3、流程图,程序的代码的对应解释。五,调试与测试调试1.在编程当中,由于要书写大量的程序,所以经常出现一些小错误;2.对变量的定义有时会出现错误,比如将long int型写成int型;3.最重要的是函数的应用,函数应该应用得当,否则会出现很大的错误。测试开始界面:菜单:六课程设计的总结通过这个课程设计,我们更加牢固的掌握了书本上的知识,并对于以前并不熟悉的知识有了更加深刻的了解。在完成此次课程设计的过程中,虽然花费了大量的精力,但带给我更多的收获。C语言是一门实践课,可以说只有自己亲手操作,才能感受到他的魅力。此次编程设计中,涉及到许多书上没有的知识,而我通过此次设计掌握了这些知识。输入与调试程序
5、有意思的程序。参考书目1标准C语言基础教程英文版M,(美)布朗森着出版社:电子工业出版社 2006年附录: 程序清单#include #include #include #include int i;long int rn();void fun();void gc();int input(long int);void grade(int);int welcome();int compare(long int,long int);void choise(int *,int);void main() system(cls); printf(nnntt* * * * * * * * welcome
6、* * * * * * * *); printf(nnn); printf(tttmaker: xiachao xiaoyuyan); printf(nnntttuse enter to be continue); getch(); fun();void fun() int b,s,g; long int a; system(cls); s=welcome(); if(s=1) system(cls); a=rn(); b=input(a); grade(b); gc(); if(s=2) system(cls); printf(nnnnn); printf(t -n); printf(t|g
7、ame rules: |n); printf(t| |n); printf(t|input your number(10000-99999),it will compare to the |n); printf(t| |n); printf(t|systems number(10000-99999),and the number doesnt have|n); printf(t| |n); printf(t|same digit. |n); printf(t| |n); printf(t|if your number as same as system,your win,else try ag
8、ain.|n); printf(t| |n); printf(t -); gc(); if(s=3) printf(nntttThanks for your using.n); printf(ttttBye Bye!); getch(); exit(0); long int rn() int b,d; long int c; unsigned long int a; int array5; time_t t; time(&t); srand(t); loop1:a=10000+rand() % 90000; c=a; for(i=0;i5;i+) arrayi=c%10; c=c/10; ch
9、oise(array,5); b=array0; for(i=1;i5;i+) if(b=arrayi) goto loop1; else b=arrayi; return a;void choise(int *num,int n) int j,k; for(i=1;i=0)&(numjk) numj+1=numj; j-; numj+1=k; int compare(long int a,long int b) int c; if(ab) printf(tttneed greater!); printf( %ld )n,b); c=0; if(ab) printf(tttneed less!
10、); printf( 67) printf(ttyou are lose!); gc(); if(b=0) fun(); else if(compare(a,b)!=1) goto loop2; return c;void grade(int num) int grade=0; printf(tttyou use %d timesn,num); if(num4) grade=100-10*(num-1); else if(num8) grade=80-5*(num-3); else if(num68) grade=60-(num-7); printf(tttyour grade is %d,g
11、rade); switch(num) case 1:printf(tyou are so lucky!); break; case 2:case 3:case 4:printf(tlucky!); break; case 5:case 6:case 7:case 8:case 9:printf(tgreat!); break; case 10:case 11:case 12:case 13:case 14:case 15:case 16: printf(tgood!); break; case 17:case 18:case 19:case 20:case 21:case 22:case 23
12、:case 24:case 25: printf(tjust so so.); break; default: printf(tmaybe you can better.); int welcome() int s; printf(nnnn); printf(tt*n); printf(tt* *n); printf(tt* welcome paly the game! *n); printf(tt* *n); printf(tt* input 1: start the game *n); printf(tt* input 2: help information *n); printf(tt*
13、 input 3: quit the game *n); printf(tt*n); printf(ttplease select: ); scanf(%d,&s); return s;void gc() int a; printf(nnttinput 1: quit the game;tinput 2: back to menu.n); printf(nttplease select : ); scanf(%d,&a); if(a=1) exit(0); if(a=2) system(cls); fun(); if(a!=1&a!=2) printf(ttinput error!check your input!nn); gc();
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