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1、Module6 MODULE 10解析Module6 UNIT1 You can play basketball well.一、知识能力目标:通过今天的学习,学生能理解故事内容。理解副词fast, high, well.能变换人称,运用情态动词can 进行表达。初步模仿和运用程度副词,正确评估自己的能力。二、情感、态度、策略目标:告诉学生学习要劳逸结合,不但要好好学习,还要多运动,多锻炼,热爱运动,热爱奥运。积极运用所学的英语进行表达和交流,将所学和现实生活有机联系起来,在生活中学习运用。能够主动发现语言学习中的语法点,并迅速运用于简单的模仿句。三、教学重难点:理解故事内容,能够复述课文。对副

2、词fast, high, well的理解及运用。正确评估自己和他人的能力。四、教具准备:录音机、磁带、图片、自制金牌五、教学过程Step1:Warm-upSing a song: I can speak English.Greetings.Step2:Lead-inBrain storm(About sports)-Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I cant.Step3: PresentationHaving a competition, giving the medals.Can you run fast/jump high?-I think you can play

3、basketball well.Listen, find and circle “well”.Answer the following questions.Does Lingling want to play basketball?Can she run fast?Can she catch the ball?Can she jump high?Can she play basketball well?Listen and repeat.Role-play.Step4: PracticeShow some pictures and talk them in their group by usi

4、ng” Can you well?”Step5: Sum-up1. Summary.2. Homework.3. Assessment.Module6 UNIT2 They got fifty points.Teaching contents:复习过去时Teaching aims:1知识目标:A. 能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别出单词:point, team, thirty-six, got, other, fifty, thirteen, twenty, seventeen以及数字1100。B. 能在句子中正确使用单词:point, team, thirty-six, got, other,

5、 fifty, thirteen, twenty, seventeen以及数字1100。C. 能在图片提示下、跟着录音在语句中正确朗读单词:point, team, thirty-six, got, other, fifty, thirteen, twenty, seventeen以及数字1100。D.能抄写、选择动词的过去式:got, played, won2能力目标:A能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别出单词:point, team, thirty-six, got, other, fifty, thirteen, twenty, seventeen以及数字1100。B能在句子中正确使用单词:

6、point, team, thirty-six, got, other, fifty, thirteen, twenty, seventeen以及数字1100。C能在图片提示下、跟着录音在语句中正确朗读单词:point, team, thirty-six, got, other, fifty, thirteen, twenty, seventeen以及数字1100。D能抄写、选择动词的过去式:got, played, wonE掌握情态动词can和一般过去时的用法3情感目标: 教育学生多看别人的优点。Main points:询问某人的能力Difficult points:会用got表达过去的得分

7、。能完成一般过去式选词填空的练习:They got fifty points yesterday.(get/got)Teaching aids:Picture,cassette,tape,card,CAIPeriods: 2 periods.Teaching steps:Step 1:Warmmer:请学生展示上一节课的作业,说一说自己的调查结果。猜数字游戏”,老师先限定数字范围,如:l10,或1120,老师悄悄告诉一个学生一个数字,然后请其他学生猜,由该学生用“Yes”No.”来回答他们猜的是否正确。Step 2:Lead in.老师说“You did a good job Do you r

8、emembe what Lingling can play?And can she play well?学生回答问题,复习课文。老师继续问:”每个人都得了多少分? “Sam,Amy和bugling他们篮球比得怎么样?让我们来学习第二单元。Step 3: Learn the text.老师把本课挂图贴在黑板上,请学生仔细观察挂图,说一说都看到了什么。老师说:“The children played basketball yesterday.How many points did they got?Now please listen and point to the number you hear

9、.”然后老师播放录音,请学生听一听自己说的是否正确,有哪些没有说到并同时指出他们听到的数字。结合练习二的问题进行提问,让学生带着问题认真地再听一遍录音。由于该环节涉及到了动词的过去时态,老师要注意强掉动词的变化。如:playplayed ,getgot ,winwon,arewere等。老师接着放第三遍录音,请学生打开书,听录音模仿跟读。最后请学生两人一组朗读课文。Homework: 做一个访问调查,询问家人或同学的个人能力并记录下来。On the BB:Module SixUnit 2 They got fifty pointsTeaching notes:Module7 UNIT1 Thi

10、s dog can help him.教学目标:1,知识与能力目标熟练掌握单词与短语:blind, show,special,clever熟练掌握重点语句:This dog can help him.Can Fifi help the blind people?No, he cant .He only wants to play.使学生能够灵活运用can ,cant 描述动物具有的能力,并且能用can对动物是否具有某种能力进行提问。2,情感态度目标培养学生热爱动物,热爱大自然,热爱我们周围环境的意识。教学策略:简笔画,小组讨论,教学过程:(请写清每一教学环节的设计意图)Step 1 Warmi

11、ng upDraw an animal on the blackboard. Let the students guess what animal it is .Its a dog.(通过逐步画出的小狗既引起学生的兴趣,又引出本课关于导盲犬的话题)Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Draw a man beside a dog. Then draw the man to blind. Talk about it then teach the word“blind”.Watch a TV show and answer a question“Who can h

12、elp the blind man ?”2. Listen to the passage and repeat it. Try to be the TV presenter.1)跟读一遍刚刚观看过的盲人与导盲犬的电视节目的文章。2)请学生试读缺少个别词语的文章。3)小组练习,根据每句提示词试复述文章。3.Listen to CDROM and answer the question “Can Fifi help the blind people? ”Write down the sentence on the blackboard and repeat it.4.Listen again an

13、d answer the question “What does he want to do?”5. Listen and circle the sentences with “can or cant”.6. Memorizing game. Guess what the special animals can do .7. Listen the passage and repeat it.8. Do some exercises on AB p26 1: Read the text and circle.(通过听读和练习使学生对课文有基本的掌握,并能基本流利朗读、初步记忆)Step 4 Co

14、nsolidation and extension1. Talk about pictures about some special animals. Then the students talk about them in group using Thiscan . This cant . 3. Give each group a picture of an animal, let each group watch and discuss. For example, “Its white. Its fat. It can catch the mouse. It cant swim.”Then

15、 show it.(通过练习使学生既掌握住can和cant的用法并复习形容词的用法,又学会对动物能力的描述)Step 5 Summary1, 引导学生自主回顾本节课所学知识,引导学生发现生活中动物对人类的帮助,培养学生热爱动物,热爱大自然的意识。2, 用课件展示搜救犬、缉毒犬、警犬等多种犬类,并显示英文。让学生在知晓狗是人类的朋友的基础上展示“The dogs are our friends. We love dogs. We love animals.”Step 6 Homework1. Listen to the tape for 5 times .2. Try to find other

16、 helpful animals and try to describe them.(让学生通过练习进一步巩固对课文的掌握并学以致用,学会描述动物是人类的朋友)Module7 UNIT2 It could hear the people.Teaching aims:1知识目标:A. 能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别出单词:hear, fire, inside, safe, could, couldnt, firemen, found, hadB. 能在句子中正确使用单词:hear, fire, inside, safe, could, couldnt, firemen, found, hadC.

17、 能在图片提示下、跟着录音在语句中正确朗读单词:hear, fire, inside, safe, could, couldnt, firemen, found, hadD. 能抄写、选择或根据拼读规则补全单词:hear, fire, safe, could, couldnt2能力目标:A能听懂课文活动1 关于狗在火灾中帮助消防员解救被困群众的内容以及课文活动3的歌曲。B会用could, couldnt讲述过去做得到或做不到的事。C能朗读Unit 2活动1中的句子;能在短文的阅读中找出could, couldnt的相关信息。D能对could, couldnt进行选词填空:It could he

18、ar the people. They couldnt help the people.用could, couldnt讲述过去做得到或做不到的事。3情感目标: 培养孩子们互相关心、互相帮助的情操。Main points:The firemen couldnt see the people.It could hear the people.Difficult points:掌握情态动词can-could的用法Teaching aids:Picture,cassette,tape,card,CAIPeriods: 2 periods.Teaching steps:Step 1:Warmmer:老师

19、用投影仪呈现几张宠物的照片,请学生描述。然后老师用 AB Unit 2练习 4的问题来对学生进行提问,同时鼓励学生说出更多的问句,特别是需要用“can”和“cant”回答的句子。Step 2:Lead in老师在黑板上写出以下表格请学生填写。全班一起订正后,老师用投影仪呈现某个学生小时候的所照照片和现在的照片,然后说:“He couldntspeak English. He can speak now”接着在黑板上写出句型:“He couldntspeak English. He can speak nowcouldnt和“can”要用彩色粉笔标出来,并指出这几句话的时态不同。请学生两人一组,

20、各自拿出自己小时候的照片,互相拿着对方的照片进行描述。老师到各组中巡视,帮助学生及时解决问题。最后,请几组学生到讲台前进行展示。Step3 Learn the text.先请学生仔细看AB U山t 2练习 2的图,自己试着排列顺序。然后请学生听课文录音,边听边在书上划出含有“couldnt”和“could”的句子。再放录音,学生边听边自己检查答案,听完后全班一起订正。老师播放第三遍录音,请学生跟读,老师适时地给予指导,直到学生能正确、完整地朗读。老师拿出提前准备好的一些写着课文句子的纸条,发给每组学生一张,句子的顺序是打乱的,每句话占一行。请学生把这些句子一条条撕下来,然后按照自己的理解贴在A

21、B Unit 2练习 2相应的图下面。贴好后,让学生按照图的顺序进行描述,要求他们尽量模仿录音中的语音和语调。接下来,请学生撤掉纸条,让他们看图说出大意。Homework: Preview Module 7 unit 2.Copy the words: deaf, blind, himself, herself, themselves,Say a story about dogs to your good friends.On the BB:Module SevenUnit 2 It could hear the people.The firemen couldnt see the peopl

22、e.It could hear the people.Module8 UNIT1 They sit around tables.一、教学目标与要求1、知识与能力目标掌握听说词汇:miss掌握听说读词汇:aroud, exercise掌握听说读写词汇:sit, table. line morning掌握句型:In England, they sit around tables. We sit in lines in China. They sing songs together every morning. We do morning exercises.2. 情感态度目标:了解中西方学校在各方

23、面的差异,热爱自己的学校。二、教学重点及难点:掌握中西方学校的几个差异及动词词组的发音、使用.三、课前准备:单词卡、CAI四、教学过程Step1 Warm upFree talkLook, this is our school. Do you like our school?What is our school like?(出示我们学校的图片,引导学生描述学校)T:Our school is very beautiful.Step2 Presentation and practise1. 学习词汇 table.Were in a classroom. There are some tables

24、. (table-tables)注意强调双元音/ ei /的发音2. 学习词汇line sit We sit in lines. They sit around tables.教师辅以肢体动作并举例。引导学生理解 sit、 line around的含义。Sa Sb Sc and Sd sit in line.Se Sf Sg sit in line.We sit in lines in China.操练sit in lines教师请几名学生到教室前已摆好的桌子前面对面坐好T:They sit around tables.小Chant: sit sit ,sit in lines , sit s

25、it ,sit around tables.3. 学习课文 This is a Chinese school . Do you know about the schools in England? Lets watch TV and find the answers.(播放前两段录音)(1)Now Find “they”、“we” .(2)Lets find the difference between their school and our school.6 Do the Activity book 练习1、2Step3 Consolidation and extension.1. Do

26、SB Activity 3.先找2名程度较好的学生做第一、二幅图,小组讨论后二幅图,前二幅图还可以表示为:In England ,the school stars at 9oclock. In China the school finishes at 4oclock.(提醒学生注意主语的不同,动词要有相应的改变)(Practise in pairs).2. Fill in the blanks.In England,_ sing songs together every morning._ eat with a knife and fork.We do _exercises in China

27、.We_in _in China._play Chinese chess in China.They_around the tables.3. Do AB Activity 3.提醒学生注意时针和分针的长短,不要弄混。看谁写的最正确,画的最美观。Step 4 SummaryToday we learn the difference between Chinese schools and English schools. Who can tell us the difference for short?Step 5 HomeworkFind the more difference between

28、 Chinese schools and English schools from email or books and so on.Step 6 Blackboard designModule8 unit l They sit around tables.In England, they sit around tables.We sit in lines in China.They sing songs together every morning.We do morning exercises.Module8 UNIT2 There are lots of games.一、教学目标与要求:

29、1. 知识与能力目标:掌握听说词汇::lots of掌握听说读写词汇:break掌握听说读写词汇:study掌握句型Threre are lots of games. English children can have fun at break time.2. 情感态度目标: 了解英国学校的作业布置,课间活动等,有端正,明确的学习态度二、教学重点与难点: 掌握2个重点句型,能正确回答 SB Activity2,找出2幅图的不同.三 课前准备:单词卡 CAI video四 教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Free talkWho can tell us the difference between Chinese school and English school?2. Play a game.T act, Ss saysing songs, do morning exercises, take photos, sit around tables.Step 2 Presentation and practice1.There are lots of tables.认读词汇:lots of2.T: There is a TV. There are lots of books.

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