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1、课时作业13届湖北红对勾高三一轮复习课时作业13Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note.多项选择1I dont want to _ the topic, but why on earth did you get home that late last night?Atake up Bmake upCbreak up Dbring up解析:bring up 提出。take up 占用;break up 破碎;make up 化妆,编造,和解。句意:我不想提出这个话题,但究竟为什么你昨晚回家那么晚?答案:D2The sinking ship was _ by a pa

2、ssing steamship.Aspotted BshotCswept Dstared解析:spot 发现。句意:正在下沉的轮船被一艘过往的汽艇发现。答案:A3Does it rain a lot in this area?_, it hardly ever rains; the climate is like that of a desert.AWhats more BIn other wordsCOn the contrary DAs a result解析:句意:这个地区雨下得很大吗?恰恰相反,几乎不下雨;这儿的气候像沙漠气候。whats more此外;in other words换言之

3、;on the contrary相反;as a result结果。答案:C4Visitation time should take into _ both the needs of the parents and the best interests of the children.Areason BstatementCdiscount Daccount解析:句意:探访时间应该把家长们的需要及孩子们的最大利益考虑进去。take. into account 相当于 take. into consideration 将考虑进去。没有 take.into reason/use/statement 短

4、语。本句中 both the needs of the parents and the best interests of the children 为 take 的宾语,因宾语较长,故放在 take into account 后面。答案:D5My boss is always finding_with all of us and it seems that he is never satisfied with anything we have done.Ablame BexcuseCfault Derror解析:find fault with sb.故意找某人的茬,挑某人的毛病。答案:C6A

5、 survey indicates that,_the difficulty in finding a satisfactory job,many college students are in favor of running online shops.Ain spite of Bon account ofCregardless of Din terms of解析:on account of 由于。句意:一项调查表明,由于找到令人满意工作的困难,许多大学毕业生支持开网店。in spite of 尽管;regardless of 不管;in terms of 就而言。答案:B7In most

6、cases,you need to obtain a work_so that you can work legally.Apermission BagencyCtalent Dpermit解析:permit 许可证。句意:在大多数情况下,你需获得工作许可证为了你能合法工作。permission 允许;agency 代办处;talent 天才。答案:D8The_in my hometown in autumn is attractive.Aview BsceneryCscene Dsight解析:句意:我家乡秋天的景色宜人。view指从高处或远处看到的风景;scenery泛指一个地方的风景,是

7、不可数名词;scene“场景;一幕”;sight“视力;一个地方的名胜”。答案:B9Not believing their eyes,the visitors on the spot_the flying plane,doing some most difficult and dangerous tricks in the sky.Aglared at Bstared atCglanced at Dcaught sight of解析:句意:到场的游客不相信自己的眼睛,瞪着眼睛看飞机做各种高难度动作。stare at“盯着;瞪着;看”;glare at“怒目而视”;glance at“瞟了一眼”

8、;catch sight of“看见”。答案:B10(2014湖北省重点中学联考)Agriculture _ about 14 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and transporting the food around adds to the environmental cost.Acares for Bapplies forCaccounts for Danswers for解析:account for 占比例。句意:农业占全球温室气体排放的百分之十四,并且食物运输增加了环境费用。care for 喜欢,照看;apply for

9、申请得到;answer for 对负责。答案:C.完成句子1When I was wandering on the pavement near a park, I _ the other day.(accident)前天我在公园附近闲逛的时候,偶然地遇到了一位老同学。2We decided _ on the weather and have the party outdoors.(chance)我们决定碰碰运气,在户外举行这次晚会。3The reason why he didnt attend the meeting was _.(seriously)他没参加会议的原因是因为他病得很严重。4_

10、 spent on tobacco every year.(amounts)每年在烟草上花了大量的钱。5I wonder _ some stories written by Mark Twain.(would)我想知道你是否喜欢看马克吐温写的故事。6When he tried to open the door, he _ the room.(lock)当他试图开门时,他发现自己被锁在了房间里面。7He is such a man _ with others.(find)他是这样的一个人,总是对别人吹毛求疵。8Not far _ when they were stopped by a sign,

11、 which read, “Inaccessible”(go)他们没有走多远,就被一个标志牌拦住了,上面写着:此路不通。9The suggestion put forward at the meeting was _ to next week, which has been adopted by the school.(put)在会议上被提出的建议是:考试推迟到下个星期。这个建议已被学校采纳。10A large amount of wine is produced in Europe, with French wine _ 80%.(account)大量的葡萄酒产自欧洲,其中法国占了80%。答

12、案与解析1met an old classmate by accident考查时态和固定结构的使用。by accident 偶然地,为固定结构。由状语 the other day 可知时态要用一般过去时。2to take a chance考查固定结构的使用。take a chance 碰运气,为固定结构。3that he was seriously ill考查表语从句的用法。that 引导表语从句。The reason that.是常用句式。4Amounts of money are考查 amount 的搭配以及主谓一致的用法。amounts ofn.作主语时,谓语要用复数。5w

13、hether you would like to read考查宾语从句的用法。whether 引导宾语从句,在宾语从句中疑问句要用陈述语序;would like to do sth. 喜欢做某事,想要做某事。6found himself locked in考查 find宾语宾补结构的用法。因为宾语 himself 和宾补中的动词 lock 构成的是动宾关系,表被动,所以用过去分词结构。7as is always finding fault考查定语从句。当定语从句的先行词被 such, so, as 或 the same 修饰时,其关系代词通常用 as 引导;频率副词和现在进行时连用,常常表示说

14、话人的情感;find fault with “吹毛求疵”。8had they gone考查否定副词 not 位于句首的部分倒装。Not far.when 相当于 hardly.when 句型,所以主句的时态用过去完成时。9that the exam be put off考查虚拟语气和表语从句。that 引导表语从句不做成分,但一般不省;suggestion 表示建议,后面的语气用虚拟语气:should动词原形,should 可以省略。10accounting for考查 with 的复合结构。account for “占比例”与 wine 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用现在分词表示主动。.完形

15、填空As I held my fathers hands one night, I couldnt help but notice their calluses(老茧)and roughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a_1_,including all his struggles.One summer, I remember, a drought (旱灾)hit Ontario,turning it into a_2_desert.On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet co

16、rn with my dad to fill the last_3_from the grocery store.Fifty dozen was all we needed, which_4_took twenty minutes.That morning,however,the process didnt _5_quickly.After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field,we_6_needed twenty dozen.I was completely frustrated and_7_.Dropping the basket

17、heavily, I declared, “If the store wants its last twenty dozen,they can pick it themselves!”Dad_8_,“Just think,my little girl,only ten dozen left for each of us and then were_9_.” Such is Dadwhatever problem he_10_,he never gives up._11_, the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our

18、country.It was a challenging time for everyone, _12_ Dad remained optimistic.He_13_to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plates.Only then did I truly begin to_14_Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times.Dad is also a living example of real_15_.From dawn to d

19、usk,he works countless hours to_16_our family.He always puts our happiness_17_his own,and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games_18_his exhaustion after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and_19_,putting others first.Dad,the life_20_I have lea

20、rned from you will stay with me forever.You are my father,teacher,friend and,most importantly,my hero.1A.teacher BgardenerCfarmer Dgrocer2A.stormy BlivelyCdisappearing Dburning3A.order Bform Cgap Dposition4A.repeatedly BnormallyCfinally Dreally5A.go BbeginCoccur Dchange6A.yet BstillCeven Dnearly7A.s

21、urprised BnervousCangry Dfrightened8A.apologized BcriedCcomplained Dlaughed9A.lost BdoneCgone Dtouched10A.meets with Bbrings upCworks out Dthinks about11A.Thankfully BHopefullyC. Unfortunately DStrangely12A.or BforCso Dbut13A.happened BseemedCcontinued Daimed14A.face BappreciateCexamine Dquestion15A

22、.love BprideCfriendship BsettleCstart Dimpress17A.after BbeforeCbeside spite of Bin terms ofCin control of Din place of19A.careful BregretfulCconsiderate Dhumorous20A.history BmottoCpatterns Dlessons答案与解析本文从父亲手上的老茧和粗糙写到了父亲苦中作乐,永不放弃的坚韧品格,以及父亲为我们这个家庭日夜操劳,不辞辛苦,无私奉献和关爱我们

23、每个人的伟大情怀。1C从第一段中父亲手上的老茧和手的粗糙以及第二段中收甜玉米知,父亲是个农民,故选C项。2Dstormy“暴风雨的”;lively“充满生气的”;disappearing“消失的”;burning“高热的,燃烧的”。句意:我记得有一个夏天,安大略湖发生了旱灾,把它变成了高热的沙漠。根据句意可知D项正确。3Aorder“订购,订货”,fill the order“交付订货”;form“形式”;gap“缺口,间隙”;position“位置”。根据语境可知,选A项。4Brepeatedly“重复地”;normally“正式地,正常地”;finally“最后”;really“确实”。


25、Blost“丢失了的”;done“完毕了的”;gone“消失的”;touched“感动的”。句意:我们每个人再掰120个,然后我们就完工了。故选B项。10Ameet with“遇到”;bring up“抚养,教育”;work out“计算出”;think about“考虑”。 句意:这就是我的父亲无论他遇到什么样的问题,他永不放弃。故选A项。11Cthankfully“感激地”;hopefully“有希望地”;unfortunately“不幸地”;strangely“奇怪地”。灾难遍及全国,当然是不幸地。故选C项。12D句意:这对于每个人来说是一个挑战的时期,但是父亲仍然保持乐观。上下文形成转


27、s“使有印象”。句意:从早到晚,父亲不停地工作来供养我们这个家庭。故选A项。17B父亲总是先想到我们的幸福和快乐,然后才是他自己的。故选B项。18Ain spite of“尽管”;in terms of“按照”;in control of “控制,管理”;in place of“代替”。 句意:尽管长期以来他很疲劳,他从不忘记在我运动比赛时对我进行鼓励。故选A项。19Ccareful“认真的”;regretful“后悔的”;considerate“替人着想的,考虑周到的”;humorous“幽默的”。由后面的putting others first知,设空处应是替人着想的,故选C项。20Dhi

28、story“历史”;motto“箴言”;pattern“模式”;lesson“课程,课”。句意:父亲,从你那儿学到的生活的课程将永远伴随我。故选D项。.阅读理解China is a land of bicycles. At least it was back in 1992 when I traveled the country. Back then everyone seemed to be riding a bicycle. Millions of them, all black. Cars were rare. Yet since my arrival in Beijing last y

29、ear, Ive found the opposite is true. There are millions of cars. However, people still use their bicycles to get around. For many, its the easiest and cheapest way to travel today. Bicycles also come in different colorssivler, green, red, blue, yellow, whatever you want.Its fun watching people bikin

30、g. They rush quickly through crossroads, move skillfully through traffic, and ride even on sidewalks(人行道). Bicycles allow people the freedom to move about that cars just cant provide.Eager to be part of this aspect of Chinese culture, I decided to buy a bicycle. Great weather accompanied my great buy. I immediately jumped up on my bicycle seat and started home.My first ride

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