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1、IPv6现状及未来发展通信类外文文献翻译中英文翻译英 文 原 文What is IPv6?IPv6 is short for Internet Protocol Version 6. IPv6 is the next generation protocol designed by the IETF to replace the current version Internet Protocol, IP Version 4 (IPv4). Most of todays Internet uses IPv4, which is now nearly twenty years old. IPv4 h

2、as been remarkably resilient in spite of its age, but it is beginning to have problems. Most importantly, there is a growing shortage of IPv4 addresses, which are needed by all new machines added to the Internet. IPv6 fixes a number of problems in IPv4, such as the limited number of available IPv4 a

3、ddresses. It also adds many improvements to IPv4 in areas such as routing and network auto configuration. IPv6 is expected to gradually replace IPv4, with the two coexisting for a number of years during a transition period. Some introductory information about the protocol can be found in our IPv6 FA

4、Q. For those interested in the technical details, we have a list of IPv6 related specifications. Internet Protocol Version 6 is abbreviated to IPv6 (where the 6 refers to it being assigned version number 6). The previous version of the Internet Protocol is version 4 (referred to as IPv4). IPv6 is a

5、new version of IP which is designed to be an evolutionary step from IPv4. It is a natural increment to IPv4. It can be installed as a normal software upgrade in Internet devices and is interoperable with the current IPv4. Its deployment strategy is designed to not have any flag days or other depende

6、ncies. IPv6 is designed to run well on high performance networks (e.g. Gigabit Ethernet, OC-12, ATM, etc.) and at the same time still be efficient for low bandwidth networks (e.g. wireless). In addition, it provides a platform for new Internet functionality that will be required in the near future.

7、IPv6 includes a transition mechanism which is designed to allow users to adopt and deploy IPv6 in a highly diffuse fashion and to provide direct interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6 hosts. The transition to a new version of the Internet Protocol must be incremental, with few or no critical interde

8、pendencies, if it is to succeed. The IPv6 transition allows the users to upgrade their hosts to IPv6, and the network operators to deploy IPv6 in routers, with very little coordination between the two.Where can I get an IPv6 implementation for my system?There is software available for most operating

9、 systems in common use today. Find your favorite OS on our list of IPv6 implementations. We also have a collection of how to install documents for various systems. What applications run over IPv6 today?Many common Internet applications already work with IPv6, and more are being ported. See our list

10、of IPv6 enabled applications. Benefits of IPv6One of the clearest benefits of IPv6 is the increased address space.IPv4 was defined before it was understood just how explosive the Internet would be. Consequently available addresses for IPv4 hosts are running out. Many analysts predict hundreds of mil

11、lions of mobile phones will be in use and require network connectivity. There will be literally trillions of network devices with in a decade.IPv6 also benefits from the experience of the protocol developers. Many new ideas and features that have been added-on to the IPv4 specification can now be a

12、fundamental part of the new protocol. This certainly helps the various features work as intended with each other.The specification also enables an lPv6 host to be automatically configured by the upstream router. As the host boots up it will solicit a router for its address prefix and other informati

13、on that is usually manually configured. This scheme also makes it much easier to renumber the machines, for example if the site changes service provider. In the case of multi-homed sites there will be multiple addresses per system.To some, the most important feature is restoring the end-to-end natur

14、e of the Internet. This ideal has been eroded by private networks behind Network Address Translator (NAT) boxes .Improved Security is possible with end-to-end connections and in fact, some versions of IP security (IPsec) which is built-in to the IPv6 specification require it. Some games too cannot o

15、perate through a NAT.IPv6 DeploymentMost of the large players in the Internet world have released IPv6 versions of their products. Many router vendors including Cisco have IPv6-enabled products. Sun and Microsoft have IPv6-aware operating systems and TCP/IP stacks. IPv6 is also available for Linux,

16、FreeBSD and most other operating systems. Many networks are deploying IPv6. Also, sites are using tunneling techniques to transport IPv6 over their existing IPv4 network. This allows sites unable to install native IPv6 connections to participate early in the effort and gain useful operational experi

17、ence.The third generation( 3G) mobile phone developers have also settled on using IPv6、the core of their system. It is clear the future of mobile communication is not limited to voice and the ability to transfer data, whether that is a web page or video conferencing will greatly enhance their produc

18、t.The 6BoneThe 6bone is an IPv6 Test bed .It is currently a world wide informal collaborative project, informally operated with oversight from the NGtrans (IPv6 Transition) Working Group of the IETF.The 6bone started as a virtual network( Using IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling/encapsulation)operating over t

19、he IPv4-based Internet to support IPv6 transport, and is slowly migrating to native links for IPv6 transport.The initial 6bone focus was on testing of standards and implementations , while the current focus is more on testing of transition and operational procedures.The 6bone operates under the IPv6

20、 Testing Address Allocation ,and has formalized rules for participation and becoming a transit provider. Currently the 6bone is deployed in over 50 countries distributed around the world ,is fast approaching 1000 networks and end-user sites and has almost 90 networks providing 6bone backbone transit

21、 services. Every implementation of IPv6 available is running somewhere in the 6bone.Inter-network peering is handled by BGP4 in the 6bone,as it is in the IPv4 Internet. There are also numerous public peering points now in use worldwide, most notably in Amsterdam, Chicago( the 6 TAP),London, Munich,

22、New York, Tokyo. Others are rapidly coming Online.California Launches First Sub-Chapter of the North American IPv6 Task Force(选自:Ipv6英文论坛)The California IPv6 Task Force announced today it is the first North American affiliate chapter to be recognized by the North American IPv6 Task Force (NAv6TF), t

23、he guiding force for adoption of IPv6, the next generation Internet protocol. Sanctioned by the IPv6 Forum, the North American IPv6 Task Force is the leading force for IPv6 adoption and readiness in the United States and Canada. The California IPv6 Task Force (CAv6TF) launched in June 2004, will sup

24、port and drive IPv6 state seminars and events. The CAv6TF will support California IPv6 industry and government, to provide a technical and business center of expertise for the deployment of IPv6, provide white papers, briefings, guides, and presentations for public awareness, and work with the IT se

25、ctor to understand the impact of IPv6 transition within the market. The growing Global demand for Internet technologies and the emergence of wireless access technologies requires a larger IP address space, as well as a number of fundamental features to enable wireless networking and mobility. IPv6 i

26、s rapidly emerging as the preferred platform to meet these needs as the Internet evolves. The original architecture protocol, IPv4, is unable to adequately serve the demands of the new Internet, especially in terms of security, mobility, extensibility, and dynamic re-configurability. “The California

27、 IPv6 Task Force is excited to be leading the charge in California and the West toward adoption of the new generation Internet,” said Geof Lambert, chairman, CAv6TF and recently appointed member of the North American IPv6 Task Force Steering Committee. “We intend to act as a leader by transitioning

28、California entirely to the IPv6 protocol and we will urge other states within the U.S. and regions world wide to do the same in order to rapidly build the next generation Internet. By demonstrating that a locale at large can have the vision and foresight to adopt IPv6 technology we are helping pione

29、er new territory and understanding of one of the most fundamental shifts in technology in over a decade.“ “Its stimulating to witness the growing enthusiasm for IPv6 spread across the U.S. and the world,” says Jim Bound, IPv6 Forum CTO and Chair North American IPv6 Task Force. “The entire Internet w

30、ill eventually transition from IPv4 to IPv6 but it will take some voluntary effort and dedication for this to complete. The CAv6TF is a welcome body to focus attention on what lays ahead, what needs to be done, and how to accomplish the tasks at hand. This task force is one of the best places to lea

31、rn about IPv6 deployment, products and technology.” Geof lambert began his 20-year career in the culinary world on the East Coast and, after stops in the Caribbean and Europe, he migrated to the West Coast. Geof is a founding partner of the Maxson Group, a firm that specializes in senior level execu

32、tive search and board consulting across a variety of industries. Throughout his career, Geof has been actively involved with a wide range of professional and civic organizations. Lambert initiated The International Fellowship of Rotarians United to Bridge the Digital Divide and he is a chair at the

33、Rotary Center for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution at the University of California at Berkeley. In addition to being the founder and chairman of the California IPv6 Task Force, which is comprised of statewide individuals leading the transition of full deployment of IPv6 in California, Lamber

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