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Term 术语.docx

1、Term 术语Term 术语Definition 定义Translated Term翻译的术语Translated Definition翻译的定义accept (risk response)A risk response to a threat where a conscious and deliberate decision is taken to retain the threat, having discerned that that it is more economical to do so than to attempt a risk response action. The th

2、reat should continue to be monitored to ensure that it remains tolerable.接受(风险应对)深思熟虑后作出对威胁不做处理的决定,也是风险应对中处理威胁的一种情形。因为采取这样的方式比实施风险应对行动也许更为经济。应继续对威胁进行监控以确保其维持在容许偏差范围内。acceptanceThe formal act of acknowledging that the project has met agreed acceptance criteria and thereby met the requirements of its

3、stakeholders. 验收验收是一种正式的行动。它确认该项目符合商定的验收标准,从而满足了其利益相关者要求。acceptance criteriaA prioritized list of criteria that the project product must meet before the customer will accept it, i.e. measurable definitions of the attributes that must apply to the set of products to be acceptable to key stakeholders.

4、 验收标准验收标准指项目产品在被客户验收之前,必须满足的一系列存在优先顺序的标准,例如:产品集合在被利益相关者验收之前必须达成的可量化的属性定义。ActivityAn activity is a process, function or task that occurs over time, has recognizable results and is managed. They are usually defined as part of processes or plans.活动活动是指随着时间的推移发生的一种过程,职能或任务,活动具有可识别的结果,并受到管理。他们通常被定义为流程或计划

5、的一部分。agile methodsAgile methods are (mostly) software development methods that apply the project approach of using short time-boxed iterations where products are incrementally developed. PRINCE2 is compatible with agile principles.敏捷方法敏捷方法主要属于软件开发方法。它采取这样一种项目方法,即在快速周期性迭代过程中逐步开发产品。PRINCE2符合敏捷原则。Appro

6、valThe formal confirmation that a product is complete and meets its requirements (less any concessions) as defined by its Product Description.批准正式确认产品已完成并满足预先定义的产品描述(没有任何特许)。approverThe person or group (e.g. a Project Board) who is identified as and authorized to approve a (management or specialist)

7、 product as being complete and fit for purpose.批准人它是指一个人或一个团体(如项目管理委员会)。他们具有专业资质及职权,可以审查批准各种(管理或专业)产品,证实其已经完成并满足目标要求。assumptionA statement that is taken as being true for the purposes of planning, but which could change later. An assumption is made where some facts are not yet known or decided, and

8、is usually reserved for matters of such significance that if they change, or turn out not to be true, then there will need to be considerable replanning. 假定进行目标规划时,被认定为真实的情况,但是这些假定后来可能会发生变更。假定一般用于部分事实未知或未定时,通常为重大事件预留假定,一旦假定变更,或证实失真,则需相应重新制定计划。assuranceAll the systematic actions necessary to provide

9、confidence that the target (system, process, organization, programme, project, outcome, benefit, capability, product output, deliverable) is appropriate. Appropriateness might be defined subjectively or objectively in different circumstances. The implication is that assurance will have a level of in

10、dependence from that which is being assured. See Project Assurance and quality assurance保证指使用所有必要的系统性行动,保证相应的目标(系统、流程、组织、项目群、项目、成果、收益、能力、产出、交付物)是合理的。在不同环境中可以主观或客观的定义合理性。这就意味着对于被保证的事件,“保证”有一定程度的独立性。见“项目保证”和“质量保证”。authorityThe right to allocate resources and make decisions (applies to project, stage a

11、nd team levels).职权分配资源、制定决策的权力(适用于项目、阶段和小组层级)authorizationThe point at which an authority is granted.授权是一个授权点,在此授权点上将职权授予特定的人或组织。avoid (risk response)A risk response to a threat where the threat either can no longer have an impact or can no longer happen.规避(风险应对)这是一种面对威胁的风险应对方法,要么使威胁不再产生影响,要么使威胁不再发生

12、。baselineReference levels against which an entity is monitored and controlled.基线基线是一种参考水平,用于对一个实体进行监督和控制。baseline management productA type of management product that defines aspects of the project and, once approved, is subject to change control.基线管理产品管理产品的一种类型,它定义项目的某些方面,一旦基线管理产品获得批准,则将其纳入变更控制的范围。b

13、enefitThe measurable improvement resulting from an outcome perceived as an advantage by one or more stakeholders.收益收益是一种由成果引致的可衡量的改善,这种结果被至少一个利益相关者视为一种优势。Benefits Review PlanDefines how and when a measurement of the achievement of the projects benefits can be made. If the project is being managed wi

14、thin a programme this information may be created and maintained at the programme level.收益评审计划收益评审计划定义了何时以及如何对项目收益的实现进行衡量。如果在项目群范围内对项目进行管理,则在项目群层级上创建立并维护这些信息。benefits toleranceThe permissible deviation in the expected benefit that is allowed before the deviation needs to be escalated to the next leve

15、l of management. Benefits tolerance is documented in the Business Case. See tolerance.收益容许偏差指期望收益的容许偏差,一旦超出收益容许偏差,则需上报到更高一级管理层。收益容许偏差记录于“商业论证”中。见“容许偏差”。Business CaseThe justification for an organizational activity (project) which typically contains costs, benefits, risks and timescales, and against

16、which continuing viability is tested.商业论证商业论证是一种对组织的活动(项目)的论证,其通常包含成本,收益,风险和时间,并针对它们进行持续的可行性检验。centre of excellenceA corporate co-ordinating function for portfolio, programmes and projects providing standards, consistency of methods and processes, knowledge management, assurance and training卓越中心卓越中心

17、是在公司层面上的对项目组合、项目群和项目的统筹协调职能,包括提供标准、统一方法和流程、知识管理、保证以及培训。Change AuthorityA person or group to which the Project Board may delegate responsibility for the consideration of requests for change or off-specifications. The Change Authority may be given a change budget and can approve changes within that bu

18、dget.变更管理组织变更管理组织是指一个人或一个团体,项目管理委员会可以授权其管理变更和不合格项的职责。可以授予变更管理组织一定的变更预算,在预算范围内它可以批准变更。change budgetThe money allocated to the Change Authority available to be spent on authorized requests for change.变更预算变更预算是一笔分配给变更管理组织的资金,可使用于获得批准的变更请求。change controlThe procedure that ensures that all changes that m

19、ay affect the projects agreed objectives are identified, assessed and either approved, rejected or deferred.变更控制变更控制确保影响项目既定目标的所有变更均得到识别和评估,评估结果可以是批准、拒绝或者推迟。checkpointA team-level, time-driven review of progress.检查点检查点是针对小组管理层级上的进度审查,通常按照时间周期驱动进行。Checkpoint ReportA progress report of the information

20、 gathered at a checkpoint, which is given by a team to the Project Manager, and provides reporting data as defined in the Work Package.检查点报告检查点报告是一种对于在项目检查点收集到的信息进行汇总的进度报告,它由项目团队上交给项目经理,并提供工作包中定义的报告数据。closure notificationAdvice from the Project Board to inform all stakeholders and the host locations

21、 that the project resources can be disbanded and support services, such as space, equipment and access, demobilized. It should indicate a closure date for costs to be charged to the project.项目收尾通知项目收尾通知是由项目管理委员会发出的通知,通知项目利益相关者及项目所在地解散项目资源以及场所、设备和访问控制等支持服务。它必须指明收尾时间,这一时间之前的成本将由项目支付。closure recommenda

22、tionA recommendation prepared by the Project Manager for the Project Board to send as a project closure when the board is satisfied that the project can be closed.项目收尾建议项目收尾建议是由项目经理为项目管理委员会准备的一份项目收尾建议书,在项目管理委员同意项目可以收尾的时候,将其作为项目收尾通知发出。Communication Management StrategyA description of the means and fr

23、equency of communication between the project and the projects stakeholders.沟通管理战略沟通管理战略是对项目与利益相关者之间沟通的方式与频率的描述。concessionAn off-specification that is accepted by the Project Board without corrective action. 特许特许是针对项目中的不合格项,由项目管理委员会认可它并且不再采取纠正性行动。configuration itemAn entity that is subject to configu

24、ration management. The entity may be a component of a product, or a set of products in a release.配置项配置项是一个用于配置管理的实体。这个实体可以是一个产品组件,也可以是一个版本中的一组产品。configuration Item RecordA record that describes the status, version and variant of a configuration item, and any details of important relationships betwee

25、n them.配置项记录配置项记录表述了配置项的状态、版本、变量,以及他们之间重要关系的所有细节。configuration managementTechnical and administrative activities concerned with the creation, maintenance, and controlled change of configuration throughout the life of a product.配置管理配置管理是一种技术性和管理性的活动,它涉及整个产品生命周期中配置的建立,维护和受控环境下的变更。Configuration Managem

26、ent StrategyA description of how and by whom the projects products will be controlled and protected.配置管理战略这是一种对项目产品由谁进行何种方式控制、保护的表述。configuration management systemThe set of processes, tools and databases that are used to manage configuration data. Typically, a project will use the configuration man

27、agement system of either the customer or supplier organization.配置管理系统配置管理系统包含一整套流程,工具和数据库,用于管理配置数据。一般来说,一个项目,将使用客户方或供应商组织的配置管理系统。constraintsThe restrictions or limitations that the project is bound by. 限制限制是指对项目起制约作用的约束或限制因素。 contingencySomething held in reserve typically to handle time and cost var

28、iances, or risks. PRINCE2 does not advocate the use of contingency as: Estimating variances are managed by setting tolerancesRisks are managed through appropriate risk responses (including the fallback response which is contingent on the risk occurring).应急事先预留的一些储备,通常应对时间和成本偏差、或者风险。 PRINCE2并不主张使用应急储

29、备,则是因为: 通过设置容许偏差管理“预估的偏差”通过适当的风险应对措施管理风险(包括视风险发生的情况而定的应变应对措施,在风险发生时临时使用)。corporate or programme standardsThese are over-arching standards that the project must adhere to. They will influence the four project strategies (Communication Management Strategy, Configuration Management Strategy, Quality Ma

30、nagement Strategy and Risk Management Strategy) and the project controls.公司或项目群标准这是项目管理必须遵守的指导性标准。他们将影响四种项目战略(沟通管理战略,配置管理战略,质量管理战略和风险管理战略)以及项目控制。corrective actionA set of actions to resolve a threat to a plans tolerances or a defect in a product.纠正性行动纠正性行动是指一系列的行动,用于解决与计划容许偏差相关的威胁,或纠正产品缺陷。cost toler

31、anceThe permissible deviation in a plans cost that is allowed before the deviation needs to be escalated to the next level of management. Cost tolerance is documented in the respective plan. See tolerance.成本容许偏差指计划成本的容许偏差,一旦超出成本容许偏差,则需上报到更高一级管理层。成本容许偏差记录于相应的计划中。见“容许偏差”。customerThe person or group wh

32、o commissioned the work and will benefit from the end results.客户客户是指一个人或一个群体,他们将工作委托出去并从最终结果中收益。customers quality expectationsA statement about the quality expected from the project product, captured in the Project Product Description.客户质量期望客户质量期望描述了预期项目产品达到的质量,在项目产品描述文档中体现。Daily LogUsed to record problems/concerns that can be handled b

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