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1、BEC高级精讲班120讲讲义7声明:本资料由 考试吧(E) 收集整理,转载请注明出自 服务:面向较高学历人群,提供计算机类,外语类,学历类,资格类,会计类,工程类,医学类等七大类考试的全套考试信息服务及考前培训. BEC高级精讲班第7讲讲义Homeworkreview学习重点1 Homework review2 Vocabulary study 3 Visions4 Predictions5 Reality 6 Oral practice7 Business passage reading8 HomeworkI. Homework review1.(1)Dear Mr ZhangThank y

2、ou for your letter dated 9 October, outlining the initial plan of our exhibition “IKEA: Funiture for Better Life”.We appreciate your dedication to the plan and are deeply impressed by its highlighted inspirations. Unfortunately, your work will be replaced by our department. In fact, it is desirable

3、if we capitalize on this opportunity to hone our skills in dealing with trade fairs. Then, the board has approved the change and the role was allocated to me to finalize establishing a specialized fair-dealing team in our department last week. More importantly, due to the recent fall in turnover, we

4、 find it hard to earmark 50,000RMB for your tailor-made plan. Thus it is definitely unfair if you continue the work and get underpaid in the end.Despite the alteration, your dedication is by no means a waste. The retainer is guaranteed, which will be transferred, together with a special bonus of 2.0

5、00RMB to your bank account in this week.In addition, I would be very grateful if you share with me the latest development about the exhibition, including the location of the stands and some relevant charges, or can you possibly tell me how to contact people from the organizing committee?No words can

6、 fully extend my apologies for the inconvenience caused by the change. Should you have any further problems, please do not hesitate to phone on 3456789.Yours sincerely,Hu YitingAssistant Manager of Marketing Department (2)Dear Mr BrownFurther to the organization of our product exhibition, I regret t

7、o inform you that we have to terminate our cooperation.For one thing, the fresh products to be launched are the result of our recent research with top-drawer technology in the market. Therefore, we have to keep all information about the products within the company, ensuring that our competitors have

8、 no access to it before the show and we can enjoy a big edge over rivals. Accordingly, I am assigned to take over full responsibility to organize the exhibition instead of you.For another, the budget on products exhibition has been reduced, which was due to our sizeable investment on research of the

9、 new products. We have to do much work by ourselves to reduce the costs. However, I can assure you that you will get full payment for the great efforts you have made on this work.I am sorry again for any inconvenience this has caused. Besides, I would be grateful if you could offer me information ab

10、out current situation of the arrangement. Would it be possible for you to tell me how many stands you have booked and their sizes? I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerelyMary LiMarketing Department2. Channels of Distribution of our Products for 1994 and 1995The two pie charts show th

11、e proportions of the sales three types of shop handled in 1994 and 1995.In 1994, 48.1% of our products were sold by large Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, 46.5% by small, family-run shops, and 5.4% through other outlets.In 1995, the Supermarket/Hypermarket share increased by some 11% to 59.6%. The small,

12、family-run shops share decreased by just over 11% to 35.3% and the other outlets held more or less steady, with a drop in share of only 0.3%.The figures show that the large Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets took more of our goods than our other retailers and their sales represented well over 50% of our tot

13、al sales.VocabularystudyVocabulary Study组合词的学习in-in-flight adjective only before noun provided during a plane journey 飞机上提供的in-flight entertainment 飞机上的娱乐节目in-house adjective, adverbworking within a company or organization 公司、组织内部的We have an in-house training unit. 我们有一个内部培训组织。in-service adjectivein

14、-service training/courses etctraining etc that you do while you are working in a job 在职培训/课程-free-free suffix in adjectives and adverbswithout something that you do not want 免除a trouble-free journey 没有后顾之忧的旅行duty-free cigarettes 免税的香烟a salt-free diet 没有盐的饮食They live in the house rent-free. 他们住在不用交租金

15、的房子里。duty-free adjectiveduty-free goods can be brought into a country without paying tax on them 免税的duty-free cigarettes 免税香烟the duty-free shop 免税商店duty-free adverbrisk-free sugar-free-proof -proof suffix 1 in adjectives used to describe something which a particular thing cannot harm or pass through

16、, or which protects people against that thing 在形容词中使用:防止的;耐.的; 有耐力的; 不能透入的a bulletproof car 防弹车a waterproof jacket 防水夹克2 in adjectives used to describe something which cannot easily be affected or damaged by someone or something 在形容词中使用:坚固的a childproof container 不易被儿童弄坏的容器vandal-proof 防止破坏公共财物的3 in

17、verbs to treat or make something so that a particular thing cannot harm it or pass through it, or so that it gives protection against it 在动词中使用:使(某物)禁得住.soundproof a room (=so that sound cannot get into or out of it) 让这间屋子隔音shock-proof 防震的foolproof adjectivea foolproof method, plan, system etc is ce

18、rtain to be successful 万无一失的同义词 infalliblea foolproof way of preventing credit card fraud 一种万无一失的预防信用卡诈骗的方法environmentally friendly adjectivealso environment friendlyproducts that are environmentally friendly do not harm the environment when they are made or when you use them 环保的同义词 eco-friendlyenvi

19、ronmentally-friendly/ozone-friendly/eco-friendly etcnot harmful to the environment, ozone layer etceco-friendly washing powderuser-friendly/customer-friendly etcnot difficult for particular people to understand or usea user-friendly computer program a customer-friendly shopping mall-onon-board adjec

20、tive only before noun carried on a ship, plane, car etc 飞机上的、船上的、汽车上的 an on-board computer -boundbound adjective no comparativeLIKELY be bound toto be very likely to do or feel a particular thing 很有可能的Dont lie to her. Shes bound to find out about it. 不要对她撒谎。When you are dealing with so many patients

21、, mistakes are bound to happen. 当你在接诊这么多的病人时,错误难免会发生。TRAVELLING TOWARDSbound for London/Mexico etcalso London-bound/Mexico-bound etctravelling towards a particular place or in a particular direction 开往.We tried to get seats on a Rome-bound flight. 我们希望在飞往罗马的航班上找到座位。northbound/southbound/eastbound/we

22、stbound All eastbound trains have been cancelled due to faulty signals. 所有向东开去的火车由于信号错误而均被取消。snow-bound/strike-bound/tradition-bound etccontrolled or limited by something, so that you cannot do what you want or what other people want you to 受到限制的a fog-bound airport 收到浓雾限制的people who are wheelchair-b

23、ound 坐着轮椅行动不便的人VisionsVisionsvision nouncountable an idea of what you think something should be like 想法,理想vision ofHe had a clear vision of how he hoped the company would develop. 他对于公司未来将如何发展有着清晰的想法。vision forThe President outlined his vision for the future. 这位总统勾勒出对这个国家未来的蓝图。grand/powerful/origina

24、l etc vision a grand vision for the country 对这个国家的远大理想uncountable the knowledge and imagination that are needed in planning for the future with a clear purpose 目光,眼力,看法We need a leader with vision and strong principles. 我们需要找到一位有远见卓识并且原则很强的领导。his enthusiasm and breadth of vision 他的热情和宽广的见识u The gold

25、en beach, the crystal clear water and the gentle refreshing breeze.refresh verb1 transitive to make someone feel less tired or less hot 使某人精神振奋A shower will refresh you. refresh yourself (with something)He refreshed himself with a glass of iced tea. 她喝了一杯冰茶来让自己精神起来。2 refresh somebodys memoryto make

26、someone remember something 唤起某人的记忆I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route.refreshed adjective Jen returned from vacation feeling relaxed and refreshed. 独家回来,感到神清气爽。 refreshing adjective making you feel less tired or less hot 凉爽的,宜人的a refreshing drink 令人振奋的饮料The breeze felt refreshing.

27、微风吹拂,让人感觉精神为之一振。refreshingly adverbrefreshment noun formal1 refreshments plural small amounts of food and drink that are provided at a meeting, sports event etc 茶点Refreshments will be served after the meeting. 会议后有茶点。2 uncountable food and drink in general 食物We worked all day without refreshment. 我们

28、工作了一天而没有进餐。liquid refreshment (=alcoholic drink - used humorously) 液体饮料 (指酒精饮品)I was in need of some liquid refreshment. 我需要来点酒。3 uncountable the experience of being made to feel less tired or hot身心爽快,心旷神怡paradise noun1 uncountable a place or situation that is extremely pleasant, beautiful, or enjoy

29、able 优美宜人的地方或境遇a beautiful tropical paradise 一处美丽的热带美景A home near the sea is my idea of paradise. 一处距离大海很近的家是我认为的美丽地方。2 singular a place that has everything you need for doing a particular activity 应有尽有的地方The market is a shoppers paradise. 这个集市是购物者的天堂。paradise forHawaii is a paradise for surfers. 夏威

30、夷是划水者的天堂。3 Paradise singular 天堂a) in some religions, a perfect place where people are believed to go after they die, if they have led good lives b) according to the Bible, the garden where the first humans, Adam and Eve, livedu A Chinese proverb says, “In heaven there is paradise; on earth Suzhou an

31、d Hangzhou.”pager noun countable 呼机,寻呼机a small machine you can carry in your pocket that can receive signals from a telephone. It tells you when someone has sent you a message, or wants you to telephone them, for example by making a noisesynonym beeperhead verbGO TOWARDSalso be headedintransitive always + adverb/preposition to go or travel towards a

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