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1、云南英语真题专题汇编含详细解析完形填空完形填空一完形填空(共5小题)1(2018云南)Once upon a time, there was a man called Zheng(1)Dlived in a small town One day he wanted to buy himself a new pair of shoes He measured (测量) his(2)Bwith a ruler and then(3)Adown his size on a piece of paper After that he went shoe shopping When he arrived

2、at the(4)C, he reached into his pocket (口袋),(5)Bhe found the paper was not there So he said to the shop keeper, I have left the paper at home and I dont know the size Ill go back home to(6)Cit With these words, he ran out of the shop He ran back home, found the paper and then ran to the shop again B

3、ut it took him(7)Bhours and the shop was(8)D He spent the afternoon on the way and did not buy his shoes at last Someone asked him, Did you want to buy the shoes(9)Ayourself? Of course, he answered Then why dont you(10)Cthe shoes by yourself? I trust the ruler more than my feet he answered(1)A TheyB

4、 IC SheD He(2)A handsB feetC armsD legs(3)A wroteB satC cutD fell(4)A post officeB fruit shopC shoe shopD parking lot(5)A andB butC orD so(6)A throwB borrowC getD sell(7)A fewB a fewC littleD a little(8)A openB openedC closeD closed(9)A forB toC byD with(10)A come onB turn onC try onD get on【解答】(1)D

5、 考查代词,A They他们 B I我 C She她 D He他, 根据there was a man ,可知是个男人,用动词he,故选D(2)B 考查名词,A hands手 B feet脚 C arms胳膊 D legs 腿,根据 One day he wanted to buy himself a new pair of shoes,可知他想买一双鞋,所以测量他的脚,故选B(3)A 考查动词,A wrote写 B sat坐 C cut切 D fell掉下, 根据down his size on a piece of paper,推出是指在纸上写下尺码,故选A(4)C 考查短语,A post

6、 office邮局 B fruit shop水果店 C shoe shop鞋店 D parking lot 停车场,根据 One day he wanted to buy himself a new pair of shoes,可知他想买一双鞋,买鞋要去鞋店,故选C(5)B 考查连词,A and和 B but但是 C or或者 D so因此, 根据he reached into his pocket (口袋),he found the paper was not there,他找那张纸条,但是没找到,前后是转折关系,故选B(6)C 考查动词,A throw扔 B borrow借 C get得到

7、 D sell 卖,根据 Ill go back home toit,可知是指他打算回去取那张纸条,故选C(7)B 考查形容词,A few很少,修饰可数名词 B a few一些,修饰可数名词 C little很少,修饰不可数名词 D a little一些,修饰不可数名词, 根据 it took himhours,可知他在路上花了几个小时,表示肯定,故排除A C;hours是可数名词复数,故排除D ,故选B(8)D 考查形容词,A open打开 B opened打开 C close 关上D closed 关上的,根据But it took him(7)Bhours ,可知他在路上花费了很长时间,

8、所以当他回来时,鞋店关门了,be closed关着的,故选D(9)A 考查介词,A for为了 B to到C by被 D with带有, 根据,buy the shoesyourself,可知是句型buy sth for sb为某人买某物,故选A(10)C 考查短语,A come on快点 B turn on打开 C try on试穿 D get on 上车,根据Then why dont youthe shoes by yourself?结合选项,推出句意:你为什么不亲自试穿呢,故选C2(2017云南)Jim started painting when he was three years

9、old,and when he was five,he was already very good at itHe(36)Amany beautiful and interesting pictures,and people paid a lot of money for themThey said,This boy is going to be(37)Cwhen he grows up,and then were going to sell these pictures for a lot more(38)DJims pictures were different (39)Bother pe

10、oples works,because he(40)Cpainted on all of the paperHe painted on half of it,and the other half was always emptyThats very clever,everybody said,Nobody else does that like(41)A!One day,somebody bought one of Jims pictures and then said to him,Please(42)A me,Jim Why do you paint on the bottom half

11、of your paper,(43)B not on the top half?Because Im small,Jim said,and my brushes dont (44)Dvery highThats(45)C I only paint on the bottom half of the paper36ApaintedBboughtCfoundDlost37AprettyBfunnyCfamousDlucky38AhousesBgiftsCfoodDmoney39AofBfromCinDwith40AeverBalreadyCneverDwith41AhimBusCherDthem4

12、2AtellBadviseCpromiseDbelieve43AandBbutCorDbecause44AlieBstandCclimbDreach45AwhenBwhereCwhyDwhat【解答】36答案:A考查动词A画B买C找到D丢失根据上句Jim started painting when he was three years old吉姆三岁的时候就开始画画了可知,这里应该是画很多美丽有趣的画,用painted,选A37答案:C考查形容词A漂亮的B有趣的C有名的D幸运的根据上句He painted many beautiful and interesting pictures,and

13、people paid a lot of money for them他画了许多美丽有趣的图画,人们为它们付出了很多钱可知,应该是长大后将会有名的,用famous,选C38答案:D考查名词A房子B礼物C食物D钱根据前面were going to sell these pictures我们要卖了这些画可知,应该是获得很多钱,用money,选D39答案:B考查介词A属于B从C在.里D和be different from与不同,固定搭配选B40答案:C考查副词A曾经B已经C从不D和根据下句He painted on half of it,and the other half was always e

14、mpty他在纸上画了一半,另一半总是空的可知,应该是从不画在全部的纸上用never,选C41答案:A考查代词A他B我们C她D他们根据上句He painted on half of it,and the other half was always empty他在纸上画了一半,另一半总是空的可知,应该是没有其他人像他那样,用he的宾格him,选A42答案:A考查动词A告诉B建议C承诺D相信根据下句Why do you paint on the bottom half of your paper你为什么在你纸的下半部分画画呢?可知,应该是请告诉我,用tell,选A43答案:B考查连词A和B但是C或者

15、D因为根据上句Why do you paint on the bottom half of your paper你为什么在你纸的下半部分画画呢?及下句 not on the top half?不是上半部分?,可知表示转折,用but但是、而是,选B44答案:DA躺B站立C爬D到达考查动词根据上句Because Im small因为我很小可知,应该是刷子不能到达非常高的地方用reach,选D45答案:C考查疑问词A当的时候B哪C为什么D什么根据倒数第二段Why do you paint on the bottom half of your paper你为什么在你纸的下半部分画画呢?可知,应该是这就

16、是为什么我只在纸的下半部分作画的原因用why选C3(2016云南)One day,a woman sat next to a man in a park(36)Apointed to the boy who was swinging(荡秋千)and said,What a nice boy!Yes,hes a (37)BboyHes my sonThe man saidThen,he (38)Dhis watch and called to his son,Shall we goTodd?Todd answered,Five more minutes,Dad,Just five more mi

17、nutesThe man (39)Band Todd continued to swingFive (40)Dpassed and the father stood and called again to his sonTime to go nowAgain Todd saidFive more minute,Dad Just five more minutes,pleaseThe man smiled and said,OKYou are (41)Ca patient father,the woman saidThe man smiled and then said,My elder son

18、 Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year (42)Bhe was riding his bike near hereI never spent (43)Atime with TommyIve promised that the same mistake cant happen (44)CToddHe wants to have five more minutes to swingThe (45)Ais that I also have five more minutes to watch him36ASheBTheyCWeDHe37Astupi

19、dBgoodClooked forDlooked at38Alooked likeBlooked afterClooked forDlooked at 39AdisagreedBagreedCthooughDunderstood40AtimesBhoursCsecondsDminutes41AeasilyBquietlyCreallyDhappily42AthatBwhileCifDhow43AmuchBmanyCa fewDfew44AwithBinCtoDfor45AtruthBquestionCmistakeDtrouble【解答】36答案:A 考查人称代词主格,根据上文One day,

20、a woman sat next to a man in a park一天,一个女人坐在一个公园里的一个男人旁边结合下文Yes,hes a good boyHes my sonThe man said可知这里是the woman指着荡秋千的男孩问,应该用she代指这个女士故选:A37答案:B 考查形容词及语境的理解,stupid愚蠢的,good好的,look for寻找,look at看着,根据句子中aboy,这里要用形容词修饰名词作定语,排除答案C和D,根据上文,What a nice boy!Yes可知:他是个好孩子故选:B38答案:D 考查动词词组 look like看起来像,look

21、after照顾,look for寻找,look at看着,根据下文托德回答说:五分钟,爸爸,再多五分钟男子同意了,托德继续荡秋千五分钟过去了,父亲站起来,又叫他的儿子,现在该走了,托德再次说,再多五分钟,爸爸,请再多五分钟可以推断出:他在看手表上的时间,故选:D39答案:B 考查动词及语境的理解,disagree不同意,agree同意,thoough没有这个单词,understand理解,根据下文托德继续摇摆这说明爸爸同意他再玩五分钟秋千故选:B40答案:D 考查语境的理解,根据上文Todd answered,Five more minutes,Dad,Just five more minut

22、esThe man agreed and Todd continued to swing可知这里指:五分钟过去了,故选:D41答案:C 考查副词及语境的理解 easily容易地,quietly安静地,really真正地,happily高兴地,根据上文:Todd answered,Five more minutes,Dad,Just five more minutesThe man agreed and Todd continued to swingFive minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his sonTime t

23、o go nowAgain Todd saidFive more minute,Dad Just five more minutes,pleaseThe man smiled and said,OK这里说明这位父亲真的非常有耐心,应用副词really故选:C42答案:B 考查连词及语境的理解 根据句子可知这是一个复合句,主句My elder son Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year采用一般过去时,从句he was riding his bike near here采用了过去进行时态,结合句意可知这是一个时间状语从句,意思为:我的大儿子汤米

24、当他正在这儿附近骑车的时候,去年被一个醉酒的司机杀死了所以用while引导时间状语从句,指从句的动作正在进行故选:B43答案:A 考查词汇辨析,many许多,后接可数名词复数,much很多,修饰不可数名词,a few几个,后接可数名词复数,表示肯定意义,few 少数,很少,后接可数名词复数,表示否定含义根据上下文可知:这位男子失去了大儿子汤米,他没有花很多时间陪他,他承诺同样的错误不会发生在托德身上句子中time时间,不可数名词,排除答案:B、C和D,故选:A44答案:C 考查介词用法,句子中happen,要用词组happen to sb发生在某人身上,故选:C45答案:A 考查名词及语境的理

25、解 truth事实,question问题,mistake错误,trouble麻烦,根据上文:他想再有五分钟时间荡秋千下文是我也有五分钟时间观看他这应该是一个事实,故选:A4(2015云南)It was in autumnA young woman was illShe (1)B in the hospitalThere was a tree (2)A her roomShe saw the leaves fall downDay after day,there were less and less leaves on the treeThe woman was very (3)CShe did

26、nt want to eat or drink,and she didnt want to talkThe doctor asked her to (4)D and take a walkShe wouldnt do thatShe became worse day by dayOne day she said,When the last leaf falls down,I will die,(5)AAn old artist knew thatHe decided to help this womanOne night,all yellow (6)C fell downThe artist

27、painted a green and yellow leaf,then put it in the treeThe next morning,(7)D the woman looked out of the window and saw the last leaf,she was filled with (8)AShe wanted to be aliveShe didnt want to fall down like other leavesFrom then on,she became (9)B and lived a long timeDont (10)C your hope at a

28、nytime1AplayedBstayedCstudiedDworked2AoutsideBinsideCfromDunder3AgladBrelaxedCsadDinterested4Afall asleepBget readyChurry upDget up5AtooBalsoCeitherDneither6AflowersBplantsCleavesDtrees7AifBbeforeCuntilDwhen8AhopeBdreamCinterestDhappiness9Aworse and worseBbetter and betterCharder and harderDthinner

29、and thinner10Agive outBgive inCgive upDgive away【解答】1答案:B;考查动词及语境理解Aplayed玩耍;Bstayed呆;Cstudied学习; Dworked工作根据前句:A young woman was ill(一位年轻女士生病了)可以推测出,她生病呆在医院里故选B2答案:A;考查介词及语境理解Aoutside在外面;Binside在里面; Cfrom离,从;Dunder在下面根据两个事物树、病房,容易推测出是树在病房外,故选A3答案:C;考查形容词及语境理解Aglad 高兴的;Brelaxed轻松的;Csad悲伤的;Dinterested感兴趣的根据后句She didnt want to eat or drink,and she didnt want to talk她不想吃、不想喝、不想说话可以推测出:她心里伤心,故选C4答案:D;考查固定短语及语境理解Afall asleep睡着;

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