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1、文档版Practical Spoken English for Business Situations1. Greeting Self-introduction: name, position/ job description, hobbies(业余时间喜欢做些什么)Your English name? (“Xiao Shenyang” manner)Jennyreminds you of what? A pretty sweet girl? ElegantWarming-up: Would you please describe your boss?2. Major topics in bu

2、siness EnglishPart 1: Human Resources Department (HR. D) Employment Job interview (job seeker/ applicant, interviewer/ hunter) Work training Daily office routine, work shiftPart 2: Outgoing Business 外出事务 Business visa Booking tickets Booking a room At the airportPart 3: Telephone Calls Transferring

3、a call Bad connections and busy lines Leaving a message Call back, reservation callsPart 4: Company Conferences Preparing a meeting A meeting agenda 会议议程 Conference arrangements Beginning/concluding a meetingPart 5: Commerce and Trade Establish business relations Inquiry Offer Price negotiation 讨价还价

4、Part 6: Marketing Topics Marketing survey Advertising media Promotional events (促销活动) Trade showsPart 7: Expanding Business 商务拓展 Business consultation Business promotion(业务推销) Function introduction Bidding, tenderPart 8: Business Communication Visiting Reception Greetings Having dinner with clients3

5、. Which topic are you most familiar with? Or have you such experiences in a particular topic? Which topic is practical and in urgent need for you?4. Situational English (情景英语)Part 1: Guess what kind of situation does this conversation take place?A: Good morning, Mr white. I am Zhang Yan coming for a

6、n interview.B: Nice to meet you. Take a seat, please.A: Thank you.B: we have been looking over your application. I see you have several years experience in secretarial work. What kind of work did you do in your previous job?A: I mainly did typing, filing, answering telephone calls and such routine w

7、ork in the beginning. I started the job as a junior secretary, but within the year i was promoted to the senior secretary and i drafted business correspondence for the general manager.B: Tell me three qualities your co-workers would use to describe you and your work style.A: Firstly they say i am ve

8、ry punctual. Secondly they think i am a cheerful person to work with. I always try to have a positive attitude about work. And thirdly, they believe i am flexible and efficient.B: Tell me something about your education.A: In 2000, I was admitted to Dalian Institute of Foreign Languages. I specialize

9、d in English Secretarial Studies.B: Thank you for coming. I will let you know as soon as weve made a decision.中文对话:(尝试性翻译)A: 您希望从工作中得到什么?B: 我希望在工作中发挥特长,品味成功,并不断提升自我。A: 您的期望薪水是多少?B:我做兼职时月薪是3000元。我对贵公司的薪酬制度不熟悉,相信贵公司会提供富有竞争力的薪水。A: 可能需要经常出差,这一点您能接受吗?B: 可以接受,我年轻而且单身,出差没有问题。A: 你有什么问题要问吗?B: 是的,我想知道贵公司对新员工有

10、没有职业培训,另外,贵公司能否为外地生源办理户口和“三险一金”问题?Besides, I want to know if your company can settle the registered permanent residence and the Three Insurances and One-Fund for the students who are from other cities.A: 关于这些,您不用担心,我们公司完全能够处理。B: 我没有其他问题了。谢谢。A: 英文的听说能力很重要,你英文对话流利吗?B: 我英语口语很流利,我有位美籍朋友我们经常一起聊天。Part 2:

11、情境:与客户进餐 to have dinner with clientsA: Mr. Brown, I am Lisa, secretary of Mr. Wang. I am coming to fetch you. Mr. Wang is waiting for you at Huangdu Great Hotel. This way, please.B: Thank you, Miss Lisa.C: Good evening, mr. Brown. I am so glad you were able to come. Now the dinner is ready. Lets go

12、over to the dinner table. Would you sit here on my right, Mr. Brown?B: Glad to meet you again, Mr.Wang. You are so kind. Oh, it is a real Chinese meal, using chopsticks.A: Yes. Hope you like it. Do you need beer or wine?B:Beer, please. Oh, there are so many dishes.A: These are cold dishes. Cold dish

13、es are starters at a Chinese dinner. Main courses and soup come later. Try some of this, please.B: That is delicious. Can you tell me what this is?A: Yes. Its roast duck, a specialty of this region. You have it hot and it is very nice.趁热吃吧B: I see. And what about that?A: well, thats rather special.

14、Fried spareribs with sweet and sour source.B: It smell nice. Id like to have some more.A: Im glad you like them. Lets drink to our friendship.B: To our friendship. I hope we can continue to cooperate together.Note: Fried spareribs with sweet and sour source. 糖醋排骨Parr 3: 面试前有一项重要的工作就是做好自我评估(evaluatin

15、g yourself),了解自己的个性及适合怎样的工作,从而在求职信及履历表中有效地推销自己。因而有必要了解求职面试时常用的字词,包括描述个人特质的形容词,常见职位、产业名称及兴趣的说法,以及描述经验、专长的助词。1、Hobbies (可以以动名词形式呈现):Be a sports fanBikeCampChatCookDanceDo puzzles( crossword puzzles/ word puzzles)Eat new dishesFishListen to musicPlay board games( chess/ cards)Play on-line/ video gamesP

16、lay sportsRaise petsRead booksShopSurfSurf the InternetTravelWatch moviesWrite a blog /a journal2. 常见产业名称的英文说法介绍如下:农业 agriculture industry汽车产业 automotive -化妆品产业 cosmetics -创意产业 creative -教育产业 education -能源产业 energy -时尚设计产业 fashion design -金融业 finance -食品、饮料业 food and beverage-物流业 logistics -信息技术业制造业

17、 manufacturing -媒体产业 media -石油产业 oil -公共服务业 public service -房地产业 real estate -零售业 retail -运输业 transportation -3. 描述个人特质(personality)的形容词及可能的职位相关的形容词:1)Caring, comforting,honest,kind-hearted, unbiased;2)hands-on (亲自动手做的),obedient, patient, practical, reliable, straightforward, trusting可能的职位:1)Compute

18、r engineer, surgeon, lawyer,technician,researcher;2)Assistant, civil engineer (土木工程师),construction worker, electrician, pilot (机长),plumber,repair- person, secretary下一节课我们将进行关于“求职面试”的模拟会话(simulation conversations)以对本节学习进行回顾,同时进行“商务交际”的集中学习:1. visiting2. reception3. Greetings4. introductions5. Come to the party6. Presenting gifts7. Sending off customers拜访、商务接待、问候寒暄、介绍、参加聚会、礼品赠送、送别客户

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