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1、双语美文集锦双语美文集锦Life 生活You wake up in the morning, feeling groggy and disoriented.You look at yourself in the mirror, fearful to look him straight in the eye. You back zero tolerance on boredom, stuffing every vacant moment with talks, malls and laptops!You are silent in their eyes, yet the noisiest in

2、yours, for that inner voice you can hardly hear.You hang on the rim of the wheel of fortune, going up and down, tasting highs and lows.Life goes on but it is out of control! Not so soon, nor too late. You open your eyes, stretching your muscles and seeing the whole world beckons to you. You cheat hi

3、m no more, smile to him , stare at him, knowing he is with you clear up to the end. You celebrate every moment, busy or free; strive not to become a human-doing, be and consider like a human-being! You talk gently, speak forcefully, and argue eloquently, because a mind in peace functions with effort

4、less ease. You break free, make it to the hub, center your life on the bliss. Let it go! Let it flow! Life still is, but you got a big role!清晨初醒,你只觉昏昏沉沉,糊里糊涂。对着镜中的他,你已不敢直视那双眼。你对无聊的零容忍,让你的生活被塞满闲聊,购物,笔记本!他们眼中安静的你,在你心中却嘈杂不堪,只因心声早已杳不可闻。你攀上命运之轮的边缘,从此生活跌宕起伏,阴晴不定。生活依然继续,却已脱离掌控。光阴不长不短,会有一天: 你睁开双眼,舒展筋骨,世界已然向

5、你呼唤。不再欺骗镜中的他,朝他微笑,死死盯着他,你明白他将伴你走过一生的旅程不论闲暇忙碌,珍惜每个当下。你不再被生活俘虏忙个不停,思考并实现人之为人!你言辞温婉,演说铿锵,雄辩滔滔,一切运行自如,却宁静而无为。你挣脱轮缘,爬上轮轴中心,专注万物的美好。放开拳头!让幸福在掌心流动!生活依旧如是,你不作主,孰作主!Next happiness, when will come?下一班幸福,几点开? Life is full of confusing and disordering. Particular time, a particular location. Do the arranged thi

6、ng of ten million times in the brain. Step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness. No enthusiasm forever. No unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing. So, only silently ask myself in mind. Next happiness, when will come? When our family relationship, friendship, love and p

7、ersonal relationship became four cups of different thick and subtle tea. At push a cup to change, always have absentminded hesitation: Which on earth cup that is supposed to be first degusted in the best taste time ,which final cup ? Then different people always have different choices. Big customs u

8、nder the small customs are always not allowed, stick to a final twist, always wish to obtain an additional happiness Dark light, just light each other. The responsibility that your and my shoulders take together, such as one dust covers up. Afraid only afraid the light is suddenly put out in the end

9、less dark night and countless loneliness. Always insisting. Use iron scoop is too cold; Use porcelain scoop is too weak; A wood scoop, engraved veins safely, engraved skys wasteland and glebes old. Just as happiness born in the years, not insolent, the every act and move blooms quietly Hope is alway

10、s more than expectation, engrave a bone is a fat lot looked clear can touch, just dont know where end is. Cannot find to come to the road of hour, just because of eying feet too carefully. Then the wandering soul wild crane stands still the memory river. Listen to whistle play tightly ring slowly. W

11、ater rises a ship to go medium long things of the past. Wait for a ships person. Wait for one and another, but always hesitate which ship should ascend. Missed had to consign the hope to next time. Finally what to wait for until has no boats and ships to come and go. Sunset west. Six words really ta

12、lk to solve each round to return to bitterness. Heart of lotus opens, body side of genial breezes walks. Constantly, only one pond water. Ripple but have no language, guarded happiness of this pond. This is from cradle to grave one a life time. Happiness is so much simple, on your center of palm, a

13、match a hand can grasp; Happiness is also very difficult, before your heel, a thousand mountains and rivers but blunder away because of doing not turn a head. Never believe, next will be better. Blunder away, never repair return of regret. Even meet the god of shining in a dream. Never ask: “Next ha

14、ppiness, when will come?” 人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱,在一个特定的时间,特定的地点,做脑海中安排了千万遍的事,一步一步,人生难免精致,却也死板,永远没有激情,没有意料之外的惊喜。于是,也只有在心里默默地问:下一班幸福,几点开? 当我们的亲情、友情、爱情和私情变成了四杯浓淡不一的茶, 在推杯换盏间,总有恍惚的迟疑:究竟哪一杯该在味道最好的时候先品,哪一杯该排到最后呢?然后不同的人总有不同的选择。大世俗下的小世俗总是不被允许, 坚持到最后,总会获得一份额外的幸福。 暗黄的灯光,仅仅也只能照射过彼此。你、我肩上共同担当的责任,犹如一片灰尘遮掩。怕只怕灯丝的突然熄灭在这无尽的黑

15、夜,数不尽的孤单。 一直坚持着。用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱;一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老。 一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放。 希望总是多过盼望,刻骨而又络络可见,清晰可触,只是不知道终结在哪儿。找不到来时的路,只是因为太小心翼翼地注视脚下。 在孤魂野鹤的伫立记忆河头,听着哨子的紧奏慢响,水涨船行中的悠悠往事。等船的人儿,等了一班又一班,却始终犹豫着该登哪一只。错过的,只好把希望寄托到了下一回,终究等到的是没有船只的过往,日落西头。 六字真言解每一个轮回苦。心头荷花开,身畔暖风走。不变的,只有那一池水。荡漾而无语,守住了这一池的幸福。这就是一生一世。 幸福好简

16、单,就在你手心上,一合手就能握住; 幸福又好难,就在你脚跟前, 千山万水却因没有转头而错失。千万不要相信,下一个会更好, 错失了,就是补不回的遗憾。 即使在梦中,遇见了那熠熠的神明, 也永远不要问:“下一班幸福,几点开 ?” Remembering why we are doing something记住我们为什么做某事 Sometimes I forget why Im doing, what Im doing. Have you ever done that? I am not just talking about a memory problem, although thats poss

17、ible, too. I have called someone because I want to tell them something. Just choosing the place for a while, not talking about anything particular. Well, I forget why I called that person in the first place. Thats a memory problem. I guess that counts, too. But Im talking about a deeper problem, a b

18、igger, why? At one point, there was a reason why we do something. For long-term projects, we need to remind ourselves of that reason. Its always could to ask ourselves why. Why did I start to learn a language? Why did I join this club? Why my friend was this person? Why did I get married? If we get

19、lost in the doing, in the living, in the everyday of being, then we cannot say why. I think we indeed need remind us of why. Or else its tough to finish what we started. We stop starting. We quit the club. We end our friendships. Theres nothing wrong with asking why. In fact, sometimes I think it ca

20、n be very healthy and help us appreciate what we have and what we are doing. Talk about the following topics. Is there something you are doing but youve forgotten why you start it?Is it a kind of distant memory? Did you ever forget why you are doing something.How do you remind yourself why you are d

21、oing something? Do you write memos?Does your mind ever go blank and yourself may forget what you are doing? What are some other methods for you to prevent yourself from forgetting? What do you do when you see someone that you know, but have forgotten his name?有时候我忘了为什么我在做,我在做什么。你曾有过这种经历吗?我并不仅仅是在谈论记忆

22、问题,虽然那也是有可能的。我曾经打电话给某人,因为我想告诉他们什么。然后,在选择合适的地方后,还没有谈论什么特别的东西的时候。哦,我忘记了自己为什么要首先给那人打电话。这是一个记忆问题。我想那很重要。但我在谈论一个更深层次的问题,而且更为重要,那是为什么?在某一个时期, 我们做某事会有一个理由。对于长期项目,我们需要提醒自己原因总是可以问问自己为什么。为什么我开始学习一种语言?为什么我加入这个俱乐部?为什么我的朋友是这个人?为什么我要结婚?如果我们迷失在做什么,在生命中,在每天的存在,那么我们不能说为什么。我想我们确实需要提醒自己为什么。否则很难完成我们所开始的。我们停止开始。我们退出俱乐部。

23、我们结束我们的友谊。问为什么没什么问题。事实上,我认为有时候它会很健康的帮助我们珍惜所拥有的及正在做的事情。谈论下面的话题:你有过正在做某事但是你忘了为什么开始的经历吗?它是一种遥远的记忆?你曾经忘记你为什么做某事你如何提醒自己为什么会做某事吗?你写备忘录吗?你有过头脑空空而自己也许忘记你正在做什么的经历吗?你看到认识的某人,却忘记了名字,这种情况下你会怎么办?还有其他的方法来防止你忘记吗?Learn to Live at the Present Moment学会活在此刻 To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determ

24、ined by how much we are able to live at the present moment. Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year, and what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where you arealways. Without question, many of us have mastered the neurotic art of spending much of our lives worrying abo

25、ut a variety of thingsall at once. We allow past problems and future concerns dominate our present moments, so much so that we end up anxious, frustrated, depressed and hopeless. On the flip side, we also postpone our gratification, our stated priorities, and our happiness, often convincing that “so

26、meday” will be much better than today. Unfortunately, the same mental dynamics that tell us to look toward the future will only repeat themselves so that “someday” never actually arrives. John Lennon once said, “Life is what is happening while we are busy making other plans.” When we are busy making

27、 other plans, our children are busy growing up, the people we love are moving away and dying, our bodies are getting out of shape, and our dreams are slipping away. In short, we miss out on life. Many people live as if life is a dress rehearsal for some later date. It isnt. In fact, no one has a gua

28、rantee that he or she will be here tomorrow. Now is the only time we have, and the only time that we have any control over. When we put our attention on the present moment, we push fear from our minds. Fear is the concern over events that might happen in the futurewe wont have enough money, our chil

29、dren will get into trouble, we will get old and die, whatever. 我们内心是否平和在很大程度上是由我们是否能生活在此刻所决定的。不管昨天或去年发生了什么,不管明天可能发生或不发生什么,现实才是你时时刻刻所在之处。 毫无疑问,我们很多人掌握了一种神经兮兮的艺术,即把生活中的大部分时间花在为种种事情担心忧虑上而且常常是同时忧虑许多事情。我们听凭过去的麻烦和未来的担心控制我们此时此刻的生活,以致我们整日焦虑不安,萎靡不振,甚至沮丧绝望。而另一方面我们又推迟我们的满足感,推迟我们应优先考虑的事情,推迟我们的幸福感,常常说服自己“有朝一日”会比

30、今天更好。不幸的是,如此告诫我们朝前看的大脑动力只能重复来重复去,以致“有朝一日”不会真的来临。约翰列侬曾经说过:“生活就是当我们忙于制订别的计划时发生的事。” 当我们忙于制订种种 “别的计划” 时,我们的孩子在忙于长大,我们挚爱的人离去了甚至快去世了,我们的体型变样了,而我们的梦想也在消然溜走。一句话,我们错过了生活。 许多人的生活好像是某个未来日子的彩排。并非如此。事实上,没人能保证他或她明天肯定还活着。现在是我们所拥有的唯一时间,现在也是我们能控制的唯一的时间。当我们将注意力放在此时此刻时,我们就将恐惧置于脑后。恐惧就是我们担忧某些事情会在未来发生我们不会有足够的钱,我们的孩子会惹上麻烦

31、,我们会变老,会死去,诸如此类。So people on a lifetime人就这么一辈子 I used to say, “so people on a lifetime” to remind myself and persuade friends. This, easy to say, sounds easy, think it is very deep. It makes me weak at the time to become brave, proud at the time to become humble, decadence has become active, the pai

32、n becomes joy when, on any matter can also get fit, so I call it “a wake-up call” “Proverbs on the seventh. ”I often think the world of the laboring, grudges and resentment, if not resolve, and should not endure, and do not have this short period of several decades vanish on it? If so, what ones cannot be untied? People on such a life, thought of this remark, if I were the hero, I would have to create more great exploits; if I were the scholars, I would have to access to h

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