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1、外研社九年级英语上module5全部学案Module 5 Museums预习学案:一预习目标:1. New words, phrases of this unit2. 合成词的构成二预习提纲: 1. 根据音标自读单词,后听录音,跟读单词,纠正发音,在自读单词,后限时速读,限时速记 2.词汇预习效果检测:(英汉互译)保卫_ 在楼下_ 雕像_ 火箭_速度_ 交流,沟通_ 人类_ 展品_遵守_ 楼上_ 沙子_ 两者之一的_Familiar_ entry_unusual_ travel_Obey_toilet_ position_ truck_-3. 小组合作,自主讨论,下列合成词是怎样构成的: bu

2、s driver bus-driver(公共汽车司机公共汽车司机)black board blackboard(黑色的木板黑板)play ground playground(玩耍地方操场)swimming pool swimming-pool(游泳池子游泳池)over coat overcoat(在上面衣服外衣)full time full-time(全部的时间专职的)heart breaking heart-breaking(心脏碎使人心碎的)baby sit baby-sit(婴儿替人照顾照看婴儿)him self himself(他自己)4. 预习效果检测:Make new words

3、using the words in group A and group B.Group A: bed class down home post up webGroup B: card room site stairs work 5. 反馈检测:根据句意以及首字母提示完成单词。(1) I like playing basketball , but he likes playing f .(2) He practises e English every day .(3) Dont stay downstairs; please go u .(4) Shenyang lies in the n o

4、f China .三.盘点收获,疑难解答: 想一想我们预习了什么内容?并把你还不明白的问题写下来,问一问。课型:语法课【学习目标】1、学习一种构词方法:合成词;2、常见合成词的类别;3、能利用已学单词来学习合成词。【课前准备】课前朗读本模块的词汇(学生自己朗读、领读或齐读)【学习过程】1、 新知导入。介绍:词的构成有一定的规律,这种规律称为构词法。掌握构词法可以帮助我们扩大词汇量,提高阅读能力。构词法主要有合成、派生、转化等,我们今天主要来看一看合成词。合成词构词法是英语构词法中常见的一种,它主要有两个或两个以上的词合成为一个新词。合成词有的用字符连接,有的不用。归纳:合成名词名词加名词:li

5、fe boat lifeboat(生命船救生艇) basket ball basketball(篮子球篮球)bus driver bus-driver(公共汽车司机公共汽车司机)形容词加名词:black board blackboard(黑色的木板黑板)high way highway(高的道路高速公路)动词加名词:play ground playground(玩耍地方操场)pass word password(传递话,句子口令,暗语)动名词加名词:swimming pool swimming-pool(游泳池子游泳池)dining hall dining-hall(吃饭大厅饭厅)副词加名词o

6、ver coat overcoat(在上面衣服外衣)in come income(向内,在里来收入,所得)合成形容词数词加名词:four hour four-hour(四小时四小时的)million pound million-pound(百万英镑百万英镑的)数词加名词加形容词:five year oldfive-year-old(五年岁的五岁的)sixfoottallsix-foot-tall(六英尺高的六英尺高的)形容词加名词:full time full-time(全部的时间专职的)second floor second-floor(第二楼二层楼的)名词加过去分词:man made ma

7、n-made(人制造人造的)hand made hand-made(手制造手工制造的)名词加现在分词:heart breaking heart-breaking(心脏碎使人心碎的)peace loving peace-loving(和平热爱热爱和平的)副词加过去分词:well known well-known(好的知道熟知的)副词加现在分词:hard workinghard-working(刻苦的工作勤劳的)far seeing far-seeing(远的看见有远见的)形容词加现在分词:goodlooking good-looking(好的看好看的)funny looking funny-lo

8、oking(有趣的看样子好笑的)形容词加名词加ed:warm heartedwarm-hearted(温暖的心脏热情的)whitehairedwhite-hearted(白色的头发白发的)合成动词名词加动词:day dream day-dream(白天做梦空想)baby sit baby-sit(婴儿替人照顾照看婴儿)合成副词how ever however(然而,无论如何)when ever whenever(无论何时)up stairs upstairs(往楼上)baby sit baby-sit(婴儿替人照顾照看婴儿)合成代词him self himself(他自己)any one an

9、yone(任何人)every one everyone(每人)some thing something(某事)2、专项练习(1)你能仿照上面的例子,再说出一些学过的合成词吗?请在小组内或结对,把找出的合成词进行归类总结。并结对互评或小组互评,纠正出现的错误。3、 综合运用。(1)Make new words using the words in Box and Box2Box1bed class down up home post web basketBox2card room site stairs work ball(2) Make eight new words by joining t

10、wo words in the box .ball book class down foot home horse mate note office pool post riding stairs swimming work 练习题:1、根据以及首字母提示完成单词。(1)I like playing basketball , but he likes playing f .(2)He practises e English every day .(3)Dont stay downstairs; please go u .(4)Shenyang lies in the n of China .2

11、、单项选择。( )1、Sunsan is always the best in different exams in our class .Because she is a girl . A helpful B polite C proud D hard-working( )2、You may go to the if you want some delicious food . A library B super market C theatre D bookshop( )3、-The maths exam was very easy , wasnt it ? -Yes , but I do

12、nt think can pass it . A somebody B everybody C anybody D nobody( )4、-Whats in the box ? -Its empty . There is in it . A something B anything C everything D nothing( )5、-I didnt pass the math test , I think I have spent too much time playing computer games recently . -I agree . You play like that an

13、y more . A neednt B mustnt C may not D wouldnt( )6、-Look! Betty is falling behind Lingling .- ! Betty!A Well done B Have a rest C come on D Hurry up盘点收获,疑难解答:_.Homework:见课本P39 4.5题。Unit 1 You mustnt touch it .课型:听说课【学习目标】单词:entry ,photography ,familiar ,attention , upstairs ,guard , sign , downstair

14、s , sculpture, either , 短语:pay attention to , as well , come on , hurry up , hang on , on ones own ,no wonder 句型: No shouting ! Dont touch ! You mustnt go up there! Its closed until January . And the Natural History room as well .I wasnt paying attention to what you were saying .【课前预习】1. 朗读下列单词及短语。e

15、ntry ,photography ,familiar ,attention , upstairs ,guard , sign , downstairs , sculpture, either , pay attention to , ss well , come on , hurry up ,on ones own2在假期里,你参观过博物馆吗?在参观时,你需要注意些什么事项呢?想一想,写下来。_ _【教学过程】一、听前说(一 ) Homework checking 预习情况检查:交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(师生互问探讨)(二) Warming up and MatchingGet t

16、he students to match the words and phrases with pictures and make them familiar with rules. (三 )Speaking Get the students to talk about what they cant do when visiting a museum. I cant二、听中说1、Listen and underline the correct word in each sentence .(Activity 2)2、Listen and check the true sentences. 1)

17、 They re looking forward to /paying attention to the museum.2)The museum is very familiar /strange to Bettys mum .3)Betty is going with her friends /on her own to the museum .4)Damings homework / classwork is to write a report / composition about their favorite museum .5)Two of Bettys friends are pl

18、anning a visit as well / alone .3. Activity 31)Listen to the tape and answer: (the first time)What are they doing ? Is there a real sculpture ? 2)Listen again and choose the best answers.1、They cantt go to the Science and Technology room because A its closed now B theyre shouting C they have to go h

19、ome2、 The Natural History room is . A also open nowB also closed nowC upstairs as well 3 、They think Daming is . A in the shop B alone somewhere in the museum C looking at sculptures4、 Tony isnt allowed to . A take photos or touch the sculpture B look at the sculpture or the sign C pay attention the

20、 guard4、Listen again and make notes about what people cannot do in the museum .1) 2) 3) 4) 三、听中学1、Get students to read the dialogue.2、精讲点拨as well ,either , also , too的用法either用于否定句,是副词,通常放在句尾。too用于肯定句,可以放在句中或句尾。常使用逗号与句中其他成分隔开。too用于肯定句,可以放在句中或句尾。常使用逗号与句中其他成分隔开。also比too正式一些,在口语中可以和too 通用,但用于肯定句,且用于句中。

21、as well表示“也”,“又”,常用于句尾作状语。on ones own 意为“单独、独自地”。如:Im all on my own today . 今天我是独自一人。pay attention to 注意,关心。该短语是动名介短语,后接名词、代词、动名词。如:You should pay attention to your work .你应该注意你的工作。The teacher asked his students to pay attention to him .老师要求学生专心听讲。Pay attention to listening ,dont make noise .注意听,别出声

22、。六 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box .Against the rules ,some back ,downstairs, hurry up, pay attention to ,real ,sign ,upstairs 1) You arent allowed to take photos .Its . 2) The shop is and the Technology room is .3) . We havent got much time before it

23、 closes .4) I didnt know it wasnt allowed . I didnt the . 5) It wasnt a(n) sculpture . It was only Daming!6) I dont know where Daming is . I hope he soon .七学以致用 Groupwork. Say what people cannot do in the museum . Eg : We cant .八、盘点收获:讨论这节课我们学了些什么?教后记/学后记:Exercises一英汉互译:(必做题)1注意 _ 5. as well 2快点,加油

24、_ 6. hang on 3赶快 _ 7. on ones own 4不许进入 _ 8. no wonder 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(选做题)1、No s _ in the library , please be quiet .2、You cant take a photo here , look at the sign“No p_ ” . 3、Look at the sign “No e _” , you arent allowed to go into the room.4、Daming is standing very still , like a s _ to fright

25、en his friends .5、The museum is very f _ to Tonys mother .6、Im sorry I didnt pay a _ to what you said .7、No w_ it looks real , its not a sculpture . Its Yony .8、Tom is my c _ , we are in the same class .9、No smoking . Its a _ the rules .10、The shop is d_ and the Technology room is upstairs . 三、单项选择(

26、选做题)( )1、-Why does he like koalas? -Because theyre interesting . A all kinds of B kind of C of a kind( )2、This kind of cake looks and smells . A good , good B good , well C well , well D well , good ( )3、-Here s coffee and tea . You may have . - Thanks . A either B each C one D it ( )4、This book is

27、written for familiar the German language . A to B with C for D in( )5、His voice slightly strange . A sound B sounds C looks D look( )6、 the Great Wall is very interesting . A Visit B Visits C To visit D Visiting( )7、He finds good way English .A to learn B learn C learns D learning 四、学校新建了图书室,为了能让师生们

28、有效利用新图书室,为它制定一下规则吧。(必做题) Module 5 Museums Unit 2 Theres no shouting and no running . 课型:读写课【学习目标】1 单词: experiment , exhibit , unusual , physics , falling , sand , truck , wheel , position , rocket , travel , human , speed , obey , 2 短语:work out , try out , Launch Pad , obey the rules , above all , drop in , as

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