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1、Theattributiveclause1定语从句1语文定语从句 课题名称定语从句1 授课教师:教学目标掌握定语从句的基本用法关系代词或关系副词的选择;会判断先行词在从句中的成分教学重点教学难点定语从句主从句的划分;先行词的成分;合并句子组成定语从句;定语从句的翻译设计意图通过翻译句子掌握句子结构教学过程(一)三个概念1.定语从句:用来修饰某个名词、代词或整个句子的从句就叫做定语从句。2.先行词:定语从句所修饰的词就叫做先行词,它一般是由名词、代词或句子充当。3.引导词:引导定语从句的词就叫做引导词。引导词用以连接先行词与定语从句,引导词既有替代先行词的作用,又在从句中充当着一个成分。例:Th

2、e boy who is singing at the stage is only nine years old. 先行词 引导词 定语从句Anyone that is willing to help others is welcome to our group. 先行词 定语从句 引导词(二)要点1.先行词与定语从句之间要有引导词(有时可省略:做宾语且前面无介词)2.关系代词应紧跟在先行词之后3.引导词代替先行词4.引导词在定语从句中充当某一成分(三)划分定语从句的主句和从句基本步骤:先确定引导词,(1)若引导词前为一个词,则先从引导词处断开,然后从后往前找到第一个(谓语)动词,在此动词前断

3、开,则中间部分为从句,其余部分组合构成主句。Eg1:The girl/ who (that) is drawing/ is Jims sister. 主句:The girl is Jims sister.从句:The girl is drawing(who代替the girl,需还原)Eg2:The man /who(that) lives next door/ is friendly.主句:The man is friendly.从句:The man lives next door.(who代替the man,需还原)(2)若引导词前为一句话(即包含主谓宾),则直接在引导词处断开,前面即为主

4、句,后面则为从句。Eg1:He is the man/ whom(that) we saw yesterday.主句:He is the man.从句:We saw the man yesterday.(whom代替the man,需还原)Eg2:A plane is a machine which(that) can fly.主句:A plane is a machine.从句:The machine can fly.(which代替machine,需还原)巩固练习:划分下列句子的主、从句 1.Check the ways that you study for an English test

5、. 主:_从:_ 2.Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar. 主:_从:_ 3.You couldnt understand people who talked fast. 主:_从:_ 4.I have some ideas that may help. 主:_从:_ 5.They said something that you didnt like. 主:_从:_(四)引导词的选择关系代词: who/whom/that/which/whose 1.先行词是人时,关系代词用who/whom/that.(1)

6、 who/that表主格,在从句中作主语: The girl who /that is drawing is Jims sister. 主:_从:_The man who/that lives next door is friendly.主:_从:_(2) whom/that表宾格(who可用于口语中)可省略,在从句中作宾语:The boy (whom/that) we talked about will come.主:_从:_He is the man (whom/that) we saw yesterday.主:_从:_2.先行词为物时,关系代词用which/that.(1) which/

7、that作主语:A plane is a machine which / that can fly.主:_从:_Mary likes music which/that is quiet and gentle.主:_从:_(2) which/that作宾语,可省略:The car (which /that) he bought was a second-hand one.主:_从:_The film (which/that) we saw last night was wonderful.主:_从:_3.whose:表所有格,作定语,先行词既可以是人,也可以是物The worker whose

8、arm was broken was sent to hospital.主:_从:_The river whose banks are covered with trees is very long.主:_从:_总结: 成分先行词主语宾语定语人who、thatwhom、who、thatWhose(of whom)物which、thatwhich、thatWhose(of which)(5)定语从句的翻译原则:先划分主、从句,然后将从句放在所修饰的名词前翻译并且加一个“的”字即可,关系代词可不予理睬;也可以将主、从句分开翻译。具体问题需具体分析,以翻译通顺、明了为主要原则。(1)A Chines

9、e who is called Mo Yan won the Nobel Literature Prize this year. 主A Chinese won the Nobel Prize in Literature this year. 译今年,一个中国人获得了诺贝尔文学奖。 从A Chinese is called Mo Yan. 译一个中国人叫莫言。翻译“今年,一个叫莫言的中国人获得了诺贝尔文学奖。”或“今年,一个中国人获得了诺贝尔文学奖,他叫莫言。”(2)The Diaoyu Island which is rich in all kinds of natural resources

10、 is an inseparable part of Chinese territory. 主_。 译_。 从_. 译_。 翻译_。(3)Gaokao is one of the important exams which will determine the fate of most of the students. 主_. 译_。 从_. 译_。 翻译_。(4)Do you know the man whom our teacher just talked to?翻译_(5)China is a country which has a history of more than 5,000

11、years.翻译_(6)The Communist Party is a political party which will make China a greater and more powerful country.翻译_(7)The Series of Transformers which were made by Americans are very popular all over the world.翻译_(6)巩固练习1.划分主、从句,并翻译(1)The girl whose father is a scientist is very good at physics. 主_.

12、从_. 翻译_(2)China is a country which has a history of more than 5,000 years. 主_. 从_. 翻译_(3)He is a lovely boy who is loved by all the teachers and students. 主_. 从_. 翻译_(4)The Communist Party is a political party which will make China a greater and more powerful country. 主_. 从_. 翻译_(5)The Series of Tra

13、nsformers which were made by Americans are very popular all over the world. 主_. 从_. 翻译_(6)Check the ways that you study for an English test. _(7)Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar. _(8)You couldnt understand people who talked fast. _(9)I have some ideas that may help. _(10

14、)They said something that you didnt like._2.合成句子:将两句话合并成含有定语从句的一句话基本法则:五步法(找山寨产品进行调查)第一步:找,即找到两个简单句中相同的部分,该部分即为先行词。第二步:删,即删掉从句中的相同部分。第三步:代,即代替,将被删掉的部分用相应的关系词代替。第四步:调,即调整顺序,将关系词放在主句先行词之后,整个从句放在关系词之后。第五步:查,即检查整个句子是否准确无误。例题分析: Look at the photos. I took the photos on my trip.第一步:主句和从句中都有the photos。 Loo

15、k at the photos. I took the photos on my trip.第二步:将从句中the photos删掉。 Look at the photos. I took _ on my trip.第三步:由于photos是物,故用which代替。 Look at the photos. I took which on my trip.第四步:将which放在主句photos后面,从句随其后。 Look at the photos which I took on my trip.第五步:检查整句是否无误。巩固练习1.I cant find the letter. The le

16、tter came this morning._2.Please give me the book. The book is about travel._3.This is the bag. My mother bought it last week._4.The house is made of wood. Jack built the house last year._5.He was talking with a lady. Her son was ill._6.The girl is called Mary. I saw her yesterday._7.She is a person

17、. Everyone likes to make friends with her._8.He is a hero, and we are all proud of him._9.The house is Toms. Its door faces south._10.The reason is proper. He gave us the reason._3.翻译含定语从句的长句基本步骤:先找“的”前面为一句话的“的”字,“的”后面的名词即为先行词。(1)若“的”后面为一句话,则将“的”前后断开,前面为从句,后面为主句。然后还原先行词在从句的成分,按照合并定语从句的基本步骤进行。Eg1:正在画

18、画/的/那个女孩是Jim的姐姐。. 主句:那个女孩是Jim的姐姐。The girl is Jims sister.从句:(那个女孩)正在画画。The girl is drawing.翻译:The girl who (that) is drawing is Jims sister.Eg2:住在隔壁/的/那个人很友好。主句:那个人很友好。The man is friendly.从句:那个人住在隔壁。The man lives next door.翻译:The man who(that) lives next door is friendly.(2)若“的”后面为一个名词,则将“的”前面断开,然后往

19、前找到第一个主语和谓语动词,在此主语和动词前断开(若先行词在从句中作主语,则不需找主语;若先行词在从句中作宾语,则需找主语),则中间部分为从句,将“的”去掉后的其余部分组合构成主句。然后还原先行词在从句的成分,按照合并定语从句的基本步骤进行。Eg1:他就是/我们昨天看见/的那个人。主句:他就是那个人。He is the man.从句:我们看见那个人。We saw the man yesterday.翻译:He is the man whom(that) we saw yesterday.Eg2:飞机是一种/会飞/的机器。主句:飞机是一种机器。A plane is a machine.从句:一种机器会飞。A/The machine can fly.A plane is a machine which(that) can fly.巩固练习:先划分下列句子的主、从句,再合并成定语从句。1.你不能理解说话快的人。主_。从_.合并_。2.这是一本讲述宇宙飞船技术的书。主_。从_.合并_

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