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高考英语一轮复习 unit17unit18知识要点聚焦.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 unit17unit18知识要点聚焦Unit 17Unit 18知识要点聚焦1 重点词汇单词:disability, ability, waste, fair, potential, gifted, assist, sympathy, encouragement, visual, adjust, victory, participate, conduct, accessible, patent, officer, background, reject, possibility, otherwise, connection, previous, aware, dusty, pi

2、lot短语:get around, get about, get used to, allow for, get stuck, break away from, be aware of, trial and error, after all, keep track of 2. 重点句型He bought his girlfriend flowers. =He bought flowers for his girlfriend.A desktop computer is a computer which is designed for use on a desk.Mozart, whose mu

3、sic is popular all over the world, showed his talent in music at a very young age.I enjoy visiting places where the hotels are cheap and people are friendly.3. 交际用语I probably couldnt .If I . I would be able to .I would try to .The invention can help people.The new invention will make it possible for

4、 people to .重点考点精释1 Potential n. 潜能;潜力 adj. 潜在的;可能的People now believe that we use only 1% of our brains full potential.She has artistic potential as a musician.She was the first to realize the potential danger of their situation.The film is likely to be a potential best seller.2. launch vt. 首次开设;发起;

5、开始;发射 The company launched several branches in the satellite cities. Of five landing missions launched in 1965, all five failed. They launched a fierce attack against their enemies. The company has launched an expansion program. They launched a new satellite into space.3. challenge v. & n. 向某人挑战; 对提

6、出异议 Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job. Our school challenged the local champion team to a football much. Dare you challenge her view? So teaching gives me peace, variety and challenge.4. impair vt. 损害;损伤 The illness had impaired his ability to think and concentrate. A lifeti

7、me spent with animals has greatly impaired his speech.注意 impair 常用过去分词与visually/hearing/mentally/physically 等单词搭配,表示“视力、听力、智力、身体”等方面受“损伤”而有障碍: Bell had a more than casual interest in this,for he himself was hearing impaired.5. motivate vt激发;使有动力 Motivate n . motivate n. to do The profit-sharing plan

8、 is designed to motivate the staff to work hard We may never know what motivated him to kill his wife. 注意motivated也可用作形容词,表示“有积极性的”: We need to work effectively and be highly motivated6. adjust v调整;调节adjust to n. /doing adjust n. adjust sb./ sth to. . . be adjusted to.It took a few seconds for her e

9、yes to adjust to the darkness My parents had trouble adjusting to living in an apartment. After accession into WTO government should adjust its functions He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country. When you go to a new country,you must adjust yourself to new manners and customs They

10、 learned to adjust their farming habits to the climate and soil there. 辨析adapt/adjust Adapt 侧重多方位全面的或心理社会等因素的大幅“协调”; adjust程度弱些,侧重事物物理因素的“调整,调节”: He adapted/adjusted himself to the cold weather. The desks and seats can be adjust to the height of each child.7. participate vi.参加,参与(in)Participate in s

11、th. She actively participates in local politics How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games?8 ability n.能力;才能 the ability to do I a man of ability I have great ability in He had the ability to do the work She has great ability in teaching physics.9. assist v帮助;援助Assist sb. with sth

12、. 帮助某人做某事Assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事Assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 The headmasters deputy assists with a lot of things. You will be required to assist Mrs Smith in preparing a report The president assisted the teachers to get better paid.10. sympathy n同情,同感 Express sympathy for/towards 对表示同情Feel

13、/have sympathy for 同情In sympathy with 同情;赞成;和一致Out of sympathy with 对不同情;不赞成;和不一致Win sympathy of 博得的同情A letter of sympathy 慰问信 The premier expressed sympathy for the workers out of a job I have been a prisoner,so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison. Now they are all in sympathy with

14、 the travel plan11reject vt拒绝;抛弃 He rejected their invitation We rejected his idea for a music club,and decided to have an art club instead. They rejected damaged goods. 辨析refuse与reject 两者都有“拒绝”之意,refuse不仅可用来拒绝别天的请求和要求,而且还可用于拒绝别人的邀请或帮助;其后能跟不定式;reject不能用于拒绝别人的邀请或帮助,其后不能跟不定式。 He refused the invitation

15、 from John.He refused to believe what I said.12Aware adj. 知道的;意识到的Be aware of 了解的;知道的Be aware that 从句 We must be aware of the whole circumstances Are you aware of the fact that this is Chinas internal affair. We are well/fully aware that these days are gone for ever. Are you aware what we shall do t

16、his afternoon? Im quite aware how you are feeling now 注意afraid, ashamed, asleep,awake等形容词一般不能由程度副词very修饰,而需要用不同的副词修饰不同的形容词: very much/deadly afraid., sound asleep, wide awake,well/fully/quite aware13. break away from 摆脱,脱离;去掉;改掉The criminal broke away from the two policemen who were holding him.You

17、must break away from such bad habits.Break down 坏掉,打破break into 闯入;打断(话题)Break into pieces 成为碎片break out 爆发Break through 突围;突破 break up 分解14. attempt vt . n试图;尝试 Attempt n.Attempt to do In attempt to do Make an attempt to do/at doing He attempted the examination but failed. The enemy attempted to br

18、eak through our lines. I attempted walking until I fell over. We failed in our attempt to climb the mountain 高考样题例释 1(2004年全国)The forest-guards often find camp fires that have not been completely. A. turned down B. put outC. put away D. turned over【解析】答案为B。 put out the fire扑灭火.2.(2003年全国)News report

19、s say peace talks between the two countries with no agreement reached Ahave broken down Bhave broken out Chave broken in Dhave broken up 【解析】答案为A。题干所提供的语意为:和谈失败,而未达成任何协议,故选用break down,意为“受挫,失败”。 3(2003年全国)I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. 一 It was her fault. A. No way BNot possibl

20、e C. No chance D. Not at all 【解析】答案为A。根据会话的语境,尤其是答话人所说的It was her fault.可以判断出答案为A,表示答话人决不打电话向Jenny道歉。No way意为“没门儿,无论如何也不”。单选高考模拟1. Are you good at painting beautiful pictures? . A. Yes, its a piece of cake! B. Yes,but that downt mean everything COh,its nothing special actually. D. Id like nothing be

21、tter.2. Are you sure he is able to do the job well? he would give his mind to it A. In case B. Until C. If only D. Unless3 It sounds reasonable, but I think my own way is better.Youll have nothing to by refusing to listen to our advice.A. gain B. grasp C. seize D. earn4You dont have to be in such a

22、hurry. I would rather you on business first. A. would go B. will go C. went Dhave none 5. Ann will be sent abroad very soon. She never dreams of such a chance.A. being B. there to beB. there be D. there being6. The nurse treated the naughty boy very kindly, but her patience at last. A. went down B.

23、used up C. got away D. gave out7. Did you enjoy yourself at the party? Sorry to say I didnt. It was a meeting than a party. A.more like B. rather like C. less like D. more or less8. Are you satisfied with his work, sir? Well, Im afraid it couldnt be .A. any better B. the bestB. any worse D. the wors

24、t9. If you go to Xian, youll find the palaces there more splendid than commonly . A. supposed B. suppose C. to suppose D. supposing10. Its time to stop work. Lets the tools and for the night in the woods.A. put into; put on B. put down; put offC. put away; put up D. put aside; put out全真模拟训练一、 单项填空1T

25、he boys parents gave Tom 30 dollars as a(n) for saving their son from the fire. A. award B. reward C. prize D. gift2. I have a lot fo for his opinions, but I dont think his ideas will work. A. sympathy B. sympathies C. fun D. joys3. , you are right, but I dont know all the facts. A. After all B. Abo

26、ve all C. In a sense D. Meaningfully4. Although she may be troubled, she always a calm smiling face. A. performs B. takes in C. presents D. lights up5. If you want to play the piano well, youll have to every day. A. labour B. exercise C. practice D. repeat6. The soldiers were put in prison because t

27、hey to obey orders. A. effused B. rejected C. denied D. objected7. In senior high school, she did well in five subjects, , Chinese, maths, physics, chemistry and English. A. namely B. such as C. for example D. it is 8. After a long delay, he the letter. Which of the following is NOT correct to fill

28、in the blank? A. got around to writing B. set out to write C. set about writing D. got about writing9He is working hard all day long,which will surely his success in the future. A. lead greatly to B. contribute greatly to Clead greatly up to D. contribute greatly for 10He is of success. A. likely B.

29、 like C. probable D. possible 11The old man from town to town with nowhere to go and nothing to do. A. hunted Bset foot C. floated D. fought against 12They their home in the countryside A. lied B. were lying Clocated Dwere located 13Its knowledge among politicians that an election will soon be calle

30、d. A. usual B. common C. ordinary D. precious 14How is their business going? Oh,its becoming better and better day by day. Theyve decided to a new clerk in the accounts department.A. take away B. take off C. take in D. take on 15The rope began to under the heavy load. A. cut off B. separate C. break

31、 down D. break into pieces二、完形填空 Some plays are so successful that they run for years on endIn many ways,this is 1 for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same 2 night after night. One would 3 them to know their parts by heart and 4 have cause to falter(结巴)Yet 5 is not always the case. A famous actor in a 6 successful play was on

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