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高考一轮外研版英语 第2部分 专题2 名词和冠词.docx

1、高考一轮外研版英语 第2部分 专题2 名词和冠词专题二名词和冠词考点一名词一、名词单复数1只有复数形式的可数名词一些表示食物的名词或成双成对的物品名称的名词通常只有复数形式,如:noodles,jeans,earphones,trousers,pants,glasses,sunglasses,scissors,compasses等。这些名词可单独作主语,此时谓语动词用复数形式;也可用a pair of或pairs of修饰作主语,此时谓语动词取决于pair的形式。He bought a pair of shoes which was worth 100 dollars.他买了值100美元的一双

2、鞋。2有些名词形式上虽然是单数,但常表示复数含义。如:people,police,cattle,staff,public等。3对于集合名词,当它表示一个整体时,视作单数;当它侧重各个成员时,视作复数。如:Our class is the best one in our school.我们班是我们学校最好的一个。Our class are playing basketball with Class Two on the playground.我们班和二班正在操场上打篮球。4有些名词单、复数同形。如:people,fish,deer,sheep,youth,Chinese,Japanese,mea

3、ns,species,series,works等。The means doesnt/dont work for this kind of problems.这种手段对这类问题不起作用。5有些词用复数形式表示祝愿、礼貌或客气等,如:congratulations(祝贺),regards(问候),respects(敬意),thanks(谢谢),wishes(愿望)等。二、可数名词与不可数名词1表示一类事物总称的名词,常作不可数名词看待而不能加“s”。如:furniture,equipment,technology,luggage,baggage,homework,evidence,informat

4、ion,message,progress,weather,wealth等。(2016全国乙卷)Banks,companies,and government agencies use secret codes in doing business,especially when information is sent by computer.银行、公司以及政府机构在进行商业活动时运用密码,尤其是用电脑发送信息时。2抽象名词或物质名词可以转化为可数名词。如:comfort安慰a comfort安慰者,令人安慰的事情difficulty困难,难点difficulties难题failure失败a fai

5、lure失败的事/人pleasure愉快,快乐a pleasure乐事regret遗憾,悔恨,抱歉a regret令人悔恨的事情surprise惊奇a surprise令人惊奇的事情worry烦恼,忧虑,苦恼worries使人发愁的事necessity必要necessities必需品shock打击a shock一件令人受打击的事情shame羞耻,羞愧a shame一个可耻的人,一件可耻的事honour/honor荣誉an honour/honor一个令人感到荣耀的人,一件令人感到荣耀的事success成功a success一个成功的人,一件成功的事(2016全国乙卷)Today all thr

6、ee generations regard the move as a success,giving them a closer relationship than they would have had in separate cities.现在,三代人都认为这次搬迁是一次成功,给予了他们在不同城市居住时更紧密的关系。考点二冠词一、不定冠词(一)不定冠词的基本用法1表示泛指某个人或事物。(2016全国甲卷)Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract?你对成为一名音乐家并获得录制合同感兴趣

7、吗?2用在第一次提到的单数可数名词前,表示泛指。My friend John is a handsome young man,a young man everyone likes to work with.我的朋友约翰是一个英俊的年轻人,每个年轻人都喜欢与他共事。3表示“某一个”,相当于a certain。I remember he came here on a Sunday and left soon.我记得他在某个星期天来过,并且很快就离开了。4用在序数词前,表示“再一,又一”。He missed the gold medal in the high jump,but he will ge

8、t a second chance in the long jump.他在跳高比赛中没得到金牌,但是在跳远比赛中他还有机会。5用在形容词的比较级前,表示“一个更的”。If we sit near the front of the bus,well have a better view.如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部,视野就会更好些。6用于物质名词或抽象名词具体化时。物质名词或抽象名词仅表示概念时,是不可数名词,前面不加不定冠词。但如果表示具体的人或事,特别是前面有形容词修饰时,就变成了可数名词,前面可加不定冠词。Tony is a famous pianist.Im absolutely cert

9、ain that his concert this Sunday will be a success.托尼是一位著名的钢琴家,我十分确信这个星期天他的音乐会一定会成功。(二)固定搭配中的不定冠词不定冠词常用于某些固定搭配中,常见的有:have a gift for有的天赋 have a holiday度假get a lift/ride搭便车 pay a visit to参观lend sb. a hand帮助某人 as a result因此as a rule通常,照例 in a hurry匆忙地at a distance离一段距离 a waste of的浪费What a pity!真遗憾! be

10、/go on a diet节食a collection of一批 a knowledge of知道have a good time玩得高兴 make a living谋生in a sense/way在某种意义上 for a while暂时,一时all of a sudden突然 a matter of的问题have a population of 有人口cover an area of 占的面积二、定冠词(一)定冠词的基本用法1特指双方都知道的或上文提到过的人或物。I went to a university in New Zealand.The university was founded

11、in the early twentieth century.我在新西兰的一所大学就读,这所大学建立于20世纪初。2用于单数可数名词或形容词前,表示一类人或物。As we all know,the brain is the centre of thought.众所周知,大脑是思维的中心。As a matter of fact,the rich arent always happy.事实上富人并非总是快乐的。名师点津“theadj.”表示一类人的常用短语:the rich富人the dead死者the poor穷人 the aged老人the old老人 the living活着的人the yo

12、ung年轻人 the injured/wounded受伤的人3用于序数词和形容词或副词最高级以及形容词only,very,same等之前。(2016全国甲卷)Were bringing you an exciting evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands.我们带你去参加当地最好的摇滚和流行音乐之夜。4用于被限制性修饰语加以限制的人或物前。(2014陕西高考单选)The village where I was born has grown into a town.我出生的村庄已变成了一个城镇。5用于表示朝代、年代

13、的名词前,或用于整十的数词复数前,表示某个年代。As is well known to all,the Second World War broke out in the 1930s.众所周知,二战爆发于20世纪30年代。6用于表示姓氏的复数名词前,表示一家人或夫妇俩。The Smiths lived in the apartment above ours.史密斯夫妇住在我们楼上的公寓里。7用于世界上独一无二的事物前。No one knows exactly how the moon came into existence,as it happened so long ago.没有人确切知道月

14、球是怎样形成的,因为这发生在很久之前。8用于被演奏的西洋乐器前。As far as I know,he likes playing the piano.据我所知,他喜欢弹钢琴。(二)固定结构及固定短语中的定冠词。1固定结构中的定冠词(1)用于“bythe表示计量单位的名词”结构中,表示“按计算”。Its said that John will be in a job paying over $60,000 a year.Right,he will also get paid by the week.据说,约翰将获得一个年薪超过6万美元的工作。是的,他的工资还将按周支付。(2)用于“动词sb.介

15、词the身体某一部分”结构中。His nose bled when the thief hit him in the face.那个贼打到了他的脸,他鼻子出血了。(3)用于the more.the more.(越越)结构中。The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you will make.你越小心,就会越少犯错误。2固定短语中的定冠词at the moment 此刻;目前in the end最后,最终to tell the truth说实话to the point中肯;切题at the same time同时on the contrary相反o

16、n the whole总的来说in the distance在远处by the way顺便说一下in the middle of在中间三、零冠词(一)零冠词的基本用法下列情况下不用冠词。1表示泛指的不可数名词或复数名词前。Keeping a diary is a good habit,by which youll make great progress.记日记是一个可以让你取得巨大进步的好习惯。Telephones are still playing an important role in peoples life.电话在人们的生活中仍然起着重要的作用。2表示月份、季节、星期几、节假日、洲、

17、三餐、球类、学科、棋类名词前。A year can be divided into four seasonsspring,summer,autumn and winter.一年可以分为四季春、夏、秋、冬。3与by连用的表示交通工具、通讯工具的名词前。Are you going there by plane or by ship?你是乘飞机还是乘船去那里?4系动词turn后的单数名词作表语时。After years of hard work,Tom turned engineer while Mary good manager.多年的努力之后,汤姆成了工程师而玛丽成了一位好经理。5表示头衔和职务

18、的名词作表语、同位语或补足语时。Dr.Peter Spence,headmaster of the school,told us,“A fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.”这所学校的校长彼得斯彭斯博士告诉我们说:“这里五分之一的学生都会到牛津大学或者剑桥大学继续学习。”(二)固定结构及固定短语中的零冠词1固定结构中的零冠词“零冠词单数名词as/though主语谓语,主句”,意为“虽然但是”。Young man as he is,he has seen much of the world.尽管他很年轻,但他阅历

19、很丰富。2固定短语中的零冠词on purpose故意地 by chance碰巧catch fire着火 at dawn在黎明face to face面对面 out of date过时的make room for让位 in debt负债in shape健康 on foot步行in danger在危险中 side by side并排from time to time不时地 hand in hand手拉手day after day日复一日地 heart and soul全心全意地(2014江苏高考单项填空)Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he u

20、sually does pushups too to stay in shape.汤姆总是在早上慢跑,他通常也做俯卧撑来保持健康。(2016天津高考)The dictionary is out of date:many words have been added to the language since it was published.这本字典过时了:自从它出版以来,这门语言已增添了许多单词。.单句语法填空1(2017汕头二模)Without the proper treatment,minor (injury)or burns could lead to more suffering a

21、nd even loss of lives.injuries句意:如果得不到妥善治疗,轻伤或轻度烧伤可能会导致更大的痛苦甚至死亡。形容词后需加名词作主语,injury为可数名词,minor前没有不定冠词,故需用injury的复数形式injuries表示泛指。2(2017青岛一模)They were the kind that I did not have in my (collect)so I placed them carefully in my bag.collection句意:因为它们是我收藏中没有的那种,因此我把它们小心地放在了我的包里。形容词性物主代词后需用名词形式,故答案为coll

22、ection。 【导学号:60312247】3(2017烟台3月诊断)Three months later,Zejd was able to communicate happily with all his classmates about regular things like homework and (game)games句意:三个月后,Zejd能够和他的同班同学很愉快地对诸如家庭作业、游戏等常规事情进行交流了。介词like后需用名词形式,game为可数名词,在本句中表示泛指,故用其复数形式。4(2017泰兴质量检测)For sustainable development,the gov

23、ernment has decided to give (prefer)to those energyconserving and environmentfriendly businesses in many aspects.preference句意:为了可持续发展,政府已经决定在很多方面给那些节能环保企业优惠。give preference to.给以优惠。5(2017江西红色七校一联)As he approached the bridge,the sound got louder and then he saw pitiful sight.a句意:他快到那座桥时,声音变得更大了。然后他看到

24、了一幕凄惨的景象。设空处后的名词sight作“景象,情景”讲时,为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,故与不定冠词连用。6(2017山东下学期综合测试)Recently when he took look at his collection of books,he discovered the old book borrowed 61 years ago.a句意:最近,当他查看他的藏书时,他发现了那本61年前借的旧书。“take a look(at.)”为固定短语,意为“看一看”。7(2017烟台3月诊断)But a parent of another child came up with even b

25、etter ideagetting the whole class to learn sign language along with Zejd.an句意:但是,另外一位孩子的家长想出了一个甚至更好的主意让全班的学生和Zejd一起学习手语。设空处后的idea为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,故设空处用不定冠词;设空处后的even以元音音素开头,故答案为an。8(2017芜湖、马鞍山第一次质检)Most seriously,relying on smartphones to make friends does not give us same advantage as making new frien

26、ds in the real world.the句意:最严重的是,依赖智能手机交友并不能给我们带来与在现实世界交友同样的益处。the意为“与和一样的”。9(2017江西师大附中、鹰潭一中4月联考)For your generation to live in better world,there is so much more our generation can do.a句意:为了让你们这一代生活在更好的世界里,我们这一代有很多事情可以做。“a比较级名词”意为“更的”。10(2017漳州质检)Zhangzhou City has gained a good (repute)f

27、or having successfully hosted the Flower Expo.reputation句意:漳州市因成功举办了花卉博览会而赢得美誉。由空前的冠词a及形容词good,可断定此处应用名词单数形式。repute为不可数名词,故填reputation。gain a good reputation获得好名声。.单句改错1(2017南平3月质检)Often she buys some toy for him to play with,especially on his birthday. toytoys句意:她经常为他买一些玩具来玩,尤其是在他生日那天。some意为“一些”,故需

28、将后面的名词toy改为复数形式。2(2017邯郸一模)During the next few days,we visited the worldfamous sight,such as the Great Wall,the Summer Palace,and the Forbidden City,which contain a large number of precious treasures. sightsights句意:在以后的几天中,我们参观了诸如长城、颐和园、紫禁城等世界级景点,这些地方有大量的稀有珍宝。根据“such as the Great Wall,the Summer Pal

29、ace,and the Forbidden City”可知需将sight改为sights。3(2017邯郸一模)In the Spring Festival,my family and I went to Beijing and had different holiday. different holiday前加a句意:春节时,我和我的家人去了北京,度过了一个不寻常的假期。have a holiday为固定短语,意为“度假”。4(2017黄冈3月质检)I was walking to school this morning when I caught a sight of an old wom

30、an with a walking stick lying on the ground. 去掉sight前的a句意:今天上午我正在步行去上学,这时我看到了一位手拿拐杖的老妇人躺在地上。catch sight of为固定短语,意为“看见”。故将sight前的a去掉。5(2017温州联考)One Monday afternoon,we were playing the basketball in the playground when I suddenly slipped and fell over. 去掉basketball前的the球类运动的名词需与零冠词连用,故将basketball前的the去掉。

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