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1、浦东新区小学四年级英语2011年浦东新区小学四年级英语新教材主题单元教学研讨主办:浦东教发院教研部小学英语组承办:浦东新区三林镇中心小学 2011年4月6日Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)4B M3 U1 SoundsTeacher:Yao Huijuan(姚惠娟) Xu Zhiyin(徐志音) Book:Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 4B M3 U1 SoundsDate: 2011-04-06 Teaching aids: Multi-media, word cards, flash

2、, Work sheet, etc.教学设计说明学生情况分析:本班学生开朗、好学,对英语学习充满喜爱之情。经历了三年多的英语课本知识学习和每周一次外教的课堂学习,已经形成了一定的语言积累,养成了一定的听说读写能力。基于学生具有较强的语言学习能力和欲望,在教学中教师应该运用教材所提供的文本,并辅以自编文本以整合新旧知识,在情境创设与语篇再构中推进词句的学习与运用,以满足不同层面学生的需要,提高学生的学习兴趣。模块教学任务分析:4B M3的学习主题为 Things around us。这个单元涉及到的词汇包括与声音相关的名词与形容词、频率副词、星期表达、时间类词组以及常见的日常生活类动词词组等;句

3、型与时态包括to be句型、there be句型、一般现在时态(含各种句式)以及重点时态现在进行时态(着重于一般疑问句以及问答、特殊疑问句以及回答)。可以说,学习空间更为广阔、学习内容也更加丰富多样。从以往较为形象的内容提升到了较为抽象的、无形的事物的理解和表述上,涉及不时不在的声音、日常生活的时间表达以及星期概念;还涉及频率副词的合理区分与运用、精确的时间表达与人物的言行的合理匹配以及现在进行时态所涉及的各种句式。基于教材模块对学生提出的较高的语言学习要求和能力要求,教师可以通过让学生聆听各种声音来猜测正在发生的事情;通过实物展示学习时间的表达;通过回归学生实际生活,表达在不同的时间段所做的

4、事儿;通过日常生活的安排来学习频率副词的合理运用。在此过程中,要求教师不仅要注意到新旧知识的有机整合,顾及学生语言能力训练的递进性与梯度性,而且还要在潜移默化中告诫学生合理安排学习与生活时间,形成良好的生活与学习习惯。单元教学任务分析:要求学生能合理感受与表达声音的强弱、快速捕捉和学习声音的来源类词汇,借助声音来学习、运用现在进行时态的一般疑问句,如Is / Are doing? Yes, is /are. No, isnt / arent. 学会运用听到的声音来猜测正在进行的活动。鼓励学生在感受声音无处不在的同时,学会辨证地看待声音的轻与响(即声音的响亮相对于环境而言),并在实际学习和生活中

5、进行熟练地掌握与运用。1、各学习项目分析Look and learn: 核心学习板块,主要进行词汇学习,重点是单词quiet, loud, bell, television (TV) Look and say: 核心学习板块,主要进行句型学习,重点是- Is / Are (doing)? - Yes, is / are. (No, isnt / arent.) Make and play: 通过做一做,玩一玩的形式,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时通过比较每个风铃的声音,进一步体验声音的美妙。 Say and act: 情景运用,是两大核心板块的具体化,并与已有知识(祈使句、现在进行时等)相结合,在实

6、际生活中运用句型。 Read a story: 阅读延伸,采用充满童趣的卡通人物形象,设计生动的故事情节,创设学生运用语言的平台,进行语言的交流与拓展,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。 Listen and enjoy: 通过英语歌曲的形式,创造轻松愉快的活动,在活跃课堂的同时,让学生感受到了语言的魅力。 Learn the sound: 语音学习,感受元音字母组合的发音,进一步树立音素概念,做到发音准确、到位。2、知识要点介绍(1)学习和掌握词汇:quiet, loud, bell, television (TV), sound, noisy, ring, watch TV等,做到音、形、义的统一。

7、 (2)学习并掌握现在进行时态的一般疑问句及其问答: Is/Are (doing)? Yes, is / are. No, isnt / arent. (3)掌握并运用there be 句型:There are some students outside. (4)熟练运用祈使句:Listen, Be careful. Be quiet. (5)熟练运用连词:and, but (6)学习并掌握字母组合-are, -ear, -air的发音: square, bear, hair3、学生已有的能整合到本单元的知识(1)词汇 动物类:chick, duck, cow, pig (1A M4 U1)

8、bear, monkey, tiger, panda (1B M4 U2) frog, rabbit, bee, bird (1B M1 U1) sheep, hen, dog, cat (1B M1 U2) fish, chicken (2B M2 U2)交通工具类:bicycle, train, bus, car, van, ship (2B M1 U3) aeroplane, bus (3B M1 U1)动词词组:play football, play basketball, play ping-pong, play cards(2)句型 What do you hear? (1B M1

9、 U2) am/ is/ are (doing) (4BM2U3) 单元教学目标说明:1、能正确朗读、拼写新授词汇,并能用选择疑问句获取所需信息。2、能运用祈使句,引起注意,发出警告或指令。3、能体会到相同音量的声音在不同背景下给与他人不同的感受。4、能根据问题抓住关键信息,提高阅读效率。5、能正确读出字母组合-are, -ear, -air的发音,并有感情地朗读小诗。单元课时划分:第一课时:Look and learn, Make and play第二课时:Look and say第三课时:Say and act, Listen and enjoy第四课时:Read a story, Lea

10、rn the sound第五课时:Revision单元课时具体说明:课时词汇学习运用句型学习运用综合运用能力备注说明第一课时quiet, loud, television, bell, doorbell ,wind-bell, telephone bell, morning bell, bicycle bell, Ipad, MP3, ringing, etc.What can you hear?Listen to Is it loud or quiet? is/am/ are (doing)1. 能复习巩固以前学习的关于动物、交通工具的词汇和关于声响的句型,复习农场上的声音和马路上的响声;2

11、. 能通过学习各式各样铃声,表达出声响的强弱。通过Peter这个人物,创设各个情境,串联本单元的教学内容。这个单元的教学每一个课时有其侧重点:第一课时通过Peter去农场的路上和参观农场的情境,重点学习关于声音的词汇;第二教时通过Peter在家里听声音猜家里人的活动的情境,侧重学习现在进行时态一般疑问句以及回答;第三教时通过Peter和Ginger骑车到公园的情境,综合整合了各种句式,在说说演演的过程中对先前知识作进一步的操练和巩固;第四教时借助Peter喜欢的一则故事的阅读来进一步学习、操练新学,培养学生的阅读能力,提高学生的阅读兴趣。第二课时Review the words.- Is /

12、Are (doing)?- Yes, is / are.(No, isnt / arent.)I can hear the sound of is/am/ are (doing)1. 学习现在进行时态的一般疑问句及其回答的用法; 2. 进一步巩固现在进行时态的陈述语句,并能与现在进行时态的一般疑问句互相转换与表演运用;3. 能学会关注不同生活空间内的响声的不同,激积累生活经验。第三课时Sports Parkdoze, awake, asleep, puzzled, wheelYour bell is too quiet!Be careful!Be quiet!Excuse me!1. 能学习并

13、表演这个故事;2. 通过句型的学习,体会不同场所声音的高低;3. 在听、说、读短文的过程中,培养学生抓住关键词或核心内容的能力;4. 在感受声音无处不在的同时,学会辨证地看待声音的轻与响,积累生活经验。第四课时tortoise, bath, has a nap, later,发音:-are, -ear, -airsquare, bear, hair- Is / Are (doing)?- Yes, is / are.(No, isnt / arent.)1. 能理解这个故事;2. 激发学生的阅读兴趣,培养学生的阅读能力。第五课时单元复习第二课时教学目标:1. 通过Peter在家与家人之间的对话

14、情境,初步学习现在进行时态的一般疑问句及其回答的用法,如:Is/Are(doing)? Yes, is/are./ No,isnt/arent.;重点关注be动词和现在分词的用法;2. 进一步巩固现在进行时态的陈述语句,能比较熟练地与现在进行时态的一般疑问句进行互换,能表演、运用所学的对话;3. 学会关注不同的生活空间以及声音响声的不同,积累一定的生活经验,从中激发关注生活的热情以及英语学习的兴趣。Topic: Sounds at homeProcedureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. S

15、how a song2. Review the sounds on the farm and on the road a. Show Peterb. Elicit the sounds on the farm and on the road3. Elicit the sounds at home 1. Sing a song I have a television.2. Review the sounds on the farm and on the road a. Listen to Peter and guessb. Listen to Peter and guessc. Choose a

16、nd say 3. Read the topic sounds at home4. Say sth. about voice and noise利用歌曲既活跃课堂气氛,又复习上节课学习的内容。引入人物,为故事铺垫。揭示主题,复习有关声音的词汇。While-taskprocedure1. Teach:Are you(doing)? Yes, I am. No, Im not.a. Show Peters family members to elicit the sounds at homeb. Show the sound of waterc. Show Peter and his Dadd.

17、Teach the chante. Show Part 1 and askf. Role-play with a student1. Learn: Are you (doing)? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.a. Listen to the sound of water and guessb. Listen to Peter and his Dadc. Read: Are you washing your face?d. Say a chante. Read, ask and answer-I can hear the sound of water. Are you _

18、now? -Yes, I am.f. Role-play dialogue Part 1用听水声,猜一猜的方法,让学生在整体感受对话的过程中学习新知识。运用朗朗上口的儿歌来学习重点句型。由水声联想生活中具体的动作,回归实际生活。尝试分角色表演片段1。2. Teach: Are you (doing) in your bedroom? a. Show Pauls bedroom and askb. Show Sallys bedroom and askc. Show dialogue Part 2 and askd. Do an action and ask 2. Learn: Are you

19、(doing) in your bedroom? a. Listen to Pauls bedroom and guessb. Listen to Sallys bedroom and guessc. Read and ask_, its _ (quiet/noisy) in your bedroom. Are you _ in your bedroom?d. Listen to dialogue Part 2 and have a role-playe. Read and choose play or playingf. Act and guess通过Paul 轻声的房间和Sally吵闹的房

20、间的对比,让学生操练新句型。加入Ipad这个时尚的元素,让这节课更富有时代性。注重扎实地整合与操练动词不同的语法结构。3. Teach: Is(doing)? Yes, is. / No, isnt.a. Show the sounds of bells b. Show a songc. Show passage 3 and askd. Show some hints for dialogue 33. Learn: Is (doing)?Yes, is. / No, isnt.a. Listen to the sounds of bells and guessb. Sing a song Ar

21、e you sleepingc. Read the passage 3 and answerd. Make a dialogue e. Ask and answer- Wheres _? -Is _ _(doing) in the _? -Yes, _ is.让学生学会通过对语段的阅读转换到对话操练。同时,注意be动词的变化与合理使用。加强片段巩固,保证学生操练、记忆、运用新学。4.Teach: Are theyoutside? Yes, they are./No, they arent.a. Show the sound outside and askb. Show dialogue Par

22、t 4 and ask4. Learn: Are theyoutside? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.a. Listen to the sound outside and guessb. Listen to dialogue Part 4 and answerc. Make a dialogue难度递进,由扶到放,让学生在情境下运用重点句型进行自编对话。Post-taskactivity1. Show the whole dialogue 2. Show the whole passage3.Show some sounds at home1.Read t

23、he whole dialogue 2.Read and choose the words for the whole passage The sounds at home3. Make a new dialogue Sounds at home再次整体呈现文本,让学生形成整体感受,促使其积累语量、提高阅读能力。最后环节配上形象的生活中的音效,让学生学以致用。Assignment1. Listen to P32 and read it for four times.2. Copy the dialogue The sounds at home3. Read the passage The so

24、unds at the beach and make a dialogue.注意作业的分层与递进,保证对学生各项技能训练的兼顾。板书设计4B M3 U1 Sounds Sounds at homeAre you I am. Im not.Is _ (doing) in ? Yes, . is. No, isnt.Are they they are. they arent.教学反思Materials:1. The sounds at homePeter: Where are you, Dad? Are you in the bathroom?Dad: Yes, I am.Peter: I can

25、 hear the sound of water. Are you washing your face now? Dad: No, Im not.Peter: Are you washing your hair now?Dad: Yes, I am.Peter: Paul, its quiet in your bedroom. Are you making a model plane in your bedroom?Paul: Yes, I am.Peter: Sally, its noisy in your bedroom. Are you listening to MP3 in your

26、bedroom?Sally: No, Im not.Peter: Are you playing Ipad in your bedroom?Sally: Yes, I am. I like playing Ipad. I can play computer games on Ipad.Peter: Listen, Dad. Is the doorbell ringing?Dad: No, it isnt. Its the television.Peter: Wheres Mum? Is she watching TV in the living room?Dad: Yes, she is.Pe

27、ter: Wheres Ginger? Is it running in the living room?Dad: Yes, it is.Peter: Dad, its noisy outside. Its very loud.Dad: Yes, there are some students outside.Peter: Are they playing football?Dad: No, they arent.Peter: Are they playing badminton?Dad: No, they arent. Look, they are playing basketball.2.

28、 The sounds at home Peter can hear many sounds at home. He can hear the sound of water. His father is washing his hair in the bathroom. He can hear no sounds in Pauls bedroom. Paul is making a model plane. He can hear the sound of music in Sallys bedroom. Sally is playing Ipad. He can hear the sound

29、 of the television. His mother is watching TV in the living room. He can hear the sound of the cat. Ginger is running in the living room. He can hear the sound of the students outside. They are playing basketball outside. 3. Read and make a dialogue The sounds at the beach The Chens are having a hol

30、iday at the beach in Sanya. But Peter is ill(生病). He is at home. Now he is talking with his mother on the telephone. His mother isnt drinking water. Shes drinking juice under the umbrella. Sally isnt making a sand castle. She is swimming in the sea. She likes swimming. She can swim very fast. Paul isnt collecting shells. He is playing beach ball with Ben. His father isnt swimming. He is sailing a boat in the sea. They are all very happy. But Peter is sad. Dont be sad, Peter! Ginger is coming.Peter:

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