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本文(mother tongue transfer in spokenenglish非英语专业学生英语口语母语迁移研究大学毕设论文.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

mother tongue transfer in spokenenglish非英语专业学生英语口语母语迁移研究大学毕设论文.docx

1、mother tongue transfer in spoken english 非英语专业学生英语口语母语迁移研究大学毕设论文On Non-English Majors Mother Tongue Transfer in Spoken English非英语专业学生英语口语母语迁移研究 摘要摘 要口语是人与人交流最直接最有效的方式之一。随着我国大学英语教学改革的逐步深入,英语口语越来越引起语言研究者和大学英语教师的重视。但是相比较阅读与写作,口语仍然是大多数非英语专业学生较薄弱的一个环节。本研究旨在通过对母语迁移理论的深入分析,正确认识母语对非英语专业学生英语口语的影响;同时为了尽量减少母语负



4、五章阐述了本研究对大学生英语口语学习和大学英语口语教学带来的有益启示;第六章是对整篇论文主要内容的简要总结,并指出了局限性。关键词母语迁移对比分析错误分析英语口语错误III AbstractAbstractSpoken language is one of the most direct and efficient communication means. Asnowadays college English teaching reform has attracted considerable attention in China,English language researchers an

5、d English teachers have also attached importance to theteaching of spoken English. However, to peoples disappointment, most Chinese collegestudents especially non-English majors cant speak fluent and standard English after theirgraduation from universities. The present study not only helps us to hav

6、e a betterunderstanding of mother tongue transfer in spoken English, but also mentions somecountermeasures aiming to reduce the negative transfer from our mother tongue, hoping thattransfer errors can be diminished to some degrees in English speaking and also hasimplications for college spoken Engli

7、sh learning and teaching.Mother tongue transfer is an inevitable phenomenon in the field of Second LanguageAcquisition. Language transfer comprises positive transfer which facilitates language learningand negative transfer which hinders language learning and leads to errors. In recent years, therese

8、archers home and abroad have done great work on mother tongue transfer in collegeEnglish teaching from various perspectives. Whereas few have done about non-Englishmajors spoken English. The theories related to mother tongue transfer, including contrastiveanalysis, error analysis and interlanguage a

9、re illustrated firstly. Then the text errors areanalyzed in linguistic categories and 100 sophomores of non-English majors participate in thisstudy. They are asked to have an oral task and answer a questionnaire. An interview is alsoconducted. The results of the study show that mother tongue transfe

10、r plays an important rolein determining to what extent a second language learner can attain in speaking competence.Mother tongue transfer can occur both linguistically and culturally. In this thesis, the commonerrors that due to the negative transfer of native language in the process of speaking inE

11、nglish are collected and classified into the lexical level, the syntactic level and the pragmaticlevel, hoping to help the Chinese students to know their errors and the causes of their errorsmore consciously. Whats more, its found that male students rely more on mother tongue thanI Abstractfemale st

12、udents. For the most non-English majors, the main problem in spoken English is toexpress ideas in English for the lack of vocabulary.This thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to the wholethesis describing the background, significance and purpose of the study. Chapter

13、 2 is aliterature review on relevant theories and researches concerning transfer, laying a solidtheoretical foundation for the research. Chapter 3 is a research design on negative transfer, inwhich the research questions, subjects, procedures and data collection are stated. Chapter 4reports the resu

14、lts gained from the study and analysis, the occurrence of mother tongue, theinfluence of spoken English proficiency on Chinese and the effects of Chinese use in spokenEnglish. Then in Chapter 5 the author states the pedagogical implications of the research forspoken English learning and teaching. Fi

15、nally, Chapter 6 concludes the whole thesis andpoints out the limitations.Key wordsmother tongue transferspoken Englishcontrastive analysiserror analysiserrorsII Chapter 1IntroductionChapter 1Introduction1.1 Background of the StudyWith the entry into WTO and the operation of 2008 Olympics by China,

16、English learninghas enjoyed widespread popularity throughout China. Of the five skills in English listening,speaking, reading, writing and translating, speaking is of top importance as one of the mostefficient tools of communication.Spoken English learning could be considered as the most difficult s

17、tep during the processof English learning. So the variance between the time the students spend and effect they gainleads to awkward situation which attracts more attention of teachers and students. However,the effect of English learning seems far from satisfying, since we have learned it for moretha

18、n ten years from elementary school to university. Some people consider exam-orientededucational system should be responsible for it. Others argue that traditional teaching methodsmust be blamed for it. Therefore college English teachers tried to adopt communicativeteaching approach in their classroo

19、ms, but ended up with little effect. Generally, students startto learn English at the beginning of junior middle school. While, after graduation fromcolleges and universities, many of them cannot use English to communicate efficiently, not tomention spoken English influency. Even though in the last

20、decade English language teachingin China has undergone continuous changes, there are still problems to be solved, amongwhich is failure of spoken English.In the last two decades, college English learning and teaching for non-English majors inChinese universities has made immense progress. Meanwhile,

21、 the students overall Englishproficiency has been greatly improved, especially in the learning and teaching of reading.Chinese students have improved their reading competence to a relatively high level. Whereas,the students spoken English still lags behind, which confuses and worries Chinese college

22、English teachers. Most of the non-English majors still remain at the starting point inexpressing themselves in the oral way, although, they have found their way into a great step1 河北大学英语语言文学硕士学位论文further in reading competence. Consequently, an increasing number of English teachers in thecolleges and

23、 universities put more emphasis on developing the skills of students spokenEnglish. However, there remain many factors for the ineffective learning and teaching ofspoken English it Chinese universities. And among those factors, the most distinguished onesare the negative transfer or interference of

24、the first language (L1).Language transfer has been a key issue in applied linguistics. Research on the role of L1has had a long history in the process of second language acquisition (SLA) research. In thecourse of second language (L2) speaking, as to the influence of L1, there are few researches.Ols

25、htain and Cohen found that learners usually returned to their L1 when expressingthemselves in spoken English. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of style of them: firstone is “L2 thinking and L2 talking”; the second one is “L1 thinking and L2 talking translatedfrom the L1 thinking”; and the l

26、ast one is “L1 thinking and L2 talking”. In these three kindsof style, the latter two kinds, in which L1 are involved, are the most (about 60).Nevertheless, the questions such as the position of Chinese in the course of English speaking,and the effect brought by Chinese in English speaking course re

27、main unanswered. Therefore,studies are needed to explore Chinese use in the English speaking course. We hope todescribe its occurrence, identify its effect and delimitate its negative transfer in Englishspeaking course.1.2 Significance and Purpose of the StudyThe present study investigates the use o

28、f our mother tongue in the process of Englishspeaking for the purposes of depicting the language errors arising in the English speakingprocess, examining the reasons for the occurrences of the errors in English speaking andexploring whether genders are related with the amount of L1 use in L2 speakin

29、g andunderstanding the effects of L1 in L2 speaking.For the above purposes, the study examines L1 use in the course of L2 speaking from adynamic perspective. In order to gain the general amount of L1 use and the occurrence of theerrors in the course of L2 speaking, the study records the whole proces

30、ses in differentspeaking activities and counts up the statistical data. In order to find out how negative transfer2 Chapter 1Introductionaffects the non-English majors in their English speaking course, it specifies various functionsChinese performs in different speaking activities and determines the

31、 functions of L1 use onvarious aspects of speaking.Furthermore, the present study brings some strategies aiming to reduce the negativetransfer from our mother tongue, hoping that transfer errors can be diminished to some extentin English speaking and also has some implications for college spoken Eng

32、lish teaching andlearning.1.3 Organization of the ThesisThis thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces to the whole thesis brieflydescribing the background significance and purpose of the study. Chapter 2 is a literaturereview on relevant theories and researches concerning negative transfer, laying a s

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