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经济学人精读精译笔记pileem in style.docx

1、经济学人精读精译笔记pileem in style经济学人精读精译笔记:Pile'em in Style 因本人水平有限,笔记可能有错。承蒙指出,不胜感激。另,此份笔记请尽快下载打印,之前我在微博上发的笔记都被删掉了。所以不要积压,不要保存,速速消化干净吧。还有,最近在忙着看书,更新得比较少,但我会争取每次更新,都是重磅。感谢关注晚安。CAR parks are rarely well-designed. Even more rarely do they amount to “design”: something to enjoy on a purely aesthetic level

2、. However, in Miami Beach, Florida, the car park has become not just a building type that is visually pleasing, but something else entirely: a set piece that offers architects the chance to show off.停车场很少会经过精心设计,而能称得上有“设计感”,即在纯粹的审美层面上令人享受的就更少了。然而在弗罗里达州的迈阿密海滩 (Miami Beach),停车场不但变得在视觉上使人愉悦,还已经完全有别于一般的

3、建筑类型:它们是让建筑师有机会炫技的艺术作品。Perhaps because the city has expanded rapidly as a travel destination, its new hotels are invariably disappointing dumb citadels of glass and steel that dominate the citys charming old art-deco look apparently on purpose. Most galleries and museums are soulless, too, the glamo

4、rous veranda of the Prez Art Museum notwithstanding. Miami is largely built on sand or swamp and has a high water-table, making subterranean parking expensive; building above ground is a better option.注意:1、Perhaps because the city has expanded rapidly as a travel destination, its new hotels are inva

5、riably disappointing dumb citadels of glass and steel that dominate the citys charming old art-deco look apparently on purpose.Travel destination 可以是旅游目的地,也可以是旅游胜地。Invariably 总是,不变地,一定地Dominate这个词在本句中的定义是一个难点。这个词包含这几个意思:Have a commanding influence on, exercise control over 支配,通知,控制,比如:The company do

6、minates the market for operating system software. 该公司在操作系统软件市场上占有统治地位。另一个意思是Be the most important or conspicuous person or thing in 成为中最重要(或最显眼的)人(或事物),比如:The race was dominated by the 1992 champion.1992年的冠军获得者在这场比赛中出尽了风头。这里的dominate应该是取第二个意思。这需要通过上下文来判断,通过前面的disappointing dumb,后面的soulless等,可见这句应该是带

7、有贬义的。但这里的装饰艺术风格用了褒义的charming来形容,说明这些城堡不能是主导了这种风格,如果是主导,那么这些城堡也是很迷人的,何来disappointing呢?因此,应该取第二个解释。2、Most galleries and museums are soulless, too, the glamorous veranda of the Prez Art Museum notwithstanding.Notwithstanding的词性很灵活,可以是介词、副词和连词。意思都是虽然,尽管,后面可以跟名词和从句,但也可以做副词修饰一个句子,比如:Notwithstanding the ev

8、idence, the consensus is that the jury will not reach a verdict. 尽管有证据,人们普遍认为陪审团将无法做出裁决。She tells us she is an intellectual; notwithstanding, she faces the future as unprovided for as a beauty queen. 她告诉我们她是个知识分子;尽管如此,她面临着跟选美冠军一样没有着落的未来。Notwithstanding that the hall was packed with bullies, our cham

9、pion played on steadily and patiently.尽管大厅里满是打手,我们的冠军仍然坚定沉着地进行比赛。3、Miami is largely built on sand or swamp and has a high water-table, making subterranean parking expensive; building above ground is a better option.这里的build应该是不及物动词,翻译的时候可以加一个宾语,停车场。Subterranean 地下的,比如subterranean water地下水官方译文:也许是因为这

10、座城市作为旅游目的地迅速扩张,这里新建的酒店总是令人失望清一色是由玻璃和钢铁打造的笨重堡垒,似乎有意要压倒这座城市迷人的老式装修艺术风格。尽管佩雷斯艺术博物馆 (Perez Art Museum) 前的立体植物游廊引人入胜,但大多数画廊和博物馆还都是缺乏灵魂的建筑。迈阿密主要建在沙地或沼泽上,地下水位高,建造地下停车场成本高昂。因此,地上停车场是更好的选择。The first building to turn this inconvenience into a design opportunity was the evocatively titled Ballet Valet. Arquite

11、ctonica, a local firm, had established itself in the 1980s with a series of brash, colourful apartment blocks that were immediately snapped up as sets for “Miami Vice”, a television series, and “Scarface”, a Cuban gangster epic. Asked in the following decade to create a car park that would add somet

12、hing to a block of boutique shops, Arquitectonica adapted its garish palate to the more sensitive 1990s by wrapping the building in a fibreglass mesh with an irrigation system, and filling it with indigenous clusias and sea lettuce, which ran riot.注意:1、 Arquitectonica, a local firm, had established

13、itself in the 1980s with a series of brash, colourful apartment blocks that were immediately snapped up as sets for “Miami Vice”, a television series, and“Scarface”, a Cuban gangster epic.先断句一下。Arquitectonica, a local firm,(同位语) had established itself/ in the 1980s /with(凭借) a series of brash, colou

14、rful apartment blocks/ that(定语从句) were immediately snapped up /as sets for “Miami Vice”, a television series,(同位语) and “Scarface”, a Cuban gangster epic.(同位语)Establish oneself 不是“成立”,在这是“确立了自己的地位”:achieve recognition or acceptance for (someone) in a particular capacity 使(某人)得到承认,使被接受,比如:He had estab

15、lished himself as a film star. 他使自己成为公认的电影明星。Brash和colorful都是修饰blocks的形容词。Brash: (of color) too bright, loud 刺眼的,艳俗的,比如the bright, brash scarlet of her hair. 她那头惹眼的猩红色头发Snap up抓住(机会等):to snap up something at low price抢购低价商品Sets的意思很多,这个词义的确定需要根据后面的Miami Vice和Scarface,根据同位语可知,这两个是电视剧和电影,因此sets为“布景、场景”

16、。根据句子意群,每个意群大概的意思如下:本地公司在80年代就确定了自己的地位凭借一系列花哨艳丽的公寓楼(确定地位)(这些公寓楼)很快被买走作为电视剧和电影的场景同位语如果不是很长,翻译的时候就放在名词前面做名词的定语,比如本地公司Arquitectonica,电视剧迈阿密风云、古巴黑帮史诗电影疤面煞星。当地建筑设计公司Arquitectonica在20世纪80年代建造了一系列大胆花哨的公寓楼,并因此成名。这些公寓楼立刻被电视连续剧迈阿密天龙(Miami Vice)和描述古巴黑帮的史诗电影疤面煞星(Scarface)抢先用作拍摄地。2、Asked in the following decade

17、to create a car park that would add something to a block of boutique shops, Arquitectonica adapted its garish palate to the more sensitive 1990s by wrapping the building in a fibreglass mesh with an irrigation system, and filling it with indigenous clusias and sea lettuce, which ran riot.这里的asked的逻辑

18、主语是主句的主语Arquitectonica,而且是被动,因此从意思上讲,是被要求做什么事情,这里可以说“受邀做什么事情”,更委婉一些。现在划分一下这一个长句的意群:Asked in the following decade to create a car park/ that(定语从句) would add something to a block of boutique shops,/ Arquitectonica adapted its garish palate to the more sensitive 1990s /by wrapping the building /in a fi

19、breglass mesh with an irrigation system,/ and filling it with indigenous clusias and sea lettuce, /which ran riot.先处理一下这里的生词:Car park不是汽车公园,而是停车场Add something to 可以说给增色,给添加新元素Garish: 炫耀的,过分装饰的,过分鲜艳的Palate: 这里是比喻义,审美眼光,鉴赏力More sensitive 更敏感的,这里需要意译,增添一些内容,对什么更为敏感?肯定不会是成本,应该是对审美更为敏感的。With an irrigatio

20、n system这个with怎么判断是修饰wrap还是mesh呢?如果是修饰wrap, 那么我们一般会翻译成用什么东西把building包裹起来,但是后面的in a fiberglass mesh已经点出了,是包在纤维玻璃网格里,因此不需要再说用什么包裹。那就只能修饰mesh,如此,with就是“带有,配有”的意思,而不是“用”的意思。Indigenous: 本土的,当地的,强调土生土长的,而local强调的是与某个地方有关,或属于某个地方的。这个句子,按照意群顺序,大意是:受邀在未来十年打造一座停车场给精品店街区增添新元素(的停车场)Arquitectonica将花哨的风格进行调整,以适应对

21、审美更为敏感的90年代通过将建筑包裹在带有灌溉系统的玻璃纤维网格内在其中填满本地金丝桃和海莴苣(本地金丝桃和海莴苣)长得很茂盛官方译文:第一座将这种不便专为设计机会的建筑是雅名为“芭蕾代客泊车” (Ballet Valet) 的停车场。当地建筑设计公司Arquitectonica在20世纪80年代建造了一系列大胆花哨的公寓楼,并因此成名。这些公寓楼立刻被电视连续剧迈阿密天龙(Miami Vice)和描述古巴黑帮的史诗电影疤面煞星(Scarface)抢先用作拍摄地。在接下来的十年中,Arquitectonica公司受邀在一个精品店街区建一个停车场,为这个街区增添新元素。Arquitectonic

22、a调整了自己浮夸的风格以适应九十年代更为感性的审美观,用带有灌溉系统的玻璃纤维网格包裹建筑物外墙,并在网格内种满本土植物金丝桃和海莴苣,长得极为茂盛。Ballet Valet might have remained a one-off were it not for the arrival of Art Basel in Miami Beach.When one of the largest art fairs in Europe was seeking to expand into America it made an inspired choice. Art was popular the

23、re, both among the American celebrity set, who had taken to Miami Beach as a place to party, and among the wealthy Latin Americans who saw the city as both their home and their financial base in America.There were only a handful of galleries, however. Entering into the art-led regeneration of Miami

24、Beach, the car parks are in many ways monuments to the success of that relationship, creating spaces that enable commerce and art to exist side by side.注意:1、 When one of the largest art fairs in Europe was seeking to expand into America it made an inspired choice.这句的结构不难,但是难点在于两点。一个是这里的it指代什么。It和one

25、 of the largest art fairs应该是同一个东西,就是前一句的Art Basel巴塞尔艺术博览会。巴塞尔艺博会的参展商是世界各国的画廊。它被认为是艺术界最重要的年度聚会,巴塞尔迈阿密艺术博览会始于2002年,是巴塞尔艺术博览会的姊妹活动,是第一个把现代和当代艺术的博览会与展览及广泛的活动项目相结合的艺术活动。在翻译的时候,可以稍微处理一下,把这三者就是同一事物这个意思给点一下。比如,这是欧洲数一数二的艺术博览会;巴塞尔艺术展(Art Basel)是欧洲最大的艺术博览会之一;作为欧洲最大的展会之一,巴塞尔艺术展在扩张美国市场时。Inspired: of extraordinar

26、y quality, as if rising from some external creative impulse 似得神灵启示的,似有神助的:they had to tank the goalkeeper for some inspired saves. 他们得感谢守门员几次如有神助的扑救。这里保守点翻译的话,只需体现这个选择是正确的完美的,官译选择了“富有创意的”,我做了意译处理:它突发奇想,选择了迈阿密滩。我的考量是,要点出这个选择具体是什么。不然目标读者怕是很难懂这里的选择和后面阐述迈阿密滩艺术氛围二者之间有何联系。2、 Art was popular there, both am

27、ong the American celebrity set, who had taken to Miami Beach as a place to party, and among the wealthy Latin Americans who saw the city as both their home and their financial base in America.这句的结构不难,要注意的是take to喜欢上,对产生好感。比如:They took to each other at once.他们彼此马上产生了好感;他们一见钟情。He took to photography.他

28、开始喜欢上摄影。注意这里的Miami Beach是迈阿密滩,美国佛罗里达州东南部城市。所以就不难理解后面的the city的指代了,就是指代Miami Beach这个城市。在翻译的时候,可以顺着翻译,比如:迈阿密滩是一片艺术热土。美国名流喜欢去迈阿密滩开派对,拉丁裔美国土豪将其视作自己的家和美国的金融基地。可以把art was popular there放在最后作为总结,比如官方译文:当时众多美国名人都喜欢到迈阿密滩举办派对;富裕的拉丁裔美国人则把这座城市看作自己的家和在美国的金融根据地。在这两类人当中艺术都深受欢迎。或者:艺术在当地的美国名流圈和富有的拉美人中很受欢迎,前者把迈阿密滩当作聚会

29、的好去处,而后者则视这座城市为在美国的家园和金融基地。前者后者,这样的衔接也很自然。3、 There were only a handful of galleries, however.A handful of 少量的,注意这里是过去时。前面的时态也都是过去时,如果前面没有体现时态,这里可以加个“当时”。4、 Entering into the art-led regeneration of Miami Beach, the car parks are in many ways monuments to the success of that relationship, creating sp

30、aces that enable commerce and art to exist side by side.句子层次先分一下:Entering into /the art-led regeneration of Miami Beach,/ the car parks are/ in many ways /monuments to the success of that relationship, /creating spaces/ that enable commerce and art to exist side by side.Entering into的逻辑主语应该是主句主语,也就是

31、停车场。Art-led 以艺术为主导的,regeneration 改造,进入迈阿密滩以艺术为主导的改造,这个意思就是说停车场成了这场改造活动的一部分,参与其中,加入其中了。The success of that relationship根据下文,可见这种relationship应该是商业和艺术之间的联系。意群顺下来,意思大概是:成为迈阿密滩以艺术为主导的改造的一部分停车场在许多方面是联系成功的丰碑(停车场)创造了商业和艺术并存的空间由于表示relationship具体内容的是最后一个分句,因此在翻译的时候,建议先翻译creating spaces that 再翻译momuments to th

32、e success of that relationship,会更通顺一些,比如官方译文:它创造出让商业和艺术得以并存的空间,在许多方面成为成功搭建起这一关联的丰碑。官方译文:如果不是巴塞尔艺术展来到迈阿密海滩,Ballet Valet停车场很可能只是昙花一现。这个在欧洲规模数一数二的艺术博览会在寻求向美国扩展时,做出了一个富有创意的选择。当时众多美国名人都喜欢到迈阿密海滩举办派对;富裕的拉丁裔美国人则把这座城市看作自己的家和在美国的金融根据地。在这两类人当中艺术都深受欢迎。然而,那时迈阿密只有为数不多的几家画廊。停车场成为迈阿密海滩以艺术为主导的城市改造的一部分,它创造出让商业和艺术得以并存的空间,在许多方面成为成功搭建起这一关联的丰碑。Car parks put developers at the centre of upcoming areas. Herzog and de Meuron, a Basel firm that also specialises in museums, completed 1111 Lincoln Road in 2010. A ziggurat of bare concrete linked by precipitous ramps, it prov

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