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Unit 9Saving the earth总复习重点句及词组考查.docx

1、Unit 9 Saving the earth总复习重点句及词组考查Unit 9 Saving the earth课时跟踪讲练Section I 课前准备、听力、口语1. What are the biggest problems facing the earth? 地球面临着的最大问题是什么? (p. 65 Warming Up Ex.1)1) 现在分词短语facing the earth在句中作定语,相当于定语从句that face the earth. face此处用作及物动词,意为“面向,朝”,作此义也可用作不及物动词,常和介词to,toward或on连用。如: She turned

2、to face the newcomer and introduced herself. 她转过身来面对新来者作了自我介绍。 The building faces the park. 那座建筑物面对着公园。 The window faces on the street.窗户面对着衔道。 - How does this house face? -It faces to the east. - 这座房屋面朝哪边? - 朝向东边。【拓展】 face还可意为“面对临(问题或不愉快的情况)”。如: Manufacturing industry faces a grim future if the gov

3、ernment pursues its present policies. 如果政府继续推行现行政策,制造工业就会面临严酷的未来。 He couldnt face his boss after marking such a fool of himself at the meeting. 他在会上做出了这样的丑事之后,不敢面对自己的老板。【链接】与face构成的常见短语:face a person down 以势压人; face up to 勇敢地对付(敌人、困难等); be faced with 面临;面对; face out 大胆地坚持到底; face to face 面对面;相对; in

4、a persons face 当着/对着某人的面; in (the) face of 面对;不顾; make/ pull a face(faces) 扮鬼脸; pullmakeput on a long face 拉长脸;显出不高兴的样子; setput ones face against强烈反对,抵制; take on a new face面貌一新; turn ones face away把脸转过去【注意】face the music不能译为“面对音乐”,其意思是“面对失败,接受批评,承担后果”。如:He knew hed never get away with it so he decid

5、ed to face the music and give himself to the police. 他知道自己已经无法逃脱,所以他决定承担后果并向警察自首。2. Why is she giving this speech? 她为什么发表演讲呢? (p. 66 Listening Part 1 No.1)speech此处意为“演说,演讲”,常用作单数形式,“发表演说”多用动词give,make,deliver等与之搭配。如: I had to give a speech to the Press Club. 我不得不向记者俱乐部发表演说。 He delivered a speech in

6、English on world-peace. 他用英语发表了一篇关于世界和平的演说。【拓展】speech 作“说话能力;言论;口音”讲,是不可数名词。如: Only human beings are capable of speech. 只有人类才具有说话能力。 The illness deprived her of the power of speech. 她因病失去了说话能力。 Speech is silver, silence is golden. (谚)雄辩是银,沉默是金。 His speech shows that hes from Sichuan. 一听他的口音就知道他是四川人。

7、【链接】 speech习惯搭配种种:find ones speech 说出话; have a speech with sb. 和某人说话 lose ones speech (因恐吓等)说不出话; address a speech to sb. 给某人作报告; close a speech 结束讲话; wander in ones speech 演说时东拉西扯【辨析】speech,lecture;talkspeech 指事先有准备的报告,也可指即席发言。lecture一般指教师在课堂上授的课或讲座。talk通常指非正式的演说或报告。 He made a speech at the meeting

8、. 他在会上发了言。 He will give a lecture on the history of the Party. 他将作关于党史的讲课。 We are going to listen to a talk this afternoon. 今天下午我们要听报告。3. What do you think she will say next? 你认为她下步讲什么呢? (p. 66 Listening Part 1 No.4)1) 本句为双重问句。双重问句有两种形式:(1)一般疑问句型双重问句:本结构属于一般疑问句,主句谓语动词常是ask (询问),tell (告诉),know (知道),r

9、ealize (意识到),make sure (确信)等,宾语由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句充当。如: Do you know why we cant be allowed to smoke here? Can you still remember when we visited the Great Wall last year? Have you told him how we are going to the cinema? Do you realize how serious the problem is? (2)特殊疑问句双重问句:本结构属于特殊疑问句,谓语动词常是think,hope,b

10、elieve,suppose,guess,say,consider,imagine等,宾语也由宾语从句充当,但没有引导词,前面主句的特殊疑问词在逻辑上是宾语从句的一部分。有些形容词如afraid,sure,glad,certain,surprised,pleased等也可用于本句型。如: Who do you think will be the likeliest candidate for the manager of human resource department? 你认为谁最可能是人力资源部经理? What do you think his explanation is? 你如何考虑

11、他的解释? It is necessary, do you think,to translate the whole article? 你认为整篇文章都翻译有必要吗? Which mouse did you say you picked out? 你说你选哪种鼠标? How long can you be sure theyll be here? 你能肯定他们在这儿呆多久?【注意】本句型一般不用Yes或No回答,常把句型中的一般疑问句变成“陈述句+宾语从句” 来回答,陈述句也可后置,其前用逗号。如:- How much do you think this car cost? - I think

12、 it cost 4 000 dollars. - 你认为这辆车得花多少钱? - 我认为得花4000美元。2) next此处用作副词,意为“下一步,然后”,也可作“其次;下次;次于的”等。如: First you heat the fat; next, you add the onions. 首先你把油烧热,然后加洋葱。 Tell me what to do next. 告诉我接着做什么。 Ill tell you the answer when we meet next. 下次见面时,我将告诉你答案。 I like tennis best of an and swimming next. 我

13、最喜欢网球,其次是游泳。 Tom is the next tallest boy in our class. 汤姆是我们班上身高第二的学生。【拓展】next作形容词,意为“紧接着的;其次的;下一个的”可指时间、地点、顺序等;next也可作名词,意为“下一位个”如: Take the next left turn after the school. 到了学校见下个路口向左拐。 Call me up on Saturday next. 下星期六请给我打电话。 They used to live next door to us. 他们以前住在我们隔壁。 I shall tell you in my

14、next. 我在下封信里告诉你。 Mrs. James was the next to make a speech. 詹姆斯太太是下一位演讲人。【注意】next不能单独用在decade或century之前。如:() Something will happen next decade. () Something will happen induring the next decade. 下个十年将会发生某些事情。【辨析】next;the coming: next指位置、时间上紧挨着和past相对,常用next替代。 The next house to ours is a mile away. 离

15、我们家最近的下一座房子在一英里之外。 Where will you be during the nextcoming few weeks?下几个星期你们将在什么地方?4. Coal is a valuable resource that can be used to produce energy, but it can also cause serious pollution. 煤是一种用来生产能量的珍贵资源,但是,它也能引起严重的污染。(p. 66 Speaking Situation)1) valuable意为“贵重的、重要的;有益的;有作用的”,常与介词for或to连用。如: They

16、gave us valuable practice in helping the eyes,brains and muscles to work together. 他们在使眼睛、头脑和肌肉协同动作方面提供宝贵的锻炼机会。 This tool is valuable for doing electrical repairs. 这工具对修理电器很有用。 Im sure my information is valuable. 我确信我的消息很有价值。【链接】valuable相当于be of value。如:This book is very valuable to me in my studies

17、. = This book is of great value to me in my studies. 这本书对我的学习很有价值。【辨析】valuable;priceless;invaluable;preciousvaluable指任何值钱的或可以带来巨额利润的、非常有用的或受人珍视的东西。/ priceless意为“无价的,贵重的”,用于加强语气、加深程度等情况。/ invaluable意为“无法估价的”,不用于谈金钱,而指品质。/ precious指任何昂贵的、贵重的、珍贵的东西,尤其适用于失掉后无法补偿的东西。 This ancient gold coin isnt just valu

18、able,its priceless. 这枚古金币不只是珍品,而且是无价之宝。 His advice has been invaluable to the success of the project. 他的意见对于这项工程的成功是无可估量的。 To me, our friendship is a very precious thing. 对我来说,我们之间的友谊是非常珍贵的。【注意】表示东西价值很小或没有价值时,用worthless或valueless。如:It looked like gold, but in fact it was worthlessvalueless. 这看起来像是金子

19、,其实毫无价值。2) 在定语从句that can be used to produce energy中,动词use被用作被动时态,be used to do sth. 意为“被用来做”。如: This old box is used t0 keep books这个旧箱子用来装书。 Every means has been used to prevent pollution. 我们已利用各种手段来防止污染。 Coal can be used to keep warm. 煤可用来取暖。【链接】(1) used to do sth. 指过去常做某事,而现在不再如此,强调今昔对比。 be sth.(2

20、) get used to become doing sth. 习惯于做某事,适用于各种时态。(3) be used for sb. 为某人而用/ doing sth. 被用来做某事;asfor sth. 被当成用 I dont smoke these days, but I used to. 我现在不抽烟,但我以前是抽的。 You will soon get used to our way of life. 你将很快习惯于我们的生活方式。 The girl is being used as a servant in the house. 这女孩在家里被做佣人使用着。 What do you

21、use this tool for? 这个工具用来做什么用的?5. You will attend the meeting and discuss the issue.你将参加会议并讨论问题。(p. 66 Speaking Situation)1) attend可用作及物动词或不及物动词,此处意为“参加;出席;到场”,可用于被动语态。如: She was sick so she didnt attend her classes. 她生病了,所以没去上学。 The football match was attended by thousands of football fans. 数以千计的球迷

22、观看了这场足球赛。 Please let me know if you are unable to attend. 如果你不能出席,请通知我们。【拓展】attend 还可意为“照料” (常和onupon连用) 和“接待” (常和to连用)。如: She attended (on) the wounded soldier day and night. 她日夜护理着负伤的战士。 Are you being attended to? 有人招待你吗? (店员对客人的招呼语)【辨析】attend,join(in);take part inattend主要指出席,参加某一活动,强调出席者只是在其中“听”或

23、“看”等,不起积极作用,主要指参加会议;上课(学);参加典礼(葬礼);听演讲等。join可指参加某一团体或组织,成为其中一员,也指参加某项正在进行着的活动,但不如join in常用。join (sb.) in指加入到某人的活动中来。take part in指参加活动(不表示进行),会议、运动等,并在其中起着积极作用。 She didnt attend the wedding. 她没有出席婚礼。 Do you know how many people joined the organization? 你知道有多少人参加了那个组织吗? They watched the game,and then

24、they were invited to join in it. 他们先是观看比赛,后来又被邀请参加。 The leading group decided to tell all the workers to take part in the strike. 领导小组决定通知所有的工人参加罢工。2) discuss意为“讨论”,常用作及物动词,其后主要接名词、动名词wh-从句,疑问代词副词+不定式。如: We discussed literature over tea. 我们边喝茶边讨论文学。 We discussed how to do it and who should do it. 我们

25、讨论要如何处理以及该由谁来处理这事。 We discussed holding the sports meet next week. 我们讨论了下周开运动会的问题。 We discussed whether we should close the shop. 我们讨论了是否应该把店关掉。【注意】discuss之后不可接about,on等,但名词discussion之后可接about。如: () We discussed about the matter (with them). () We discussed the matter (with them). () We had a discus

26、sion about the matter (with them.) 我们(和他们)讨论这件事。【辨析】discuss;talk over *discuss强调讨论的气氛通常是融洽的,目的是“达成共识”。* take over强调详尽透彻的讨论过程。 He said they had discussed exchanging scientists and technicians. 他说他们讨论了交换科学家和技术人员的问题。 We must talk the matter over. 我们必须把这件事彻底议一议。6. You think that we should spend more mon

27、ey on science so that we can use the coal in a better way, because. 你认为为了能用一种更好的方式利用煤,我们应该在科技上面投入更多的资金,因为 (p.66 Speaking)in a better way意为“用更好的方式”。在形容词、副词比较级前一般不用冠词,但下列场合例外:(1) 形容词比较级作定语,所修饰的名词为表示泛指的单数可数名词one时,比较级前常加不定冠词。如: Iron is a more useful metal than gold. 铁是比黄金更有用的金属。 My second answer to this

28、 question of difficult vocabulary is, I think, a much better one. 对词汇难的问题,我想我的第二个办法是一个较好的办法。(2) 形容词比较级作定语,所修饰的名词若是特指,必须加定冠词the,此时常常有表示范围的of the two,但也可省略。如: The larger of the two islands is Britain,which lies to the east of Ireland. 较大的那个岛是不列颠,在爱尔兰东面。 Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia

29、? 哪个国家更大,加拿大还是澳大利亚?(3) 在“否定词+比较级+n.”结构中,用比较级的形式从反面表示最高级的意义,句型中的名词前必须加不定冠词。如: No city has a larger population than London in the United Kingdom. 在英国没有一个城市比伦敦人口多。 I cant think of a better idea.我想不出比这更好的主意了。(4)the more,the more结构,表示两个变化同时发生,意为“愈,愈”前者相当条件状语从句,后者是主句。此时the不能省略。如: The sooner you start, the

30、 more quickly youll be finished. 你开始得越早,就完成得越快。 The harder you work,the greater progress youll make. 你越努力,进步就越大。7. You want to do what is best for everybody. 你想做对人家是最好的事情。(p. 66 Speaking)在形容词最高级前一般和定冠词the连用,但有时也可单独用,主要场合有:1)形容词最高级用于同自身不同场合相比较时不用the。如:Im busiest on Tuesday我星期二最忙。2)形容词最高级前有物主代词、名词所有格时

31、不用the。如:Mary is my best friend.3)两个或多个形容词最高级并列使用时,只在第一个最高级前加the。如:It is the widest and busiest road in the town.4)形容词最高级在句中作宾语补足语时常不带the。如:I find listening hardest in English. 我觉得英语听力最难。5)most常和多音节形容词连用构成最高级,但most前没有the或有a时,most相当于very。如: She is most beautiful. 她非常美丽。 This is a most difficult proble

32、m to solve. 这是一个非常难以解决的问题。6)在某些习惯用法中,最高级形容词前不带the。如: With best wishes. (信末结束语) 祝好。 Its best to go to her birthday party. 最好去参加她的生日聚会。8. Take notes, summarize and help the speakers decide. 作作笔记、总结一下,然后帮助发言者作决定。(p. 66 Speaking)take notes意为“作笔记,记录”也可说take a note (of),make notes (of) 或 make a note (of),但note用作复数形式更常见。如: She took good notes of everything thats said in class. 她把老师讲得全都作了笔记。

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