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北师大模块一Unit2 Heroes单元教学设计和导学案.docx

1、北师大模块一Unit2 Heroes单元教学设计和导学案第二单元 教学设计Lesson 1教材分析本课是第 2 单元的第 1 课。本课的语篇是一篇有关航天英雄杨利伟的阅读文章。学生将在本课获得有关“神舟五号”发射升空和航天英雄杨利伟的有关信息,学习有关宇宙飞船及其发射过程的词汇,理解文章大意, 使用略读、细读等阅读策略。学生要将阅读信息内化,转换成自己的语言,并针对杨利伟这个英雄人物进行 模拟访谈。本课的语法是复习一般过去时和过去进行时。学生在初中阶段已经学过这两种时态的基本用法,本课的重点是体验和归纳两种时态的区别。学生要能够在语篇中识别、在语境中运用这两种时态。本课计划按两课时完成:第一课

2、时重点是阅读文章,让学生学习有关宇宙飞船发射及运行过程的词汇, 使用略读和细读等阅读策略,从文章中提取信息,处理信息,进行模拟访谈;第二课时复习巩固有关宇宙飞船发射及运行过程的词汇,从课文例句中发现、归纳一般过去时和过去进行时的区别,并在语境中恰当地使用两种时态。教学内容话题: 航天英雄杨利伟及“神舟五号”的发射及运行过程(阅读)词 汇 : 重 点 词 汇 : manned spaceship, astronaut, flight, launch, rocket, explore, peacefully, separate.from, land, release, shake相关词汇: atm

3、osphere, helicopter, parachute, gravity语法:一般过去时和过去进行时的区别第一课时First Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1.认读宇宙飞船发射及运行过程的相关词汇;2.通过略读理解文章段落大意;3.提取、整理宇宙飞船发射过程的相关信息;4.运用所学词汇描述宇宙飞船的发射及运行过程和杨利伟的感受;5.学习杨利伟的英雄精神。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式 & 时间IP & timeLead-inStep 1T shows a picture of Yang Liwei and asks Ss wha

4、t they know about him.PPT 23 学案 I引出话题,激活学生的背景知识。 CW 2Pre-reading注:IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group WorkStep 2T shows some pictures of stages of space- ships movements, and elicits from Ss the following expressions: lift off, l

5、aunch, sepa- rate from the rocket, circle the earth, let out the parachute, helicopter, land, collect. If necessary, T gives hints to help Ss guess the words.While eliciting the expressions, T demon- strates the pronunciation and Ss practise reading them aloud after T.T goes over the pictures again

6、and asks Ss to say the words from their memory. PPT 58 学案 I在语境中呈现单词,帮助学生理解、记忆生词,为阅读做好准备。在语境中再现生词,强化学生的瞬时记忆。渗透词汇学习策略:按照动词短语或搭配学习、记忆词汇。CW 5Step 3T asks Ss to predict what will be talked about in the article based on the title and the picture.PPT 9根据标题和图片预测阅读内容, 帮助学生理解课文,培养学生利用背景知识进行阅读的策略。CW 2While-rea

7、dingStep 4First reading: Ss skim the text and check their prediction.核对预测信息,了解课文大意。CW 2Step 5Second reading: Ss match the headings with the paragraphs.PPT 10了解课文篇章结构及段落大意。IW 3Step 6Third reading: Ss read the text carefully. First f ill the table with the information about the space ight, and then ab

8、out Yang Liweis feelings.Ss work in pairs and check the information they get from the text. Then T gets the feed- back from the whole class.PPT 1112 学案 II提取和整理课文细节信息。CW,PW 9Step 7T demonstrates asking and answering ques- tions about the information in the table with a student. Then Ss work in pairs,

9、 asking and answering questions about the process of the launching of the spaceship, what Yang Liwei did and how he felt during the ight. PPT 1112 学案 II学生说出课文信息,将信息和语言知识内化。PW 6Step 8Listen to the tape and read aloud after the tape.有声输入,整体感知 , 培养学生语感。CW 3Step 9Ss read the text again and underline the

10、 verbs (collect, complete, let out, express, explore, feel) and pay attention to how these verbs are used.Ss match the verbs with the nouns. (Ex.6) PPT 13 学案 III教师引导学生在语境中关注动词的搭配。CW 4Post-readingStep 101.Ss work in pairs and describe the launch- ing process based on the information in the table to e

11、ach other.2.Role-play: Ss work in pairs. One acts as a reporter and the other as Yang Liwei. The journalist interviews Yang Liwei about his feelings during the ight.PPT 14学生将课本信息转换成自己的语言的过程,引导学生用自己的语言谈论杨利伟及宇宙飞船的运动过程。培养学生的交际能力。如果教学时间充足,可以进行两个活动;如果时间有限,可以让学生分组进行活动:程度较好的学生做第二个活动,程度一般的学生做第一个活动。PW 7Step

12、10Discussion: Why do people think Yang Li- wei is a hero? What can we learn from Yang Liwei?PPT 15启发学生感悟英雄坚强的意志, 良好的心理素质,以及勇于探索和奉献祖国航天事业的精神。CW 2HomeworkDo Ex. 7 on page 22 and Ex.1 on page 66.第二课时Second Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1.在语境中认识和归纳一般过去时和过去进行时的不同用法;2.运用这两种时态描述过去发生的事件。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Inte

13、ntions互动模式 & 时间IP & timeReviewStep 1T shows pictures of the space flight and helps Ss recall the process of the space ight and Yang Liweis actions and feelings. PPT 34 学案 I激活上节课所学词汇。CW 3Step 2T asks questions about the movement of the spaceship and Yang Liweis feelings at each stage and Ss answer th

14、e questions. PPT 34 学案 I帮助学生使用上节课所学词汇, 将词汇组织成信息。CW 6Grammar-learningStep 3T shows one sentence with the Past Simple and the Past Continuous. Ss read the text quickly and underline more sentences with the same structure.T checks the sentences with the Ss and presents the sentences on the screen.PPT 5

15、6学生通过观察例句,在课文中发现更多的具有相似结构的句子, 体会语法的用法。IW 5Step 4Ss read sentences and try to work out the differences between the two tenses and how they are different in form and function. PPT 56 学案 II学生发现两种时态在形式和功能上的区别。IW 4Step 5T helps Ss summarize the rules and lists the differences on the screen.PPT 79 学案 II教师

16、帮助学生归纳和整理语法规则,保证学生对结构的理解准确。CW 3PracticeStep 6Ss do Ex. 10 on page 23 and Ex. 5 on page 97.PPT 1011 学案 III尝试在语境中使用两种时态。CW 6Step 7T lists the movements or actions happened at the same time during the space flight in two separate columns and Ss join the movements or actions with “while” or “when”. For

17、example:When the spaceship was lifting off, Yang Liwei could feel the high gravity.PPT 1213综合运用本课词汇与语法(句子层面)。CW 8Language in useStep 8Mini-writing: Write a brief report on the launching of Shenzhou VI with prompts. PPT 14 学案 IV综合运用本课话题词汇与两种时态(语篇层面)。IW 10HomeworkDo the exercises on page 67.Sample rep

18、ort:Shenzhou VI was Chinas second manned spaceship. It carried two Chinese astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng. At 9:00 am October 12, 2005, the Shenzhou VI spaceship lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Cen- ter. The rocket soared into the sky four seconds later. The spaceship separated

19、 from the rocket and entered its orbit.Shenzhou VI circled the earth 76 times. The total ight time was 115 hours and 32 minutes. It ran more than ve times that of Shenzhou V of 2003.At 21:32, October 12, the two astronauts spoke with their family members. Fei expressed wishes of going shing with his

20、 son. At 16:28, October 15, Chinese President Hu Jintao had a conversation with Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.The two Chinese astronauts completed a series of tasks and did several experiments on the spaceship and the data returned were very useful.At 4:20 am, October 17, 2005, Shenzhou VI let out th

21、e parachute and the search helicopters saw it. At 4:32, thespaceship landed safely.第一课时学案I.Word Bank: Words related to space.II.Reading: Fill in the table.TimeShenzhou VYang Liwei9 a.m. Oct. 15th, 2003lifted offfelt - the rocketfelt the sky- 14 times ground control and his wife and sonhad slept for

22、three hours of China and the UNexpressed the wishes of the Chinese people- the parachutefelt 6:23 a.m. Oct. 16th out of the spaceship and III.CollocationCollocationExamplecollect complete let out express explore feel 第二课时学案I.Word BankII.GrammarPast SimplePast ContinuousFormFunctionwhen, while, asExa

23、mple:III.Practice10-1a) b) 10-2a) b) c) IV.Mini-writing: A Brief Report on Shenzhou VILesson 2 History Makers教材分析本课是第 2 单元第 2 课。本课话题为 History Makers, 学生对书中出现的历史人物有一定了解,有助于话题的深入。学生在学习了第一课“Modern Heroes”后,已经了解了一些英雄的特征,建立了一定的“英雄观”,本课将引导学生从创造历史的角度思考英雄人物。学生在本课还要学习表达“同意”、“不同意”及如何表达个人观点。本课计划按两课时进行:第一课时通过图片

24、呈现四位历史人物,导入本课主题,学生在教师指导下从听力材料中提取信息,了解马丁 路德 金等历史人物,进行听力策略的训练;第二课时引导学生关注表达个人观点的功能用语,并运用这些功能用语来表达个人对英雄观的认识和见解。教学内容话题:History Makers ( 听力 )词汇:重点词汇:opinion, personally, struggle against, inuence, equal rights, found, victory, march, protest, experience相关词汇:revolution, republic, light bulb, racism功能用语:表达“

25、同意”、“不同意”及个人观点第一课时First Period教学目标在本课结束时 , 学生能够:1.通过听录音节目,初步了解四位历史人物;2.运用预测和听主旨大意等听力策略,听懂有关马丁 路德 金的广播节目,提取主要信息;3.根据所提取的信息,运用相关词汇介绍马丁 路德 金的生平;4.通过讨论,理解history maker 的内涵。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式 & 时间IP & timeLead-inStep 1T shows pictures of the four people and asks Ss if they know their na

26、mes and what they know about them.PPT 3 学案 I热身并导入本课话题,激发学生的背景知识,为听力做准备。CW 2Listening to Function FileStep 2T presents some facts about the four people and Ss try to match the photos with the facts.PPT 4 学案 I扩展学生的背景知识,并在这个过程中帮助学生熟悉新词汇。CW 2Step 3Ss read through the Function File and try to complete it

27、.Ss listen to the tape and check the answers with the words expressing “agreement and disagreement”.PPT 56阅读 Functional File 的内容,为听力做准备,降低听力难度。IW 3Step 4Ss read after the tape and practise pronun- ciation and intonation.PPT 56学习和模仿正确的语音语调。CW 1Pre-listeningStep5T presents vocabulary in context with a

28、 ow chart. (experience racism, want equal rights, struggle for, march, protest for, win equal rights)PPT 78 学案 I在语境中呈现词汇,帮助学生理解词汇。CW 4Step 6Ss read through the listening strategies (predicting and guessing) and decide T or F about the sentences in Ex.5 on page 25. PPT 911运用所学策略推测即听内容,为后面的听力活动做准备。CW&

29、IW 3While-listeningStep 7First listening: Ss listen to the radio pro- gramme, and check their prediction.练习听主旨大意的技能并检测推测是否准确。IW 3Step 9Second listening: T divides the listening material into three parts and plays them separately.Ss ll in the chart with information. If nec- essary, T may play the tap

30、e more than once. T gets feedback from individual Ss and then checks the answers as a whole class. PPT 12 学案 II分段播放听力内容,降低听力难度,同时给学生留有充分的时间完成表格。训练学生获取细节信息的能力, 同时关注词汇搭配。CW&IW 10Step 10Third listening: Ss listen to the tape again from the beginning to the end to gain an overall understanding.学生再次整体听录音内容,形成整体理解。CW 2Step 11T asks some questions based on the infor- mation from the chart as a

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