas reported that green roofs can reduce a buildings air conditioning costs by about one-fifth compared to black-top roofs. But they also reported that not all green roofs perform equally well. They found that designs differ in their ability to keep buildings cool and to capt

19、ure rainwater. Mark Simmons led the study for the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at the University of Texas at Austin. Green roofs have to be done right, he says. For example, he says, just having a green roof may not mean anything in terms of preventing water from reaching the street level. Th

20、e team put experimental roofs on top of metal insulated boxes, to recreate green roof conditions. The study compared products from six companies. The researchers say they want to help businesses understand how to improve their designs. Each rooftop had sixteen different kinds of plants native to Tex

21、as. The researchers say the presence of native plants likely helped all the green roofs capture water better compared to sedums. Sedums are plants that need little water and often are used on green roofs. The native plants could take in more water and release more of it to the atmosphere.6. Accordin

22、g to the passage, which of the following is not true about the green roofs? A) Green roofs could keep building cool. B) Green roofs can save energy. C) Green roofs can reduce water runoff into streets. D) Green roofs perform equally well.7. If gardeners put too much weight on roof, _. A) the roof mu

23、st be crushed down B) the vegetation grown in water will grow slowly C) the temperature might be a problem for growing D) the roof might be destroyed and the life of it will be shortened 8. The Science Barge is mentioned in the passage to show _ . A) the necessity to promote hydroponics B) the succe

24、ssful use of hydroponics in farm C) the importance of new technology in farm D) the possibilities to design rooftop systems 9. Compared to the native plants, _. A) rooftops covered with sedums will capture less water B) sedums could take in more water C) sedums need little water and release more of

25、it to the atmosphere D) rooftops covered with sedums will capture water better 10. The theme of the passage is _. A) green roofs can save energy and capture water B) green roofs have advantages as well as disadvantages C) green roofs need to be improved technically D) green roofs should be spread in

26、ternationally Passage Three What makes people happier: money or having happy friends and neighbors? Researchers from Harvard University and the University of California, San Diego, have found an answer as part of a study. Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler based the study on the emotional health o

27、f almost 5,000 people. They used information gathered over a period of 20 years, until 2003, in the Framingham Heart Study. That study began 60 years ago in Framingham, Massachusetts, to learn more about the risks of heart attack and stroke. The new study found that friends of happy people had a gre

28、ater chance of being happy themselves. And the smaller the physical distance between friends, the larger the effect: they had on each others happiness. For example, a person was 20 percent more likely to feel happy if a friend living within 1.5 kilometers was also happy. Having a happy neighbor who

29、lived next door increased an individuals chance of being happy by 34 percent. The effects of friends happiness lasted for up to a year. The researchers found that happiness really is contagious. Sadness also spread among friends, but not as much as happiness. People removed by as much as 3 degrees o

30、f separation still had an effect on a persons happiness. 3 degrees of separation means the friend of a friend of a friend. The study showed that having an extra 5,000 dollars increased a persons chances of becoming happier by about 2 percent. But the researchers found that the influence of a friend

31、can be greater than that. Another finding is that people who are married or work together do not have as much of an effect on happiness as friends do. The findings appeared in the British Medical, Journal. The National Institute on Aging in the United States helped pay for the study. The study is de

32、scribed as the first to demonstrate the indirect spread of happiness. In other words, that your emotions can be affected by someone you do not directly know. Earlier studies by the two researchers described the effects of social networks on obesity and efforts to stop smoking. The new study shows that happiness spreads through social networks like an emotional virus一a virus people would be happy to catch.11. According to the passage,

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