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1、国际工程英语常用国际工程常用英汉词汇汇编overseas project 海外工程 domestic project 国内工程一、基础词汇 equipment 设备 access 交通 expatriate 外籍职员 agreement 同意、协议expert 分配、配置 专家 allocation export 出口approval 同意、批准 Federation of Civil Engineering Contractor 土 arbitration 仲裁木工程承包商联合会 亚洲开发银行 Asia Development Bank formal 正式的assistant 助理、助手 h

2、ydromechanical works 金结工程授权、委托authorize(delegate) import 进口 Bill of Quantities(BOQ) 工程量表 in charge of 负责、主管 civil works 土建工程 informal 非正式的 claim 索赔 Institution of Civil comment 评论、意见Engineers(ICE) commercial manager 商务经理土木工程师协会 instrument 仪器、器械conditions of contract 合同条件 insurance 保险general conditio

3、ns 通用条件 labour 劳务专用条件conditions of particular application layout special conditions of contract 特别条件布置 Conditions of contract for Works of Civil leading company(sponsor)牵头公司、责任公司 土木工程施工合同责任、义务liability(responsibility/obligation) Engineering Construction 总包lump sump 条件 机械machinery construction manage

4、ment 施工管理 人力资源manpower(human resource) consultant 顾问 contract agreement 合同协议制造商Manufacturer 材料 material 承包商Contractor cooperation 合作measure 办法、措施 take effective measures 协作coordination 采取有效措施 measurement 测量、计量cost 费用 cost control memorandum 备忘录成本控制 counterclaim 反索赔mobilization 进场 objection 反对退场demob

5、ilization 支付payment department 部门 设备设计者Designer plant drawing 图纸观点、意见 point of view(opinion) shop drawing 资格预审prequalification 车间图 design drawing 设计图采购procurement 竣工图as-built drawing profit 利润 blue drawing 蓝图progress control 进度控制 project manager 透明图transparent drawing 项目经理 施工图construction drawing 质量

6、控制quality control 电气工程electric works 申请、请求 request(application) Employer(Client/Owner) 业主review 审查 Engineer 工程师risk 风险 截流 工程师代表Engineers representative river closure river diversion 工程项目engineering project 导流 国际工程international project safety 安全 1 signature 签名 advances depth 进尺深度 breaking hole 崩落孔sit

7、e 工地、现场 cushion hole 缓冲孔 site engineer 现场工程师 drift 掏槽 specification 规格、规范bottom drift 底部掏槽 staff 职员center drift Subcontractor 分包商 中心掏槽 side drift 提交submission 边部掏槽 top drift 顶部掏槽supervise 监督、监视 drilling 钻孔 Supplier 供货商 driving(progress) rate 进尺率 the International Chamber of Commerce国际easer 掏槽孔 商会 er

8、ecting supports for the roof and side wall 对单价 unit price 顶拱及边墙进行支护变更variation(change) full face excavation 全断面开挖World Bank 世界银行 heading and bench excavation 导流与台阶开二、工程施工类挖(一)工程施工 -土建类loading and hauling muck(mucking ) 开挖与支护(装拉渣Excavation and Support) loading (charging) 明挖(Open Excavation ) 装药 perim

9、eter hole 周边孔 台阶开挖bench excavation pilot tunnel concrete excavation 砼开挖导洞 removing dust 除尘 fault excavation 断层开挖 removing ground water 清除地面积水foundation excavation 基础开挖 shooting the explosive (blasting) 局部开挖local excavation 放炮 top heading excavation 上导洞开挖 mass(bulk) excavation 大面积开挖ventilation 通风 pro

10、tective layer excavation 保护层开挖 钻孔爆破(Drilling and Blasting) rock excavation 岩石开挖 abandoned hole 废孔边坡开挖slope excavation average hole depth soft ground excavation 软基开挖平均孔深 average quantity used in unit 土方开挖soil excavation volume blasted 平均单耗 structural excavation 结构开挖 blasting result 齿槽开挖tooth excavati

11、on 爆破结果 blockness 块度 unclassified material excavation 不分类料开controlled perimeter blasting 周边控制爆破 挖data of explosive filled 开挖不均匀系数装药参数 coefficient of nonuniformity data of holes drilled cutoff trench 钻孔参数截水槽 delayed blasting dewatering(drainage) 排水延时爆破 exploratory hole 开挖基坑excavation pit 探孔 explosive

12、 quantity intensity of excavation 开挖强度药量 explosive quantity in a sound 超挖overexcavate ( overbreak ) 单响药量 handling misfire 水泵坑pump sump 处理哑炮 light charge 欠挖Underexcavate ( underbreak ) 少量装药 loosening blasting 欠挖处理松动爆破 underbreak treatment pattern 布孔方式 Tunnel and Underground 洞挖及地下开挖(distance between h

13、oles 孔距Excavation) distance between rows a round of excavation 排距 一个开挖循环post shearing blasting 微差爆破 支洞adit prespliting blasting 进尺advance 预裂爆破 2 quantity of holes 孔数 test 测试 transport 运输smooth blasting 光面爆破 treat 处理 延时支护(rock support) trim 修整 expansion shell rock bolt 胀壳式张拉锚杆缺陷( Defects) feature roc

14、k anchor 随机锚索calcium particles 姜石 feature rock bolt 随机张拉锚杆contaminated material 随机砂浆锚杆 受污染料 feature rock dowel declination of the boundary feature rock reinforcement 随机加固料界偏差 dry 干燥lattice girder 钢桁架、格构大梁 pattern cement grouted rock lack of compaction 漏压 lump sump 结块 dowel 系统水泥浆锚杆 pattern resin grou

15、ted rock dowel muddy 泥泞 oversize material 超粒径材料 系统树脂浆锚杆pocket 囊穴 pattern rock dowel 系统砂浆锚杆seepage pattern rock reinforcement 渗流 系统加固 separation 分离 permanent rock support 永久支护post-tensioned cement grouted tendon rock shear area 剪力区 lens 后张拉水泥浆锚索透镜体 anchor 其它(rebound material 回弹料 Others) bonding surfa

16、ce 结合面 return rock bolt 回头张拉锚杆byproduct return rock reinforcement 副产品 回头加固 controlling parameter 控制参数 shotcrete anchorage 喷锚fill placement record 填筑记录 shotcrete with wire mesh 挂网喷砼 frog area steel fabric shotcrete 钢纤维喷砼蛙夯区 required embankment 必要填方 钢拱架steel rib subzone temporary rock support 临时支护分区 混

17、凝土(Concrete 树脂张拉锚tensioned resin grouted rock bolt ) air-entrained concrete(aerated concrete) 杆 加气砼土石料的填筑及碾压施工工序(Working asphalt concrete 沥青砼Sequence) blinding concrete backfill 回填垫层砼 cast-in situ(site/place)concrete 现浇砼混合blend plastic concrete 塑料砼 compact 碾压 fibrous concrete 纤维砼 控制洒水controlled spri

18、nkling first stage concrete 削坡一期砼 cut the slope foamed concrete dump 泡沫砼 卸料 high-performance concrete exploit 开采高性能砼 high-strength concrete 整平level 高强砼 intrusion concrete 装料load 压浆砼 lean concrete (poor concrete) 水分调节moisture condition 贫砼 lightweight aggregate concrete place and spread 摊铺轻骨料砼 mass co

19、ncrete 清除remove 大体积砼 non-fines concrete replace 重新回填无砂砼 non-plastic concrete retreat (do the work again) 返工干硬性砼 non-shrinkage concrete 无收缩砼 翻松、刨毛scarify normal concrete 常态砼筛分和冲洗screen and wash plain concrete 取样take a sample 素砼 3 porous concrete 多孔砼 set-controlling admixture 调凝剂 super-plasticizer 增塑剂

20、、高效减水剂prestressed concrete 预应力砼 surface-active agent 表面活性剂 pump concrete 泵送砼 water-reducing agent 减水剂 reinforced concrete 钢筋砼accelerating water reducer roller compacted concrete( rollcrete) 碾压砼 速凝型减水剂 retarding water reducer 缓凝型减水剂二期砼second stage concrete waterproof agent 防水剂 作业(Activity) 指标(Indexes

21、) clearance(clearing) 清理 concrete compressive strength 抗压强度 compressive stress 砼浇筑 压应力 pouring(placement/casting) concrete class 砼等级curing 养护 final strength 终凝强度Membrance curing 薄膜养护 graduation 级配湿润养护moist curing graduation curve 级配曲线 normal curing 标准养护 impermeability 抗渗性 steam curing 蒸汽养护 initial s

22、etting strength 初凝强度 repairing 修理 mix design 配比设计 凿毛Scabbling (chiping/roughening) resistance to freezing and thawing 抗冻融性 greencutting 冲毛shear strength 抗剪强度 surface finishing 收面slump 坍落度 vibrating 振捣 specific weight/gravity 比重 Defects缺陷() stability against sliding 抗滑稳定性麻面bug hole(pitted surface) st

23、rain cavity 狗洞应变 surface finish 冷缝 表面平整度 cold joint tensile strength crack 裂缝抗拉强度 tensile stress 拉应力 变形deformation thermal stress 温度应力 depression 坑洼 water-cement ratio 火损砼fire-damaged concrete 水灰比 working stress 工作应力 formwork shifting(moving) 跑模其他(Others ) 漏浆(挂帘)grout leakage acceptance 验收 honeycomb

24、 蜂窝 age 龄期不完全振捣、漏振incomplete vibration aggregate 骨料 不规则irregularity fine aggregate 细骨料 离析segregation(bleeding) coarse aggregate 粗骨料 stair(staggered joint) 错台 air pocket tie rod hole 气囊 拉杆孔 airtightness water leakage 漏水气密性 alternative 渗水water seepage 替代物、替换方法 apply )外加剂(Admixture应用、施加 bending moment

25、accelerator 速凝剂弯矩 block 仓号引气剂air-entraining agent binding strength 膨胀剂bloating(bulking /expansion) agent 黏结强度 calibration 剂着色coring admixture 标定 cement anchor 锚固卷 早强剂re early-strength admixtuconcrete plug 砼塞 发气剂(起泡剂)gas-forming admixture concrete precast element 塑化剂fluidizer 砼预制件 concrete release sh

26、eet 缓凝剂retarding agent 发料单 4 spacing 间距 上面已看! stress concentration 应力集中 symmetry 对称 construction joint 施工缝 technical data 技术参数 contamination /pollution 污染temperature control 改建 温度控制 conversion(reconstruction) temperature difference 温差coverage 覆盖范围 temperature rise(gain) 温度升高 curing agent 养护剂 theoret

27、ical elongation 理论延长量 delivery sheet 运料单unloading direct discharge 直接入仓 卸载 water stop 高程、正视图 止水 elevation PVC water stop PVC止水epoxy mortar application 还氧砂浆抹面 rubber water stop existing 现有(存)的橡皮止水 copper water stop 铜止水expansion joint 伸缩缝 watertightness 闭水性 facilitate 使容易(便利) winter protection 冬季保温 纤丝

28、笼gabion 模板(Formwok/Shutteringform) humidity 湿度erecting(setting up/fixing) formwork 立模 identity 识别、标记Stripping (removing/dismantling) formwork 拆成分、配料 ingredient 模检查、验收inspection bond breaker 脱模剂 preliminary inspection 初验 climbing cone 爬升锥final inspection 终验 dam bracket appearance inspection 外观检查 大坝支架

29、 distance piece 横支撑 完整的、未被触动的intact double-curvature formwork inter-tower joint 塔间缝双曲模板 flat formwork 平面模板穿入introduce into 将 formwork oil 隔离模板油 isolate pigtail anchor laitance 浮浆皮 猪尾筋 retractable formwork 进退式模板 layer(lift)height 层高 shearkey box 键槽盒 满足设计要求meet design requirement sliding formwork mome

30、nt of inertia 惯性距滑模 steel form carrier 钢模台车预留孔Pocket (box out/preset hole) steel formwork 钢模 post-cooling 后冷却steel waling 钢围令、钢支撑 后张拉post tensioning stopend 堵头、封堵模板 pre-cooling 预冷却 temporary formwork 预应力pre-stressing 临时模板 tie rod(form tie) 先张拉pre-tensioning 拉杆 tiltable formwork 倾斜式模板扒拉试验pull-off tes

31、t vault and invert formwork 顶拱及底拱模板 reinforcement cover 钢筋保护层 wood formwork 木模备注remark 钢筋(Reinforcement Rebar section area 截面面积) distribution bar 抗剪键shearkey 分布筋 dowel 键槽key groove 插筋 horizontal bar shotcrete dry-mix process 水平筋干喷砼生产 lap length shotcrete wet-mix process 湿喷砼生产搭接长度 main stress bar 主应力筋 简化simplify overlap 搭接 simultaneously 同时地 shear bar 水泥垫块spacer 剪力筋 5 splice welding 绑条焊接 outlet pipe 出浆管 packer 灌浆塞starter bar 起始筋、苗子锦 piston 活塞 stirrup 箍筋 plug 堵头 support bar 架立筋reducer

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