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1、英语四六级及考研英语过线速成办法一、序1.1试卷结构四级和六级的试卷结构、测试内容、测试题型、分值比例和考试时间如下表所示:试卷结构测试内容测试题型分值比例考试时间写作写作短文写作15%30分钟听力理解听力对话短对话多项选择8%30分钟长对话多项选择7%听力短文短文理解多项选择10%短文听写单词及词组听写10%阅读理解词汇理解选词填空5%40分钟长篇阅读匹配10%仔细阅读多项选择20%翻译汉译英段落翻译15%30分钟总计100%130分钟1.2 时间安排时间点CET4/6工作概述考生操作内容提示信息其他说明8:40/14:40考生入场1、出示准考证、身份证、学生证。2、手机禁入考场3、入座后,


3、试请考生掌握好答题卡1的填涂时间,听力录音播放完毕,将立刻收回答题卡1听力理解30分钟10:10/16:10听力考试结束停止作答,摘下耳机收回答题卡1考试暂停5分钟10:15/16:15命令考生继续作答作答阅读理解和翻译部分11:15/17:15提示考生继续作答10分钟后将结束考试监考老师口头提醒11:25/17:25考试结束考生停止作答收回答题卡与试题册1.3 答题卡样板答题卡1样板: 答题卡2样板: 1.4 做题顺序根据分值比例与难易度,强烈推荐做题顺序:作文 听力 翻译 仔细阅读 长篇阅读 选词填空(固定)解释: 作文与听力顺序固定,开考就做了,就不论述了。翻译题15%分值,比较主观,先

4、做准没错,若放到最后做,翻译的时间绝对不够,导致这题做不完。仔细阅读 20%分值,分值较高,占去阅读理解分值的一大半,还敢不先做?长篇阅读(也称段落匹配)10%分值,不难,放在仔细阅读后做。词汇理解(选词填空)5%分值,分值最低,就算最后万一没时间做了随便蒙几个也不会丢太多分,况且我还有秘籍在手,做此题最多错两个。1.5 听力材料阅读顺序播放录音前(作文写完了,录音没播放的那段时间) 看长对话之后的题目开始播放录音之时(一播放录音就得回头看这个) 看短对话(1-8)听完了选项不要发呆,立刻选出答案,然后看后面题目的选项,能往后看多少题就往后看多少题。每段听力听完了循环此过程。二、阅读插入语可跳

5、原则:逗号:两逗号之间的句子可跳过 xxxxxx (, 可跳过 ,) xxxxx 例:the biologists have, actually for a long time, 逗号后出现的分词短语,从句可跳过破折号后为插入语,可跳2.1仔细阅读2.1.1 题型仔细阅读有四大类型的题一、 细节推断题(出现频率最高,题量最多)二、 词汇指代题(句子理解)三、 主旨大意题四、 观点态度题2.1.2 细节推断题阶梯步骤两大定位原则1、三步定位法 A、找出题干中的关键词(定位词) 定位词优先级 名词动词形容词副词 (专有名词&数词优先)B、回文定位C、正确选择2、自然段定位原则(顺序原则) A、位置

6、对应原则:正确的选项与题干关键词处于同一段 B、同义改写原则:正确答案是对原文的同义改写,而不是直接摘抄 C、概括原则:选项中表达意义越具体,或者肤浅地表达了字面意思的一般不是正确选项。而具有概括性的,含义深刻的,角度较高的是正确答案。广义的具体的 (同一段情况下) D、差异性原则:选项内容与其他三项有较大差异的为正确答案。 E、绝对词:选项中有绝对词的一般非正确答案Must, always, never, have to, any, hardly, only, the most, all, none 等等3、细节题常考点 A、列举处常考 标志词:first, second, third so

7、me, other . B、举例和比方常考 For example, such us like for instance C、转折处常考 But, yet, however, on the other hand, while, D、原因处常考 Because, as, for, since E、列举人物论断处常考 F、特殊符号处常考 ! ? 感叹号,问号 等.2.1.3 词汇指代题解题方法:1、逻辑关系 反义、转折、同义2、语法关系3、特殊符号 冒号(补充说明)分号(并列)括号(解释,补充) 引号(引用,反讽)破折号(补充说明)2.1.4 主旨大意题主题型:main idea标题型:topic

8、 或者 title目的型:purpose1、解题原则 A、寻找T.S句 Topic sentence B、首尾原则 首新闻报道,说明文 尾议论文,总分总结构文 整合每段主题句,归纳大意2、特例A、当文章首句后出现but, yet, however, on the other hand, while 等表示转折的词时,T.S句后移。B、某段无T.S句C、主题句出现在总结词之后 四级中常见总结词:in brief, above, after all, to sum up, conclude 等2.1.5 观点态度题最大标识为 attitude解法:根据作者使用的表示观点,态度,结论的词性的褒贬性,

9、或例子的褒贬性来判断态度。1、 阅读时做标记(关于含有态度的形容词和副词)2、 一般来说,带有绝对化或过于强烈的表达是错误的选项,保留态度的、比较客观的选项才是正确选项。3、 注意看清是问作者自己的态度还是引用别人的态度三、翻译3.1翻译原则:1、 结构不可译,语义可译2、 词典意不可靠,语境重要3、 参考译文不参考,译对就好无捷径,多练习,多对比英汉语言想练习翻译,查找自己的语法问题,用Word即可。试着把翻译的英文打在word里,如下:Wealwaysworkingtilllateatnightbeforetakingexams. (语法错误)Wealwaysworktilllateatn

10、ightbeforetakingexams. (语法正确) 那么,知道错误怎样改正?很简单,语法错误的地方已经被绿色波浪下划线表示出来,鼠标右击绿色波浪线上的单词,然后自己寻找更正吧。3.2 英汉语言对比 (试着翻译)1、形合与意合:还原逻辑关系我今天吃食堂听到这消息,他满眼是泪学得有趣,效率就会高;学得很苦,效率就低我买了6支钢笔,一共三十元。拿回家一看,都是用过的。(他)听到这消息(的时候),他满眼是泪When he heard the news, his eyes were filled with tears.我买了6支钢笔,(这6支钢笔)一共三十元。(当我)拿回家一看,(我发现钢笔)都

11、是用过的。I bought six pens which cost me thirty dollar. When I took them back home, I found they were second hand.2、直线与螺旋:调整重心汉语重心在后,英语重心靠前天色已晚,住在这吧Youd better stay here because it is too late outside now.3竹节与流水:化整为零长短句的拆分与组合英国人写文章往往化零为整,中国人则往往化整为零老师到得很早,学生们很高兴一见到Kimi,我就想到他爸比The teachers early arrived p

12、leased the student.The sight of Kimi reminds me of his daddy.4、 主语与话题:符合语法要求食堂今天吃饺子开汽车没有方向盘不行5、 被动与主动6、 物称与人称:无灵主语风吹雨成花,时间追不上白马经过调查,我们得出上述结论职责所在,我不能临阵脱逃Its my duty, so I cant fly from the danger.My duty forbids me to fly from the danger.7、 静态与动态:名词化趋势学生们欣赏那位老师的讲课爱的痛了,痛的哭了坐你开的车,听你唱的歌The students appr

13、eciate the teachers teaching.A painful love & a tearful pain.8、 省略与补充:增减词汇Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep;moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.A government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.L

14、incoln9、引申与推理:符合表达习惯 I am not quite sure of his having said it.This is the surest guarantee that we shall be successful.He made a sure step out if the mud.She had a sure grasp of the subject.He is very sure in his beliefs.(五句中的 sure 各表达了什么意思)三、听力(浓缩精华,细细品味)短对话(1-8)中,第二个人说的话一般是出题点所有题目中转折词之后的内容一般是出题点,

15、关键词最重要男的矮丑穷怂迟到旷课丢工作,女的高大上白富美不去约会功课做完考试满分永远正确的女神范短对话(1-8)听到什么不选什么,长对话与短文听力(9-25)听到什么选什么。四、写作邮箱: hqqxdf 密码: 20122012 新东方老师邮箱,勿改密码!邮箱: cet4cet6 密码: neworiental新东方老师邮箱,勿改密码!每行10个单词,总共写15行,即可达标,严格按标准写。图表题与图画题除去第一段与对比观点题/社会热点话题不同外,其余段落写作结构、方法与其完全相同。其余段落可以任选对比观点题/社会热点话题的写作方法进行仿写。SO,意思就是只要掌握对比观点题/社会热点话题 两种题

16、型的写作方式,就OK了!对比观点题(两方观点) Recently the problem that choosing the proper book to read has been brought into focus, while there are two opposite views about recreational activities. First and foremost, some people think those recreational activities are great and necessary, because they can help people

17、relax from the hard work and study. Some of the activities, such as hiking, jogging,can help people relax physically; while some of them, such as surfing the Internet, can help people relax mentally. Apart from that, they can explore a students talent, develop a students ability in communication, an

18、d teach them to be more independent. However, opposite voices can also be heard by asserting that recreational activities waste too much time, and therefore may hinder student from focusing on hisorher study. In addition, some people may not resist some temptations from those activities, and indulge

19、 themselves in those activities. To sum up. I think both of them have something right. But I think we should read extensively first. Only in this way can our life be better /Only by doing sth. can our life be better 起 第一段 1引出话题 2观点不同承 第二段 1一种观点 2原因(两点)转 第三段 1承上启下 2另一种观点 3原因(两点)合 第四段 1我的观点 2原因(一点) 3决

20、心社会热点话题 Nowadays, an increasingly growing number of museums are open to the visitors in some big cities such as Beijing, Wuhan and Shanghai. This phenomenon is more and more popular among the public. Although free admission to museums enjoys distinct advantages, it also brings harmful effects. In th

21、e first place, these valuable cultural relics displayed may be damaged consciously or unconsciously by the crowds. In the second place, it becomes a huge economic burden for museums to run as usual without any profits from the visitors. What is more, the growing visitors crowd the museums, which is

22、possible to result in some accidents. In my opinion, to solve the problem above-mentioned, the government should provide more opportunities for citizens to explore and get access to the public knowledge and local culture. Moreover, kids and teenagers can acquire knowledge in the vivid ways in museum

23、s. Only in this way can our life be better /Only by doing sth. can our life be better第一段 1现象 2举例第二段 总分 1原因一 2原因二第三段 总分总 1做法一 2做法二 3决心图表题柱状图(Bar graph)线形图(Line graph)饼状图(Pie graph)表格(table)Student Use of Computers Students tend to use computers more and more frequently nowadays. Reading this chart, w

24、e can find that the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week has increased sharply. In 1990, it was less than 2 hours; and in 1995, it increased to almost 4 hours, and in 2000, the number soared to 20 hours. Obviously computers are becoming increasingly popular. There are se

25、veral reasons for this change. First, computers facilitate us in more aspects of life. Also, the fast development of the Internet enlarges our demands for using computers. We can easily contact with friends in remote places through the Internet. Besides, the prices of computers are getting lower, wh

26、ich enables more students to purchase them. However, there still exist some problems, such as poor quality, out-of-date designs and so on. And how to balance the time between using computers and studying is also a serious problem. Anyhow, we will benefit a lot from computers as long as we use them p

27、roperly.第一段现状描述+总体描述+细节描述现状描述:指出图所折射的社会现象。(一般现在时)总体描述:指出数值变化和数值变化速度。(图与时间有关用现在完成时,无关则用一般现在时)细节描述:选取2-3个特殊值来写。(用一般过去时)图表题除去第一段与对比观点题/社会热点话题不同外,其余段落写作结构、方法与其完全相同。其余段落可以任选对比观点题/社会热点话题的写作方法进行仿写。图画题第一段描述图画+现状 As is vividly revealed in the picture, the boy expresses his worries about disposing of nuclear

28、waste, while his father advises him to empty the dustbin first. Never in our history has the idea thatbeen so popular.图画题除去第一段与对比观点题/社会热点话题不同外,其余段落写作结构、方法与其完全相同。其余段落可以任选对比观点题/社会热点话题的写作方法进行仿写。段落/场景翻译讲解和练习1. 中秋习俗在中国月饼是一种特殊的食品,广受海内外华人的欢迎。中秋吃月饼就好比圣诞节吃馅饼(mince pies)。为了庆祝中秋节,中国人通常做两件事:一是观赏满月。二是品尝美味的月饼。中秋节

29、是每年农历八月十五日。据说,这一天的月亮是一年中最圆的。而月亮正是庆贺中秋的全部主题。在中国人眼中,月饼象征着全家人的大团圆。参考译文:Moon cakes are a special kind of food in China. They are very popular with the Chinese at home and abroad. Moon cakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas. To celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese usually do

30、two things: enjoy the full moon and eat delicious moon cakes. Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is the time when the moon is said to be at its brightest and fullest. And the moon is what this celebration is all about. In the eyes of the Chinese people , a moon cake symbolizes the reunion of all family members.讲解:第二句中的“就好比”可以用“s like”,但译文中所用句型更好地表达这个含义。如:“智力之于大脑,犹如视力之于躯体。“ Intellect is to the mind what sight is to the body.”

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