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1、大学英语四听力答案 ti:Unit1 PartC00:02.73Test Your Listening00:05.71Listen to the passage three times and supply the missing information.00:11.93First Reading00:14.68One World One Minute is a unique film project00:18.24that invites participants in every country around the globe00:22.57to record simultaneousl

2、y one minute of their lives,00:26.55one minute of our world.00:28.90Sponsors of this project have chosen 12:48 GMT,00:33.01September 11th, 2002 as the one minute to record.00:39.10At that moment exactly a year earlier began the terrorist attacks00:43.88that led to the deaths of more than 2,000 peopl

3、e from over 60 countries.00:49.44For many this will be a time of remembrance and reflection.00:53.91And for others this will be an appropriate time for international communication,00:59.23cooperation and sharing.01:01.98This is the idea behind the project One World One Minute.01:06.37Participants ar

4、e free to choose what and how to record their One Minute.01:12.17Some may want to take photographs, some paint or draw pictures,01:16.64while others may want to write something and record their readings.01:21.47The material can be submitted to the project organizers in Scotland via e-mail01:27.24or

5、post within 6 weeks of September 11th.01:31.61All the material will then be made into a feature-length film,01:35.40which will capture that One Minute of our existence.01:39.19The film will explore the rich diversity that is both humanity and our world.01:44.95It will allow a voice to all people reg

6、ardless of nationality, religion,01:50.19race, political viewpoint, gender or age.01:55.20The rich diversity that is Humanity shall be there for all to see.01:59.58Participants will not only be kept informed of the progress of the film02:04.59and the release process but will be invited to actively p

7、articipate02:08.57through newsletters and discussion forums.02:12.18When the film is finished, it will be shown in every country of the world,02:16.56both in cinemas and on TV.02:19.54Contributors will be invited to attend the first public performance of the film02:24.41in their respective countries

8、 and will receive a full screen02:28.35credit on the finished production. ti:Unit2 PartC00:03.51Test Your Listening00:05.95Listen to the conversation00:07.33and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.00:12.61W: Hey, Eric, have you read that letter in the paper about smoking this morning?

9、00:17.17Dont you think the person who wrote that has gone too far?00:20.51M: I dont think so, Rose.00:22.13To my mind the government should do everything00:24.67it can to discourage people from smoking,00:27.69especially the youngsters.00:29.63W: Maybe so. But it seems a law banning cigarettes would

10、 do no good.00:34.38M: No. You cant suddenly make smoking illegal.00:38.13But the government could prohibit smoking in public places,00:41.46like cinemas and theatres.00:43.43W: I quite agree that smoking should be banned in public places.00:47.21I dont smoke myself and cigarette smoking bothers me.

11、00:51.09But I dont know if it will work.00:53.65You know, if you ban smoking in all public places,00:57.10many smokers will want to do it.00:59.54People always want to do things that they are not allowed to do.01:03.16M: Yes, thats true.01:04.69W: But I think people should be allowed to smoke in the

12、 street.01:08.30Dont you think so?01:09.66M: Not at all.01:10.97Frankly I think smoking should be banned altogether in public and private places.01:16.48In the first place its a dirty habit.01:19.41In the second place its dangerous to your health.01:24.66Questions01:26.921. What does the letter in t

13、he paper suggest that the government do?01:33.652. What do the two speakers have in common?01:39.793. What do you know about the woman?01:44.724. Which of the following is true of the man?ti:Unit3 PartC 00:02.97Test Your Listening00:06.08Listen to the passage and choose the right answers to the ques

14、tions you hear.00:12.45To many people advancing age means losing your hair and your memory.00:17.65But is it true that the older you get, the less you remember?00:22.56Actually, in healthy people,00:24.85memory doesnt deteriorate as quickly as many of us think.00:29.13As we age, our memory mechanism

15、 isnt broken,00:32.56its just different.00:34.53The brains processing time slows down over the years.00:38.73Recent research suggests that nerve cells lose efficiency00:42.88and that theres less activity in the part of the brain00:45.40that decides whether to store information or not.00:49.37There a

16、re steps you can take to improve your memory,00:52.82though you have to work to keep your brain in shape.00:55.89Some memory enhancement experts suggest00:59.00we pay attention to what we want to remember.01:02.19Then give some meaning to it.01:04.27We remember things when we focus on them, whether

17、we intend to or not.01:10.20Basic organization helps us remember the boring stuff.01:13.90For example, rather than trying to recall a random list of groceries,01:18.31we can divide them into categories, such as dairy, meat, and produce.01:24.90For important things like keys and money,01:27.33we can

18、set up a forget-me-not spot where we always keep them.01:32.21We can also eat to aid our memory power.01:35.35Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of glucose,01:40.13the brains preferred fuel.01:42.43To get adequate rest is a low-tech way to improve memory.01:46.22Sleep may allo

19、w our brain time to encode memories.01:50.96Interest in friends, family and hobbies does wonders for our memory.01:55.62A sense of passion or purpose helps us remember.01:59.40Memory requires us to pay attention to our lives,02:03.33allowing us to discover in them everything worth remembering.02:09.

20、31Questions02:11.871. Which of the following can we learn from the passage?02:17.732. Which of the following can help improve our memory according to the passage?02:25.773. What should we do to aid our memory power according to the passage? ti:Unit4 PartC00:02.96Test Your Listening00:05.58Listen to

21、the passage and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.00:11.54In many countries,00:12.99it is not customary to call someone very early in the morning.00:17.14If you call early in the day,00:19.08while he is shaving or having breakfast,00:21.59the time of the call shows that the matter i

22、s very important00:24.88and requires immediate attention.00:28.22The same meaning is attached to telephone calls after 11:00 p.m.00:32.96If someone receives a call during sleeping hours,00:36.12he assumes it is a matter of life and death.00:39.50The time chosen for the call communicates its importan

23、ce.00:43.12In social life, time plays a very important part.00:47.74In the U.S. guests tend to feel they are highly regarded00:51.90if the invitation to a dinner party is extended three00:55.33or four days before the party date.00:58.26But it is not true in other countries.01:00.88In some countries

24、it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance01:06.53because plans that are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.01:12.28The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world.01:15.71Thus, misunderstanding arises between people from different coun

25、tries01:20.26that treat time differently.01:22.70Imagine you have arranged a meeting at 4 oclock.01:25.90What time should you expect01:27.57your foreign business colleagues to arrive?01:30.11If theyre German, theyll be bang on time.01:33.13If theyre American theyll probably be 15 minutes early.01:37

26、.19If theyre British,01:38.21theyll be 15 minutes late,01:40.36and you should allow up to an hour for the Italians.01:45.93Questions01:48.241. What have you learned about the time for telephone calls in many countries?01:55.502. Why is it considered foolish to make an appointment too far01:59.92in a

27、dvance in some countries?02:04.353. Which nationalities are most punctual and which are least punctual? ti:Unit5 PartC 00:03.40Test Your Listening00:05.84Listen to five short conversations00:08.14between two speakers and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.00:14.101. M: How do you lik

28、e your roommate, Debby?00:18.07W: Ever since we met on the first day of college, weve been inseparable.00:23.31Q: What do you know about Debby and her roommate?00:29.352. M: Have you heard from Linda lately?00:33.55You two were so intimate in college.00:36.12W: Well, honestly, I havent heard from he

29、r as much as00:39.51I used to since she moved to the east coast two months ago.00:43.12But Im sure the friendship between us is as strong as it was before.00:48.35Q: What can you infer from the womans response?00:54.853. W: Do you keep in touch with your old friends back home now00:59.29that you don

30、t see them regularly?01:02.05M: Frankly, after I moved to this city,01:04.87Im out of touch with most of them except a few close ones.01:09.11Q: What does the man mean?01:14.604. W: Its polite to call a friend before we visit, isnt it?01:19.61M: Youre right. People usually dont like surprise visits.

31、01:23.58But close friends often drop in on each other.01:27.62Q: What does the man mean?01:33.045. M: Cathy, it seems that you and Sally do almost everything together.01:39.04W: Thats true. You see, we were born on the same day.01:42.92We both majored in fashion designing.01:45.36And we even have the

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