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1、变化中的英语单元教学信息2英语专业(教育/经贸方向)变化中的英语课程导学-单元教学信息2(U-1 and U-2)Tools for the use of the teacher and students)1-1. Using the ObjectivesBy the time they reach the second year, and this book, students will be familiar with Objectives. In all the books, each Unit begins with a statement of what the writer of

2、the material hopes they will learn from what follows. Students have Objectives are set out at the start of each Unit of English in a Changing World and you have them assembled here for ease and speed of reference. You can use them in any or all of the following ways: Organising your own preparatory

3、work for classes. Reading through these Objectives helps you get an overall view of the purposes of the book and the material in it. You can do this very rapidly. You can then make an assessment of how much of the material is already familiar to you - and so of the time you will need to spend in pre

4、paratory work. Dealing with some of the questions students askStudents sometimes ask questions about matters that are dealt with fully in a later part of the book. Such questions often arise from feelings of anxiety. They can however waste a great deal of the time of teacher and class. If you have m

5、ade yourself familiar with these Objectives (and with the Summaries that follow) you can refer to the later Unit, Activity and page. In that way you avoid waste of time, and later repetition, and you can provide the reassurance that the questioner needs. Just one or two such answers will probably be

6、 enough to convince your class that you are someone thoroughly versed in the subject! *-Giving time and emphasis to what are most important and helping students to do so. If a part of a Unit information, dialogue, or task has directly to do with the Objectives of the Unit, then clearly that is of th

7、e first importance and students must focus on them, if necessary with the help of your work in the classroom. If not then it can be skipped if time is pressing. *-Teaching students to approach what they do in a purposeful and expectant way. This is an important study skill. At the start of a new Uni

8、t you can make the objectives a topic for short group (or pair) discussion in English. Ask students to decide what Objectives will be straightforward because they are already partly familiar, and which refer to quite new knowledge. Each of them should mark in some way what they expect to find unfami

9、liar and check, at the end of the Unit whether they now have that knowledge and a fuller understanding of what they knew already. *Helping students with exam revision You can assist useful revision by asking students to look back at the objectives of the Unit you wish to revise. Ask them to re-read

10、the objectives and to think about this question: If you were an examiner, how would you test whether a student had achieved these objectives? Think of two questions, each of which could be answered in a sentence or two. Give students five minutes then assemble four or five questions and invite discu

11、ssion of them. Do they test what you want to test? Are they fair? Can they be answered briefly? What sort of answer gets a good mark? A pass mark? Fail mark? This sort of class-work is effective revision and helps to reduce examination stress among students. (I dont recommend asking them to write mu

12、ltiple-choice questions this is simply too difficult, and because of the amount of re-writing required, too timeconsuming 1-2. Summaries of Unit ObjectivesUNITTITLEOBJECTIVES;-at the completion of the Unit you should be able to do these things, or do them better:1Changing English in a Changing World

13、 : an overview Explain why languages as people change Recognise and describe examples of change Understand some of the special English vocabulary used in talking about language Explain what is meant by varieties of language p42English in the Past Identify the place of English among related languages

14、 Identify Standard English among other varieties Understand and explain what is meant by structural differences between languages p542.2 Summaries-by Unit and Activity U-1 Changing English in a Changing World-An OverviewActivity 1Language and Language change pages 5-14i) All the languages we know ab

15、out change with time ii) There are at present between 4000 and 5000 languages in the world iii) Just how many depends on what counts as a language and what counts as a dialectiv)Your individual language changes with time toov) Older people usually dislike the changes they noticevi|)We need o be care

16、ful about talking about language as if it were a living thing. Activity 2 Variations in language in different places pages 15-23i) There are different varieties of the English that is spoken and understood in different parts of the world .These are regional varieties of regional dialectsii) Both nat

17、ive speakers and second language users of English find some or all of these difficult to understand .The English of writing Standard English is similar throughout the Englishspeaking world iii)Two varieties, Educated British and Educated American English are widely taught and learned .They are used

18、and understood wherever English is in use. iv) There is no single authority for the use of English v) English has been so well and thoroughly described that we can usually find authoritative answers to specific questions .The question which variety should be studied is one for learners or for those

19、who make decisions for them Activity 3 Observing vocabulary change in English pages 23-29i) By studying texts you can observe change in English as it happensii) New words are invented or borrowed to match new meanings .Or old words are used with new meanings iii) Words in use are dropped when they a

20、re no longer needed iv)The rate of language change is uneven v) As people grow older they notice change and they often dont like it . In fact the rate of change is not so fast that people living at the same time fail to understand each other Activity 4 Languages and Dialects in the United Kingdom. p

21、ages 30-40i) Compared with China , England is a small countryii) Communications are good and it is usually possible to reach every part of it quicklyiii) You might expect to find that he same language is spoken in a very similar way in different parts- but you would be wrong!iv) There are many diffe

22、rent languages spoken by minorities in the UKv) English is spoken in many different ways that is , there are many regional dialectsRegional dialects are generally not so well respected as the Standard English that you have studied vi) Most native speakers can understand several dialects and have dif

23、ficulty with others Activity 5Experiencing some regional dialects in English, pages 41-49i) In this Unit you heard a short sample of four texts with very similar meanings, spoken in the accents characteristic of four places in Britainii) They were Cornwall, London Cockney, Northumberland and the Sco

24、ttish Bordersiii) These four were selected as illustrations Many others from many other places could have been offered instead.iv) Only some speakers in each of these places speak in this way all the time. Some can speak in this way when they want to and quite differently when they choose. They are

25、bi-dialectalv) The speakers who use only the accents you heard tend to be older and the less well educated people in the community Unit Two: English in the PastActivity 1 The English of earlier times pages 54-63Students were asked to record their response to reading samples of English of the past by

26、 noting their agreement or disagreement with the followingi) It is interesting to see what the English of the past looks likeI wish the tape recorder had been invented in the 1350s and not in the 1950s! it would be good to know how the people of the past spoke!ii) I believe I could understand any En

27、glish written since about 1750 , if I had enough time and a good dictionary !iii) If I had to study Chaucers English- or anything earlier I should ask for a good translation into modern English! Activity 2Language families pages 64-74i)Languages belong to large groups , generally called language fam

28、ilies English belongs to the Indo-Germanic group, Chinese to the Sino-Tibetan group of languages ii)It is harder to learn a new language if it belongs to a different group from that of your mother tongue iii)Inside each group or family some languages are near relations and some are distant relations

29、. Inside the Indo-Germanic group of languages, English belongs to the Germanic group. iv)The first languages we know about spoken in the British Isles were related to modern Welsh, and to Scots and |Irish Gaelic. v) Scandinavian invaders, Angles, Saxons and Jutes settled in England and brought with

30、them the dialects they spoke Activity 3Standard English and other varieties, pages 74-84i) Standard English is written English, used world-wide ii) Standard English differs only in superficial ways in different parts of the English speaking world ; it changes with time iii) Standard English is in or

31、igin the English of South East England iv) It is the English used for all educational and official purposesActivity 4Changes and additions to the English lexicon, pages 84-92 i) Speakers of English often make an effort to pronounce a word in the way it is pronounced in its country of origin unless i

32、t is just too difficult!ii) Borrowed words in English change as the language changes iii) Words borrowed recently are often unstable in pronunciation some people try harder than others to pronounce them as they think they should be said. iv) Words that have become well established in the language are regarded simply as English words by most speakers. Only students and people particularly concerned with language know abou

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