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1、吸血鬼日记第4季第23集中英文台词剧本吸血鬼日记前情提要Previously on The Vampire Diaries.赛拉斯想要让我Silas wants me to drop the veil打破两个世界之间的界限between our side and the other side.他会开启大门He will open the floodgates让所有死去的超自然生物回来for every supernatural being that has ever died.完成了 界限已经打破Its done. The veil is down.那是谁Who the hell is tha

2、t?那是我的前男友亚历山大That is my ex-boyfriend Alexander.我们应该赶紧离开We should get out of here.的确You should.可惜你休想Too bad you cant.赛拉斯Silas?我能让你看见我想让你看见的I can make you see whatever I want you to see.你根本不知道我是谁You have no idea who I am.我要你身体固结成石I will make your body turn to stone.她不是你女朋友吗Isnt she your girlfriend?谁知道

3、呢 我知道她曾对我认祖归忠Who knows? I know she was sired to me,我知道她关掉了人性I know her emotions were off.我该拿这玩意怎么办呢What the hell am I supposed to do with this?抱得美人归吧Get the girl.我可以让杰里米起死回生I can bring Jeremy back.我可以让他留在这里I can keep him here!不 不行No, you cant.咒语Phasmatos, raverus un animun.我的天 我死了Oh, my god. Im dead

4、.欢迎回来Welcome back.我们的死才促成了这一天的到来It was our deaths that allowed this day to come to pass,为了复活永生不死的赛拉斯massacres performed in the name of而发生了三场屠杀resurrecting the immortal Silas.12个混血儿 12个巫师12 hybrids, 12 witches,那些所谓的神秘瀑布的英勇保护者The slaughter of innocents by the so-called屠杀了这些无辜的人hero protectors of Mysti

5、c Falls.他们为了自私的目的 冒险带来人间地狱They risked unleashing hell on earth for their own selfish gains,今天and today.我们就要如他们所愿thats exactly what theyre going to get.吸血鬼日记第四季第二十三集(本季终)m 115 64 l 115 35 l 171 0 l 177 0 l 133 46 l 143 52 l 179 0 l 184 0 l 159 63 l 229 107 l 229 182 l 145 96 l 135 122 l 207 227 l 137

6、 227 l 115 172 l 115 93 l 126 76 l 115 64 l 104 76 l 115 93 l 115 172 l 93 227 l 23 227 l 95 122 l 84 96 l 0 182 l 0 107 l 70 63 l 45 0 l 50 0 l 87 52 l 97 46 l 52 0 l 59 0 l 115 35m 20 0 l 209 0 b 218 0 229 11 229 20 l 229 209 b 229 218 218 228 209 228 l 20 228 b 11 228 0 218 0 209 l 0 20 b 0 11 11

7、 0 20 0m 325 0 l 355 0 l 332 47 l 354 47 l 399 136 l 369 136 l 328 53 l 288 136 l 257 136 l 325 0 m 467 0 l 497 0 l 474 47 l 496 47 l 541 136 l 511 136 l 470 53 l 430 136 l 399 136 l 467 0 m 545 1 l 583 1 l 583 14 l 568 14 l 568 19 l 583 19 l 583 30 l 568 30 l 568 34 l 599 34 l 599 30 l 583 30 l 583

8、 19 l 599 19 l 599 14 l 583 14 l 583 1 l 611 1 b 616 1 622 6 622 10 l 622 36 l 652 0 l 678 0 l 644 41 l 622 41 l 622 47 l 596 47 l 597 54 l 625 54 l 625 68 l 541 68 l 541 54 l 572 54 l 571 47 l 545 47 l 545 1 m 583 72 l 583 85 l 569 85 l 569 90 l 598 90 l 598 85 l 583 85 l 583 72 l 611 72 b 615 72 6

9、21 78 621 82 l 653 44 l 678 44 l 644 86 l 621 86 l 621 103 l 597 103 l 597 136 l 570 136 l 564 126 l 562 136 l 542 136 l 548 107 l 568 107 l 565 121 l 571 121 l 571 103 l 547 103 l 547 72 l 583 72 m 600 107 l 620 107 l 624 124 l 653 89 l 679 89 l 642 136 l 615 136 l 618 132 l 606 132 l 600 107 m 689

10、 0 l 716 0 l 721 15 l 732 15 l 732 30 l 718 56 l 731 56 l 735 100 l 721 100 l 717 59 l 714 64 l 714 136 l 693 136 l 693 79 l 676 79 l 707 30 l 679 30 l 679 15 l 694 15 l 689 0 m 738 0 l 804 0 b 807 0 813 6 813 9 l 813 87 l 794 87 l 794 14 l 756 14 l 756 87 l 763 77 l 763 21 l 787 21 l 787 91 l 798 9

11、1 l 798 120 l 820 120 l 812 136 l 778 136 l 778 90 l 748 136 l 723 136 l 756 87 l 738 87 l 738 0 m 257 151 l 275 151 l 297 182 l 319 151 l 337 151 l 304 197 l 304 227 l 290 227 l 290 197 l 257 151 m 337 151 l 355 151 l 377 182 l 399 151 l 417 151 l 384 197 l 384 227 l 370 227 l 370 197 l 337 151 m 4

12、25 192 l 447 192 b 445 181 427 181 425 192 l 410 192 b 414 162 458 162 462 192 l 462 206 l 425 206 b 425 210 429 212 433 213 l 462 213 l 462 227 l 433 227 b 412 227 408 203 410 192 m 462 151 l 532 151 l 532 165 l 504 165 l 504 227 l 489 227 l 489 165 l 462 165 l 462 151 m 580 172 l 580 186 l 549 186

13、 b 543 186 543 192 549 192 l 565 192 b 589 192 589 227 565 227 l 532 227 l 532 213 l 565 213 b 570 213 570 206 565 206 l 549 206 b 524 206 524 172 549 172 l 580 172 m 592 213 l 606 213 l 606 227 l 592 227 l 592 213 m 639 172 l 665 172 l 665 186 l 639 186 b 623 186 623 213 639 213 l 665 213 l 665 227

14、 l 639 227 b 603 227 603 172 639 172 m 700 184 b 722 184 722 215 700 215 l 700 229 b 740 229 740 170 700 170 b 660 170 660 229 700 229 l 700 215 b 680 215 680 184 700 184 m 737 172 l 782 172 b 803 172 813 177 813 198 l 813 228 l 799 228 l 799 198 b 799 186 793 187 782 187 l 782 228 l 768 228 l 768 1

15、87 l 752 187 l 752 228 l 737 228 l 737 172m 71 60 b 71 0 161 0 161 60 b 161 120 71 120 71 60人人影视YYeT仅供学习 禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多影视更新请登陆www.YYeT原创翻译 双语字幕翻译:草草 慕风夕 xss9149 默默 瀚海云翔 咔色淋翻译:prettyboy 圈圈 茶炒栗子 心疼呆萌狂飙泪的米苏达蒙 帮我庆祝我第17次高中毕业Damon, help me celebrate my 17th high school graduation.你还记得我的朋友莱希吧Hey. You remem

16、ber my friend Lexi of course.莱希 死而复生了啊Lexi back from the dead.真好Goodie.你好啊 破坏气氛的家伙Whats up, buzz kill?斯特凡 你就坐在那儿Stefan, you just gonna sit there看着她发起鬼魂复仇吗and let her enact her ghostly revenge?这叫自作自受You reap what you sow, buddy.我们说明白了吧Lets be very clear.不管我能在这儿待多久Whatever time I have left here我绝对不想浪费

17、在你身上I sure as hell dont plan on wasting on you.听懂了吗Got me?嗯 听懂了Yeah. Got you.如果你 里克和小吉尔伯特So if you and Ric and little Gilbert都还在这儿活蹦乱跳are all flesh-like and real-seeming,那么邦妮恢复界限的时候that means something went horribly wrong一定出了大岔子when Bonnie tried to put that veil up,可你们俩还在这儿大开派对and you two are having

18、 Dance party u.S.A.你说得对Youre right.我如此沉溺于跟我前已故好友享受How selfish of me to be indulging in these precious moments这珍贵时光真是太自私了with my formerly dead best friend.我应该牺牲自我快乐I should be sacrificing my own happiness为他人牟利 对吧for the good of others, right?我应该上楼去修一下英雄发型了I should be upstairs grooming my hero hair.你喝

19、醉了吗Are you drunk?不知道 妈妈 我醉了吗I dont know, mom am I?好吧Ok.这也算庆贺我们的超自然天启的方式之一了Well, I guess thats one way to celebrate our supernatural apocalypse.那么 愿意猜猜到底是出了什么问题吗Now care to hazard any guesses on what the hell went wrong?我出了点故障I hit kind of snag.故障 年鉴照片走形才叫故障A snag? A snag is a bad yearbook picture.你引

20、发了海啸 你在哪啊You hit a tsunami. Where are you?在努力补救呢Trying to fix it.我遇到了点麻烦Im running into some trouble.我得等到今晚的满月I need to wait until the full moon tonight才会有足够力量重新筑立起界限to have enough power to put the veil back up.你是说我们要在一个Are you telling me that we might graduate满是鬼魂的表达三角式正中央毕业吗right smack in the midd

21、le of a ghost-filled expression triangle?或许我们该取消Maybe we should just cancel.不 我们才不能取消呢No! We are not going to cancel.毕业典礼是我们一生中最重要的事Graduation is the most important event of our lives,是我们青春最后的庆典the last ceremony of our youth.是我们过度的仪式It is our rite of freaking passage!要取消毕业典礼除非地狱冻成冰柜Hell will freeze

22、over before I let anyone cancel graduation.你能别拿地狱结冰开玩笑吗Can you not make jokes about hell freezing over?我们离那个已经不远了Were not that far off from that already.保证我今天是我们好姐们的日子Just promise that today is a friend day.好的 我保证Ok. I promise.我爱你I love you.我也爱你I love you, too.去吧 我会确保没人找到你的尸体Go. Ill make sure no one

23、 finds your body,-但是 邦妮 -我明白- but, Bonnie- - I know. Ok?我知道我得告诉他们 但我做不到I know I need to tell them. I just cant.他们已经经历了太多了Theyve been through too much already.这我知道 孩子 我只是想说I know child. I was just going to say that你一定要跟他们好好道别make sure you say your good-byes.天呐Oh, my god.另一边不要油 是吧No grease on the othe

24、r side, huh?你都不知道我有多怀念这个You have no idea how much I miss this还有这个and this.不行No.她才开启人性She just got her humanity back.让她疯一疯嘛Let her live a little.想得美Hey. You wish.我都死了 他们还能怎么做 抓我去少管所吗Im dead. What are they gonna do, throw me in juvie?那至少你有个地方待着了Well, then at least youd have a place to live.你们都坏死了You b

25、oth suck.终于出现了 这个微笑Well, there it is, that smile.我都不确定我们还有幸看得到呢I wasnt sure we were gonna see that again.我做了一些很坏的事I did some pretty terrible things.不准哭鼻子Hey. No. No tears.如果卡罗琳说得对 我们今晚就得消失了If Caroline was right, we only have until tonight.我们不能哭鼻子We need a no crying rule.但哭是好事啊But the cryings good.说明

26、我终于有感觉了It means that Im finally feeling something,现在And right now, I.我觉得快乐I feel happy.是酒吧 肯定是马特Its the grill. Must be Matt.你今早怎么不见了 怎么回事Hey. You went awol this morning. What happened?你好啊 埃琳娜Hello, Elena.是你已故的朋友康纳Its your dead friend Connor here.还记得我吗You remember me?整整一密室的先进武器A hidden compartment fi

27、lled with advanced weaponry.扔石头的日子真是一去不复返了Man has evolved from his days of throwing stones.我们对你没什么用 亚历山大There is nothing we can do for you, Alexander.放我们走吧Please let us go.我没有押着你们啊Im not holding you here,不过我觉得although I have a feeling你帅气的朋友如果离开那个爆炸装置that exploding contraption will have a hard time p

28、arting下场不会好看的with your handsome friend intact.走吧 丽贝卡 我没事的Just go, Rebekah. Ill be fine.我不能撇下你Im not leaving you.那个战士康纳 找到了提取狼毒的办法The soldier Connor found a way to siphon venom from a werewolf.你想要怎么样What do you want from us?完成我的使命To fulfill my destiny.猎人兄弟会的组建只有一个目的The brotherhood of hunters was crea

29、ted for one reason and one reason alone.沃恩Vaughn.我有个口信要转告你Got a little message for you, laddie,直接来自凯茨雅的口信straight from the mouth of the witch Qetsiyah.我们要赛拉斯和解药We want Silas, and we want the cure.我不知道他们在哪 恐怕帮不了你了I dont know where they are, so I guess I cant help you.你知道谁会需要帮助吗Huh. Well, you know who

30、s gonna need some help?琼斯爷爷和奶奶Grandma and grandpa Jones来镇上参加盛大的毕业典礼in town for the big high school graduation还有苏阿姨和马克叔叔along with auntie Sue and uncle Mark,所有为了毕业学生而来到了matter of fact everybody here at the mystic grill神秘酒吧的人for graduation brunch.你要么给我我要的东西 要么他们就死You either give me what I want, or the

31、y die.跟我的锅盖头朋友 康纳借的Yeah. Borrowed it from my jarhead friend Connor.木弹像铅弹一样Shoots wood like lead.拜托啊 伙计Come on, man.我又没杀你I didnt kill you.但你把我丢在了岛上那口井里No, but you left in that well on that island,我饿死了where I starved to death.我一个人孤零零在那边There I was, all alone on the other side直到凯茨雅找到了我till Qetsiyah found me

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