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1、Unit1 Key to Section A 1.Information Searching books(!Mlfrr);articles Ct);government documents(i&c!ffiX);manuscripts(-=ffiWi);archival materials(ftJf-t);maps;visual materials;dissertations(1iziiX);interviews;surveys reference literature()(ix);scientific journals;industry journals;library catalogs(:J

2、R);bibliographies()(ix);card catalogs(:!RT);dictionaries;textbooks(t!f-445)almanacs(4);directories;fact books(Fff-t-=fflfr);guide books(iffi,-=fflfr);indexes(5 I);abstracts;bibliographies used to locate primary and secondary sources;manuals 2.1)Primary sources:books;scientific journals;industry jour

3、nals;government documents;manuscripts and archival materials;maps;visual materials;dissertations;interviews;surveys 2)Secondary sources:reference literature;journals of abstracts;library catalogs;bibliographies;dictionaries;textbooks 3)Tertiary sources:almanacs;chronologies;directories;fact books;gu

4、ide books;indexes;abstracts;bibliographies used to locate primary and secondary sources;manuals 4)A primary source is an original source of the information being discussed.It can be a person with direct knowledge of a situation,or a document created by such a person.Secondary sources cite,comment on

5、,or build upon primary sources;however,the distinction between them is not a sharp one.A secondary source may also be a primary source depending on how it is used.In some academic disciplines the distinction between a secondary and tertiary source is relative.What some define as a secondary source,o

6、thers define as a tertiary source.Context is everything.As tertiary sources,encyclopedias and textbooks attempt to summarize and consolidate the source materials into an overview,but may also present subjective commentary and analysis(which are characteristics of a secondary source).1 3.1)People dep

7、ended on manual retrieval before computers were widely used.2)Open question.3)Open question.4)Electronic information sources are mainly divided into the following two types:electronic periodical index&database and Internet search engine.Electronic periodical index&database refers to various database

8、s in computerized retrieval systems,such as the items in the right hand box;Internet search engines refers to World Wide Web search engines,such as the items in the left hand box.4.Materials located using the electronic periodical index&database are of academic level.However,most materials on the WW

9、W have not gone through a peer-review or evaluation.Therefore,generally speaking,information obtained using database journal tools is more reliable and accurate.5.1)Science Citation Index;Social Sciences Citation Index;Arts and Humanities Citation Index.6.TI AU JN so ISSN LA YR AB 2 Search Fields Ti

10、tle of the article Author of the article Journal title Source-a different way of indicating the journal title International Standard Serial Number Language of the article Year of publication Abstract-a brief summary of the article content government agencies educational institutions organizations(no

11、nprofit)commercial business Unit 1 Information work organizations military international 1)The items include publication time,publishing source,research project,cited frequency,downloaded frequency,etc.2)The results are narrowed down due to the specific research field or database.3)The res

12、ults are ranked according to downloaded frequency,cited frequency and articles published time.9.1)Correct.2)Correct.3)Incorrect.Simple searches are quick and handy;they may return too many results.More advanced techniques will narrow the search to help you find what you really want.Key to Section B

13、1.Boolean logic operators;Truncation operators;Wildcard operators;Proximity operators 2.l)A B C 2)Operator AND OR NOT 3)Interpretations search only documents that contain every one of the words you enter return documents in which either or both words appear return only your first word but not the se

14、cond AND OR NOT 3 3.1)Correct.2)Correct.3)Incorrect.Operator NOT is generally used to narrow the search result,but it may not improve the accuracy of the search result.Besides,since it has the possibility to exclude some related documents,we should use it with caution.4.1)If you want to search for t

15、erms with and in a phrase,such as black and blue,you should type the phrase into the search box and enclose it in double quotes as black and blue.2)We can use parentheses to clarify relationships between search terms.For example,(TV or radio)and old people This search retrieves both TV and old peopl

16、e and radio and old people.5.1)Asterisk(*)is used as the symbol of Truncation operators.2)The function of this operator is to retrieve documents containing variations on a search term.3)Question mark(?)is the symbol ofwildcard operators.4)The function of this operator is to retrieve all terms matchi

17、ng your search term that have any single character in the position occupied by?.6.1)The proximity operator WITH is used to retrieve documents where the proximity location of the two search terms appears in the order typed.2)The proximity operator NEAR is used to retrieve documents where the proximit

18、y location of the two search terms appears in any order.3)The number preceding WITH requires the terms to occur with up to that number of other words between the two terms in the order typed.4)The number preceding NEAR requires the terms to occur with up to that number of other words between the two

19、 terms in either the order typed or the reverse order.4 Unit 1 Information Searching 7.1)They are Altavista,Google,and CNKI.2)The usage of operator NOT.3)Operator NOT manifests as NOT in Altavista;13 in CNKI,however,it doesnt work in Google.4)To get the exact usage of these operators in a specific d

20、atabase or engine,you can consult the help pages of the database you are using to see what proximity operators work for it.Key to Section C 1.1)This fact indicates that search in Google is not case sensitive.2)This fact indicates that,generally,symbols such as#$%A&,etc.are ignored in Google search.3

21、)Space key can be used to replace operator AND in Google search.2.1)Open question.2)Im Feeling Lucky is another search button besides Google Search.Compared with Google Search,the search results obtained through Im Feeling Lucky are more precise because some unrelated information,such as advertiseme

22、nts,are eliminated automatically.3)Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.From one place,you can search across many disciplines and sources:articles,theses,books,abstracts and court opinions,from academic publishers,professional societies,online repositories,

23、universities and other web sites.Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.4)When we click the item:fllkX*shown in Screenshot 3,we will get the related six articles as shown in Screenshot 4.5 3.Operators Examples Function site graduate site:edu.en Google will

24、 restrict the results to the site or domain you link: Google will show pages that point to that uniform resource locator(URL).related related: Google will list web pages you specified.filetype forestry filetype:pdf Google can restrict the results to pages whose names end in this suffix.

25、6 Unit2 Key to Section A 1.Omitted.2.Research Paper and Title Research article:the research paper defined in ex 1.Academic dissertation:a research paper on a course-related subject for a university degree.Scientific thesis:writing based on a students own research for graduation or academic degree.Re

26、view Ct:i):an examination and discussion of a range of information relevant to a particular subject.Communication:important information exchange in a relevant journal or website.Rapid report:a new occurrence reported in the medium of a relevant scientific field.Letter to the editor:points communicat

27、ed to the editor of a certain journal.Paper of empirical research(iili-liJf):paper on the research based on the data collected from experiments or experience rather than ideas or theories.Paper of theoretical research:paper on a research concerned with the ideas on which a particular subject is base

28、d,rather than with practice and experiments.Paper of theoretical application:paper on a research to use or to further understand a certain theory in practical fields.Paper of textual research:paper on research of a topic concluded from data of literature.Paper of technical competence:paper on resear

29、ch of practical technology problems or application.Generally speaking,the empirical research is common in science and engineering and increasingly popular in some disciplines of liberal arts,while theoretical derivation is a general approach in pure science and textual data are studied in some human

30、ities.1)An argumentative research paper 3)An analytical research paper 2)A persuasive research paper 4)An informative research paper 7 3.research quality 6)originality 4)creativity 2)academic significance 11)academic property 7)repeatability writing skills 8)sufficient evidence 5)standardization 12)

31、logical development of meaning 2)formal style 4)complex sentences 1)correct grammar 10)accurate expressions 13)correct j oumal format 14)convincing and valid 15)complete,concise,clear and coherent 4.1),3),4),8)5.A scientist must not establish a hypothesis boldly without careful thinking and overall

32、understanding about the research work.As a matter of fact,hypothesis is a vital step in research based on thoughtful analysis of previous researches and their limitations or problems,and a possible solution.However,a scientist should be creative,innovative and pioneering to break through the previou

33、s research.That may be the meaning of bold hypothesis.6.1),2),4),6),8)3):To focus on the proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas.5):Let the quality of your research work speak.7):The discipline thesis committee has the right to decide whether it can be continued.7.a)-6,b-1,c)-5,d)-2,e)-4,f)-3 8.The general order is:2)9)6)1 O)7)1)3)4)5)11)8)12 13 14.Although it may coincid

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