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1、了不起的狐狸爸爸FantasticMrFox中英对白剧本1-# Born on a mountain top in Tennessee # 生于田纳西州山顶 # 2-# Greenest state in the land of the free # 最绿色的自由之地 #3-# Raised in the woods so he knew every tree # 丛林中长大 每棵树都了然于心 # 4-# Kilt him a bar when he was only three # 3 岁起就所向无敌 #5-# Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild fr

2、ontier! # Davy Davy Crockett 拓荒英雄! # 6-# Fought single-handed through the Injun War # 独自投身于印第安战争 #7-# Till the Creeks was whipped and peace was in store # 打得克里克人闻风丧胆 人间现和平8-# And while he was handling # 当他出征时 #9- Whatd the doctor say? - Nothing.- 医生怎么说? - 没什么10-Supposedly, its just a twenty-four hou

3、r bug.估计是小毛病吧11-He gave me some pills.他给我开了些药12-I told you. You probably just ate some bad gristle.早跟你说过 你可能只是吃坏了肚子13-We take the short cut or the scenic route?我们抄近路还是走景观路? 14-Lets take the short cut.抄近路吧15-But the scenic route is so much prettier.但景观路上风景好啊16- Okay, lets take the scenic route. - Gre

4、at.- 那么 走景观路吧 - 哦耶17-Its actually slightly quicker, anyway.实际上这条路更近一点哟18-Thank you.谢谢19- What is a squab? - You know what a squab is.- 乳鸽是什么? - 乳鸽就是乳鸽20-Its like a pigeon, I suppose.跟鸽子差不多21-Should we go through the hole under the horse fence 我们是去钻马围栏下的洞22-or climb the rail over the bridle path?还是去爬

5、马道上的栏杆?23-Well, I guess the horse fence would be a little safer.呃 我觉得钻洞更安全些吧24-But the bridle path puts us out right next to the squab shack.但走马道可以直达鸽棚呢25-Okay.那好吧26-Whats wrong? Youre acting all skittish.你怎么了? 魂不守舍的27-Dont worry. Ive been stealing birds for a living since 别担心 早在学会跑步前28-before I cou

6、ld trot.我就学会偷鸡以谋生了29-By the way, you look unbelievably beautiful tonight.顺带说句 你今晚美极了30-Youre practically glowing.简直是红霞满面31-Maybe its the lighting.或许是霞光衬的吧32-# Ive been in this town so long that back in the city # 我久居于城郊小镇 # 33-# Ive been taken for lost and gone # 世人皆认为我已驾鹤西去 #34-# And unknown for a

7、long long time # 江湖中了没有我的传说 # 35-# Fell in love years ago # 多年前我坠入爱河 #36-# With an innocent girl # 恋上一位清纯少女 #37-# From the Spanish and Indian home # 她来自于西班牙和印第安人之家 # 38-# Home of the heroes and villains # 那个龙蛇混杂之地 #39-# Once at night Catillian squared the fight # 某夜西班牙人来袭 #40-# And she was right in

8、the rain of the bullets # 她身处枪林弹雨之中 # 41-# that eventually brought her down # 尽管难逃一劫 #42-# But shes still dancing in the night # 但晚上她仍翩翩起舞 #43-# Unafraid of what a dudell do in a town full of heroes and villains # 毫不畏惧这龙蛇之地能起多大风浪 #44- Whats that? - What?- 那是什么? - 什么? 45-I think its a fox-trap!我觉得是个捕

9、狐器!46- Look at this. - No, get away from there.- 你看这个 - 不 别管那东西47-Is it spring-loaded?是个弹簧装置?48-Yeah, yeah, I guess if you come from over there,嗯 我猜要是你从那里过来49-and youre standing at this door to the squab shack,站在鸽棚这堵门前50-this little gadget probably triggers the.这链子大概会引发.51- What!? - Move out of the

10、way, darling.- 什么!? - 别站在那儿 亲爱的52- Thats right where its going to land. - Stop it! Lets go!- 这东西瞄准的就是那儿 - 够了! 我们走吧!53-No, it just falls straight right down 猜错了 原来是直接罩下来的啊54- I guess its not spring-loaded. - Im pregnant.- 我觉得它不是弹簧装置 - 我怀孕了55-Wow!哇!56-Were gonna have a cub.我要当爸爸了57- Honey, thats great

11、 news. - If were still alive tomorrow.- 宝贝 这真是个天大的好消息- 如果我们还能活到明天.58-If were still alive tomorrow morning,如果明早我们还活着59-I want you to find another line of work.我要你改行60-Okay.遵命61-# My children were raised # 孩子生下后 #62-# You know they suddenly rise # 一晃就大了 #63-# They started slow long ago # 出生时才那么小 #64-#

12、 Head to toe healthy wealthy and wise # 从头到脚 健康聪明又伶俐 # 65-Does anybody actually read my column?有人读过我的专栏吗?66- Do your friends ever talk about it? - Of course.- 你朋友有没有提过? - 当然提过67-In fact, Rabbits ex-girlfriend just said to me last week,实际上 兔子的前任女友上周才对我说68-I should read Foxys column, but they dont get

13、 the Gazette.我应该去看看狐狸专栏的 但他们搞不到公报69- Ash! Lets get cracking! - Why would they? Its a rag-sheet.- Ash! 赶紧哦! - 怎么搞不到? 几张破纸而已70- Im sick. - Youre not sick.- 我病了 - 你没病71- I have a temperature. - You dont have a temperature.- 我发烧了 - 你没发烧72- I dont want to go. - Hurry up. Youre going to be late.- 我不想去 - 快

14、点 你要迟到了73-I love the way you handled that.我欣赏你处理事情的方式74-Your cousin Kristoffersons coming on the sixth.你表弟 Kristofferson 六号会来75-I want you to be extra nice to him 我希望你要好好待他76-because hes going through a very hard time right now.因为他这一路上可不容易77-Wheres he gonna sleep?他来了睡哪?78-Were gonna make a bed for h

15、im in your room.我们会在你房里加张床79-I cant spare the space. Put him in Dads study.我才不要他睡我房里 让他去睡爸爸的书房嘛80-Dads study is occupied by Dad.爸爸的书房是爸爸的81-I dont want to live in a hole anymore. It makes me feel poor.我不想再住洞穴了 这让我觉得寒碜82-We are poor but were happy.我们是穷 但其乐融融啊83-Comme-ci, comme-ca.不过尔尔84-Anyway, the v

16、iews are better above ground.无论如何 地面风光更好85-Honey, Im seven non-fox-years old now.宝贝 我已经 7 岁了86-My father died at seven and a half.我爸 7 岁半就过世了87-I dont want to live in a hole anymore,我不想再住在洞里88-and Im going to do something about it.我说到做到89-Well, Im off.我走了90-Have a good day, my darlings!宝贝 要开心哈!91-Yo

17、u know, Foxes live in holes for a reason.狐狸居洞穴 是有历史原因的92-Hm, yes, I know.嗯 我知道93-Whatre you wearing?你穿的那啥?94-Why a cape with the pants tucked into your socks?干嘛披着块布 又把裤角掖进袜子里? 95-I guess hes just 我看他大概96-different.想穿得与众不同97-Oh, hey, Mr. Fox.嘿 狐狸先生98-Yes. Here it is. This is the tree.对 就是这里 就是这棵树99-C

18、ome on over. This is. Uh, Im gonna call you back.快上来吧 这是. 呃 我回头打给你100-Obviously, its first growth, indigenous.显然 这棵树古朴原始101-Original dirt floor, good bark, skipping stone hearth as you can see.原土地板 优质树皮 石质壁炉 一望即知 不多赘言102-Kylie?Kylie?103-Kylie! Whatd I tell you? Im showing the property.Kylie! 我是怎么跟你说

19、的? 我正带人看房呢104- Youre not supposed to be here. - Oh, what time is it? Im sorry.- 这当口你应该消失的- 哦 都这时候了? 真抱歉105-This is Kylie. Hes the super. Hes a little.他叫Kylie 是个管理员 他有点. 106-Whats in the bucket, Mr. Kylie?桶里有什么 Kylie 先生?107-Kylie? Kylie!Kylie? Kylie!108- Just minnows. Try one? - Certainly. Thank you.

20、- 鲦鱼而已 来一条尝尝? - 好的 谢谢109-Its not exactly an evergreen, is it?这不是常青树吧?110-Arent there any pines on the market this side of the river?河边没有松树之类的树屋卖么? 111-But, pines are pretty hard to come by in your price range.但你那价钱买不起松树啊112-What? What? Whats that?那? 那个? 那是什么?113-May I ask what you do for a living, M

21、r. Fox?冒昧问一句 您以何维生 狐狸先生? 114-I used to steal birds, but now Im a newspaper man.过去我偷鸡 但现在我是名记者115-Oh, sure. Ive seen your by-line.哦 对 我在报上见过您的大名116-Good afternoon, gentlemen.午安 先生们117- Youre going? Youre. - Oh, and Kylie.- 你要走了? 你. - 对了 Kylie. 118-Thank you for the minnow. It was superb.谢谢你的鲦鱼 味道好极了1

22、19-Dont buy this tree, Foxy.别买那树屋 狐狸120-Youre borrowing at nine and a half with no fixed rate,9.5%的浮动房贷利率121-plus moving into the most dangerous neighborhood in the country 再加上邻居又是村里最难缠的122-for someone of your type of species.灭了你绰绰有余123-Youre exaggerating, Badger.太夸张了吧 獾124-Im sugar-coating it, man!

23、 This is Boggis, Bunce, and Bean!我说得够委婉了 老弟! 他们可是 Boggis Bunce 和Bean 啊!125-Three of the meanest, nastiest, ugliest farmers in the history of this valley!本地有史以来最卑鄙 无耻 下流的三个农场主!126-Really? Tell me about them.是么? 说来听听127-Alright.嗯128-Walt Boggis is a chicken farmer.Walt Boggis 有个养鸡场129-Probably the mos

24、t successful in the world.大概是世上最成功的养鸡场130-He weighs the same as a young rhinoceros.他胖得像头猪131-He eats three chickens every day for breakfast, lunch, supper, and dessert.一日三餐兼甜点餐餐要吃 3 只鸡132-Thats twelve in total, per diem.换言之 一天 12 只鸡133-Nate Bunce is a duck and goose farmer.Nate Bunce 经营着养鸭场和养鹅场134-H

25、es approximately the size of a pot-bellied dwarf,他大腹便便 个头矮小135-and his chin would be under water in the shallow end 任何泳池的浅水区136-of any swimming pool on the planet.都能淹到他下巴那儿137-His food is home-made doughnuts 他爱吃以鹅肝酱138-with smashed-up goose livers injected into them.为馅的自制甜甜圈139-Frank Bean is a turke

26、y and apple farmer.Frank Bean 有火鸡和苹果庄园140-He invented his own species of each.火鸡和苹果都是自己发明的新品种141-He lives on a liquid diet of strong, alcoholic cider 他天天要喝自家酿的142-which he makes from his apples.高度苹果酒143-Hes as skinny as a pencil, as smart as a whip 他骨瘦如柴 阴险刻薄144-and possibly the scariest man current

27、ly living.搞不好是世上最可怕的恶人145-The local human children sing a kind of 有一首当地孩子唱的146-eerie little rhyme about him.关于他的古怪童谣147-Here, listen to this.喏 你听148-# Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. # Boggis Bunce 和Bean # 149-# One fat, one short, one lean. # 一胖 一矮 一瘦 #150-# These horrible crooks, so different in looks, #

28、 这仨可恶之徒 长相各异 # 151-# were nonetheless equally mean. # 却同样卑鄙 #152-In summation, I think you just got to not do it, man.总而言之 我希望你别买那房子 老弟153-Thats all.言尽于此154-I understand what youre saying, and your comments are valuable,我明白你的好心 你的忠告也值得一听155-but Im gonna ignore your advice.但我还是决定要买156-The cuss you ar

29、e!你真是冥顽不灵!157-The cuss am I?我冥顽不灵?158- Are you cussing with me? - No, you cussing with me?- 你在骂我? - 明明是你在耍我好不?159- Dont cussing point at me! - You can cuss yourself!- 别想糊弄我! - 是你自己糊弄自己! 160- Youre not gonna cuss with me, you little cuss! - Dont cuss with me!- 你耍不过我的 你这笨蛋! - 别想耍我!161- Just buy the tr

30、ee. - Okay.- 我要买树屋 - 买吧162-Take a left and then to the right. Set them down.向左转 再向右转 把它们放下163-Just another batch. Help that other guy over there.还有一组家具 去帮帮那边那伙计164-Lift with legs not with your back. Flip it sideways.注意后面的桌子腿 侧着搬进去165-Dont try to be a superman here.不要自以为是166-Alright. We got two circl

31、es.嗯 我们有两组人167-We got the yellow circle and the green circle.一组负责内部 一组负责外部168-Lets just keep them separate. Hold it right there.都记好自己的分工 在那儿站稳了169-We need to bring about two percent more in.大家再卖力点170-Good. Here we go. A little bit more. A little bit more.不错 就这样漆 漆开些 再开些171-Thats good.很好172-Lets just that bottom structure resettled in.要把底部安置好173-Lets bring in the side unit. Watch out!细

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