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广东版开心英语三下Unit 3《My room》word教案及练习.docx

1、广东版开心英语三下Unit 3My roomword教案及练习Unit 3 My roomPeriod 1一、 教学目标:1) 语言知识目标:能识别熟记单词bed, pillow, door,window, clock, lamp,black, white, 能对离自己距离不同的物品进行提问,并能运用所学单词描述房间的物品及其颜色。(句型Whats that? Its a .)2) 语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本单元句型,并能运用这些句子进行日常对话。3) 情感态度目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,乐学爱学英语,并能参与活动,与他人合作,愿意在日常生活中运用英语交流。二、 教学重点:能识别熟记单词b

2、ed, pillow, door,window, clock, lamp, black, white,三、 教学难点:1. 能运用Whats that?及其答语Its a/an +颜色+物体。2. 掌握新单词 red, black, 的读音。和让学生清楚的知道Whats this? 和 Whats that ? 的区别。四、 教学步骤Step1 Warming up 1 Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss HuangT: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you, and yo

3、u?T: Im fine, too. Thank you.2.Sing the song.( Red, yellow, blue and green.)3. Revise the colors. And what is this ? What color is it ? 1)T:B and G, play attention. (拿起一本课本)问:Whats this? 然后帮助学生一起回答:Its a book. 可以再提问几个学生。 2)然后指着近处的桌子问学生:What is this? 提问学生,回答:It is a desk.然后再问他:What color is it ? 回答:I

4、ts yellow. 再重复问一遍:Whats this? 提示学生回答:Its a yellow desk.Step2 Lead in and Show the title.1.(师指着远处的凳子问学生)Whats that? Who can tell me .提示学生可以像刚才那样答:Its a yellow chair. 2. 在黑板上板书:Whats that? Its a yellow chair.3. T:出示红色苹果卡片Whats this?(指名回答) S: Its an apple.T: 当询问比较远的物体呢?Whats that? (学生跟读) 引导学生回答Its a/an

5、 +物体。 T: 随机指着远处的桌子问学生:Whats that?(排火车问答,扩大参与面)4. Show the title.1)Tell a story.T: Boys and girls, do you like story?Ss: Yes. T:Ill tell you a story about Gogo. (师在CAI上出示这些图) 我们都知道Gogo来自另外一个星球,今天,Gogos brother 要来地球上看望Gogo, So Gogo is very happy. Now, hes waiting at the door. (Gogo一大早就在门前等候了。同学们,你们想知道

6、Gogo的弟弟喜欢Gogo的房子吗?原来,Gogo的弟弟第一次来到地球上,对很多东西都不认识,我们看看接下来发生什么事。Look,Gogos brother is flying from the sky. Gogo is going to take him in the house。这时,弟弟看到上面的窗户就问:“Whats that?”Gogo 回答:Its a window.弟弟马上想从窗户飞进去,可Gogo说地球人都从门走进去。弟弟朝着Gogo指的门问:“What? Whats that?”“Its a door. Its a brown door.”进去后,弟弟说“Im so tire

7、d.” Then Gogo take him to the bedroom. 房间很黑,(Gogo says “Its black. Let me turn on the lamp.”“Whats that?”“Its a lamp”Now, the wall is white.接着弟弟跳上了床,蹦了几下,奇怪地问:“Whats that?”“Its a bed. And that is a pillow. Hey, dear brother. ”这时弟弟已经在床上睡着了。铃铃铃,“Whats that?”“Sorry,brother. Its a clock.”Look at this. I

8、ts my room What can you see in the room? 2)请学生描述房间里有什么,教师再用英语描述一次,问学生认识几个单词。3)T: Do you want to know how to say these things in English? Hey, class! Today we ll learn Unit 3 My room. Step 3 Presentation1. T: (屏幕出现一张床)Look, What s that?Ss:(帮助回答) It s a bed.(屏幕显示单词,领读数遍)Ss跟读,齐读,拿卡片请学生读。T: What color i

9、s it?Ss: It s red.T: Yes, its a red .(带读数遍)(让学生联系“red”的发音学拼“bed”。)2. T: Now, whats on the bed? It s a(鼠标指着床上的枕头)Ss:枕头。T: How to say. It s a pillow.(拿卡片带读单词) What color is it? Its a red pillow.T: (屏幕出现另一个白色枕头)What color is that? Ss: 引导学生答出. Its a white pillow.(屏幕出现“white pillow”领读数遍,学生跟读,请个别读)利用身边的其他

10、事物操练“white”。3通过颜色的复习教师出示黑色的枕头问 What color is it ?引出black)4.出示Ms. Black和Mary White提问:Whos she?同时引导学生区分white 与 White,black 与Black 5. T: Any other things? (屏幕出现一台灯)What s that? Ss: Its a lamp. (屏幕显示单词,领读数遍,学生跟读,请小组读)Its a pink lamp.6. T: Look at next, (屏幕出现一个闹钟)Whats that? Ss: (帮助回答)Its a yellow and bl

11、ue clock.(屏幕显示单词,带读数遍,请小组读)7. T: (屏幕出现一扇门)What s that?Ss: Its a brown door.(屏幕显示单词,带读,开火车读)8. T: (紧接着指着窗户问)Is that a door? Ss: No, it isnt. Its a window.(屏幕出现一个窗户) T: Yes, very good. Its a window.(显示单词)What color? Ss: Its a green window.学习pillow后让学生联系“pillow”的ow发音学拼“window” 。(领读数遍,学生跟读,请个别读)9滚雪球继续操练

12、单词,打开课本听录音跟读,然后四人小组学习。10.教师从杂志上剪下一些room的图片,发给各小组。用图画卡片呈现新单词,T:Whats that? S: Its a bed. (依次window, pillow, door, clock, lamp)(开火车问答,扩大参与面)11.出示一张床的图片T:Whats that?引导学生说出Its a yellow bed.( 依次window, pillow, door, clock, lamp)12.从而引出目标答语:Its a/an +颜色+物体。(板书)13. Pair work: Whats that? Its a blue. Is tha

13、t a blue? Yes, it is.No, it isnt. Its a yellow.14Listen and repeat.15.Play the CAI and have Ss repeat each word.Step 3 : Consolidation 1.就单词图片展开单词游戏:抢读单词、看图猜词、换宝2.Pair work: Ask and answer (同桌互助,解答疑惑)Review the target language using real objects in the classroom. For example, point to the clock in t

14、he room and say Whats that? Ss answer Its a (white) clock. Then point to the door? Ss answer: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Put Ss in pairs to talk about the colors and the objects in the room.3.Act out (开火车展示交流,全体参与)4. 打开学生书本P23 Look, ask and answer.1)Put the Ss into pairs.2)T: Ask your partner questio

15、ns. Answer in complete sentences. 3)叫学生上台提问,台下学生答。 Step4 Summary: T: Boys and girls what have we learnt today? Ss: We have learnt the new words and to ask Whats that? and the answer. T: Yes, youre so clever. Step6: Homework 1. Read and copy the new words four times.2. Ask your parents, brother or si

16、ster Whats that?Writing on the board:Unit 3 My room A:Whats that? B:Its a/an +颜色+物体四、 课堂作业一、根据图画写出单词。二、判断改错1. This is 2. That is a White book. 3. She is Mary white. 4.What is that. Period 2一、教学目标:1 语言知识目标:a. 熟记单词bed, pillow, door,window, clock, lamp, black, white,并能适当运用Whats that?及其答语Its

17、a/an +颜色+物体。Is that a/an +颜色+物体?及其回答。 b. 熟悉和熟读Target ,完成简单的对话,活动和任务。2语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本单元句型,并能运用这些句子进行日常对话;能够按要求书写单词和目标语句,并初步培养学生在图片及例句下写句子。3情感态度目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,乐学爱学英语,并能参与活动,与他人合作,愿意在日常生活中运用英语交流。二、重点:1熟练运用单词bed, pillow, door,window, clock, lamp, black, white,套入句子运用。2能熟练运用Whats that? Its .Is that a/an?Ye

18、s, it is . No, it isnt.三、难点:能熟练运用Whats that? Its .Is that a/an?Yes, it is . No, it isnt.四、 教学步骤Step1 Warming up 1 Greetings.师生自由对话。如Hello! Hi! What your name? How old are you? Nice to meet you! What this? 等日常用语。2Sing a song: Red, yellow, blue and green. 3游戏Magic eyes (火眼金睛) 教师将卡片快速闪过,学生说出卡片上的单词,卡片闪过

19、的速度逐渐加快。分组进行比赛。 T: Whats that? S1: Its a bed. T: Whats that? S2: Its a.在游戏的过程中板书句型,并带读。然后让学得快的同学当“小老师”,展示图片,并用“Whats that?”提问。 Step2 Lead in and presentation1. T: Now, whats on the bed?(鼠标指着床上的枕头)Ss:It s a pillow.T: What color is it? Ss: Its a red pillow.T: Is this a red pillow? Ss: Yes, it is.T:(屏幕

20、出现另一个白色枕头)Is that a red pillow? 引导学生答出Ss: No, it isnt. Its a white pillow.T: Is that a pink/white/red lamp?(提问学生)引导学生运用 Ss: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.来回答。 2. Pair work 让学生利用实物运用句子Is that a? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.进行操练。3打开书本利用书本Activity1的图进行操练习。再叫学生扮演小老师进行提问。4. Learn Target 1)Point to the first pi

21、cture of Gogo and Tony and model this dialog. 2)Point to the second picture of Gogo and Tony and model the dialog. Do the same for the third picture. 3)Show the Target by CAI.4) Open and read the Target again.5) Pole play. 5. Learn chant. 1) Point to the pictures. Ask Ss what they are. 2) Show the c

22、hant by CAI. 3) Chant together. T: Boys and girls look at the screen and listen carefully.(把歌播放一边) This time ,lets sing the song after the computer.然后教学生唱两遍4) Divide Ss into groups. One group chants the Statements.5. Learn Practice1. 1)Point to the picture A and ask Ss questions about it. 2)T: Whats

23、 Gogo pointing to? Is it a bed? What color is it? 3)Generate responses and do the same for the other pictures. 4)T: Listen. 5) Play the CAI for number 1 and then pause. 6)T: Which picture is it? Is it B? Is it A? 7)While Ss ate responding, gradually move your hand to Picture A. 8)Continue with the o

24、ther three, pausing after each one so Ss can repeat the dialog and write the numbers.Step3: Consolidation 1)Review the target language using real objects in the classroom. For example, point to the clock in the room and say Whats that? Ss answer Its a (white) clock. Then point to the door? Ss answer

25、 Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Put Ss in pairs to talk about the colors and the objects in the room.2.Play a guessing game.教师将图片放在背后,让学生运用句子Is that a ? 来猜,然后让学生来扮演小老师。Step 4: Summary: Summary what have we learnt today Steps5: Homework 1.听21页 vocabulary and Target录音跟读3-5遍(家长签名) 2每个同学回去设计一间房间,并在该房间的物品上标上颜

26、色和名称(英文)。 3.回家用英语向家人或朋友介绍自己房间里的东西。Writing on the board:Whats that?A:Whats that? B: Its a A: Is that a. B:No, it isnt. Its a./ Yes, it is.课堂作业:仿照例子写句子Model 1: Whats that? Its a yellow cat.1. orange / watch Model 2: Is that a yellow clock? Yes, it is. 1. white/ door/ yes2. black/ window/ noPeriod 3一、

27、教学目标: 1) 语言知识目标:能熟练运用句子:Whats that? Its a pink lamp. Is that a black pillow? No, it isnt. Its a white pillow. Is that a brown door? Yes, it is.2) 语言技能目标:能运用所学句型询问并识别物品的名称,并能运用这些句子进行日常对话。 3) 情感态度目标:通过体验、参与实践等活动,让学生学会合作学习,体验成功的喜悦,增强学生学习的积极性和学生的自信心二、 教学重点:能熟练运用Whats that? Its .Is that a/an?Yes, it is .

28、 No, it isnt.3、 教学难点: 能运用Whats that? Its .Is that a/an?Yes, it is . No, it isnt.进行交际。四、 教学步骤Step 1: Warming up 1.Greeting T: Good morning ,Boys and girls! Ss: Good morning,Miss Yang! T: How are you today? S1: Im fine. S2: Im ,too. 2. Chant: T: Boys and girls ,Do you like chant? Ss: Yes. T: OK, lets

29、chant. Now, please look at the screen and chant whats that 3.复习单词引出句子: -Whats that? -Its a white bed. -Whats that? -Its a red pillow. -Is that a brown door? -Yes, it is. -Is that a green door? -No, it isnt.-The door isnt green. -The door is brown. (板书)4. 教师运用CAI快速闪动Vocabulary的图片,师问:Whats that?让学生猜:I

30、s that a ? Step 3 Presentation 1.Show the story 1)T: Which picture has a red chair? Ss: Number 2. Thats right. Number 2. Where is the green pencil? Ss: Number 4. 2)T: Lets listen together. 3)Play the CAI one time and have Ss repeat after it. 4)T: Get into two groups. One plays Gogo and the other plays Tony. Are you ready? 5)Model the role playing once with a volunteer. 6)Play the tape, pausing after each line so Ss can repeat. 2. Practice 2 1)Walk around the room asking Ss questions about items in the classroom. Move around the room quickly and ask questions quickly to keep Ss focu

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