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1、前厅部SOPSTANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 标准工作程序中国辽宁 蒙古贞宾馆(管理)有限公司Liaoning Mengguzhen Hotel(management)Co.,LTDP.R.ChinaFRONT OFFICE DEPARTMENT前厅部GENERAL 总述Task No: Description 1. Grooming and Appearance仪表仪容2. Check Uniform and How to Grooming Standards 制服检查及仪表仪容标准3. Body language and attitude 肢体语言及态度4. Ho

2、w to Conduct Briefing 怎样主持例会5. Communicate with Housekeeping Department与客房部沟通6. How to Greet the Guest怎样问候客人7. Occupational Health and Safety职业健康卫生及安全THEFRONTOFFICEWORKANDPROCESSING前厅部工作及处理8. Bomb Threat 炸弹威胁9. Car Accident 交通事故 10. VIP Check in 重要客人入住 11. Accident Guest 意外客人12. Guest Complaints and

3、 Disputes 客人抱怨和争执 13. Request for Doctor/ Hospitalization 求医要求/住院治疗的要求14. Fights 争斗15. Fire 火灾16. Lost & Found 丢失和发现 17. Safety Box 保险箱 18. Show Room 展示房19. The hotel to check 酒店检查20. Incoming Faxes/ Email at night time 夜间接受传真/电子邮件 21. Valuables 贵重物品保管22. Guest Birthday 客人生日 23. Incoming faxes 接收传真

4、24. Outgoing Fax 发送传真25. DHL / EMS/ Courier Services DHL 特快专递 26. Translator / Interpreter 翻译/解说27. Baggage Service for Arrivals 行李抵达服务28. Baggage Service for Departure 行李离店服务29. Baggage Service for group Arrivals 团队行李抵达服务30. Baggage Serviceforg roup Departure 团队行李离开服务31. Baggage Storage 行李贮存服务32. B

5、rochures, Maps and Directions 指引册,地图,导游册33. All Incoming Items 所有收入条款34. Newspapers 报纸35. Outgoing Items 外送物件 36. Rooming Guest 陪同客人进房间37. Outdated mail, faxes and parcels 过期的邮件,传真和包裹38. Paging Service 呼叫服务39. Taxi booking and arrangement 出租车预订及安排 40. Umbrella 雨伞服务41. Lost & Found at Check In 失物招领42

6、. Room allocation 房间分配43. Room/Rate Change 房间等级变换44. Duty Check List 工作检查清单45 Death 死亡46. Alleged Theft 偷窃47. Guest Accident 客人意外48. TeDM Member Accident 团队成员意外49. Complimentary / House Use 免费房使用 50. Hotel Events 酒店活动 51. Internal Trace Report 内部跟进报告52. Emergency Announcement 紧急通知53. Call Accounting

7、 System 电话记费系统54. Call Barring and Unbarring 电话禁呼和解禁55. Do Not Disturb Feature 请勿打扰事宜56. Guest Locator Feature 为客人接电话至指定地点57. Incoming Calls 接听来电 58. Operator Assisted Calls 接线员辅助呼叫59. PABX Adcom Fax System 专用交换机传真系统60. PABX Adcom Mail System 专用交换机邮件系统61. Public Address Paging System 公共提示标志62. Wake

8、up Call 叫醒服务63. Personal calls 私人电话 64. Business Center Service 商务中心65. Engineering Service 工程服务66. Handling Guest Complaints 处理客人投诉67. Handling Incoming Calls 处理来电Housekeeping - system and process guidance前厅部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:GROOMING AND APPEARANCE主题:仪表仪容Ref: 参考号:MGZ- QTB-SOP-001Prepare by: Direct

9、or of Rooms Division 起草:HRDate: 日期:2015-11-22Approved by: General Manager批准:总经理Date: 日期:2015-12-01OBJECTIVE 目的Maintain a clean, tidy and fresh appearance during your work.在你的工作中保持干净,整齐,清新的外貌PROCEDURES 流程Keep clean and be optimistic during work time. 在工作时间保持干净及乐观的态度Make self-check and grooming check

10、at any time. 随时进行仪表仪容的自我检查Wear tidy uniform with all buttons buttoned up. Pay attention not to roll up cuffs or sleeves. 穿系好纽扣的整齐的制服,不能挽起衣袖Change the uniform in time if it is stained, crumpled, dirty or smelly. 及时更换有污渍,褶皱,脏的,有异味的制服Wear your name tag correctly with your uniform, the name tag is part

11、of your uniform. 将名牌别在制服正确的位置,名牌也是制服的一部分Pay attention that uniform has no damages. 留意制服不要有破损Wear shoes and socks as issued: 穿规定的鞋袜Black shoes and black socks for male. 男士穿黑鞋黑袜Black shoes and neutral color stockings for female. 女士穿黑鞋肉色长袜Check your shoes: shoes should be clean, polish and in good cond

12、ition. 检查你的鞋:是否干净,光亮,并处于完好状态Check your socks and stockings: they should be clean, odor free and no holes. 检查你的袜子:是否干净,无异味和破洞Check your uniform: it should be clean, well pressed and have no tears or damage,No missing buttons.检查你的制服:是否干净,熨烫整齐,无破损或纽扣丢失Housekeeping - system and process guidance前厅部 - 制度和

13、流程指南Subject: CHECK UNIFORM AND HOW TO GROOMING STANDARDSGROOMINGANDAPPEARANCE主题:制服检查及仪表仪容标准Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-002Prepare by: Director of Rooms Division 起草:HRDate: 日期:2015-11-22Approved by: General Manager批准:总经理Date: 日期:2015-12-01OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure that our staff always maintains a good appearanc

14、e during work Make sure standards are followed at all times.确保我们的员工在任何工作时间内保持良好的仪表仪容PROCEDURES 流程Supervisor have to check their associates uniform and grooming in the briefing and conduct spot checks any time during the day during work主管在例会时需检查他们员工的制服和仪表仪容,并在工作时间随时抽查Standards标准The uniform pressed wi

15、thout stains, tears and odor制服熨烫整齐,无污渍,破损,异味Button up all buttons系上所有纽扣Dont roll up sleeves, to change if the uniform does not fit不要卷起袖口,如果不合适就去更换Wear name tag correctly.正确的佩戴名牌Black shoes and socks for male black shoes and body color socks for female. Ensure that shoes and socks are without tears o

16、r damage To check grooming and appearances.男士穿着黑色鞋袜,女士穿着黑色鞋子,肉色丝袜。并检查确保无破损Hair to be combed and brushed For male, the hair should not cover eye brow and the back should not touch collar or be over the ears. 男士头发须梳理整齐,前不得过眉,后不得过衣领,鬓角不得盖过耳朵Make sure arrival at Office is 15mins in advance.提前15分钟到办公室For

17、 female, long hair should be coiled up at the back wit hairnet, short hair should not cover the shoulders, and all hair pins are to be black in color.女士长发要用发网盘起,短发不过肩,发卡只限于黑色Nails should be closely trimmed, nail polish is allowed but in natural color only指甲油只限于透明色,并保持光亮和平整Large or hanging earrings a

18、re not allowed, bracelet chain is also not allowed. 夸张和悬挂式的耳环是不允许的,手镯也是不被允许的No rings except engagement or marriage ring不可戴戒指,订婚或结婚戒指除外Remind associates to check for bad breath.保持口腔无异味Supervisor will also be responsible to spot check PA Cleaners uniform, appearance and to correct it at any time durin

19、g working time主管要在工作时间随时抽查房间服务员工的制服,仪表Pay particular attention to check if their uniform is worn correctly, such as if any buttons is opened, if the sleeves are rolled up etc检查制服时要注意细节,例如纽扣没系好,袖子卷起来等Keep reminding Cleaners to pay attention to their appearances.提醒员工注意他们的外表Housekeeping - system and pr

20、ocess guidance前厅部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: BODY LANGUAGE AND ATTITUDE 主题:肢体语言及态度Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-003Prepare by: The front office manager 起草:前厅部经理Date: 日期:2015-11-22Approved by: General Manager批准:总经理Date: 日期:2015-12-01OBJECTIVE 目的Good and polite manner shows respect to our guests. 良好及礼貌的举止显示我们对客人的尊重PR

21、OCEDURES 流程Maintain good manners at any place and at any time when at work, pay attention to your cleanliness. Wear your name tag at all times.工作期间在任何时间,地点保持良好的礼貌,注意个人清洁,佩戴名牌Do not put your hand into your Pockets. 手不要插在兜里Do not lean against the wall at any time. 任何时间不要倚靠着墙站着Do not smoke, pick teeth,

22、 spit or clean your nails in public. 在公共场所不许抽烟,剔牙,吐谈或剪指甲Walk quickly but not run. 走路要快,但不要跑When walking shoulder to shoulder with guests, let guest go first. 当与客人并排时,请客人先走When talking with guest, be polite and smile.当与客人谈话时要有礼貌并保持微笑Maintain a respectful distance with guest when speaking. 与客人谈话要保持一定的

23、距离Stand straight, never cross your arms. 要站直,双臂不能交叉在胸前Maintain eye contact with guest. 保持与客人的眼神接触Listen earnestly to guest and do not disturb when guest is talking.当客人说话时要认真听,不要随便打断。Do not bring bad mood to work. Politely provide your best service. 不要带着情绪工作,要优雅的提供你最好的服务Housekeeping - system and proc

24、ess guidance前厅部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: HOW TO CONDUCT BRIEFING 主题:怎样主持例会Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-004Prepare by: The front office manager 起草:前厅部经理Date: 日期:2015-11-22Approved by: Hotel Manager批准:酒店经理Date: 日期:2015-12-01OBJECTIVE 目的Check and ensure that all required work can be covered in order to meet all sta

25、ndards andensure guest delight To create a good work 检查并确保所有必需的工作符合标准,确保创造一个良好的工作环境PROCEDURES 流程Check your associates according to Sign-in sheet and schedule. 检查你的员工是否按时签到Greet your associates by saying “NinHao” 问候你的员工“您好”Check each of your associates appearance and grooming . 检查你每个员工的仪表仪容Check name

26、 tags and correct any standards that are not met. 检查名牌是否符合标准Take all the necessary reports and log books to conduct the morning briefing. 主持例会,报告必要的事项及交接本所记录事宜Meet associates all together in housekeeping office. 在客房部办公室跟员工一起会面Ensure that everyone has a pen to take notes. 确保每个人用笔记录下相关事宜Discuss specia

27、l tasks for the day. 讨论当天特别工作安排Discuss guest and VIP arrivals and special remarks. 讨论预抵的客人及VIP,和特别的注释Discuss any group arrivals. 交待所有预抵的团队事宜Discuss any guests special requests and projects. 交待任何客人特别的要求和计划Review guest comments. 回顾客人意见Discuss any problems that arose. 讨论任何可引发的问题Review any follow-up tha

28、t needs to be done 回顾任何需要跟办的事项Inform associates of any special events, banquet events, and general hotel events. 告知员工所有事件,宴会,及常规的酒店活动Before ending the briefing check whether associates has any questions and that they know what to do. 在例会完毕之前,要问员工是否有问题,及他们是否知道该怎么做Check your associates for clear under

29、standing of assignments. 检查你的员工是否完全明白他们的工作分配Ask if any thing is unclear. 如果有任何不清楚就问Get feedback or suggestion from your associates. 你的员工要有反馈或建议Report any major concerns to the AM. 汇报主要的顾虑给副经理Always pick up some areas for improvements for associates during their daily work and correct them in a 15 mi

30、nutes short training. 为改进工作,经常在员工的日常工作区域进行15分钟以内的简短培训Housekeeping - system and process guidance前厅部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Communication with the front office主题: 与前厅部沟通Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-005Prepare by: The front office manager 起草:前厅部经理Date: 日期:2015-11-22Approved by: General Manager批准:总经理Date: 日期:2015-12-01OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure communication with guest and colleague so as to show our sincerity and respect to him/her.确保讯息传达给客人和同事,并表示出我们的真挚和尊敬PROCEDURES 流程The front

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