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How to Write a Great Research Paper.docx

1、How to Write a Great Research PaperContentKey 01 Find a Topic 8Which Topics Work (and Which Ones Dont) 8What Interests You 8What You Can Handle 9What You Can Find Enough Information About 9The Right Topic for You 10An Idea Web 10Brainstorming 11Freewriting 12Narrow Your Topic 12Ask Questions 12Make

2、a Pyramid Chart 13Make a Target Diagram 13Schedule Your Work 14Key 02 Look It Up 16Where to Begin 16Encyclopedias 16Choosing an Encyclopedia 16Using an Encyclopedia 17The Internet for Exploration 17Research Questions: The 5 Ws +H 18The Library Catalog 19The Periodical Index 19More Sources 20TV and R

3、adio 20Personal Interviews 20Source Cards 20Source Number 21Call Number 21Information About the Source 21Key 03 Take Notes 25Use Sources Efficiently 25Methods for Note Taking 25Taking Notes on Index Cards 26Taking Notes on Your Computer 27reading note: 2013.9.9 11:32 28Effective Note Taking 29Not To

4、o Much or Too Little 29To Note or Not to Note 29ParaphrasingNot Copying 30To Quote or Not to Quote 30Organize Your Notes 31Organizing Note Cards 31Organizing Notes on a Computer 32Key 04 Take Notes 34What Is an Outline? 34From Notes to Outline 35Rules for Outlining 36Planning Your Beginning and Endi

5、ng 37Your Thesis Statement 37Your Conclusion 38Key 05 Creat Your First Draft 42Follow a Format 42Start Writing 43Draft Your Introduction 43Draft the Body of Your Paper 45Relevance 45Support 45Logical order 45Transitions 45Draft Your Conclusion 46Cite Your Sources 46To Cite or Not to Cite 46How to Ci

6、te Sources 46Choose a Title 47Key 06 Revise and Edit Your Draft 49Check Each Part 49Check Your Introduction 49Check Your Conclusion 50Aim for Excellence 50Spell Check 50Check Grammar and Punctuation 50Sentences 50Subject-verb agreement 50Using pronouns correctly 50Misplaced and dangling modifiers 51

7、Irregular verbs 52Missing commas 52Avoid Repetition 52Break Up Paragraphs That Are Too Long 53Proofread 55Take Pride in Your Bibliography 56Bibliography Entry for a Book 56Bibliography Entry for a Periodical 57Bibliography Entry for a Nonprint Source 57Key 07 Present Your Paper 59Neatness Counts 59U

8、sing Visuals 59Presenting in Public 61Using Note Cards As You Present 61Speaking Slowly and Loudly 62How to Write a Great Research PaperBeverly Ann Chin, Ph.DBeverly Ann Chin is Professor of English, Director of the English Teaching Program, former Director of the Montana Writing Project, and a form

9、er President of the National Council of Teachers of English. Dr. Chin is a nationally recognized leader in English language arts standards, curriculum instruction, and assessment. Many schools and states call upon her to help them develop programs in reading and writ-ing across the curriculum. Dr. C

10、hin has edited and written numerous books and articles in the field of English language arts. She is the author of and .This book is printed on acid-free paper.Copyright 2004 by BOOK BUILDERS LLC. All rights reserved.Limit of Liability/Disclaimer免责声明of Warranty: While the publisher and the author ha

11、ve used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created

12、or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or

13、other damages. Dear StudentsWelcome to the WILEY KEYS TO SUCCESS series! The books in this series are practical guides designed to help you be a better student. Each book focuses on an important area of schoolwork, including building your vocabulary, studying and doing homework, writing research pap

14、ers, taking tests, and more.Each book contains seven chaptersthe keys to helping you improve your skills as a student. As you understand and use each key, youll find that you will enjoy learning more than ever before. As a result, youll feel more confident in your classes and be better prepared to d

15、emonstrate your knowledge.I invite you to use the WILEY KEYS TO SUCCESS series at school and at home. As you apply each key, you will open the doors to success in school as well as to many other areas of your life. Good luck, and enjoy the journey!Beverly Ann Chin, Series ConsultantProfessor of Engl

16、ish University of Montana, MissoulaNote to Teachers, Libararians, and ParentsThe WILEY KEYS TO SUCCESS series is a series of handbooks designed to help students improve their academic performance. Happily, the keys can open doors for everyoneat home, in school, at work.Each book is an invaluable res

17、ource that offers seven simple, practical steps to mastering an important aspect of schoolwork, such as building vocabulary, studying and doing homework, taking tests, and writing research papers. We hand readers seven keysor chaptersthat show them how to increase their success as learnersa plan int

18、ended to build lifelong learning skills. Reader-friendly graphics, self-assessment questions, and comprehensive appendices provide additional information.Helpful features scattered throughout the books include “Writing it Right,” which expands on the text with charts, graphs, and models;“Inside Secr

19、et,” which reveals all important hints, rules, definitions, and even warnings; and “Ready, Set, Review,” which makes it easy for students to remember key points.WILEY KEYS TO SUCCESS are designed to ensure that all students have the opportunity to experience success. Once students know achievement,

20、they are more likely to become independent learners, effective communicators, and critical thinkers. Many readers will want to use each guidebook by beginning with the first key and progressing systematically to the last key. Some readers will select the keys they need most and integrate what they l

21、earn with their own routines.As educators and parents, you can encourage students to use the books in this series to assess their own strengths and weaknesses as learners. Using students responses and your own observations of their study skills and habits, you can help students develop positive atti

22、tudes, set realistic goals, form successful schedules, organize materials, and monitor their own academic progress. In addition, you can discuss how adults use similar study strategies and communication skills in their personal and professional lives.We hope you and your students will enjoy the WILE

23、Y KEYS TO SUCCESS series. We think readers will turn to these resources time and time again. By showing students how to achieve everyday success, we help children grow into responsible, independent young adults who value their educationand into adults who value learning throughout their lives.Beverl

24、y Ann Chin, Series ConsultantProfessor of English University of Montana, MissoulaIntroductionWhat Is a Research Paper and What Do You Gain by Writing One?So you have to write a research paper? If this assignment makes you feel nervous or overwhelmed, you may simply be feeling a fear of the unknown.

25、Calm down! Take it easy! Lets begin by discussing just what a research paper is. Once you know more about what you want to do, the chances are it wont seem so daunting. A research paper is a piece of writing that provides information about a particular topic that youve researched. Its not as simple

26、as writing a paper about your summer vacation, because you dont have to do research to find out about your own personal experience. On the other hand, a paper about a topic such as dolphins, cave paintings, ancient civilizations, or the history of a particular sport does qualify as a research paper.

27、 These are topics about which you, yourself, are not an expert, but that you can learn about by reading the work of expertsin other words, by doing research. Then you can communicate in writing what you have learned. Ideally, you will do that in a way that is clear and interesting. If youre concerne

28、d that you wont know how to go about writing a research paper, dont worry. This book is here to help you write a great research paper. It makes writing your paper easy, because it leads you through the whole process every step of the way. This book promises to give you plenty of helpin a way thats e

29、asy to understandso youll do just fine.Before we get started, we should answer a question many students ask about research papers: “Whats the point? What will I gain from doing this?” One answer is that youll gain experience in writing research papers! This may sound silly, but its not. Chances are,

30、 youll have to do this more than onceand probably a lot as you get older! so after youve done it the first time, it will get a lot easier. But youll gain more than that.Youll learn a great deal about a topic that interests you. Youll start out knowing only a little about that topic and end up an exp

31、ert in your own right. And perhaps most importantly, youll learn how to do research. This is a skill youll use all your life. Its been said that the mark of a good education is not how much you know, but how good you are at finding out what you need to know. Clearly, knowing how to do research is an

32、 important skill to have.Finally, youll gain the experience of taking on a task, seeing it through to the end, and being proud of your accomplishment. After youve completed your paper, youll know just how rewarding this can be.Key 01 Find a Topic Which Topics Work (and Which Ones Dont) The Right Topic for You Narrow Your Topic Schedule Y

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