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1、奥巴马论文Introduction In 2008,Barack Obama had been elected as American president, which attracted the Worlds eye, because he was the first African American president of the United States. Four years had past, American would be elected their president in 2012. There had two candidates, Obama also would

2、re-elected. The other was the Parts nominee for president Mitt Romney, Former Governor of Massachusetts. They would hold three debates on presidential election. The next debate was focus on the rights of women and other problem related to women. Obama made a speech at Barnard College Commencement ce

3、remony on may 14th, his speech might be related to his re-election. Obama is a talented speaker, every his audience will absorb in his speech when he speaking, which maybe also is one of the main factor that he win in presidential election at last. That is the power of language. Obama made a speech

4、at Barnard college, this action make many female students support him. Because that speech belongs to the persuasive speech, he convinced women to serve for society and he told them they can make great contributions. Language can drive ones purpose to be realized. If people know how could Obama make

5、 it and learn some skills from his speech, they will be charm when they talking on public. There are two parts, the first part introduces the reasons that he delivers a speech at Barnard college. The last part is about the characteristics by his speech, which have great influence to realize his poli

6、tics Key words: Barack Obama presidential election language womenOutlineIntroduction1 The reasons of his speech 1.1 presidential election in 2012 1.2 The two political parties 1.3The process of the women suffrage 1.4 The importance of women voting2 The characteristics by his speech 2.1 Parallelism 2

7、.2 Story 2.3 Repetition 3 Conclusion 4 Acknowledgment 5 References1 The reasons of his speech When people do something, they will have their own purposes. Some people want to find a pay-high job, so they go to college. Some people want to go abroad, so they learn English. Some people want to a slim

8、figure,so they decide to be on a diet. Whatever they do , they have purpose. Obama is a politician, he also is the president of the united states. On may 14th, 2012, he had delivered a speech at Barnard college commencement ceremony. At that time, he was the candidate of presidential election. There

9、 are some reasons of his action.1.1 The presidential election in 2012 The united states of presidential election of 2012 hold on November 6th , which was the 57th presidential election of the united states. Every four years held presidential election campaign. First, electing the group of election c

10、ommission and then they would elect the president and vice-president. Meanwhile, the lower house which had 435 members and the Senate that had 33 members also would be changed. And then new members constituted the 113th Congress of the united states(Wyler, 77). Barack Obama as present president soug

11、ht for nomination of the Democratic party, he made it at last, and his opponent was Mitt Romney who worked for the Publican party.1.2 The two political parties Throughout most of American story, American politics have been dominated by two party system. It consists of the Democratic party and the Re

12、publican party. The Democratic party, is one of two major political parties in the U.S. It is the oldest political party in the world. It positioned itself as progressive and supporting labor in economic as well as social matters(Wyler, 52). Barack Obama, is the 15th Democrat to hold the office. The

13、 Republican party supports an American conservative platform, with further foundations in economic liberalism, fiscal conservation and social conservation. Former president George W.Bush is the 19th Republican to hold that office. The partys nominee for president of the United States in the 2012 pre

14、sidential election campaign was Mitt Romney. Since the 2010 midterm elections, the Republicans have held a majority in the united states House of representatives. In fact, though the two parties serve for American state, they stand for the different social groups. the Democratic party fights for the

15、 small-middle class group. On the contrary, the Republican party stives for the rich group. So it is important that which party the president come from. The presidential election needs people vote. In other words ,who has high votes, who wins the president. People will vote the one who benefit them

16、a lot, they can know about the policies which the candidates push by watching TV or listening their speech, and then choose a candidate who they like. So the candidates always make a speech to make people support him. For example:On may 14th 2012, President Barack Obama made a major push for young f

17、emale voters, delivering an empowering commencement address that laid out the central message of his re-election campaign. Speaking to an energetic crowd of female college graduates at Barnard College, Obama touched on key campaign themes like equality and opportunity, alluding to his recent announc

18、ement of support for legalizing gay marriage (businessinsider, President Obama Made A Major Move To Lock Down The Womens Vote Today).1.3 The process of the women suffrage Some people may think it is unnecessary to take great effort and time to get women support. But it is wrong. Women in American ha

19、ve created a history, that also is why president Obama delivered his speech at Barnard college commencement ceremony. At past, women in American didnt have suffrage. The women suffrage movement began with the 1848 seneca Falls convention. They demanded equal rights for women. Many of the activists b

20、ecame politically aware during the abolitionist movement. The women rights campaign duringfirst-wave feminism for women full equality. It had some groups, such as National American women suffrage Association, National women party,Women Equity Action League and the women Alliance (Joannou, 195). Thes

21、e groups had great influence on American state. Some politicians respond to the new electorate by emphasizing issues of special interest to women, especially prohibition, child health,and world peace.The main surge women voting came in 1928, when some people realized they needed the support of women

22、 (Wikipedia, Womens suffrage). Obama said it to all female students at Barnard college that they can fight for their seats at the table and they should not give up when they meet the difficulties. Students applaud for his words, and it is no doubt that Obama successfully make most students at his si

23、de. Women listened his speech and knew Obama can benefit them a lot when he was won re-election a second term in the White House, so they would give their votes to him. Though Obama didnt say it, his language drove his audience to do it.1.4 The importance of women voting Since women could vote in 19

24、20, in each presidential election, the candidates would emphasize issues of special interest to women. So on 2012 presidential election, the democratic party and the Republican party had debated on the problems of female rights and creating jobs. According to the data, the number of the female voter

25、s are more 8.8 million than man. Some research show that women voting is a key to presidential election campaign. Experts said the candidates who gained the more than half of women voting, he had advantages over than his opponents. For example, in last presidential election, 53% of women voted for O

26、bama, his opponent had 45% of women votes. There is a part of his speech:Indeed, we know we are better off when women are treated fairly and equally in every aspect of American life - whether its the salary you earn or the health decisions you make.Today, women are not just half this country; youre

27、half its workforce. More and more women are out-earning their husbands. Youre more than half of our college graduates, and masters graduates, and PhDs. So youve got us outnumbered. He inspired women, he told them that women were important to this country and women also could do better than men. peop

28、le should not ignore women, as turning out female voters will be key to his re-election prospects. 2.The characteristics by his speech Obama is a talented speaker with a voice admired by other statesman. These words coming out of his mouse build up a first class at atmosphere, making audience zealou

29、s.Obama can write himself and come up with proposals which are based on his own thinking.with his own ideas in the speech, Obama speaks confidently and profoundly in any kind of ceremony(Shi, 65). When people learn the skills from his speech,they also can do it.2.1 Parallelism Obama is good at makin

30、g a speech in public. Since he has been the president of the unite states, when he has given many speeches. Most of people are absorbed in his speech. He looks so charming and talented. This is a part of his speech at Barnard college:My job today is to tell you dont believe it. Because as tough as t

31、hings have been, I am convinced you are tougher. Ive seen your passion and Ive seen your service. Ive seen you engage and Ive seen you turn out in record numbers. Ive heard your voices amplified by creativity and a digital fluency that those of us in older generations can barely comprehend. Ive seen

32、 a generation eager, impatient even, to step into the rushing waters of history and change its course. And that defiant, can-do spirit is what runs through the veins of American history. Its the lifeblood of all our progress. And it is that spirit which we need your generation to embrace and rekindle right now. Obama encouraged women to serve for society, he thought them creative and eger. He clearly expressed a idea in his speech that was women had ability to contribute their motherland as well as man. Many female students applauded repeatedly. Besides his co

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